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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James


    Inclined to agree. Completely.

    Mollier liked the grind.
    Combe D’Ire was a/the norm (and near).

    Lost, I doubt.
    A different rout planned, I doubt.
    This “hill climber” (I think) was were he would have been.

    I think he was climbing a local hill….
    ….in the short short time he had available.
    The man is a “hill climber”.

    Pure speculation of course.

  • James

    …was “where” he was supposed to be (my bad …and fast typing).

    Say someone was so “fed up” of this “golden balls” getting all the breaks.
    Knows him well. Does’t like him.
    And buys a “package” (gun and bullets).
    Ends up “using” the whole package.

    It is an easy solution to the puzzle…
    ….but for the “confusing life” of Al Hilli.

    AND “that” damn BMW X5/3 ! (And the “media shy” biker !!!!!)

  • Max

    TS knew SM was going to bike and where. How else could TS have known that ‘SM had deviated’ (was lost, or whatever)

    This means that SM and TS spoke about biking (route and all that)

    It doesn’t mean that CS was present. CS being interested in biking routes? Perhaps not

    So, it leaves TS being the only one who knew what he and SM really talked about

    TS says they talked about a different route

    But maybe in reality they talked about Martinet

    Because who can confirm what SM and TS were talking about? Who was present? Perhaps nobody else … so it is TS’ words alone.

    I think TS was in the position to be Y (the man who knew location and time of SM arriving at Martinet) … but maybe TS was simply the puppet of GSM. GSM pulling the strings of the SM2012 killing (to protect her daughter), and who knows pulling the strings of the CM2007 killing (to protect her brother). GSM has a very interesting center position …

    SM – ( CS – GSM – PM ) – CM

  • Bacchus

    To complete my “like hollywood scenario” I need to find the ultimate piece of the puzzle : Which film inspired TCK.

    I search. Slowly but certainly !

  • Q

    It’s not “The Mountain”, with Spencer Tracy, is it?

    Anyways, some still believe that the villagers of Bourg Saint Maurice are hiding a pile of treasure, which might be why one of them turned in the gems from Mont Blanc.They went to rescue survivors and found horror.

    Maybe one day the would-be grave robbers will find a plaque reading ” peace on earth”, like in the song, or something.

  • James

    The fact that the police issued a statement at “8am” the next day, stating that Mollier was “collateral damage” would mean that the investigation team were “relatively convinced” that Mollier was “at the wrong place, at the wrong time”.

    This could only be ascertained if there was “evidence” pertaining to the fact that Mollier was “heading somewhere else” but “ended up at the Martinet instead”.

    Mollier is not here to say anything.
    And the police do not want to present such “evidence”.

    I can only conclude that this “evidence” was/is…

    1. the statement given by TS (he discussed “new” biking routes)

    2. and/or CS (she knew a “relative” time he would conclude his ride….assuming the “new” route).

    The other “curious” idea about this “new route” situation is… Mollier was a “local lad” and an avid cyclist.
    He had a small window in which to conduct his bike ride that afternoon.

    What “new route” could possibly be proposed to him, that he was not aware of already ?

    This is the “crux” of “Mollier being at the wrong place, at the wrong time”….and therefore “merely” collateral damage.

  • James


    Eric said, that’s what TS said ! The classic “he said, she said” situation.

    I endeavour to keep an open mind.
    But the facts are
    1. SM was able to go on his ride because CS was home.
    2. SM only had a “short time” for his ride.
    3. It is said, TS/CS thought SM was riding a “new route”.

    From that, we get “collateral damage” !

    Turning it on it’s head, “IF” SM was riding the route he had planned to ride that day… SM wouldn’t be “in the right place…at the right time”.

    The focus of the investigation team, on day one, would have been “different”.

    Did this “buy time” ?

  • michael norton

    It would be interesting to know,
    how many times has the family members of Claire been “heard”

    Is it possible only once each and in a “soft” mode because they had just lost their loved-one in terrible circumstances?

    The tree year time-line is fast-approaching.
    It is time for Eric Maullauid to stop noncing about trying to pin it on the English -Iraqi Zaid al-Hilli and re-focus on FRANCE.

  • Peter

    @ James, 13 Jul, 2015 – 8:00 am

    As I have pointed out before, there is a very simple explanation of how the police could have worked out almost instantaneously that SM was “lost” at the Martinet: by looking at his planned route on his smartphone or GPS bike computer.

    This is also how another cyclist would have “suggested” a new cycling route to SM, by sending him the GPX file plus his own times / speeds on the various segments of that route.

  • Peter

    PS: Although there are exceptions to every rule, it is highly likely that an ambitious biker like SM would have wanted to keep track of his annual mileage, training frequency and performance. Given that he was in the habit of riding by himself, he would have used his own previous performance on particular routes as a benchmark, striving to beat or at least come close to his own personal best times. That, too, presupposes that he was following a route preprogrammed into a GPS device.

  • michael norton

    Do you think that the uncle of Claire Schutz,

    Pierre Morange

    was behind the recent court case in Annecy
    the “Family” of the dead Sylvain Mollier against two media organizations?

  • michael norton

    If Pierre Morange

    is behind the recent court case in Annecy to shut down the press

    asking questions about the Slaughter of the Horses

    I think this could have serious implications on how the investigation is being handled.

    Could the political classes / establishment
    instruct the police to only look at an English-Iraqi scenario?

  • James


    Yep, I get the “possibility” (or probability) Mollier had with him a “GPS” type system. When I run (using a Garmin watch) I get to download data on “where I ran” and “how long it took” (plus other stuff, like alt variables etc). Using it in that mode…. it doesn’t say “Wait a mo, you were a bit lost here”.

    So, if Mollier was using a GPS….
    And that system had a route in it (as you suggested), then one question

    Who kidnapped Mollier ?

    If he was bothering to follow a “new route” (and time himself against his possible future “father-in-law”), then why did he deviate from it ?

    Surely it would be pointless showing TS it when he got back.
    He’d gone a different route. The whole exercise of downloading a “new route” to follow would have been pointless.

    What I mean is… just because Mollier (might have) downloaded a route from his girlfriends father….doesn’t mean he had any intention of following it. It could be argued he was just “humouring” the old fella.

    In fact, it actually provides a damn good alibi.

    Imagine… TS says “here’s a new route… I’ll send it to you and you can download it” (and one day we’ll compare notes on how we did).

    We don’t know when Mollier was going to ride that route. He isn’t here to tell his side of the story.

    In such scenario, AGAIN We only have the word of TS that Mollier was going to follow THAT ROUTE…. on THAT afternoon.

    If “something” was going to go on (pre planned), then an “alibi” would be needed in the first place !

  • James

    Pure speculation….

    TS sends SM a “new route”.
    SM is murdered.
    TS says “he shouldn’t have been at the Martinet”.
    The End.

    TS sends SM a “new route” (and says “do it on Sunday”).
    SM sets off on his “known route” to the Martinet and is murdered.
    TS says “he shouldn’t have been at the Martinet”.
    The End.

    It just “one” subtle difference, but an important one.

  • Peter

    @ James, 13 Jul, 2015 – 2:05 pm
    Who kidnapped Mollier ?

    If he was bothering to follow a “new route” (and time himself against his possible future “father-in-law”), then why did he deviate from it ?

    Personally, I have immense difficulty framing SM as the killer’s primary target. However, because I believe that a discussion like this is only meaningful if you are prepared seriously to consider opposing points of view, I am trying to contribute ideas to a halfway-plausible scenario in which SM was the killer’s primary target and events later unfolded as they did.

    The latter requires coming up with a credible explanation of why a sane, rational X needed to kill SM on that very day, not the day after nor next week, even if that entailed zapping an entire family of innocent bystanders as well. “Because X knew SM’s planned route for that day”, does not suffice as an explanation, in my view. A local X could have waited for another, better opportunity, especially so because there must have been observable patterns regarding the times when SM would go for his rides, and because there was a “choke point” in all his potential routes, namely, the Ugine-Faverges cycle track. X could simply have waited near the cycle track at SM’s usual time, followed him at a distance on a scooter or whatever, and struck at an opportune moment.

    I have previously suggested a hypothesis that would explain both why SM deviated from his planned route, and why X had to kill him then and there, regardless of any bystanders: SM had spotted X waiting at some point on his originally-planned route, and the sight had spooked him sufficiently to turn around and change routes. That, X knowing that SM must have seen him, X knowing that SM had now realised that X was after him and that SM would tell others about his suspicions regarding X, would have constituted a sufficiently compelling reason for X to launch an all-out effort to kill SM right there and then. Perhaps you can think of a better hypothesis.

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