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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James


    For how many months…did he miss the news ?

    Maybe (as Michael Norton suggests) this biker from Lyon isn’t “the e-fit motorcyclist” ?

    Maybe “the e-fit motorcyclist” is the guy from Lyon, but not WBM’s MC ?

    Eric tells us…
    “we found the MC….he is from Lyon…he was flying in the area”.

    As we assume there was only one biker in the area, we assume it is this guy. We are told he was taking a short cut (across the mountains).

    There is no mention of the route he took. There is no mention of the Janin biker. There is no mention of how the killer escaped (Eric did say when WBM was at the car park, the killer may STILL have been hiding !!!).

    There are “locals” still up to their necks in this case. Nothing is ever fully explained. AND YET it was “Al Hilli that was the prime target” ?

  • Max

    LMC obviously remembered being ‘redirected’ by ONF2 (my assumption) … So that is why EM can be positive about LMC. But I also think EM realizes there must be another MC. Namely WBM’s MC.

    @MN … I think there could be a CS – TS – Grignon – MC – Janin – WBM connection. This MC is connected to TS.

  • michael norton

    The honorable motorcyclist from LYON, is we are told an entrepreneur, a parapente enthusiast, so he is not an Imbecile,
    that narrows the options down to


    or someone in the employ of the FRENCH STATE
    who knows to keep his trap shut.

    So let us say that Eric Maillaud is 95% certain, this entrepreneur from LYON is not the actual killer but Eric may harbour suspicions that LMC had peripheral involement?

  • James


    The thing is, “Lyon” will know what he saw (although he will claim his recall of everything will be lacking …as mostly that afternoon on the Combe D’Ire, was a “non event” to him).

    Lyon will “recalled” being stopped by ONF2.
    He gave his reason for being in the area as “taking a short-cut” so it is clear he admits he was there. And hopefully an identification was made by the ONF2 guys.

    We can say (I hope !), Lyon IS the guy stopped by ONF2.

    But was he WBM’s MC ?
    The information about this (what Lyon has said to the police) we do not have. Maybe he recalled that event (passing WBM). Maybe he didn’t.

    WBM’s MC being different from ONF2’s MC (Lyon) depends on what Lyon has said about his decent of the Combe D’Ire. And if that matches the account given by WBM.

    For example does Lyon recall SAH passing him. Does Lyon recall SM passing him (for Lyon to be WBM’s MC, the victims would have had to pass him at some point).

    It should be noted also that Lyon’s account must match ONF2’s account. Given that
    1. Lyon was sighted by ONF2
    2. ONF2 sighted SM (and no one else on the route or in the car park)
    3. SM was in “close proximity” to WBM (down route) and SAH (down route)

    For example….

    …if Lyon says SAH was in the car park when he and ONF2 descended from the hairpins and passed through, then all hell will break loose.
    As that hasn’t happened (no “hell breaking loose”), I assume Lyon confirms ONF2’s statement. Thus…There was no one in the car park. SAH was en route. WBM is passed by SAH as both climb. SM is ahead of SAH when sighted by ONF2.

    It is that “close proximity” of victims and witnesses (and individual “sightings” there of) that makes it “likely” (but not “certainly”) that WBM’s MC is ONF2’s MC

  • michael norton

    It would be eXtraordinary if the E-FIT-SKETCH was from information,
    given by the forest guards, who stopped and talked with LMC,

    for Eric to refrain from saying the E-FIT-SKETCH was from information given by the forest guards to the police artist of the LYON motorcyclist, they stopped that day,
    above Le Martinet,
    I have now ruled out that motorcyclist from involvement in this crime, therefor
    we are no longer looking for the E-FIT-SKETCH person.
    End of that story.

    This has not yet happened, so unless Eric Maillaud is keen on deception
    ( he would loose his job and or go to prison if he is proved to deceive)

    the most logical eXplanation, if Eric is sure LMC is not involved is that there is a second motorcyclist.

    W.B.M.’s motorcyclist, seen very slowly and menacingly leaving the killing ground.

    In which case, unless there is another witness to the slaughter,
    the person or persons who have provided their information to the police artist can only be Zainab and or William Brett Martin.

  • michael norton

    So, it is vital that Eric Maillaud, comes clean about which person or persons provided their information on which the police artist offered the public SKETCH

    Is that SKETCH of LYON man,
    yes or no?

  • michael norton

    Let us imagine, there was only ever one motorcyclist.
    Let us say that the person who it is claimed is an honourable, entrepreuer / parpentist
    from LYON

    is the person whose likeness has been portrayed in the E-FIT-SKETCH.

    The forest guards gave the description to the police artist.

    If there was only ever one motorcyclist, then the man from LYON must be the menacing, very, very, slow rider who rode down from Le Martinet, just before William Brett Martin discovered the slaughter scene.

    This scenario would put LYON man firmly in the position
    of killer or killer’s assistant.

    Hence Eric has removed LYON man from 95% of being the killer
    but has Eric removed LYON man from peripheral involement?

  • M.

    Just passing through.

    MN, most of the info you require is here:

    The original source was France Info, then others added bits, I wonder if this was the Motorcycle seen by Fillion-Robin (Peter Allen, The Evening Standard) could be as the Chevaline route is direct from the landing site in Doussard.

    That leads to the question of the green 4×4 he apparently saw, did the Forestry guy get the colour wrong ? Green not grey ?

    The first reports I can find regarding the timing of Fillion-Robin sighting Al-Hilli is on the 7th September, stated as between 2:30 and 3pm.

    All other reports seem to be around the 10th/11th and later.

    No matter which way I look at the Motorcycle, it is impossible for the Lyon man to be seen at 15:40 by Martin, 300 yards from Le Martinet and not have passed the people there.

    As I suggested before, two Motorcycles, maybe the second one was actually lying in wait for a while, not crossing from the Col, which is doable, but dicey and the chance of being seen is high.

    It could have gone up the Combe, long before Fillion-Robin arrived at the chalet and whilst Claude Antoine and the Duchers were lunching.

    See you in a few weeks, no local internet.

  • Pink

    I would have presumed that Lyon MC was the one seen by ONF 2 because I was assuming that was how they knew he had a side opening helmet because they spoke to him , now its seems that someone else provided the side helmet details and Lyon man is still ONF2 but no side helmet blimey it gets confusing.

  • Pink

    MN are you sure about this ?

    Michael Norton
    23 Jul, 2015 – 7:34 pm

    “Aparently the motorcyclist from LYON has told Eric that he was not wearing a side-opening helmet.”

  • michael norton

    About Eric Devouassoux

    “On Wednesday, Mr Maillaud said the ex-policeman’s arrest did not mean the case was solved.

    The man was described as having a strong resemblance to an identikit image of a motorcyclist seen near the murder scene.
    “We are talking about one person who resembles the description of another man who was near the scene at the time,” Mr Maillaud said.

    “We do not know what he was doing there. As I speak to you, that person is still in detention but we have nothing that would link him to the crimes so far.”

    Mr Maillaud said the second man in custody was a friend of the ex-policeman.

    The prosecutor said police “discovered a great number of munitions, explosives and detonators” during their search.

    He said they believed the pair may have been involved with the trafficking of firearms.

    I have not seen this bit on the BBC website before, it certainly gives the feeling that Eric Maillaud thought he had the right person in custody, and a dead-ringer for the

  • michael norton

    Wouldn’t it be stunningly amazing if both Eric Devouassoux and the Lyon entrepreneur were


  • Good In Parts


    Cold turkey on the internet, Brrruuh!

    No matter which way I look at the Motorcycle, it is impossible for the Lyon man to be seen at 15:40 by Martin, 300 yards from Le Martinet and not have passed the people there.

    Firstly, “300 yards” seems on the low side to me. WBM was vague in his interview but Parry notes that he crossed the MC 3 to 5 minutes before arriving at le martinet parking (this time range presumably supplied by EM and ‘tested’ during the reconstructions).

    Given the apparent differences in the MC & rider descriptions given by WBM and the ONF workers, I favour the scenario whereby WBM actually saw the GG (or another trail bike rider) as they were crossing from one side of the valley to another and thus not riding directly from the scene of the crime.

    Another option could be that it was actually LMC that WBM saw but that LMC had (innocently) changed his appearence. Remember that when the ONF2 vehicle spotted LMC at the second hairpin, it was reported that he was preparing to ride over the col?

    This ‘preparation’ was never explained but I recall someone, somewhere, speculated that it could be ride-height modification by adjusting the main shock. I would add that the rider may have wanted to lower the pressure in his tyres.

    The rider could also have changed his helmet and/or clothing.
    Maybe it gets windy and cold up there. In this scenario he would have ‘put his woolies on’ before setting off from the landing field in Doussard, then changed back into his road bike gear after being turned around by ONF2. This need not have happened at le martinet parking.

  • Pink

    Is this right so far ?

    We have 4 bikes GG ,Janin ,Onf,BM,
    1 identified GG ,

    3 bikes left

    1 Janin ,
    1 ONF
    1 BM
    One of those is identified not sure by whom as the paraman from Lyon with no side opening helmet according to MN not sure if that’s a fact or not yet.

    Plus there is another bike black and white that ONF person linked as being accomplice to the grey BMW where does that fit in ?

    The theory relies on the account of a Forestry Commission worker who was in the area minutes before the murder.

    The man, whose identity is protected, claims to have seen a man on a black and white motorcycle and, shortly afterwards, a right-hand drive car driven by a man he believes was an accomplice.

    He told the BBC’s Panorama: “The car was a BMW 4×4, X5, grey metallic, in good condition, clean, it looked pretty new. It was a right-hand drive, English. I didn’t get much of a look at him but the driver was slightly bald and he had dark skin, no glasses.” The claims were last night corroborated by Surrey Police. Despite a public appeal earlier this year, the car has not yet been traced.”

  • michael norton

    It does make you wonder:

    why doesn’t Eric Maillaud just say
    ” Do no longer bother looking for the E-FIT-SKETCH motorcyclist, it was the unnamed businessman from Lyon and I have eliminated him from our search”


  • michael norton

    What could be the possible reasons, why Eric would not just say it was the unnamed person from Lyon, it was he who was identified by the two forest guards and they passed their information to the police artist.

    1)there is another motorcyclist, perhaps X or perhaps the assistant of X or perhaps the
    paymaster of X

    2) they drew that sketch up to look like Eric Devouassoux because they already had him lined up as the slaughterer or in some other way being involved.

    3) the sketch is of the LMC but Eric is 5% unsure of this character, so Eric still makes LMC crap himself

    4) something else that I am not clever enough to think of

  • michael norton

    I have only just looked at and had translated
    what M put up on 25/07/2015 – 12.40 pm

    It certainly reads that Eric Maillaud is claiming that it was the forest guards who gave the information which lead to the police artist E-FIT-SKETCH

    and Eric claims ( in that article) that LMC is exonerated.
    If my understanding ( of the google translation) is correct,
    Eric, now dismisses any motorcyclist from involvement.

    My apologies M for not looking at that version earlier.

  • michael norton


    So Eric Maillaud wants us to believe that there was only one motorcyclist and it is him who was stopped and spoken with by the forest guards, who gave their descriptions to the police artist for the make up of the E-FIT-SKETCH, which was held back for thirteen months???

    Eric Maillaud, you are telling us, that this is the very, very, slow riding, menacing
    motorcyclist, that William Brett Martin passed on his way up the combe to discover the massacre.

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