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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    May be Eric Maillaud would like to NAME & present this motorcyclist to the public
    and let the public decide if he fits the E-FIT-SKETCH???

  • Pink

    SO we now have 4 motorbike sightings plus a black and white motorbike none of which have anything do do with anything just one bike circulating a lot and GG .
    A white,peugoet ,a grey or dark BMW ,a pajero and a few green 4×4’s all ruled out apart from the grey BMW which was really maroon
    and probably SAH on a double visit I think we have solved this .

  • michael norton

    “Now officials have told French media that he is above suspicion and has been released without charge.”
    The motorcyclist, who has “an honourable reputation”, had been on his way home after a paragliding trip.

    So let’s think this through.

    Eric Maillaud tells us now that there was only one motorcyclist, first he thought that it was Eric Devouassoux, who STRONGLY resembles the E-FIT-SKETCH,
    Eric D. has not been charged with involvement with the massacre but Eric is an eX-Policeman and it has been claimed lives in Lathuile, his in-lawas live in Chevaline.
    Eric M. waited 13-14 months before letting the E-FIT-SKETCH become public – apparently
    “to confuse”

    nice one Eric M.
    Then three plus years later, they stumble across the new motorcyclist, apparentlu in Lathuile but doing his phone records, I suppose that means he was using his phone in Lathuile on the day of the slaughter, maybe he is friendly with Eric Devouassoux or
    William Brett Martin or the family Communal-Tournier???

    Anyway what exactly does
    “being above suspicion” allude to???

    In the United Kingdom we used to imagine that our betters were above suspicion, now we find out that some of them are buggering children, some are snorting coke of the breats of protitutes, some have murdered their children’s nanny, some have taken money to which they are not entitled, some, HAVE GONE TO PRISON FOR NOT TELLING THE TRUTH.

    So exactly what does make this entrepreneur from Lyon so honourable and above suspicion, what could remove him so completely from any involvement, especially as it seems likely he motorcycled down from Le Martinet, seconds after the slaughter, passing William Brett Martin ( from Lathuile) riding very, very slowly and menacingly.

  • James

    Four motorcycle sightings….
    …..and one “extremely media shy” motorcyclist.

    Did he really “not read” the papers ?

    The movements of all the “initial” witnesses are known (or have been made public). But there is a “cloud” of two parties.

    1. The ONF2 unit.

    We “know” they were at the hairpins.
    It is there they say the spoke to the guy from Lyon.
    So what did they do then ?

    They “lost sight” of the motorcyclist….and saw Mollier.
    Was the motorcyclist “ahead” of this ONF unit OR “behind” it ?

    2. The “Lyon” chappie

    He also was at the hairpins….but was it seen at the car park ?
    From where did he come from ?
    He never ascended and over took WBM, so it’s not much of a “short cut” if you have to stop at a cap park for “10 mins” and wait.

    If two motorcycles were in the area that day, why not three (or more) ?

    If Eric has “cleared” the Lyon biker…. then they must have cleared him on more information than just having a “talk to” him. He WAS afterall the “Prime Suspect”. What other information are they not releasing ???

  • michael norton

    A few kilometres South of Grignon is a firm called Graftech
    they are utilizing graphite for multitudinous aplications

    electronics, engineering, solar panels and so on,
    next BIG thing is Graphene which is made from Graphite, anyway, they are apparently ready for the next 125 years.
    However looks like the workers who are on annual leave will be likely to no longer have a job on their return.

    SAVOIE Graftech : la direction confirme l’existence d’un projet de reprise

    Sorry it’s got nothing to do with the Slaughter of the Horses but I am interested in Graphene and it is within walking distance of Grignon.

  • Q

    I know what you mean, MN:

    Think of the military applications. Top-secret stuff!

    Back to researcher Lachlan Cranswick for a moment (you may not remember I’ve mentioned him previously), carbon graphite and nanotubes were definitely in his field of interest. He spent time at Grenoble doing research, although on what I’m not sure. Too bad he “went missing” five years ago in Canada and later turned up dead. Some old work:

    From Buckyballs (buckminsterfullerene) to Star Trek cloaking technology in less than a century. It didn’t seem possible.

  • Q

    For what it is work, Cranswick also had a friend who experimented with the transmission of sound across the globe using light. Tuneability of nanocloaks from across the globe? I don’t know.

  • Q

    FWIW, the École supérieure de chimie physique électronique is located in Lyon. Yes, they do study graphite, and the irradiation of graphite in the nuclear industry.

  • michael norton

    @ James
    Can we trust Eric Mailaud, if we can trust him, Eric seems to suggest that he thinks there was only ever one motorcyclist, where is the special-side-opening helmet?
    Let him produce this media-shy person from Lyon,
    let the public see him posing with the motorcycle helmet he was riding that day and with the motorcycle he was riding that day, let us have a very, very, very precise account of this persons movements.
    Let the forest guards look him in the eye and speak with him, so the forest guards can be unequivocal in their assurances that this man who Eric Maillaud says was the only motorcyclist that day is the man those forest people stopped and spoke with, just like Doubting Thomas putting his hands into the wounds of Jesus,
    then we can agree with Eric Maillaud.

    If we agree with Eric Maillaud that this person from Lyon was the only motorcyclist,
    then there are a lot more questions for this person.

  • Q

    Thanks for that, Pink!

    Five years ago, when a discussion forum was going strong about the disappearance of scientist Lachlan Cranswick (LMD Cranswick in scientific papers), many, many topics were covered, including a death ray and UFOs sightings over the years at the Chalk River nuclear plant. Cranswick worked there. The facility was set up at the time of the Manhattan Project, and the National Research Council continued to run experiments there. At last word, they were selling the place off, and AREVA wanted in.

    Lots of things came out of Chalk River, including some Cold War spies.

    What also happened was that one killer colonel also lived in the company town of Deep River, and his stepfather was deeply involved in a new reactor project that ultimately failed. Eventually that stepfather found his way to France, where he was head of construction for another nuclear project, ITER, before he retired.

    Back to what I was saying, the stories of UFOs were very persistent out of Chalk River, which is very close to a military base, Petawawa. You may want to take a look at this:

    This paper claims that Canada missed the boat on what appears to be a predecessor to the technology further developed by Tajmar.

    Anyways, how about that? And microwaves! Here I thought microwaves were limited to things like reheating meals in the galley of an Airbus. Who knew???

  • michael norton

    How can you say a “witness” had nothing to do with the slaughter,
    if that person is on the spot when the murders are happening,
    if you do not say who that witness is?

    If Eric Maillaud is telling us the truth ( as he believes it to be)

    how does he reconcile the VERY,VERY,VERY SLOW , MENACING RIDER, staring at William Brett Martin
    who came down from Le Martinet,
    seconds after the Slaughter of the Horses had just occurred?

  • michael norton

    I’ve not noticed this before,
    I expect it was talked through before I started contributing ( about a year ago)
    45°43’47.22″ N 6°13’27.68″ E
    If you go on google earth street view up to the car park thea samll patch of road surface has been clouded, as if they have removed a vehicle from the picture.
    Yet no clouding of the car park?

  • michael norton

    It can’t be accidental, the clouding is about the size of a large van or very small lorry
    and it is a most peculiar shape.

  • michael norton

    45°43’47.22″ N 6°13’27.68″ E

    So picture taken, a couple of days before the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH

    of the mystery motorcycle man.

    Doesn’t mean they clouded that small patch of road at that time,
    if there had been previous picture, that could have also been clouded.
    However, it is curious?

  • michael norton

    So the pictures taken from nearby in the SNOW seem to be from February 2010 while the ones in the sun are from AUGUST 2013

  • Q

    @Pink: When Lachlan Cranswick went missing, a colleague in the scientific community posted a comment online about whether he had invented a time machine and whisked himself away. That comment did provoke thought on one internet forum, about the true nature of Cranswick’s work.

    Timespace continuum and all that — Tajmar’s work makes the “laws” of physics themselves open for debate.

    Those pesky UFO sightings at Chalk River (Which made some in the area ask questions about NRC experiments and military research), hmmm. Jokes about aliens from some of Cranswick’s colleagues, hmmm.

    Did Saad al-Hilli keep microwave ovens in his shed — for warming cups of coffee and bags of popcorn?

    Oh, dear, I’ve strayed off topic again.

  • michael norton

    It seems contributors do not want to run with a quite important point?

    If we are to believe that Eric Maillaud thinks to the best of his information, there was only one motorcyclist at or near the killing place,
    then it stands to reason that
    the single motorcyclist is also William Brett Martin’s motorcyclist.

    In William Brett Martin’s report, Sylvain Mollier overtook him riding up the combe, then a very, very, very, menacing hard staring motorcyclist came down from Le Martinet, passing W.B.M.
    then William Brett Martin came across the Slaughter of the Horses.

    So, even if Eric Maillaud’s motorcyclist was not the shootist,
    he was present?

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