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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Good In Parts


    I struggle to see how this particular bit of the grip plate would have broken off whilst he was pistol-whipping Zainab.

    Me too!

    But I could construct an an argument as follows; the grips are made of wood, a natural anisotropic material with grain and other variation. Crucially it is one that ‘ages’ with time and usage. Woodworm and fungi can also degrade it further.

    The picture you linked to above shows significant color variations, likely due to gun or skin oils and on the left grip what appears to be a hole.

    The left grip also looks weaker to me because of the machining pattern to accomodate the action.

    A commentator on france2 forums claimed that the killer was left handed. If this is correct then, on reversing the gun to pistol whip Zainab, the left grip would bear the brunt of the impacts. I think the killer was smart enough to not hammer the magazine up into the action.

    In summary, I suggest the grip could potentially disintegrate.

    Likewise, I don’t see how those two figures could have led the gendarmerie to a specific vendor in Switzerland.

    I don’t either but then I did not make that claim.

    However if those numbers were recovered from the scene then they could have been enough to exclude ‘Swiss Guy’ from consideration and get him released. That was my ‘vague’ suggestion.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 8 Aug, 2015 – 10:31 pm
    Given that we both agree that the two-digit number inside the grips cannot have been what led the gendarmerie to the suspected gun supplier in Switzerland, it must have been something else. I am still convinced that this “something else” was the ammunition used, or some feature of the ammunition, such as tool marks left behind by a specific crimping tool, the specific powder used, or the specific alloy composition of the bullets.

    I don’t know how they were able to exclude Swiss Guy, but I suspect that it was not through the two digits inside the grips: if they had those, they would surely have published them and appealed to gun collectors to look out for a missing / vanished P06 with a serial number ending on those two digits. (Then again, judging from the pace at which the inquiry works, they might publish those two digits next year.)

    @ Pink, 7 Aug, 2015 – 9:48 pm
    That is a really interesting thought: both at home in the UK and on this holiday, it should have been easy enough for the killer to get at SAH whilst the latter was on his own. Iqbal, however, hardly ever ventured out on her own, it is reported. Thus, dealing with her would necessarily have involved dealing with her “entourage” as well. I had not thought of that before, but it is perfectly true. Shooting SAH on his doorstep back in the UK would have been easy enough, but getting at Iqbal probably would have required forcibly breaking into the house, which her husband had secured with CCTV. In her case, it would have made sense for the killer to wait until she was on holiday. or perhaps even lure her on such a holiday.

  • Melrose

    Whoever did those killings at Le Martinet knew what he was doing. Otherwise, he would have been caught long ago. We can certainly disapprove of the way the French have been handling the investigation, but the facts are the four victims were all potential targets. Hence the mystery. Each of them could have been shot elsewhere and more easily. The choice of time and location is key to solving the case. Opportunity plus motive.

  • michael norton

    In one month
    Eric Maillaud will have been investigating the slaughter of the horses for three years.

    I wonder if he will treat the public to a catch up of what he believes he has achieved?

  • Good In Parts


    Maybe more of the grip broke off than generally thought.

    Parry (on page 53) quotes Eric as follows “A chunk of that handle plaque was discovered on the floor.

  • Max

    Hi folks, back from holiday.

    During 2 weeks I had just 1 TCK related thought:) At one day during my holiday I was driving as passenger with another guy in his car. This car (Peugeot something) has automatic door locking (mine hasn’t, old Zafira)

    Now, I noticed the doors locked after(!) the guy started driving

    Was this true for SAH’s car too?

    If true, then the ‘Zainab got locked out’ is more subtle then I first thought. Because it would mean that SAH got driving first. WHY?

    But … it would also possibly give meaning to REVERSE – BREAK – REVERSE pattern I see (my analyses, maybe not your view)

    Anyway, the question above stands.

  • Good In Parts


    I have been on a trawl through saved links on this and other sites looking for some half-remembered speculation about Lugers, to no avail. Anyway, I found a couple of your posts of interest.

    1) You posted about watching an interview with the local postman in Claygate and something to the effect that he a had a story to tell. Do you remember what your interpretation of that story was?

    2) Are you still constrained by any legal ‘threat’ re the integrity of the investigation. Given that LMC has been excluded, what the butler* saw is now moot. Can the story now be told?

    (*) Butler?, Er, I meant ONF.

  • michael norton

    I expect Eric Mailaud has a very great understanding how many motorcyclists there were,
    at or near Le Martinet at the time of the slaughter, he has been paid to look into it for the last few years.

    I am not saying that what Eric Maillaud is saying is reality,
    I am not saying he believes it himself 100%
    but it seems that the one motorcyclist is the working theory Eric Maillaud is running with.

    So we have two options ( or complete madness) either run with Eric Maillaud
    or run with multiple motorcyclists.

    So if we agree with Eric Maillaud, that there was only ever one motorcyclist, then Eric’s motorcyclist, is also William Brett’s motorcyclist.

    The trouble for Eric Maillaud is that there is (apparently) 3/4 hour

    between the talking with the forest guard, above Le Martinet
    and the passing of William Brett Martin.

  • Pink

    MN It doesn’t matter what he was doing he is innocent perhaps he was taking in the mountain air, to me that makes a lot more sense than PD and two woman going overnight hiking or whatever they were doing whats that all about why would you want too, is there some pleasure in it I fail to see ?

  • Pink

    If Iqbal and JT were still communicating she could have told him they were off to France on holiday and he had could have innocently passed that information on to someone they both knew, can we find any french connections for JT ?

  • Max

    Iqbal and JT communicated (secretly) because JT was the only man who really cared for Iqbal. Yet through cultural pressure Iqbal was drawn back. She had to marry Saad, supervised by Suhaila. This to ‘produce children’. When Suhaila decided to give these children a lot of money, Iqbal finally realized she came in last place.

    She wanted to end this. Taking down Saad and Suhaila with it. She asked JT to organize this, to be executed during the next holiday. Iqbal guesstimated this next holiday would be around Annecy (again), and she gave this info to JT

    When JT had finalized the preparations he signaled Iqbal to ‘go on holiday’.

    It was Iqbal, and not Saad, would decided to go on holiday. It was Iqbal and not Saad who suggested Suhaila to come along. It was Iqbal who said to Saad ‘Maybe we can go to Annecy again’

    So, why didn’t X stike in the UK or en route to Annecy? Answer: Because JT prepared X to strike in the Annecy area.

    Maybe suitman was (part of team) X, who did a final, casual check at the intended victims.

    Somehow X decided/saw and opportunity to strike at Martinet. Taking down Saad, and Suhaila (and SM) … and ending the life of Iqbal as by request.

    Once JT heard of the successful execution he suicided himself by taking poison.

    He left a trace/clue … ‘check the closet, you will be surprised’

    Not only did JT and Iqbal secretly kept on emailing. JT also treasured photo’s from him and Iqbal from happier times.

    – – –

    Iqbal was unhappy. She committed suicide, taking down Saad and Suhaila with her. JT took care of the whole show.

    – – –

    (a scenario:)

  • James

    Here’s a lovely “conspiracy” for you !

    Was talking to an “egg beater” driver who had worked in Iraq.
    Seems like “King Harry The reserve King” flew in Iraq…everywhere there wasn’t anything going on !

    It was a “dream” to fly Harold (the gunner) as you never got any “problems”.

  • James


    1. The postman didn’t know the family. Moreso, he only delivered SAH mail.
    Maybe he was new ? Maybe he only worked there a couple of years ?
    From my experience (of living in many different “non English” countries), the postmen (and bar owners) are the fist people that “know you”.

    2. What the butler saw… is interesting.
    Eric says “no bodies”. And with the discovery of our moto rider, that remains the same.
    Maybe this is true, who knows. It is possible afterall.

    For “investigation reasons” we are not being told the truth.
    There is no “clarity” to this investigation. Why ? I don’t know.

    The route taken by ONF2 has never been clarified. Okay, they saw “no bodies”, so they are ruled out. Their only information points to the “MC”, which we now know (we think) is “Mr I’m from Lyon”.
    Now this is all fair…except for the fact that ONF2 was never sighted by the ascending WBM (and we assume by SAH also…as they said they did not see this car).

    We are left with “guess work” as to where ONF2 saw SM ?
    On the route up ? Beyond the car park ? Where ?
    And there is no light thrown on this by “Mr I’m from Lyon”.

    The question is…is a witness lying ? If so, which.

    WBM sees (what he thinks is) SAH.
    He is also “aware” that SM is ahead of him (and on the same route ?).

    ONF2 sees only SM.

    By default, Mr Lyon must have seen everyone…. ?
    Eric does not say this. Yet we assume it is true (although Lyon’s absence from “revealing himself” is very strange).

    If “mystery X” is the killer, then there is no “witness/suspect” that we know of…who appear in the woods, then disappeared again.
    He afterall appeared. And then disappeared. He was there…..?

    Independently…we have WBM, ONF2, MC(L) who saw nothing.
    And then we habe ONF1 and his “BMW x5”

    It has to be the most incredible crime EVER, purely in the sense of timing.
    And now that…does exist.

    So “what we seek” is already known.
    Another biker maybe ? A false statement ? A missed timing ?

    I’d go with the “lone nut”… BUT “lone nuts” are not that clever.
    They do get caught, because they “f*ck up” somewhere.
    This crime is a “f*ck up” (if it was a “lone nut”).

    My heart says “SM was the target”.
    A local guy, in a local shoot up, with a local person.

    Logic says “SAH was the target” as his life was so “f*cked up”.

    Combine the two….and I come up with “the French police are hiding “big” facts and information”. And that I can’t figure out !

  • Pink

    Doesn’t work Max because of the children, any plot along those lines I am sure would have included the children either being included or left somewhere else.
    Its difficult to see a personal motive where one or the other was playing away because they were all there together unless that was to pull the wool over SAS eyes for some reason .

  • Pink

    I wonder if SAH threw the bike to get it out of the way of the car he couldn’t move SM it would take to long he just moved the bike to aid reverse .

  • michael norton

    Pink I do not think it is good enough
    to say it does not matter what the motorcyclist from Lyon was doing up the combe for three quarters of an hour, just because this unnamed person from “Lyon” says he did not kill, he was not there, he saw nothing he heard nothing, does not mean anything he has told the authorities is the truth.
    He was, apparently spoken with by the forest guard, then sent off down the hill but of course he would be entitled to stay at the car park at Le Martinet but if he did lurk about what was he up to cottaging?

  • Pink

    MN I have no idea what he was doing as suspect no 1 I assume Eric has used the thumbscrews and decided he was just doing whatever he was doing.

  • Shelock

    At the moment I still opt for a prolonged suizide as Romeo and Juliet

    What “””IF””” there was – beside all – a more profund and romantic marriage between JT and IAH.
    Hidden for some unknown reason(s)…..

    As Max offers- she was unhappy with her second marriage – may be her own mother forced her to

    The rest we all know
    And it would explain why the children had been saved….

    And poor SM had indeed been at wrong place and time

  • Max

    There is a simple test to that IAH/JT scenario. Because in this scenario JT first organized some X in the Annecy region, and after that the holiday of SAH/IAH came up.

    If JT’s ‘I have arranged X at Annecy’ triggered IAH to ‘Let’s go on holiday’

    Then it was IAH who wanted to go on holiday, and not SAH. So … was it IAH?

    We do(!) know Suhaila came along, and we can assume this was organized by IAH (not by Suhaila herself, because to invite yourself??? … And not by SAH, because why would SAH suggest Suhaila to come along?)

    So, IAH at minimum is instrumental in Suhaila’s death!

  • Max

    « The inquest heard that the postmortems for Saad, Ikbal and Suhaila, carried out at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Surrey, had similar results to those found by the French authorities.

    Saad’s body had seven gunshot wounds, in the head and trunk.

    Ikbal’s body had gunshot wounds to the neck and chest.

    Suhaila had three gunshot wounds – in the head and neck.

    It is thought all three victims would have died extremely rapidly. »

    – – –

    Note that IAH had no gunshot(s) to the head

  • Good In Parts


    Here’s a not-so-lovely ‘war story’ for you. As told to me but cleansed of obcenities and detail.

    Guy working as an engineer for an aerospace company, progressing well. Because of certain changes in the business there is a thorough security audit and review.

    No surprise at the outcome, company has grown like topsy, engineers working multiple roles across multiple projects some secret some not so much. Controls need to be put in place etcetera etcetera.

    Oh, and a closer look is required at a number of people, as their roles have ‘outgrown’ any inquiries made when they were originally recruited. One of them being our protagonist. Forms to fill. . .

    Is he concerned? Ostensibly not.

    An interview is required, ‘Just a formality, you know’.

    (more later…)

  • michael norton

    The Swedish authorities are very keen to get Mr.Assange back to SWEDEN to pay for his terrible crime of having sex with women, who felt betrayed because he was not exclusively having sex with them alone, they do not seem interested that a woman holding SWEDISH papers was slaughter three years ago in Haute-Savoie.
    They now have people being knifed to death in IKEA

  • Pink

    GIP genius I think you have just nailed the source of stress and poor SAH giving his best and having to account for everything he needed and jump through hoops no wonder he wanted out being clever is not enough these days these firms will be left with good paperwork people with no talent IMO .

  • michael norton

    If Eric Maillaud would like the public to believe his version of events,
    that there was only ever one motorcyclist, he has not been named because he is so honourable that his behaviour is unquestionable:
    then Eric must give us more.

    the name of the person,

    the reason he is so honourable so that his behaviour is unquestionable,

    his exact movements on that day,

    the real reason he was there ( was it for cottaging?),

    who this person works for, is he in any way involved with an organ of the FRENCH state.

  • michael norton

    If the law is meant to be equal for all,
    then NOBODY should be thought of as so honourable that they are beyond suspicion,
    that way lies corruption.

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