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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Melrose

    Love it! We in full spin once again!
    In between the murder/suicides gone wrong and the gay encounters in parking lots, this thread is back to top level.
    Can’t wait for the wise comments M. & Juicy will provide about these new theories!
    More fun than free diving in Spain.
    But the question is why do we forget about Sylvain Mollier. Just like the French prosecutor.

  • Max

    I think SAH with the first REVERSE and BREAK manouvre may have tried to put the BMW between X and Zainab

    How come Zainab didn’t get into the car, if the door was not auto locked yet (this only happens when SAH started his REVERSE)

    A: Maybe because Zainab was already shot and down.

    Zainab was maybe down near the car on the left side of the car

    With SAH already IN the car, SAH reversed to put the BMW between X (who was still at the barrier) and Zainab

    Now, X advanced towards the downed SM. SM was down in the future/upcoming second REVERSE arc of SAH’s BMW.

    SAH saw X moving towards SM, and by this X also had a new line of sight on Zainab.

    Maybe at that moment SAH did his second REVERSE, to try to run down X. The reversing BMW missed X, but dragged SM along.

    Somehow SAH kept on REVERSING, until the BMW got stuck at the other side. Was SAH shot dead already, when he passed and missed X, with X firing a (lucky) shot through the front window??

    Anyway, the stuck BMW had SAH and the women as fish in a bowl. No chance. X executed them all for reasons still to be cleared up.

    May Zainab did get up during this period, and X found it necessary to beat her down again, for reasons still to be cleared up.

  • michael norton

    It is possible that Eric Maillaud has been duped.
    The honourable unnamed man from “Lyon” may have never been near Le Martinet.

  • Max

    If WBM was already there (at Martinet) and he saw ONF2 and LMC going down, WBM had to guesstimate where to place 4 elements on RF

    WBM had to put those 4 elements between him (at Chevaline) and Martinet as alibi

    WBM choose:

    1. seeing SM
    2. seeing SAH
    3. Seeing ONF2
    4. Seeing LMC

    Now, all 4 do NOT remember seeing WBM. Well, SAH and SM are dead, so no joy/problem there

    However there are many strange things in WBM’s account

    1. SM … in Chevaline!? Why not over Route du Moulin?

    2. SAH … in his first account WBM never said anything about SAH (car going up) although he was eager to mention SM (going up)

    3. ONF2 … ONF2 doesn’t remember seeing WBM

    4. LMC … now LMC is a complete mystery. Being so close to the killing yet not coming forward!?

    5. Why the inverted sequence ONF2 then LMC?? Where ONF2 seems to state that they lost sight of LMC, and thus LMC should have encountered WBM before ONF2 did??

    – – –

    Of course WBM, making everything up, had to improvise quickly in his first statements to the police. He realized he couldn’t change it later. Maybe WBM simply made errors (e.g. the inverted ONF2/LMC sequence)

    Because if we hold on to ONF2 then MC, and MC is not LMC, then there has to be another MC … and this by the account of … WBM

    – – –

    Again, remember that WBM had to put all four on RF, between him (WBM) and the shooting. Maybe WBM simply f*** up, or maybe WBM thought it wise to throw in (L)MC anyway

    – – –

    Because the strange thing is that the long sought guy (LMC) who could account for / confirm WBM’s story, in the end isn’t this MC!?!?!?!

    ONF2 did not remember seeing WBM
    LMC does not remember seeing WBM

    How is this even possible??? 🙂

  • michael norton

    Max, quite so.
    If W,B.M saw a motorcyclist descending as W.B.M. was ascending to the slaughter scene,
    yet the motorcyclist told E.M. that he did not clap eyes on W.B.M.
    either both W.B.M & “Lyon” mc are liars
    or one or the other is a liar

    or there is another motorcyclist

    in the last case we assume E.M.
    is trying to cloud the issue?

  • Max

    WBM did put 4 elements between him and the killing

    SM (dead), SAH (dead), 4×4 (ONF2?), MC (LMC?)

    Nobody of those 4 can confirm WBM’s account

    The next guy to arrive was PB. He saw nothing, no 4×4, no MC. He saw WBM coming down in ‘panic’

    – – –

    There is, to me, only 1 good way to relief WBM. And that is if LMC states that he did take a pause after being redirected back down by ONF2. Because if LMC did this than it could explain the inverse ONF2/LMC sequence.

    But I guess LMC did NOT pause after being redirected by ONF2. I guess LMC went back down, followed later by ONF2 (ONF2 stated that they ‘lost sight’ of LMC).

    – – –

    The official story is that LMC is innocent. It would be incredible if LMC was WBM’s MC, but still be 1. Innocent 2. Extremely naive to not come forward

    Semi conclusion must be that WBM’s MC can not be LMC

  • Pink

    from this it looks like Lyon man left the layby and went uphill to be told to go back down why did that take 10 minutes was he sat up there for 10 minutes before he got moved on .

    Max does this mean SAH passed BM actually on the climb ?
    Why does it say BM saw the motorcycle after arriving at the scene is it just bad reporting ?–25740053

    Brett Martin, a former pilot of the Royal Air Force, has a vacation home in the area. In this day “peaceful” and “sunny”, he took a narrow path leading to the top. On his way, he was overtaken by a vehicle, he said, was the car of al-Hilli. Arriving on the scene, moments after the shooting, Martin first thought it was a traffic accident. Then he noticed a motorcyclist with a strange attitude: “He was going at a very slow pace, an abnormally slow speed, and it seemed strange,”

    Later it says
    “The forest worker, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of the killer is still at large, would be down from the mountain a few minutes before the shooting. “When I arrived there was a motorcycle that was leaving the parking area. I remember very well, he said, it was black and white with bags on each side, “he said adding that the motorcyclist was dressed all in black and had its completely closed visor.”

    and then:
    “Ten minutes later, two more forest guards reportedly saw the bike that would be one of the killer. Colleagues of the witness could see the rider’s face as they talked to him. The man was driving a prohibited effect on road motor vehicles. “When the man raised his headset to talk, my colleagues have seen he was wearing a light beard.”

  • Max

    Pink, just refer to the original BBC documentary. Like the brits, the french have massive problems which each others languages:)

    But yes, WBM says (in this BBC doc) that he was passed by a car going uphill (like WBM himself) and WBM added that he (now?) assumes that had to be SAH

    The thing is that WBM never mentioned this car going up before … it was the BBC doc of 2013 which revealed that. The weird thing is that

    – WBM mentioned a biker going up (SM) … from day 1 … and this in public and in the news and voiced by EM himself

    – WBM never mentions a car going up (SAH) … and EM never told this in public

    … Sooooooo, how come there is a difference in importance between SM going up and SAH going up, both seen by WBM. Why mention SM but not SAH?????

    It is the stragest thing because the photo’s of 15h15 give it ‘on a plate’. SAH going up would be around 15h20, and WBM saw a car going up …

    … now this to even a 12 year old would be as simple as adding 1 + 1. Everybody would conclude WBM saw SAH going up

    SO WHY HOLDING THIS BACK??? (why only spill this a year later? What is the problem?)

  • michael norton

    It has been said that “Lyon” motorcycle man was spoken to by the forest guard about 15.00 hours
    According to the BBC W.B.M. discovered the slaughter scene about 16.00 hours.

    So, if we are to believe Eric Maillaud that there was on ever one motorcyclist, then E.M. motorcyclist must also be the very slow riding motorcyclist that W.B.M.
    saw descending the hill, as W.B.M.
    was ascending to the slaughter scene.

    So what exactly was the “Lyon” man doing for all that time,
    the best part of an hour?

  • michael norton

    Lyon man could have rode down to Chevaline and back again, several times in an hour but if he did

    Or he could have sat at Le Martinet, parking spot, the same spot where the slaughter happened?

    He really does need to come in for a second talking to,
    doesn’t he?

  • Pink

    FROM 2012'Nervous'+man+sped+from+scene.-a0302423857

    MURDER squad detectives are hunting a car with UK number plates seen speeding away from the scene of the Alps massacre.

    French police said yesterday that a witness saw a dark Mitsubishi Pajero 4×4 being driven by a nervous-looking man.

    The car was spotted near the village of Chevaline in eastern France where three members of a British family were executed.

    It was then seen being driven along the A39 motorway towards the city of Lyon.

  • michael norton

    are you implying,
    that Eric Maillaud’s “Lyon” man
    may have sped back to Lyon in this Pajero,
    after the Slaughter of the Horses?

  • Melrose

    Occam’s razor doesn’t apply to this story.
    Since SAH did a DOUBLE VISIT to Le Martinet as we now know, it’s more than likely that the MC and X5 did too.
    This would explain the various times they were spotted by several witnesses, as M & M. have already noted.

  • Melrose

    Get smart, Max! Like in the old movie. HaHaHa.
    The only reason why WBM eventually admitted to having been passed by SAH’s BMW (the late Panorama confession) is that he needed to. On from the BBC interview a year before he had repeatedly mentioned that it took him thirty minutes to ride up the hill. In the meantime came the news that the last picture on the Al Hillis’ camera was timestamped at 15:17. So he had no choice: pretending he never saw their car (which he -as opposed to ONF1- never confused with a grey X5) would have become inconsistent in terms of timeline. And as you know, the timeline is the first thing people look at!

  • michael norton

    It has been said
    that “Lyon” man made five visits up and down the combe

    but M
    has told me I’ve got that snippet confused.

    I still think that “Lyon” man needs to be put under intense pressure, he needs to be broken to get the TRUTH out of him.
    In CHINA they get him top confess.

  • michael norton


    However I think Eric Maillaud has been pussyfootingabouttoolong,
    he needs to get the forest people, the motorcyclist and the relatives of Sylvain in, then give thenm the rubber hose treatment until the killer starts squealing.

  • michael norton

    I would guess “Lyon” motorcyclist made multiple trips up and down the combe that day and it was not because of paragliding.
    He or his handlers are taking the piss out of Maillaud.

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