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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Good In Parts


    The only reason why WBM eventually admitted to having been passed by SAH’s BMW (the late Panorama confession) is that he needed to.

    I see what you did there.

    Strong words those, ‘confession’ and ‘admitted’. Sure sounds like you are ascribing ‘guilt’ and ‘deceit’.

    The posting by Max has it right:-

    and WBM added that he (now?) assumes that had to be SAH

    It seems to me that he is consistent and does not, and did not, claim to remember being passed by SAH specifically.

    I presume that the multiple re-enactments and many hours of interrogation have led him to voice this as an ‘assumption’, as he states. But the constant repetition has not led him to internalise this as a ‘false memory’.

    A reliable witness. Strong willed, difficult to sway.

    And you portray this as guilt. Sheesh!

  • Melrose

    ” And you portray this as guilt. Sheesh! ”
    Your fantasy, GIP, not mine: I think WBM was coached from day one and beyond.
    Why are you so sensitive about him???
    Why do YOU answer to comments made to Max???
    I could also add a qualifier, but HERE, it does not matter.

  • Good In Parts


    I think WBM was coached from day one and beyond.

    I think that he was ‘advised’, probably by his lawyers, that the media and paparazzi would be on his back and that one way to minimise the pressure would be to do a long interview with a sympa outlet and to insist, using a contract, that this interview be non-exclusive and shared with other media outlets.

    Now accepting ‘advice’ on how to deal with the media could be described as ‘coached’. Is that the sense you mean it in or do you mean he was instructed by the police not to reveal certain information?

  • Pink

    MN I thought it was interesting it was heading to Lyon I think its more interesting that they were looking for this car with british plates seen by a witness and wondered if it was ONF who saw it .
    This is the reason the F Brun death got looked at because it was a pajero it was an odd accident two people jumped out Mr Brun didn’t.
    I don’t think they named the two who jumped out, as it was french reports I didn’t really catch any follow ups .
    In the process of digging connections were found to a detective agency in that area not a small affair either I can’t quite remember the details I will have to see if I can find it in the archives.

  • michael norton

    Yes Pink

    poor Mr. Brun “the watcher”

    I think there were quite a few “watchers”
    about on the day of the slaughter of the Horses,
    I suspect William Brett Martin was a “watcher” too.

  • Max

    Why did LMC go beyond Martinet?

    Because LMC knew SM was going beyond Martinet too!

    SM made his bike trip with a nice climb in direction of Col de Cherel. And SM would go as far as possible on normal road until he would bump into dirt road. That is a few kms beyond Martinet

    LMC knew this. He planned to kill SM as far up the hill as possible. That is why he drove beyond Martinet. To the end of the hard surface road.

    But, LMC bumped into ONF2 who directed him back. LMC somehow escaped from ONF2’s attention.

    ONF2 went down

    LMC killed SM and SAH

    LMC went down

    – – –

    I like the ‘Lyon’ connection

    SM – CS – CB – Lyon – LMC

    SM was with CS
    CB was with LMC

    SM was having an affair with CB. CS and LMC found out. Together they planned to kill SM.

  • michael norton

    Councillor for the area,
    Geoff Herbert, tweeted: “See the al-Hilli house is up for sale.
    Will the killer ever be found?”

    The sales description described it as a substantial detached family house which benefits from being involved in “no onward chain”.

    The Daily Mail

    good question Councillor Herbert
    “Will the killer ever be found?”

  • Melrose

    ” good question Councillor Herbert
    “Will the killer ever be found?” ”

    And the answer is: We will only be given the sign of Jonas.

    Everything is so much clearer now. We have all the scenarios/combinations/connections/theories in our hand. All it takes in putting them in the correct order so that everything fits. Like in a jigsaw/sudoku/robic cube. It won’t be long.

  • Good In Parts




    1 a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.

    2 a statement setting out essential religious doctrine.

  • michael norton

    If there is truth in the theories that one or more actors went up and down the combe multiple times on the day of the Slaughter of the Horses,
    what would that tell us?
    Let us imagine that the unnamed man from “Lyon” went up and down the combe several times that day, on one of his jaunts, he went above the point of “no vehicular access”
    he was spoken to by one of the forest guards.
    Do we have the verbatim?

    If he (M/C)is told to go down and not come back, what did he do in the next hour?
    Did he go down to the Ugine cycle track, on the look out for Sylvain Mollier?

  • michael norton

    Just a re-cap

    did Mr. Brun go over the cliff,
    whilst sat in the back seat of the Pajero,
    all alone on

    05 / 09 / 2012

    the day of the Slaughter of the Horses

  • michael norton

    I think that Mr. al-Hilli,
    deposited the family al-Hilli at 367 Route de Moulin, ARNAND,
    then drove up to Le Martinet on his Jack to scan for bad men, then satisfied all was O.K. he drove back down, picked up the family al-Hilli and drove back up the combe,
    ready for their meeting.

  • michael norton

    The dilapidated, wedge shaped building is in an isolated shanty town ( without the town),
    I can’t imagine two middle class women wanted to be deposited there,
    unless for a VERY,VERY, GOOD REASON!!!

  • michael norton

    Well, if Saad al-Hilli did stop at the wedge shaped building to have his photograph taken and to leave the family al-Hilli before he ascended the combe on his own, to quickly return for the family, then straight back up again for what turned out to be the slaughter,
    amazingly he would be on the MOST LIKELY ROUTE that Sylvain Mollier would cycle up, from the cycle route from Ugine, yet this would be THE LEAST MOST LIKELY route fro the al-Hillis to take from their camp site in Saint Jorioz!!!

    It’s almost as though they hoped to bump into Sylvain Mollier on his cycle route!!!

  • Pink

    They were looking for a pajero, english possibly green seen by a witness by my reckoning it could be the green 4×4 seen by BM who everyone seems to think was ONF that wouldnt be an english plated vehicle would it ?

  • Pink

    The builders also saw a 4×4 and MC go up the road before SAH if the reporting is to be believed in hindsight that would make sense if they were positioning themselves but for who’s arrival?

  • michael norton

    The most likely route that Sylvain Mollier would have cycled to get from Ugine to Le Martinet,
    would be along the cycle track, then turn left up Route du Couardet, passing the commercial estate with Bateaux Passion, Route du Couardet, Route des Cotes, Route d’Arnand,
    then photograph time at the wedged shaped building in Arnand, Route du Moulin,
    Route Forestiere Domaniale d la Combe d’Ire, Route Domaniale de la Grand Combe Dite Chaplain,
    the Slaughter Scene.

  • Good In Parts


    Look at your timeline and ask yourself if SM cycled past the SAH party whilst they were parked up near the FIB.

    For the avoidance of doubt, in my timeline he does.

    One possibility is that the flash new velo is ‘the lure’. An unintentional lure in this particular scenario. SAH spots the velo out the corner of his eye as SM speeds past and decides when the photos are all taken, to drive up the combe after SM.

    He does this simply because he can. They are in holiday mode and want to go up in the mountains, so he follows the cyclist on a whim.

    On the way up they pass SM, and SAH has another look at the bike and is suitably impressed. Upon arrival he mooches around looking at the information sign whilst keeping an eye out for the cyclist to ride past.

    The bad actor then plays his part.

    In this case, if there was a target, I cannot see the target being anyone other than SM because I cannot see how anyone could ‘arrange the pieces’ to deliberately lure SAH if he had no prior intent to drive up the combe.

  • Good In Parts


    FIB = Flat Iron Building

    The building by the stream where the family were photographed (presumably by the mother-in-law because she is not in the photograph).

    Someone named it FIB because in plan form it has the rough shape of an iron, ‘V’ shaped to fit the plot it sits on between the stream and the road.

    Saad was a mechanical engineer and keen cyclist, I feel sure that he would have recognised and liked a closer look at such an expensive high-end velo as SM was riding.

    I have wondered whether SAH would have tried to flag down SM for a chat, after all some media reports suggest that SM, SAH and Zainab were all standing close together when the shooting started on the basis of blood splatter.

    Against the flagging down concept is a doubt in my mind that SAH would interrupt a grimpeur mid-climb. That would be as welcome as a call from an ex-wife, possibly less so.

  • michael norton

    While I have mentioned the most likely /straightforward cycle route that Sylvain Mollier might have taken ( co-incidentally passing the FIB)
    from the camp site in Saint Jorioz of the family al-Hilli, going the same route up to Le Martinet would have been their least likely/ unlikely route, one can hardly imagine that these middle class people would stop to stare at a disused junk yard.
    So, I guess that all along the family-al-Hilli were intending in meeting with the local cyclist Sylvain Mollier.
    It is the only option that is likely.

  • Good In Parts


    one can hardly imagine that these middle class people would stop to stare at a disused junk yard

    You don’t know many engineers do you? Or in fact any engineers.

    Please tell me that was irony.

  • michael norton

    I know lots of engineers but we are talking about Saad dumping his women & children in this god forsaken hole
    while he slips up to the killing field.

  • michael norton

    So I am suggesting that one or more members of the al-Hilli party,
    were on the cycle route that they knew Sylvain Mollier would be travelling on 05/09/2012.
    I am suggesting they were pretending to be interested in the FIB, whilst actually waiting for Sylvain Mollier.
    Maybe there was also to be a third party attending the meet / exchange?

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