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8,089 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The turbofan blades produced by France-based Safran use a special titanium alloy provided by the Ugine factory where Mr MolliEX was working.
    Eric must know. Another con-cealed evidence.

  • michael norton

    Koniambo nickel plant suspends output after spill——-Dec 30 2014

    The New Caledonia plant, designed to yield 60,000 tonnes of nickel a year at peak output,
    was officially opened by French President Francois Hollande last month!!!

    Koniambo produced 8,600 tonnes of nickel in ferronickel in the third quarter, according to Glencore’s latest corporate production report.

    New Caledonia, off northeastern Australia, holds as much as a quarter of the world’s known nickel reserves and employs more than 6,000 people in processing the ore. Nickel is a key industry for New Caledonia, accounting for around 20 percent of its economic output, according to government figures.

    Operations at the rival Goro nickel processing plant in New Caledonia owned by Vale of Brazil were suspended for three weeks earlier this year after some 100,000 litres of acid-tainted effluent leaked out.

  • michael norton

    Funny how things come together.
    We’ve been following “The Slaughter of the Horses Incident”
    for just over two years, Sylvain Mollier works in the metal plant in Ugine,
    they specialize in designing & manufacture of “Super Alloys”
    The primary application for such alloys is in turbine engines, both aerospace and marine.

  • michael norton

    There are only a few World class jet engine makers in the World, one of them is Rolls-Royce.
    Most Airbus aircraft seem to be fitted with RR Trent engines but the A320 seems to be only fitted with CFM International CFM56 a joint American / French jobbie.
    A new engine has been developed ( as the present one is aged and fuel hungry)NEO

    These Super Alloy Technologies would certainly be good enough reasons for espionage and shootouts

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    One small step for fan, one great leap for Safran!
    And in Safran, there’s Fran.. Those frog-eaters won’t give us a break, even when we’re 10 miles high!!!
    If you search upthread, you’ll find out how much Zad al Hilli and Sylvain Molliex were connected with aviation, designing kitchen galleys, zirconium composites and the like.
    We need more input from the bright ones, TV and BB, even Herr James to tell us all about it.
    But already we can easily see theirs a conspiracy from Chevaline to the Java sea through new Caledonia that started with 9/11 if not with JFK (named after an airport!)

  • michael norton

    One of the many aims of Super Allot Technology
    is to find room temperature Super Conductors.

    Now that would be worth killing 4

  • michael norton

    I think my finger slipped.

    Nickel is an integral part of Super Alloy Technology.

    If the girlfriend of Sylvain Mollier is a dispensing chemist,
    she would have been to university.
    If Nicolas Mollier-Thomas was a government mathematician,
    he would have gone to university.
    If Sylvain Mollier was a metalurgist working at AREVA-CEZUS, Ugine,
    he would have gone to university.

    So there should be a paper trail of his life?

  • bluebird

    There could be a good hint in that august 5 2012 article ..

    Of additional concern is that some of the arrests were reportedly carried out by un-uniformed men said to be non-Emiratis. These could be members of an 842-strong group of Columbian soldiers and former soldiers said to be operating within the UAE[6]; according to a May 2011 New York Times exposé, they were hired by former Blackwater head Eric Prince at the behest of the Abu Dhabi authorities to defend the UAE from terrorist attacks and internal revolt. Explosively, the Times article claimed that Prince had given orders to recruit only non-Muslims, from South Africa and the French Foreign Legion in addition to Columbia, as Muslim soldiers “could not be counted on to kill fellow Muslims.

  • michael norton

    Bourg Saint Maurice, albertville, Savoie

    Not every ejecting car rolling incident ends in death

    Ce vendredi à 6 heures un accident s’est produit à Bourg-Saint-Maurice au niveau du lieu Le Bérard. Une voiture, seule en cause, a quitté la route et est tombée dans un ravin. Ses deux occupants, un homme de 37 ans et une femme de 35 ans ont été éjectés du véhicule. Girèvement blessés, ils ont été transportés au centre hospitalier de Bourg-Saint-Maurice. Leurs jours ne seraient pas en danger.

    Not that far from where Nicolas Mollier-Thomas was ejected after barrel rolling.

  • bluebird

    According to my above article, Shia activists who were seen as a threat for revolution against the UAE and Bahrain were killed between June 2012 and October 2012 by specialists (professional killers) belonging to the French Foreign legion and by South African mercenaries all over the planet.

    That article could help to solve the Chevaline riddle as it fits everything about what we know of the families and it fits into the timeline and it somehow explains the presence of SM and the secrets regarding his life, too.

  • Tim Veater

    A new year is traditionally a time for review of past events. Is there any point in trying to make sense of the myriad individual events in the past week, let alone the past year or more? Thousands of millions of individual crucial, often traumatic, personal events, either causing or resulting wider global or intrinsic factors. Or unrelated to them. In any event, what we know or believe we know, or what we don’t, is always partial and limited depending on our location and perspective, influenced as always by our own unique set of beliefs, attitudes and intellectual skills. Rather like “Google Earth”, the object is always the same though varying greatly dependant on where and how high or low the vantage point. Distance provides context and overview; proximity detail. The two are undoubtedly related but also stand on their own. It is not really possible to view both simultaneously, one must dart from one to the other to get the complete picture. Even then, for true understanding of how the world works it is necessary to look at specialised functions – weather or ocean currents for example – to explain a tree down here or a drought there!

    There is a parallel in the field of trying to work out the cause and effect of essentially human activity in all its guises. To do so we have to multiply the perhaps seven billion humans by a multiplicity of actions by time but also factor in how this is complicated by associations of different kinds at many different levels. There is clearly a world of difference between the political manoeuvrings between political states and blocks with the daily concerns of most of us, although undoubtedly having a bearing on our lives. That, despite having virtually no direct influence over them, it is a factor of advanced economies and the general education they have provided, that we nonetheless take an interest and seek answers for our own peace of mind and because we probably have a deep and abiding distrust in those who make the decisions for us, convinced that they reflect not our interests but those of very specific interest groups, as perhaps best exemplified by bankers and the recent banking crisis. Do we believe for example the recent precipitous drop in the oil price was wholly economic in origins? Do we believe all the war propaganda and engagement was really for the reasons promoted. Clearly in the case of Iraq the answer is transparently, not, continuously and repeatedly elsewhere, a fact that has had a deeply corroding effect on our trust of anything coming out of government on any subject.

  • Tim Veater

    For Great Britain this is an anniversary year of some importance. Not only is it 800 years since the signing of the Magna Carta, but also 750 since the first Parliament was called at Westminster; 600 since Agincourt; 330 since the “Glorious Revolution”; 300 since the last domestic battle at Preston; and 200 since the final defeat of Napoleon; not to mention the century since “the war to end all wars” (sic!)

    How these are handled and used for political or legal developments wait to be seen but I for one believe that with the new century we have witnessed significant and in many ways sinister developments on the world stage that should concern us all, the most obvious of course being the events of 9/11, the wars they presaged and the murder, death, destruction, deceit and cover-up demonstrated by our “own” western governments predicated on them. I for one, have lost faith in both my government and mainstream media to be honest about the events of the last fifteen years and the reasons for them. Alone, I am not a problem but if not alone, indeed if representing a majority opinion, it definitely would be for both government and governance.

    I believe on a number of fronts, the need to maintain a lie and protect establishment figures and government allies, has taken precedence over “coming clean”, mainly because the truth is too awful to contemplate. When judicial and investigative processes are subtly modified and manipulated to prevent the truth emerging or to protect individuals or systems; or wars declared on spurious grounds; or national and civil disasters or diseases are engineered for ulterior purposes; or overt aggression ignored for the sake of strategic alliances; or hatred and fear fomented against nationalist or religious groups for political purposes; or international trade manipulated to bring down foreign governments; or engagement in illegal monetary, human or drug trades takes place; we may well question what we have become and what we stand for.

    I am not convinced that the “pottage” we are served up by our political masters reflects either reality or real objectives. It is hard not to conclude a hidden hand or hands that is (are) pushing us towards a more authoritarian, monitored, militaristic policed state, for which the justification appears largely fabricated. This is not imagined as some would like us to believe. Scotland always the land of trial and error, has without any Edinburgh or Westminster Parliamentary debate, created a National Police Force. Against overwhelming public opinion, this government has both undermined our system of civil police forces and made them subject to essentially political control by “Police Commissioners” at the same time as planting the seeds of “FBI” national policing and extending heavily armed policemen everywhere, some would say quite disproportionate to the threat posed. Now even the traditional Guards have been withdrawn from Whitehall on the grounds of “Risk” not even required at the height of the IRA conflict.

    In the midst of all this duplicity, intrigue and doubt the population is faced with another general election and non-existent choices. Is it pure luck that just in time petrol prices have fallen and economic news is positive? (“It’s the economy, stupid.”)

  • Tim Veater

    Just one tantalising link: Kurion; William Gallo is chief executive officer of Kurion. Gallo joined Kurion in March 2013 as chief operating officer and was appointed CEO in June of that year. He is a notable executive and global leader in the technology-oriented energy field. As an executive with AREVA, the world leader in the nuclear industry; Fukushima clean-up.

  • michael norton

    I mostly agree Tim.
    It is astonishing that in four months the cost of crude oil had dropped by 50%.

    I also think that the U.S.A. is trying to take down Russia, would they rather have that vast country over run by Islamists?

    It is thought provoking that there was secrecy around the al Hilli’s coroner’s case,
    the general public have been told almost nothing of any import?

    Two plus years on and The French have gone shtum?

  • michael norton

    I’ve been going on a bit about Nickel lately, it is exceedingly important in
    Super Alloy Technologies
    today 3month Nickel has dropped by £300/mtonne ?

    Nickel 3mo Unofficial Confirmed $/m tonne 14862.50

  • michael norton

    $300/mtonne drop in a day

    maybe the arse is falling out of Super Alloy Technologies,
    and the future of New Caledonia gets more bleak?

  • michael norton

    This is “quite” interesting, remember those old fashioned electric fires,
    ceramic bar with resistant wire,
    the wire was probably Nichrome.
    This is 80% Nickel,
    Nichrome patented in 1905, it is the oldest documented form of resistance heating alloy.
    Now used in electronic cigarettes
    and intriguingly in the British RepRap Project 3D printing project

  • Tim Veater

    Point taken Michael Norton. Having been out on my bike and returned (!)to dry out, I again take up my new year muse on how wider events impinge on the central issue of the Al Hilli/Mollier murders.

    We start I believe from a position of scepticism: it has been proved in matters of “national security” or even more so, “foreign aggression”, you cannot take Government statements at face value. This has probably always been the case but this century the phenomenon has been taken to a whole new level of deceit, damage and insensitivity.

    There can now be no doubt, even if we only consider Building 7, the US government explanation of 9/11 holds no water. That it continues to defend the indefensible, it declares in indisputable terms, its complicity or cover-up. One or other or both. Once one comes to this conclusion, nothing can remain the same as regard the role of the United States in world affairs or Britain’s part in defending and supporting it.

    This extends to the quite extraordinary David Cameron UN speech this year, THIRTEEN YEARS after the event. That is 13 years in which the British Government could no longer be in any doubt as to the true nature of the event, even if it was deceived at the time.

    For those that missed it, DC not only repeated his confidence in the official version of events but also issued an ominous threat to go after those that questioned it. This from a so-called democrat from a democratic free-world country must mean he is either gullible or just the mouthpiece of dark forces that must be at work at some level or other. Alternatively it was just a cynical bending to overwhelming political and economic forces – “playing to the gallery” as he did in Jerusalem.

    One of the problems with DC is that one never sure whether what he says reflects his true beliefs or not. If they are we have reason to conclude that not only is he signed up to the wholly discredited official explanation of 9/11, but he equates those who have literally risked their lives, and not infrequently paid with them, to draw attention to multiple layers of crime and conspiracy that went into an operation that has cast an evil shadow over the following decade and a half, including millions of deaths and carnage, unspeakable acts of torture and terror, extra-judicial murder, illegal surveillance and the creation the very “terror organisations” that justify the suspension of civil protections and increasing state/police powers.

    I could list all of the suspicious circumstances surrounding so called “terrorist outrages” that have occurred in the US, Britain and elsewhere, where there is more than circumstantial evidence of security services “black ops” or “false flag” operations. To those that still doubt its possibility one only has to refer to the CIA “Gladio” operation in Europe in the 1980’s that included civilian deaths and even the death of an elected PM, or indeed the work of MI5/6 in association with the UDA that included, it is claimed, explosions and targeted killing.

    The examples of government lies, subterfuge and habit of blaming the known wrong party just to deflect attention from the real one, are so numerous as to rule them here, other than to mention just Lockerbie and the shooting of PC Yvonne Fletcher, neither of which were as the British Government claimed them. Twenty years were to pass before the denouement, with which we are all familiar, that has left Libya in a state of total chaos and instability. “Bombing back to the stone age” was a common threat used against target countries during the Bush era apparently. There is no doubt by one way or another they have in a number of war zones, been as good as their word.

    We conclude from all this that neither US or UK governments can be wholly trusted. Indeed that quite the opposite is the case. There is no reason to believe France, to name just one other, is any more reliable. This is not a good starting position for the investigation of the Chevaline killings.

  • Tim Veater

    There is much, as luck would have it, as residents in and inheritors of, British nationality and culture, that we can be proud, not least the relative peace, stability and prosperity that we enjoy. The luck relates to the process of reproduction and birth, not to the afore mentioned benefits of British citizenship to which it would seem much of the world aspires, prepared to undergo every danger, adversity and privation to get here. These latter benefits were achieved by determined actions by our forebears, based on largely liberal Christian beliefs.

    The historical roots are deep that takes us back to my original point about 2015 anniversaries. It is also a European heritage that was exported around the world. In respect of the British model, there is no doubt it has been particularly successful. Think the USA (despite its secession) Canada, Australia, New Zealand, even previous colonies.

    We are now entering, or have entered a new phase in world affairs, in which the countries of the east (China/Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, S. Korea, India) vie for economic and scientific ascendancy, not to mention military power. In terms of population and economic activity the conclusion is unavoidable: the hegemony exercised by the European/N American axis for perhaps the last two or three hundred years is being fundamentally challenged for the first time. Obama’s policy of redirecting attention to the Pacific Rim is evidence of it as is the more prominent role of Australia as American ally in the region. China is now only second to Canada as investor in the US economy. Obama is in the position of challenging China, whilst aware that without it the American economy/dollar would collapse – not a strong negotiating position.

    What is intriguing is that with this shift in global power we appear to have witnessed a rise in terrorist, natural or other disasters that can of course be only coincidental.

    On 12 October 2002 a bomb exploded in the tourist district of Bali, Indonesia. The attack killed 202 people (including 88 Australians, 38 Indonesians, 27 Britons, 7 Americans, 6 Swedish citizens and 3 Danish citizens) and a further 240 people injured; on the 26th December, 2004 an earthquake caused sunami kills 230,000 people in 14 countries; on the 26th November, 2008 a series of twelve coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days occurred across Mumbai, carried out by Pakistani members of Lashkar-e-Taiba. Ajmal Kasab, the only attacker who was captured alive, later confessed upon interrogation that the attacks were conducted with the support of Pakistan Government’s intelligence agency ISI; in July 2009 violent conflict between Uyghurs and Han Chinese erupted in east China; on 4 September 2010 an earthquake hit Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand; on Friday 11 March 2011 the most powerful earthquake ever recorded to have hit Japan occurred, that resulted in widespread inundation in coastal areas, many deaths and much structural damage to structures and the disablement and subsequent catastrophic explosion in four nuclear reactors at Fukushima; on 8th March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijin, China, flight MH370 disappeared and has never been located; on 17 July 2014, MH17, an identical Boeing aircraft was shot down over Ukraine, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew on board. Now Indian Coast Guard patrol vessels have intercepted a “suspicious” Pakistani fishing boat in the Arabian Sea (January 1, 2015) thwarting what some in the Indian security establishment contended could have been another attempt to unleash mayhem like the 26/11 strikes in Mumbai. It blew up!

    These events, both natural and man-made have to be spliced with highly suspect terrorist events in Turkey, Spain, Boston and London not to mention the on-going mayhem in Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Syria, UAE, the Sudan and N. Nigeria. In common it would seem, radical Islam. Or is it western, by which we mean CIA/MI6/Mossad, clandestine involvement? Oil, nuclear, raw materials and drugs strangely are frequent elements also. Also rather strangely some geographical areas of the world appear to have been quite undisturbed by this phenomenon despite having to cope no doubt with their own very real and serious problems. Attacks of nuclear facilities in Iraq, Syria and Iran by Israel set a suspicious precedent for recent radioactive emissions in Ukraine, not to mention Japan itself.

    What may we conclude from this catalogue of disasters apart from the fact that the world remains a very dangerous place? Does a pattern emerge? That is the million dollar, yuan or yen question. If you suggest there is you are likely to be ridiculed as a “conspiracy theorist”. How paradoxical is that, when that is the very position of the people that ridicule. This is not a dispute over whether there is conspiracy or not but what conspiracy, by whom, prevails.

    Cameron says those who question the official conspiracy are akin to terrorists. Now the CIA say the same about those that peacefully protest. In my mind, these and other statements are sufficient to sway the argument and point to the more likely conspiracy theory.

  • Tim Veater

    “Politics and crime are the same thing.”

    “Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.”

    The Godfather III

  • Tim Veater

    Needless to say I intended to include the two recent Asian aircraft crashes. Nor have I gone into detail how public explanations of these and other events seldom tell the whole story of alternative explanations and convoluted relationships of which my Kurion example is an innocent one linking a French nuclear company with an American company profiting from a Japanese nuclear disaster, caused by an earthquake tsunami and hydrogen explosion in reactors provided with monitoring equipment by an Israeli company, that according to an UN poses no human or environmental risk. Or so we are told.

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