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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Pink

    I also think SAH going into the Shoppi and talking with RF a fellow iraqi might be likely as they were at the Mill house.
    BB supplied the link I just saved it I wonder if they asked him if he had seen anyone .


    30 Aug, 2015 – 9:53 am

    ” SAH encounters X5 driver at the FIB, a popular spot with tourists. X5 driver appears to be another tourist, a fellow Brit. It would have been the most natural thing for SAH with his limited French to ask a fellow Brit to take a few snaps of his family. It would have been equally natural for X5 driver to ask SAH where he intended to go next – the Martinet.”

  • James

    WBM ….heading up hill on his bike, sees the Citroen van coming down.
    The same van seen by the Al Hilli family (ZAH).

    So WBM is not in the X5, but on the route.

    Then the MC from Lyon (we assume) passes WBM.
    The police speak to MC(L). Maybe he remembers this (and was the route down the he took)

    So WBM is not in the X5, but on the route.

    (Unless the Citroen van driver doesn’t recall seeing WBM AND/OR the MC(L) doesn’t recall seeing WBM)

  • James

    TP appears not to believe the “last photo” was taken at the FIB (1515).

    Does that mean
    1. There was another photo taken after the “FIB” (1515) one ?
    2. The last photo was taken at the “Flower House” (1508) ?

  • Pink
    using google translate

    “Sylvie Lecoeur produces a receipt to show the time when she traded food Wednesday. 15:59 it says at the top.

    The British rider, they found the four shot dead persons and injured seven-year-old alerted police at around 15:50 o’clock. The cyclist is deemed to have come to the site shortly after the murders.
    When Sylvie Lecoeur sat in the car and started driving home, she met a white car of a larger model.
    – It came with such speed that we both had to swerve properly for not crashing. I was forced off of the road. He drove safely 90 km / h.
    The man was alone in the white car and she describes him as a well-groomed man of 25-30 years old.
    – He had a black shirt or sweater on and looked välfriserad and dress properly.”

  • James

    How does ONF2 see Mollier, but not see Al Hilli OR Martin ?

    How does MC(L) see “nobody” ?
    Not Mollier, Al Hilli OR Martin ????

    One thought would be… ONF2 stops, speaks to and moves on MC(L) and then remains working as MC(L) leaves the hairpins and departs the Combe D’Ire.

    So was there a second motorcyclist ?
    Or has that been made up ?

  • michael norton

    One bit of information could tell us if “intentional clouding” has happened.

    Does the mysterious motorcyclist from “LYON” look like the E-FIT-SKETCH?

  • Peter

    @ Pink, 30 Aug, 2015 – 12:12 pm

    That piece of research was of Bluebird’s usual standard: the guy in question did not operate a store, but was a market trader. Said market trading business was wound up in June 2012. He may or may not be of Iraqi origin, though.

    Anyway, I have been mulling over various alternative explanations for SAH’s detour from Route du Moulin: visiting yet another tourist sight on the way, looking for a place to inflate his wonky rear tyre, buying some cold drinks for the family before venturing out to the Martinet. The latter is the one that I prefer, and the nearest place to get some beverages would have been at Chemin des Cyclamens in Doussard.

  • Pink

    Well an obvious connection in all this is “The slaughter of horses”
    I see Jose Bove was on it he has turned up before demonstrating in Mr Bewicks area if I remember rightly.

  • Good In Parts


    How does ONF2 see Mollier, but not see Al Hilli OR Martin ?

    Zeena was ‘driving’ for the final stage of their journey. SAH almost certainly pulled over at some point as he drove up the combe in order for Zeena to hop into the front of his car. During this brief stop, maybe in a layby or a side track, ONF2 drove past.

    As to WBM, seeing is not remembering. Mollier was on a bright white expensive velo and was charging up the road, whereas WBM was on a bog standard middle age spread mountain bike. What’s to remember?

  • Pink

    Peter I don’ think on reflection BB said Iraqi she said would speak arab and he had a motorbike business as well as food and the context was SAH looking for a tyre repair so that’s why she thought he might choose RF .

  • James


    …that would work (ONF2 not seeing Al Hilli parked and ONF2 not seeing the “nothing to see” WBM) APART FROM THE FACT that WBM didn’t see ONF2 either !

    “How does ONF2 see Mollier, but not see Al Hilli OR Martin ?”

    I’ll re-phrase that question.

    How does ONF2 (who sees Mollier) NOT SEE Martin. And Martin NOT SEE the ONF2 unit ?

    (I always thought ONF2 “turned off” the route BEFORE they passed WBM who was climbing….but that may not be so !)

  • Good In Parts


    To the average van driver, bicycles are basically invisible much like double yellow lines and no-U-turn signs.

    My current, personal understanding, is that WBM probably did see ONF2, in the form of the “large vehicle” that passed him coming down the track.

    If you parse his actual words they are strictly accurate. He probably has no recollection of an ONF logo or any other definitive feature that would identify this as an ONF vehicle.

    There was the same sort of rigorous, almost pedantic, accuracy from him when referring to SAH passing him going up the combe. He used a phrase something like “what I now understand to be SAH’s car” Again indicating that this identification was likely made by the gendarmes.

    From my perspective his attitude is a good thing. Just look at the robot portrait debacle. I think it is probable that the gendarmes, primed by the usage of side opening helmets by motorcycle cops (and l’arme de terre), firmed-up a vague description by the ONF pair into a specific item that they almost certainly did not actually see*. And the ONF2 witnesses went along with this process!

    How much time was wasted going down this rabbit hole? Not to mention that the ‘rare helmet type’ was the reason for not releasing the portrait robot to the media.

    (*)The Lyon MC rider denies owning such a helmet.

  • James


    I get what you’re saying. But (run with this)….

    Neither ONF2 or WBM confirm seeing each other.
    So, neither were in the “immediate area” at the same time as the other.

    Both are however linked to (the alive) Mollier by “time/location”.

    And both are linked (see) to “Mr Lyon” (caveat.. if the biker is singular).

    If both ONF2 and WBM never sight each other BUT both sight Mr Mollier and Mr Lyon in the “approximate location”….then the only things that can be altered is “the where” and “the when”.

    We’ll come back to that.

    Now add in (the “possibly/likelihood) that WBM is passed by SAH, as both parties climb the hill towards the Martinet.

    Al Hilli reaches the car park before Mollier, so we assume that “at that very point” Mollier is between Al Hilli (car park) and Martin (climbing).
    And more than likely he was.

    Mollier can out-pace Martin on the flat. I’m sure he did.
    And as an avid hill-climber, he’ll be off up that hill a lot faster also. But Mollier’s journey isn’t a smooth one. He (likely) stops somewhere to take that phone call from his ex-wife.

    Back to “How ONF2 saw Mollier, but no one else”.

    Mollier has stopped. Martin hasn’t.
    Yet Martin still doesn’t catch up to Mollier. Infact Martin is so far behind Mollier (even after Mollier’s stop) that Martin doesn’t arrive at the car park for another five or ten minutes after the shooting.

    The question therefore is, when and where did ONF2 see Mollier (and miss Martin and Al Hilli) ?
    A possibility would be, Mollier entered the climb way ahead of either Martin or Al Hilli.
    And it was as Mollier entered the climb that ONF2 saw him. Thus ONF2 (with relative ease) misses seeing Martin and/or Al Hilli.

    BUT… what of the biker ?
    If ONF2 stops him, speaks to him and re-directs him (at the hairpins), where does he go ?

    If Martin later crossed paths with him, he must have remained somewhere on the Combe D’Ire ? But why ? He was taking a “short-cut” home. That would imply he wished to “save time” in getting home. Why would he wait about.

    There would be “considerable time” that would have elapsed between ONF2 interacting with him (and ONF2 passing Mollier in the lower reaches of the climb) and the same biker later passing Martin. (if you go with the above scenario).

    That leaves just two possibilities (each with there own “sub plots”).

    1. The biker “eventually” exited the Combe D’Ire.
    He passes Martin.

    2. The biker “earlier” exited the Combe D’Ire (via whichever route).
    Martin’s biker most certainly isn’t from Lyon.

    All that is based upon “Where did ONF2 sight Mollier”. And we are not privy to that information.
    But based upon the fact that “neither ONF2 or WBM saw each other, but both saw SM at some point”, it seems logical.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 30 Aug, 2015 – 10:42 pm

    Let us assume that Suhaila also had an offshore bank account in Switzerland, and that she planned to withdraw the money to gift to her nieces from that account during their tragic holiday. All that she would have needed to take along with her for that purpose would have been her passport. (It would have been a smart move for her to leave her customer card and/or Maestro card at home, because these cards tend to arouse suspicion at border controls.)

    A funny thing about Swiss banking secrecy laws is that even a Swiss prosecutor cannot go on a fishing expedition regarding bank accounts, i.e., write to all the banks and ask them whether the late Mrs so-and-so had an account with them. That would be unlawful, particularly if, as in the present case, Mrs so-and-so was not suspected of a serious crime.

    Given that spyware was found on the (notebook?) computer that she had with her, it is a fair assumption that her domestic PC was also infected with spyware. Anyway, whoever had access to those data knew all her passwords, and whoever had access to her flat in Tumba had access to her customer card from the bank (and/or her late husband’s customer card, who presumably opened that account in the first place). That combination, knowledge of her passwords including her online banking PIN, plus physical access to her bank customer card, being able to stick that card into a TAN generator, would have allowed the Tumba burglar to clean out her Swiss bank account. If she was prudent enough to leave her customer card at home, it would even allow that burglar to clean out her account without anybody ever knowing. Unless somebody presented her official death certificate at the bank, the bank would not be entitled to freeze or close her account. Likewise, unless directly asked by the authorities about a specific bank account associated with her, the bank would be forbidden in law to reveal the existence of said account.

    In short, if Suhaila followed established practice and left her bank customer card at home (most offshore clients instead write down their account number on a scrap of paper, often in encrypted form or formatted to look like a telephone number), the Tumba burglar would have been able to clean out her Swiss bank account and remove all traces that she ever had one. That could potentially be a motive for murder, but the drawback of this scenario is that nobody, not even the Swiss prosecutor Dario Zanni, could verify or falsify it.

  • michael norton

    As far as we have been allowed to know,
    Eric Maillaud has brought in two persons for questioning, as having potentially being the motorcyclist at Le Martinet who was likely to be either the assassin or the helper of the assassin.
    He was seemingly convinced that Eric Devouassoux was either the assassin or a collaborator to the assassination.
    No recent news about Eric Devouassoux other than he is no longer considered to be the assassin
    but he is a dead ringer for the E-FIT-SKETCH.

    Then, much later the mysterious person of untouchableness from “LYON”

    who no sooner spoken to by the authorities is dismissed with undue haste, even before the public knew he had been discovered.
    Does that smack of FRENCH STATE involvement?

    However, if neither of these “bikers” are the killer, is there yet another mysterious biker at the scene?

  • James


    There are question marks surrounding the “untouchable Mr Lyon”. These may not necessarily mean he was involved…but merely support the concept that he (nor ONF2) saw WBM (or Al Hilli).

    It maybe Mr Lyon exited the Combe D’Ire way before WBM (or SM) entered it. Thus, only ONF2 saw SM as he entered the climb.

    Or it maybe that Mr Lyon “disregarded” the challenge by ONF2. He feigned compliance. Stopped somewhere. And exited along his previously intended route (over the Col via an empty car park).

    Either way, it leaves the possibility of a second MC present in the area.
    One which may have only been sighted by WBM.

  • michael norton

    Questions for the Untouchable MISTER LYON

    1) why was he up the combe of Ire, on his way home to LYON, when it is a no through route?
    2) in what way does being up the combe of Ire help with his pastime of parapente?
    3) what has he done with the special side-opening motorcycle helmet?
    4) does he have a “SPECIAL” arrangement with the FRENCH STATE,
    which makes him UNTOUCHABLE?

  • michael norton

    Gareth Williams
    the British spy found dead in a bag had infuriated his new bosses
    at MI6 by illegally hacking into secret U.S.A. data on Bill Clinton.

    The British spy whose body was found padlocked inside a bag in his flat had illegally hacked into secret data on former U.S.A. president Bill Clinton, it has been revealed.

    Gareth Williams, 31, was discovered in a holdall in the bath at his London home five years ago this month, but the mystery surrounding his death has never been solved,
    even though he worked for MI6?

    Today, it has been revealed the spy had dug out a guest list for an event Clinton was due to attend, as a favour for a friend.
    The hack breached Mr Williams’ security clearance and this sparked anger among MI6 bosses as tensions rose with U.S.A. security services over the spy’s transatlantic work,
    The Sun on Sunday has reported.

    A source said: “The Clinton diary hack came at a time when Williams’ work with America was of the most sensitive nature.

    It was a diplomatic nightmare for Sir John Sawers, the new director of MI6 at the time.”

    The paper has also reported that voicemail messages Mr Williams, a maths genius and expert cryptographer, left for family and friends were deleted shortly after his death.

    Earlier this month, it was revealed that detectives who investigated the mysterious death believe he was murdered and that his killers then broke back in through a skylight to cover their tracks.

    The claim centers on the revelation that part of the forensic equipment placed in the flat after the body was found, WAS MOVED
    – despite the fact the building was under armed police guard.

    The theory supports his family’s suspicions he was murdered by
    “agents specialising in the dark arts of the secret services”.

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