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That is true.
The tale of Citroen van has never officially been told.
Not by Eric
It was only JMD that said there was one.
…and WBM saying he was passed by a large vehicle.
Big important “chunks” are missing.
The Citroen van.
The (likelihood) of the second motorcyclist.
The possible photographer.
A “source close to the investigation”….. needs to up his/her game !
How would she know that did she take him to the airport and put him on the plane,did she know him ,he could have said that and done no such thing it doesn’t sound quite right unless he was there to see her.
“She said: “That was an Italian man who was here. He left and got on his plane as was planned.”
There is a sort of cloud over the MC the feeling that there must have been another one perhaps LMC was up the hill to get a phone signal and tell bike 2 who was concealed that SM was on his way back down and then the ONF vehicle goes and ruins the plot by driving past the layby.
It’s time to say at Mr.Eric Maillaud :
“Quoi de neuf Docteur ?”
and for my english friends
Why would the ENGLISH side of the investigation remain so tight lipped?
Why was the inquest of the three, so understated?
Why is the Member of Parliament for Claygate, so silent on these issues.
Why does he not bring to the House of Commons
the farcial three years investigation into the Slaughter of the Horses,
after all
how many mass murders of his constituents have there been over the last three years?
I went back in time. The pictures
The new photos show the family from Claygate, Surrey, enjoying themselves in the countryside around Lake Annecy on September 5th.
Officers hope that the images discovered in the family’s BMW will help advance the inquiry, which has so far yielded no suspects.
All were taken in front of a picturesque house covered in flowers outside Doussard, a town close to the village of Chevaline.
The pictures show the family looking relaxed and happy, after parking the car for a few holiday snaps.
Witnesses who saw them reportedly said the family was “certainly unaware of the doom that awaited them”.
They added that dates and times are shown, helping detectives in understanding the sequence of events leading to their demise.
(I will try to find a french source, from oct 5th, saying the same)
In all french news itmes (so far) I read
L’enquête de voisinage se poursuit à l’aide de photos prises par la famille al-Hilli quelques heures avant le drame.
X waiting for SAH
SM and LMC have meeting at the lay-by observed by X
SAH arrives so they relocate to the higher ground or SM’s phone goes and he can’t get a signal so they move higher .
X overhears and knows MC and SM in vicinity
Onf comes along says to LMC get thee gone your not allowed up here
SM talks to LR so he stays put cos he is allowed up there
LMC and ONF go down
SM finishes chat and sets off back down
X sees ONF and MC exit assumes SM has carried on his way across the bike tracks .
X strikes at SAH
SM rides in.
I know its weak because ONF not seeing SM as far as we know but could the times work for SM getting the call and lingering longer at the top getting ONF and LMC clear and down before the attack or does the call have to be earlier ?
P.S won’t be here to respond just food for thought really.
Found it !
Trusty ol SB from
Essential piece of info
TUERIE DE CHEVALINE Des photos des al-Hilli prises quelques minutes avant le drame
Alors que l’enquête piétine, un élément est venu apporter un éclairage nouveau sur la tuerie de Chevaline. Cette semaine, les gendarmes ont montré aux villageois des photos prises par la famille al-Hilli quelques minutes avant le drame et retrouvées dans le véhicule familial, afin de savoir si des témoins pouvaient les avoir aperçus.
Une famille paisible, ignorant tout du danger qui l’attendait
Des clichés de vacances montrant une famille visiblement paisible, ayant pris le temps de stopper la voiture au bord de la route, devant une petite maison joliment fleurie à Arnand, un petit hameau de Doussard qui jouxte Chevaline. Un cliché de vacances immortalisant une scène champêtre, comme en ont pris des milliers de touristes en Haute-Savoie.
Une image qui semble montrer, surtout, que la famille ignorait tout du funeste destin qui l’attendait dans la combe d’Ire.
D’après les témoins qui ont pu voir ces clichés, la date et l’heure figuraient sur les images. Des informations qui ont permis aux enquêteurs de reconstituer précisément le trajet des al-Hilli entre le camping de Saint-Jorioz et le parking du Martinet, où s’est déroulé le massacre.
Ces photos banales de famille en vacances semblent en tout cas peu compatibles avec les pistes faisant de Saad al-Hilli un homme traqué et venu en Haute-Savoie pour fuir une éventuelle menace…
Par S.B. | Publié le 05/10/2012 à 06:01
petite maison
There are not so many houses like that. I don’t think FIB rates as this. But, street viewing Arnand, I may have found the ‘little house in Arnand’
What do you think ?
@ Max
Some more detail here:
Selon une source proche de l’enquête, « la famille Al-Hilli a musardé sur les routes des villages avoisinants sans se presser », comme en témoigne une série de trois photos prises à 15 h 15 par la grand-mère, Suhaila, 74 ans, dans le hameau de Arnand, à deux pas de Chevaline. Posant devant les fermes et chalets les mieux décorés, les membres de la famille apparaissent souriants et décontractés. « Ils s’arrêtent à plusieurs reprises comme une famille en promenade. Ils n’allaient visiblement pas à un rendez-vous programmé sur la combe d’Ire », insiste un proche de l’enquête.
Sur les clichés pris dans le hameau d’Arnand, près de Chevaline, on voit les membres de la famille Al-Hilli poser tour à tour, là devant une maison fleurie, plus loin le long d’un torrent.
Google link
They might have parked the car here
And walked a bit around in Arnand. Seems very plausible to me.
What also could have happened is that they WALKED to FIB, and then back to the parking. And from then on went to Martinet but via Chevaline, passing LFR !
This would explain my problem that SAH turned around at FIB
Ohhh, how simple an explanation this would turn out to be
Btw, walking to FIB is only 450 meters, a 5 minute walk
@ Peter
Thanks for the extra info !!
@ Max, 3 Sep, 2015 – 9:09 am
Yep, that is it. They parked the car and walked around (as it actually says in the articles, walking around and stopping multiple times). However, I do think that the FIB is the “petite maison” “plus loin le long d’un torrent”. It may not look “fleurie” on Google Streetview, but it may have been at the time.
Interestingly the petite maison house and FIB are a 5 minute walk apart. And JMD has a 15h08 photo versus the 15h12/17 FIB series. It seems to fit!
Although I’m still hesitant.
Not so much about the ‘petite maison’ which I think is that little house in Arnand … but the walk to FIB. Would SAH have walked along side the road ?
(I’m looking at the map, see if there is another path)
That’s an interesting quote (when read in the “walking” context…
“la famille Al-Hilli a musardé sur les routes des villages avoisinants sans se presser”
I now also can imagine SAH saying after the Arnand walk
‘Lets check Chevaline’
So they drive trough Chevaline. Less fleurie houses, and they bump into the Combe d’Ire Sign.
SAH saying something like
‘Lets see what is up there’
@ Pink 03/09/2015 08.17 hours
What if the reason LYON M/C is so honourable and unnamable is because he works for a branch of French Inteligence as did Sylvain Mollier, these two were on the same job, that day, however LYON man is sent down the combe by ONF2 leaving briefly on his own, before the family al-Hilli turned up for the meet. It is possible LYON M/C was supposed to be the armed back-up for Sylvain, who was not armed.
But if this happened, I really have a hard time believing some X was constantly checking/following SAH and killed them at Martinet.
This only works if X was sure SAH would arrive at Martinet … and even then … how did X know that Martinet would be a better spot to kill SAH then e.g. FIB ??
Let’s face it. The SM = target just seems more plausible than the SAH hit
So, maybe armed LYON M/C goes above Le Martinet to hide, to keep an eye on the meet but from a short distance.
Sylvain unarmed waits in the parking at Le Martinet, however, just before the family al-Hilli turn up, ONF 2 direct LMC down the combe, moments later the assasins leap out of the woods and blow Mollier away, then finish off the family al-Hilli.
This might have been the ‘Arnand walk’
Going down the combe of IRE from Le Martinet, a short distance, there is sharp turn off
to the right.
LMC, after having been directed down combe by ONF 2 might have waited there, no use to Mollier, he was dead seconds later, so LMC slowly descends the combe, passing WBM cycling up to the scene of the slaughter.
DIfficult one for LMC to report back to HQ total balls up, all parties assumed dead.
I would interpret matters as follows: they parked the car in Route de la Bossière and decided to follow the course of the river Ire on foot (first because they might have hoped to encounter a martinet along the way, secondly because following a river is the best way to avoid getting lost).
They took the first photo at 15:08 (or had someone take it for them). They reached the FIB shortly before 15:15. This is where the grandmother took the final set of three photos.
Les dernières photos ont été prises à 15h15 (…)
(…) comme en témoigne une série de trois photos prises à 15 h 15 par la grand-mère, Suhaila, 74 ans, dans le hameau de Arnand (…)
Having reached the FIB, they decided that they had done enough walking and returned to the car.
… to continue: having got back to their car at around 15:22, they decided to take the Chemin Rural de Chevaline à Armand, because they had just walked past it and because there is a signpost there indicating that this is the way to the Combe d’Ire.
@ Peter
I completely agree !