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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    Ouvea Cave Hostage Taking, New Caledonia, 1988

    The Commando Hubert team cleared a 50 metre area in front of the machine gun position with flamethrowers.

  • michael norton

    “France took formal possession of New Caledonia in 1853 and, by the 1870s, three crucial themes in New Caledonia’s history were already present: a nickel rush, Melanesian opposition to land acquisition and the growth of a European population at the expense of the indigenous Melanesian population, known as Kanaks, who became a minority. The extent of land alienation, the bitterness of the dispossessed and mutual incomprehension between Melanesians and Europeans provoked a sustained and bloody revolt in 1878, the longest and most violent reaction to European colonization in the island Pacific.”

    “Access to employment has scarcely improved from the 1980s, strikes became more common in the 1990s and frustrations over the French presence have scarcely changed. These were rekindled in 1995 with the election of Jacques Chirac as French president, the resumption of nuclear testing in French Polynesia”

    “During the Second World War, New Caledonia became a major US military base.”

  • michael norton

    France most notorious and internationally best-known novelist Michel Houellebecq insisted Saturday that his new book “Submission”, which envisions a future France ruled by a Muslim government, is not a far-right racist scare story.

    “Submission”, which is released in French on Wednesday, has been the subject of intense debate in recent weeks, particularly for its portrayal of Islam.

    This book might stir things up in France,
    a bit.

  • Tim Veater

    Vocalising and confirming what is now common knowledge. Gathering, collating and sharing intelligence. Five eyes towards the compound eye. “We can find you, and track you wherever you are.” Edward Snowden interview in Germany, blocked in America. He gives away no detailed contents of traffic, only that the surveillance takes place. So we must conclude that the American Executive and Legislature that are meant to represent the people, does not want it to know what it is actually doing in contravention of its own laws and Constitution. This is the pretty pass to which are so-called democracies have descended. The representatives unable or unwilling to represent. So what justification can there be for them being there?

  • Tim Veater

    sorry I misread it second time. I was right first time around. “Are” it is. I wish there was a correction facility on here as it’s so easy to make typing or correction errors that on reflection seem so stupid. Apologies all.

  • Tim Veater

    What, as you grow older and less impressed by urban myths, is that State security agencies have far more in common with each other, than what divides them. Here’s some background of Litvinenko, who of course was poisoned using radioactive polonium.

    “In Blowing Up Russia he claimed it was the FSB who had secretly exploded bombs which destroyed four apartment blocks, killing 294 people in Moscow, Buynaksk, and Volgodonsk. The Kremlin had blamed the Chechens and used the blasts as the pretext for the second Chechen war.”

    Interesting how the precautionary response by government to their home shows some very similar approaches to that of SAH’s Surrey property. It was one of the very clear indicators from the very first, the Chevaline incident was known to be no ordinary murders, despite the French Prosecutor trying to persuade everyone that it was.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    ” It was one of the very clear indicators from the very first, the Chevaline incident was known to be no ordinary murders, despite the French Prosecutor trying to persuade everyone that it was. ”
    Agreed, assuming there are actually such things as ‘ordinary murders’. Despite the joint enquiry, the keyword is French!
    At least the British Coroner could provide detailed information about the wounds suffered by the victims.

  • Tim Veater

    Apart from all the suspicious deaths following 9/11, that circumstantially point to an institutionalised covert policy of murdering or incarcerating anyone with eye-witness or logical arguments that contradicted the official explanation, the illegal and immoral behaviour against captives is now OFFICIAL despite all the redactions and retentions.

    With all we know of CIA activity over decades around the world, up to and including domestic acts of terror and the death of Presidents including its own, even if it was not involved in the Chevaline killings, let no one be any doubt that it has the capability of doing so. Nor if this were the case it would receive the complete support and protection of the highest organs of state, although “plausible deniability” has for long time been a CIA philosophy.


    Some of us here, based on a variety of indicators, dared to suggest Western/Israeli secret services organisations could have been involved. Indeed from the beginning this was widely discussed on the web but generally given little credence in the MSM. In certain dedicated sites, including this one, there were those who consistently poured scorn on the idea, replicating EM’s every theory (but) the most likely one.

    There is no doubt, the news that emerged of Iqbal’s previous marriage to an American, her residence there for a time, and his subsequent death in less than satisfactorily explained circumstances, within literally hours of her own, must, even in the minds of the most naive, raise the likelihood of a CIA involvement, even if only peripherally.

  • Tim Veater

    5 Jan, 2015 – 1:25 pm earlier here I had the temerity to discuss the English Coroner’s Inquest and its findings. (Perhaps you missed it?) Not only were the reports in the media abridged and limited but the process itself was patently designed not to delve too deeply or cause “waves” in any direction, other than ZAH’s finger pointing towards a French cause and a French cover-up. Some of the carefully chosen revelations (there could have been many more) were limited in their usefulness, but where they did, as with the injuries, they added to the confusion without explanation. Amazingly in such a high-profile case, as far as I am aware, it was carried out without a jury! It had all the makings of a fudge along the lines of David Kelly or Gareth Williams, to name but two examples.

    The almost complete silence from, or results of, the unprecedented British police investigation, involving as it did joint co-operation across national boundaries and Interpol, not to mention no doubt, unreported channels of communication with MI5/6/FBI and CIA, can only mean information and knowledge is being suppressed from the public domain. Only national security interests could be invoked to secure this, further confirmation that this was no “ordinary” killing, even if all the other circumstantial evidence had been absent.

    The scandals surrounding Savile in Britain and the way in which reported abuse of minors up to and including alleged murder was investigated (or not as the case may be) may be unconnected to the Chevaline case, but at least provides hard evidence how uncomfortable subjects were either shelved or manipulated to give the impression of police investigation, when the opposite was actually the case. (Lost papers, destroying evidence. Complainants being threatened by agents of the state. Setting parameters too wide. Suggesting inappropriate chair persons. Taking too long. Disbanding soon after starting etc.) We have all the signs that Chevaline falls into the same category. The appearance and claim of genuine investigation when different criteria are being employed.

    Britain may have not ordered or taken part in the executions (although it probably played a significant role or was fully cognisant in setting up the meeting where it took place) it has subsequently, whilst being energetic in protecting (for whatever reason) the surviving members of the family, taken the view that it will remain silent as to causes and perpetrators. Again, only high level security or political interests could have dictated such an approach.

  • Tim Veater

    Recent revelations about “goings-on” involving HRH Prince Andrew may not be wholly unrelated and have deep roots. Robert Maxwell, who many believe was assassinated, also it is claimed was a Mossad spy with close links into Russian KGB and Mafia. His daughter, Ghislaine Maxwell is intimately connected to Jeffrey Epstein around whom the scandal centres. Epstein it is claimed, is also a Mossad agent who kept what he called his “Holy Grail” list of important and black-mailable persons. The main claimant now lives in Australia it is reported. Yet again an Australian walk-on part. Embarrassment for the British Royal Family is seldom accidental and may also be a warning shot of more to follow if Britain does not play ball in other spheres, that may include fingering activity elsewhere, of which it is undoubtedly aware. Not only individuals can be blackmailed. It is quite feasible that those naked photos of Harry were not innocent (in either sense) either?

    This is a lift from earlier report on Maxwell. Note the same old links east, west and south that have cropped up in Chevaline. It gives a clue to why such secrecy surrounds the latter case. Potentially a lot could hang on it if the truth were told, so to speak.

    QUOTE: “According to an article in the UK’s Daily Mirror, by Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon, in 2002, British Publisher Robert Maxwell Was A Mossad Spy.

    Robert Maxwell “threatened Mossad.

    “He told them that unless they gave him £400million to save his crumbling empire, he would expose all he had done for them.

    “In that time, he had free access to Margaret Thatcher’s Downing Street, to Ronald Reagan’s White House, to the Kremlin and to the corridors of power throughout Europe.

    “On top of that he had built himself a position of power within the crime families of eastern Europe, teaching them how to funnel their vast wealth from drugs, arms smuggling and prostitution to banks in safe havens around the globe.

    “Maxwell passed on all the secrets he learned to Mossad in Tel Aviv. In turn, they tolerated his excesses, vanities and insatiable appetite for a luxurious lifestyle and women.

    “He told his controllers who they should target and how they should do it. He appointed himself as Israel’s unofficial ambassador to the Soviet Bloc. Mossad saw the advantage in that.

    “Having learned many of the key secrets of the Soviet empire, Maxwell was given his greatest chance to be a super spy.

    “Mossad had stolen from America the most important piece of software in the US arsenal.

    “Maxwell was given the job of marketing the stolen software, called Promis.
    “Mossad had reconstructed the software and inserted into it a device which enabled them to track the use any purchaser made of the it. Sitting in Israel, Mossad would know exactly what was going on inside all the intelligence services that bought it.

    “In all, Maxwell sold it to 42 countries, including China and Soviet Bloc nations. But his greatest triumph was selling it to Los Alamos, the very heart of the US nuclear defence system.

    “The more successful Maxwell became the more risks he took and the more dangerous he was to Mossad. At the same time, the very public side of Maxwell, who then owned 400 companies, began to unwind.

    “He spent lavishly and lost money on deals. The more he lost, the more he tried to claw money from the banks. Then he saw a way out of his problems.


    “He was approached by Vladimir Kryuchkov, head of the KGB. Spymaster and tycoon met in the utmost secrecy in the Kremlin.

    “Kryuchkov had an extraordinary proposal. He wanted Maxwell to help orchestrate the overthrow of Mikhail Gorbachev, the reformist Soviet leader. That would bring to an end a fledgling democracy and a return to the Cold War days.

    “In return, Maxwell’s massive debts would be wiped out by a grateful Kryuchkov, who planned to replace Gorbachev. The KGB chief wanted Maxwell to use the Lady Ghislaine, named after Maxwell’s daughter, as a meeting place between the Russian plotters, Mossad chiefs and Israel’s top politicians.

    “The plan was for the Israelis to go to Washington and say that democracy could not work in Russia and that it was better to allow the country to return to a modified form of communism, which America could help to control.

    “In return, Kryuchkov would guarantee to free hundreds of thousands of Jews and dissidents in the Soviet republics.

    “Kryuchkov told Maxwell that he would be seen as a saviour of all those Jews. It was a proposal he could not refuse. But when he put it to his Mossad controllers they were horrified. They said Israel would have no part in such a madcap plan.

    “For the first time, Maxwell had failed to get his own way. He started to threaten and bluster. He then demanded that, for past services, he should receive immediately a quick fix of £400million to bale him out of his financial difficulties.

    “Instead of providing the money, a small group of Mossad officers set about planning his murder.” ” END QUOTE.

  • Tim Veater

    All secret agencies use sex, either by procuring it or knowing about it, as a valuable tool to gain information, blackmail or “turn” individuals useful to them. It has been common knowledge since Profumo and F&CO advice to businessmen going abroad. This of course is not to say we learn much about how and when in specific instances it is or has been used and by whom, about what. Of all that we are kept completely in the dark, understandably. We have recently learned that sexual or other potentially damaging indiscretions were intentional discovered and logged by the Chief Whips office, to be used if and when, to encourage MP’s to tow party line. If Parliament does it, you can be sure MI6 even more so. It is what gives all recent Savile related stuff, and particularly the abysmal failure to curb, control or prosecute, so much more significant. By and large a “blind eye” was turned to it all, but that does not mean it was not used if circumstances required it as a tool of coercion or control. We know in the case of Elm House, the police actively discouraged/blocked further revelations that may have led to the very top of the political system at the time. The method closely mirrors that used by crime syndicates. As early as the late 60’s I had it on direct first-hand source, that London crime gangs that ran nightclubs had a sophisticated system in place not only to facilitate and/or supply prostitutes, but from the first moment a person set foot on their premises, they set to immediate work to profile and monitor any person of importance or influence. The role of the Kray brothers, Lord Boothby as regards male “escorts” has been well documented. There is no reason to believe this was a “one-off” or not replicated elsewhere. We do not know the practical consequences. We can be sure they were many and varied over time one of which, it is becoming increasingly clear, the use of the state “care” system to supply young persons of both sexes for sexual exploitation, with varying degrees of co-operation by those involved and varying outcomes.

  • michael norton

    There are a massive number of photographs of workers of Ugitech, Ugine.

    Was it ugitch

    that was the suggested employer of Sylvain Mollier

    Ugine would seem to have its own bow & arrow club, as well?

  • Tim Veater

    Who is immediately or ultimately behind this latest outrage, is yet to be determined. Al-Qaeda or other unspecified Muslim operatives are being accused. Long experience teaches us to be very wary of jumping to conclusions as to perpetrators or motive until all facts are revealed, if they ever are.

  • Tim Veater

    “Another, unnamed witness from an office across the corridor said she and her colleagues had heard “a huge boom. The someone opened the door to our office and asked where Charlie Hebdo was. He had a rifle. We backed away. Afterwards he left, we heard gunfire. We went to the windows, there were two men running with guns, speaking in bad French … They were shouting outside, and shooting again. Afterwards I saw someone leaving the building with his hands covered in blood.””
    Just a small point but note, “In bad French.”

  • Tim Veater

    and a rather strange thing this: an edited video on the Guardian web site taken it is said, from an on-lookers mobile phone, showing two tall athletic looking gun men fatally shooting a French policeman, stops almost immediately it begins with the message “A network error caused the download video to fail part-way.”

  • Tim Veater

    More to do with my connection than anything sinister it appears from later success at downloading. A chilling cold-blooded murder and we can only feel for the innocent victim and his loved ones, whilst condemning the brutal act that caused it. There are men and organisations that defy description some of whom did much the same at Chevaline. They are devoid of all empathy and mercy and deserve only utter contempt.

  • Tim Veater

    Looks like the near side shooter lost his trainer as he got out his vehicle and retrieves it after the deadly deed before getting back in. There will be people studying that new distinctive trainer I am sure. The suggestion is being made the men came from a Yemini Al Queda off shoot – French speaking of course.

  • michael norton

    “The skill with which the Paris gunmen operated suggests they are professionals with experience on the battlefield.”

    Not unlike “The Slaughter of the Horses Incident”

  • michael norton

    “They took careful aim and opened fire with double-tap shots.

    A policeman went down on the pavement about 20 yards away.

    The gunmen advanced with their rifles still on their shoulders, one a little in front of the other to provide mutual support.

    One jogged towards the downed policeman and murdered him with a single shot to the head – he did not even pause to take the shot.”

  • Tim Veater

    We should be swift to condemn atrocity whether from East or West (and West has been guilty of plenty) but slow to jump to conclusions as to perpetrators or motive. Recent history and events have taught us that at least. Apparently they spoke “Bad French” from which certain conclusions may be drawn. It may be significant that at least 37 people have been killed and 66 others injured by a car bomb blast outside a police academy in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa carried out, it is claimed by a “Al Queda affiliates” – actually anti-government, anti-Shia rebel Saudia Arabia backed Sunnis.
    These barbarous acts are embedded in, and cannot be extricated from, the whole Middle East mess, for which we cannot escape partial responsibilityNor should we interpret it as necessarily a response to anti-Muslim satire or attack on Western ideas of free speech. It is much more complicated and contrived than merely that. Sure, certain publishers intentionally put their heads above the parapet so to speak and become useful targets of those who wish to promote and intensify anti-Muslim feeling, but one only needs to compare the outrage generated by this event as compared to the Sanaa same-day incident killing 66, to see which is more effective at getting a Western reaction. We must ask “who benefits” from these attacks, if we wish to gain real insight as to who or what is behind them. Religion is merely the useful veneer behind which much more profound global schemes are played out.
    Now one unmistakable thing from the images that have emerged, is that the gunman share a remarkable likeness in garb, including top fashion trainers (!) to the people we have seen representing “ISIS” in all its forms. French/Syrian connections are so well known that this makes this source perhaps more likely than far-off UAE. If there is anything to to this, we should be fully aware of claims that ISIS is in fact an American/Israeli organisation with specific global aims in the region agreed with neighbouring Turkey over a year ago. How the role of France plays out in this has probably more to do with todays outrage than a few cartoons.…/u-s-embassy-in-ankara-headquarter…/

  • Tim Veater

    “Quite!” Michael Norton. These, as with Chevaline, are likely army-trained mercenaries, used by States to carry out atrocities (as I suggested over two years ago!) with predictable public opinion and policy results. More anti-Muslim rhetoric, more repressive laws with correspondingly unrestrained policing powers, less opposition to foreign military intervention supposedly intended to tackle the root of the problem but with very different political/economic aims. It is the essence of “False Flag” philosophy. What we witnessed in Paris, via an (innocent?) by-stander’s mobile phone is classical military training linked to desensitised, callous, intentional, murder. Why shoot the policeman in the head when he was already disabled and unable to pose a threat particularly as they were about to leave? As with Chevaline it shouts detailed planning and co-ordination. (They look into other rooms and ask for directions) Rather akin to the Woolwich incident where extreme brutality sits cheek by jowl with inoffensive, even considerate behaviour. This effectively rules out from a psychological standpoint, mental imbalance or irrational hate motivated violence. They have a plan; they are following instructions.

  • michael norton

    A man who shot and wounded two police officers
    in southern Paris this morning remains on the run,
    Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said, although police said they had arrested a 52-year-old man following the attack.

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