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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • M.

    Idiot in Jordan, has to be someone from the family of Canadian Hussein, not THE JORDANIANS. And Saad had no desire to set up home there either !

    ‘and that Saad has met his family in Jordan in 2006 but he was not present.’

    ‘I no longer use MSN since he took over my account one the idiots from Jordan and create many problems for me last year. ‘

    ’11:35 Saad al-Hilli Now I have to remember my PIN number on skype .. ha ha .. I did not even had a chance these days to use a computer.
    . Much time should be given to work and girls and so on ..
    I will try to open the Skype from work tomorrow.
    . Think I put a list of numbers confidentiality Mqkurti in action’

  • Good In Parts


    Good point!

    It could be that “one [of] the idiots from Jordan” was someone he came across during his visit to the family of Canadian Hussein.

    But hang on, SAH was certainly described as ‘outspoken’ however this IM chat log is actually between him and Canadian Hussein, who is now living in Jordan. As SAH states in the same IM post as that mentions idiots, “I can see you are living in Amman“.

    Outspoken or not, would he refer to immediate members of the family of the guy he is chatting with as idiots? Effectively they would be part of his own extended family too.

    I don’t quite see that. Could be some people they came across or were introduced to though.

  • michael norton

    “An impressive set of cartridges was discovered Friday morning in an apartment in the center of Bourgoin-Jallieu. The seizure was carried out as part of a consecutive search of the arrest of four individuals, late Thursday afternoon, by the gendarmes of La Tour-du-Pin bikes after a flight that morning. Among the 200 cartridges, some are 7.62 ammunition, a Kalashnikov caliber. No weapons were found. The investigation was entrusted to the police berjalliens.”

  • michael norton

    It is very important that Eric Maillaud or the Lieutenant colonel
    formally bring in Claire Schutz to put her under oath

    and make copmletely certain
    they fully grasp the reason for Sylvain Mollier having to recall Claire from her business that day so he could go out.
    Was this a special event?

    how hard could it be for Maillaud to call in Claire and put her under oath?

    It is almost as if they do not want to know if Mollier was involved?

  • M.

    James, he writes he’ll connect from work, I assume that means when he opened his computer there it was automatic.

    GIP, why not call someone an idiot, just because he’s family ? According to TP he wasn’t complimentary about ‘that’ brother-in-law ?

    In this context what does MSN mean ?

  • James


    Where did Saad work…. Google ?

    Maybe when he gets to work (where you assume his Skype has been left open), he could have a game of Ping-Pong, then a sauna.
    Maybe he could even have a walk round the “campus” grounds and a go in a driver-less car.

    Nope. He worked for a UK “hi-tech” Co.
    He’d no doubt “clock in” and “clock out”.
    He’d no doubt have a “time-sheet”.
    And I’d be very surprised if “company policy” allowed him to use “company broadband” for logging “in and out” of his Skype account (and chatting to his mates)

    Sounds like Saad (on his Facebook account) didn’t want to speak to his friend/family member at all.
    Sounds like “the old excuse” to me. Sounds like Saad never forgot his “pin” and had no intention of “logging on at work” !

  • Pink

    This was story that came up in 2012

    Updated 6/21/2012

    Who killed Iranian activist Gelareh Bagherzadeh?

    “Officers found her slumped over the steering wheel of her car outside a nearby garage door, the car’s front wheels still spinning, says Padilla, the investigator in the case. Her assailant fired four shots through the passenger-side window. One of them struck Bagherzadeh in the head, killing her instantly, he says. Her purse, jewelry, iPhone and wallet full of credit cards were left untouched in the car.”

    update 2014
    Murder, fraud suspect held without bond

    7:28 p.m. CDT May 29, 2014

    update 2015
    April 22, 2015

    3 suspects charged with 2012 shooting death of Iranian activist

  • Good In Parts


    Yeah, but, no, but yeah

    Access control sysyems do not record the project code, so the time sheet ends up being a spreadsheet. Also, if you read Parry SAH, on occasion, did his work from home.

    I would be very surprised if ‘company policy’ made any difference to engineers behaviour in this regard.

  • michael norton

    If a rich woman in France was shot dead in the middle of the night in her own home and the five gypsies who have been charged with her murder have been held in custody for more than SEVENTEEN MONTHS.

    Why would the court case not yet have gone ahead?

  • michael norton

    Could the reason why be:

    this woman was shot dead in her own home six days after the release of
    the Slaughter of the Horses E-FIT-SKETCH

    and the suspicion is these murders are connected?

  • michael norton

    It was reported that the mysterious unnamed motorcyclist from Lyon, was finally tracked down because on the day of the Slaughter of the Horses, he was using his mobile phone in Lathuile, a small village, with a population of less than one thousand inhabitants,
    not far from the scene of the Slaughter of the Horses.
    It has also been reported that a former policeman, previously brought in under suspicion of involvement in the Slaughter of the Horses, also lives/lived in Lathuile.
    It has also been reported that the alleged discoverer of the Slaughter of the Horses,
    also owns a property in Lathuile.

  • michael norton

    It makes you wonder if any of these items of information are connected?

    If some of these items of information are connected, then just maybe,
    the Slaughter of the Horses,
    has its origin in France and not as previously imagined in England.

  • michael norton

    There is only a single reason I can imagine
    why a rich woman in Lathuile, Haute-Savoie,
    who was shot in her own home, at night, six days after the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH.
    Six months later the five intruders/shootists
    are arrested, yet seventeen months later, there has not been a public court case.

    The single reason would be if this was not just five local idiots but “someone” had paid these five local idiots to frighten the shit out of the family Communal-Tournier,
    so they did not spill their guts as to their suspicions as to the killer/s of
    the Slaughter of the Horses.

  • michael norton

    So, let us imagaine that there is a lot going on in and around Lathuile.
    The place is awash with spies.
    The family al-Hilli and Sylvain Mollier are rubbed out at Le Martinet on 05/09/2012.
    No person is apprehended and there are few leads ( if you don’t look for them)
    “to confuse”, Eric Maillaud waits more than a year
    before he allows the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH
    of the mysterious biker who was seen leaving the scene of the slaughter by William Brett Martin as he ascended to the scene of the slaughter and then claimed he had come upon it.

    Six days later,( after the 13 month delay) after the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH
    the family Communal-Tournier are attacked in their home in LATHUILE.
    Nicole is shot dead.
    Maybe six months later five local persons are incaserated for the home-jacking and killing of Nicole.

    later nothing has been heard?

    As far we we are allowed to know, there has not been a public court case,

    what on earth could be delaying the public showing of justice.

    Justice must not only be done
    it must be seen to be done!!!

  • michael norton


    74210 DOUSSARD, Haute-Savoie

    have a guess who lives/lived there
    and have a guess which mysterious house is opposite?

  • michael norton

    Quote Bluebird 22 April 2014

    “The funny thing is that I already had him “on radar” back in september 2012 simply because he was the only Phillippe D. living in that environment of Lake d’Annecy. But then it was Bossy who appeared on screen (a guy who “makes conferences”) and Phillippe D. was debunked.

    Now the very same Phillippe D. pops up on radar once again. Of course that could be just bad coincidences and we won’t know the truth unless the court releases the names or at least the initials in relation to the Communal-Tournier killers.”

  • Good In Parts


    GIP, why not call someone an idiot, just because he’s family ? According to TP he wasn’t complimentary about ‘that’ brother-in-law ?

    Yep I did note that about the brother-in-law but that seemed to be his opinion voiced to friends, not voiced to say, his in-laws.

    I no longer use MSN since he took over my account one the idiots from Jordan and create many problems for me last year.

    There may be translation subtleties that are hidden from us, such as the word translated as ‘idiot’ being a weaker or even humorous word.

    However I would like to know what were the ‘many problems’ that were created for him. Originally I thought that having gotten control of his account, they (whoever the griefers were) had posted malicious messages in his name.

    Given the circumstances in the midle east, it occured to me that such ‘malicious messages’ could have contributed to the murders and that just possibly the griefers were a state level actor.

    I take your point though, about the possibility that this was actually caused by someone he had come across whilst visiting Jordan.

    Still, the on-line griefing issue does not disappear completely because there were other incidents, plus the bank account identity fraud.

  • M.

    GIP, agreed.

    Is it any wonder the family appear to have been the target, what a back story ! The strange identity fraud, the coincidental death of an ex-husband, a brother with mental health issues, a bigamous marriage, a sibling inheritance dispute, Swiss bank account, have I missed something ?

    MN, that chap is still operating as a carpenter, so he isn’t in custody.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 13 Sep, 2015 – 9:06 pm

    Why else would one take over somebody else’s MSN Messenger account, if not to engage in a little light trolling in the victim’s name? If you know a few basic details about the victim (specifically his e-mail address and postcode), the “I forgot my password” functionality makes it child’s play to request a new password that is sent to your own e-mail address rather than the victim’s. Once you have seized the account by means of the new password, you can set up e-mail forwarding in such a way that any attempts by the victim to request a new password and regain control over his account are automatically forwarded to your e-mail address. Even a Jordanian idiot can do this 😉

  • michael norton

    @ M that chap, Phillippe D.
    his carpentry business may still be a runner but
    it does not have to mean he is running it.

    Mr Lyon using his phone in Lathuile, I’ve seen it mentioned in a couple of newspapers but of course that does not mean it is true. At the time, Mr.Lyon was not known and we were thinking it was Mr. Devouassoux.
    There was and maybe there still is much confusion with Mr.Lyon and Eric Devouassoux
    who in some newspapers was reported as living with his girlfriend in Lathuile.

    I think the confusion was on purpose caused by Eric Maillaud who did the two together “to confuse”

    Personally I am not at all convinced that Mr.LYON ever existed.

    Maybe if Eric Maillaud was to give a three year retrospective conference

    he could shine a bit of light on his confusions?

  • Good In Parts


    what a back story ! … … have I missed something ?

    Er, the kitchen sink ?

    Don’t forget that the hapless Eric stated that there are more surprises to come.

    Put together, this storied background is mesmerising and, unless we are on the Orient Express, ninety percent of it is a distraction.

  • Good In Parts


    a little light trolling

    Indeed, why else?

    So, impersonating an Iraqi born engineer working in a sensitive area, what kind of inflammatory posts would it take for someone to take notice, track him down and murder him?

    It would be difficult because even casual observers would notice the change in personality etc. State level observers obviously have other tools that would reveal such activity.

    This feels to me like harrassment, rather than precursor events to a targeted killing. However, maybe things escalated.

    I did speculate that the take over of on-line accounts had revealed embarassing details such as emails to Jimmy etc. that could have been used for blackmail. Perhaps her details were passed to someone in Dubai.

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