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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    From the piece posted by M
    Eric Maillaud

    He seems to think that the track of the sniper,
    unbalanced undoubtedly remains the most credible.

  • Good In Parts

    FWIW part three is up.

    Interesting piece of media attribution trivia; parts one and two have the words “Photoillustration by Gluekit” as the credit at the foot of the header picture, whereas part three has the words “Photocollage by Gluekit” as the credit.

    My guess is that the pictures illustrating parts one and two contain actual pictures of people mentioned in the story, whereas the picture heading part three merely uses stock shots from a photo library.

    So, no picture of Sylvain Mollier then, quelle surprise.

  • michael norton

    You might have imagined that by now, three years on, somebody might have had the nouce to have posted a photo of Sylvain Mollier

  • Pink

    Sex change baby ?

    “The French cyclist was Sylvain Mollier, 45 years old, divorced, and the father of three children, two with his ex-wife and one, an infant daughter, with his live-in girlfriend.”

  • James

    Sylvain Mollier ?

    Possible local target.
    Local man. Local life. Local wife and girlfriend.
    …and there is “nada” about him form the local people ?

    So who the hell was Sylvain Mollier ?

    Or who the hell is the man that ordered the killing of Sylvain Mollier ?

  • M.

    “Un changement de piste qui n’est pas non plus écarté. Même si l’avocate de la famille Mollier le balaye d’un revers de manche. Patrice Menegaldo, manutentionnaire, ex-légionnaire, connaissait Sylvain Mollier depuis l’adolescence. Il a été pendant un an et demi le compagnon de sa sœur, Sylviane. Après la tuerie, entre septembre et décembre 2012, deux gendarmes sont venus chez lui, à Ugine, pour l’interroger et lui prendre son arme avec laquelle il s’entraînait dans un centre, quelques rares fois par an, selon ses carnets de tir : un revolver 357 Magnum. Patrice a été de nouveau entendu en avril 2013. « Une entrevue de moins d’une heure », d’après le procureur. Une longue garde à vue musclée et humiliante « en cellule et en slip », confie l’ancien soldat à son médecin. Il s’était senti sali, fragilisé. Et il s’est suicidé le 2 juin 2014. Sur une table basse, cet être sensible, simple, taciturne « mais marqué par des missions en zones de conflits », selon sa sœur Christelle, a laissé quatre lettres, dont une destinée à la justice. Il y accusait un des enquêteurs de l’avoir forcé à avouer (« il va devoir rendre des comptes à pas mal de personnes à vouloir jouer l’aventurier justicier », écrit-il) et conclut : « Je le répète, je ne sais rien de toute cette histoire et mon geste n’est pas un aveu […]. C’est une tragédie. »”

  • M.

    Avec les Anglais, une équipe commune d’enquête (ECE) est d’ailleurs mise en place pour éviter la multiplication des commissions rogatoires internationales. «Il a fallu faire un travail diplomatique», explique le magistrat, «parachuté dans un nouvel univers». Il se souvient par exemple de ce rendez-vous franco-britannique au 27e bataillon des chasseurs alpins: «A 15 minutes de la signature pour l’ECE, les Anglais refusaient de signer, me demandant de me justifier sur des propos que j’étais censé avoir tenu dans la presse.»

    Et traite en moyenne 1000 affaires par an, du correctionnel aux finances en passant par le pénal. Parmi elles, celles d’un entrepreneur abattu dans sa cuisine près d’Evian et d’un jeune homme, fils de policier, tué par balles à Etrembières. Deux meurtres non élucidés. «Il y a forcément une forme de frustration, commente-t-il. D’autant que pour Chevaline, honnêtement, je n’ai plus aucune conviction.» Gardant l’espoir de résoudre le mystère, peut être grâce à l’un des deux ADN inconnus retrouvés sur place, Eric Maillaud sait qu’il devra, malgré tout, bientôt faire ses valises. Un poste de juridiction durant au maximum sept ans.

  • michael norton

    Well M, my point was:
    six days after the E-FIT-SKETCH was released ( after a thirteen month period “to confuse”)
    a local family were threatened, at night in their home in Lathuile, the wife was shot dead.
    More than one gun was taken to the property and we have been told that a local carpenter of Doussard is thought to be the instigator, we have also been told that five mal persons are in prison.

    Now the announcement by substitut du procureur Yann Jomier


    As far as we know, nothing has happened.
    There have not been convicted in a court of law.

    In England we would call this “On Remand”

    I think the lack of a court case, is because there is a strong possibility that this murder is linked to the Slaughter of the Horses.

  • michael norton

    Apparently there are two and three quarter thousand people residing in Doussard,
    so maybe up to fifty carpenters may reside there but if a rich local woman was shot at night in her home and substitut du procureur Yann Jomier
    pronounced during a televised briefing that the instigator of this crime was a 41 year old carpenter from Doussard, you wold have thought that locals would know who this character is?

    The scene of the Slaughter of the Horses is in Doussard.

  • michael norton

    If Mr. Communal-Tournier was in charge of woods/timber

    there is a fair to middling chance he will know the 41 year old carpenter from Doussard?

  • michael norton

    Not forgetting that the family Communal-Tournier are inter-married with the family Deronzier

    Jean-Claude Deronzier was the mayor of Doussard and he very unfortunately fell off a cliff.

  • michael norton

    You would have thought that the inter-married Communal-Tournier and Deronzier families would be screaming/clamoring for these five local male persons to be taken through the court system
    and convicted, surely they would have enough clout to get this court case sped up?

  • michael norton

    How usual would it be to have one of the in-laws/parents
    fall to their death off a local cliff, then have another one shot dead in her home at night?
    Then up the road four people are slaughtered, yet nobody has ever been convicted of anything?

  • M.

    MN, the two crimes are not connected, Max went down the same route of trying to tie the two together, all because of the mystery MC and the Portrait-Robot, well now that Mr Lyon is found, then it really doesn’t have anything to do with the issue of the P-R does it ? The subsitute Prosecutor had already stated there was no connection between the two crimes.

    They were arrested in April 2014, the carpenter in the February:

    Ils ont le visage masqué et les deux jeunes originaires d’Ugine sont armés : l’un d’un pistolet Beretta 9 mm et l’autre d’un fusil à pompe 12 mm. L’équipe emporte également du scotch et des colliers de serrage rapide. Leurs intentions sont claires : séquestrer le couple et piller la maison.

    Les agresseurs renoncent et prennent la fuite par un escalier intérieur. Le dernier du groupe, âgé de 23 ans et armé du fusil à pompe, panique. Il se retourne dans la cage d’escalier et tire en direction de la porte qui s’est refermée. Derrière, Nicole Communal-Tournier reçoit la décharge mortelle en pleine poitrine.

    Les cinq hommes regagnent la Savoie, brûlent la voiture et jettent les armes dans l’Isère. Interpellé le premier, au mois de février, le charpentier de Doussard avoue que les armes ont été jetées dans la rivière (lire par ailleurs). Des plongeurs repêchent le fusil à pompe et le pistolet, sur lequel un ADN sera retrouvé. Les quatre autres suspects ont été arrêtés cette semaine, en Savoie.

    The carpenter from Doussard was driven by jealousy and the belief there was cash on the premises, he was known to the Communal-Tourniers because he used to drink at the campsite bar ! That was why he didn’t speak during the break-in.

  • michael norton

    @ M if as you suggest the two crimes ( by the way there are more than two crimes)
    are not connected, why after SEVENTEEN MONTHS

    has this slaughter not gone to court?

  • M.

    I’m trying to find out for you MN !

    What are the other ‘crimes’ you are about to drag into this affair ?

    From the Paris Match article looks as if Patrice Menegaldo was badly treated at his second interview, stripped to his underwear, put in a cell and one of the enquiry team trying to force him to confess.

    Glad to read Zaid is now having contact with his nieces.

  • michael norton

    @ M
    Well, there is going equipped with guns.
    Going equipped with stuff to abduct/sequestor the Communal-Tournier family.
    Breaking and entry.
    Shooting the home owner dead in their home.

    I would have said this was an exceptionally serious set of crimes,
    even if they did not conspire to commit murder,
    they certainly conspired to break and enter, to secure the family Communal-Tournier, were they going to torture them?

  • michael norton

    In England it is very rare for a break in
    to involve guns.
    I expect you would go to prison for a minimum of ten years for carrying a gun on a break in, even if the gun was not discharged.
    I expect going equipped to tie the family up, would be thought of as conspiracy to commit
    abduction, you’d probably get at least ten years for that, without being armed.
    It must be virtually unheard of the commit home jacking with a shotgun?

    This was no ordinary robbery.

    At least five adult males have conspired to break into this family home tie them up at the point of a shotgun, possibly torture them, other than murder or terorisim
    I cannot think of a more serious set of crimes.

  • M.

    It is effectively the same event, what ever the list of ‘crimes’, thank goodness, I thought you were going to list other crimes in the area.

    Whilst I await a reply from my French lawyer friend, here is an example of the delay:

    The murder took place in April 2008, the suspect was arrested six days later, the trial started September 2012…..

    Crime committed in June 2006, arrested a month later, goes to court October 2009

    So, MN, I suggest it could be another couple of years before anything will be brought to the court room.

    No wonder Zaid didn’t want to have the Conspiracy to Commit Murder charge placed on him in FRANCE ! He might still be languishing in a cell !

  • michael norton

    I feel that Zaid has been maligned by Eric Maillaud,
    if I was Zaid I would be very bitter as I guess was poor Patrice Menegaldo.

  • M.

    But Eric D.’s ‘crimes’ are small fry, he is not in custody. If you read the column inches given over to his arrest, there was a leak via Paris and everything became public/press knowledge, he did not commit the Chevaline murders, he was not there, but he has been treated badly, this is why Mr Lyon has been viewed differently, I have no doubt his name is known to the Press, they have agreed not to release it. Same goes for the British Press who have not released the address of the Al-Hilli children.

    Another example today of timings, a mother killed her handicapped son in 2010, today she received a five year suspended sentence.

    The links I posted this morning, published on the 5th of September, relate the British were not happy to sign for the joint investigation as they questioned Maillaud about what he’d said to the Press.

    EM also recounts his first impressions at the first Press conference, a rabbit caught in headlights springs to mind, I have the same impression of your newly elected leader of the Labour Party.

    I agree Zaid has been treated poorly, maybe if he’d told the truth initially things may have turned out differently.

    Peter and GIP, the password business, and James, as I recall from MZT days, Fat Bastard/James Mathews/Not forgetting French Bashing (your very own poster) wrote Saad used his daughters name as a password, he wasn’t explicit about which one, this is why he was able to write to Marilyn from one of Saad’s e:mail addresses.

    So, maybe Saad was telling fibs to Hussein and just didn’t want Skype contact with him, the day he was writing 21st February 2012 was a Tuesday, nevertheless it was Saad who made contact with him the September before.

  • Good In Parts

    I realise this is provincial france, but the Patrice Menegaldo chapter is looking worse and worse with every revelation.

    Reckless Eric wrings his hands and claims he cannot understand how an ancien legionnaire could be even mildly upset by a one hour ‘interview’ that wasn’t even conducted under caution.

    We now know why it wasn’t under caution, he would have had more rights, not to mention access to legal representation.

    Asked to voluntarily attend an ‘interview’ he agrees, but this was no interview.

    This was a strip and slip, then locked in a cell, followed by an interrogation.

    My view is that if an ancien legionnaire states that they tried to force a confession out of him, then they tried exactly that.

  • James

    I can’t imagine a forced confession would stand up well in court. I doubt if even Eric would run to court with something like that….

    So… if the ex REP guy said (in his letters) he was forced…. was that enough for him to redecorate his apartment in a shade of Kurt Cobain crimson?

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