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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • M.

    Yes GIP, I’m glad you’ve picked up the Paris Match article:

    Une longue garde à vue musclée et humiliante « en cellule et en slip », confie l’ancien soldat à son médecin. Il s’était senti sali, fragilisé

    Stripped to his underpants (slip), put in a cell, humiliated, with a view to a forced confession. And he writes ‘« Je le répète, je ne sais rien de toute cette histoire et mon geste n’est pas un aveu […]. C’est une tragédie. »”

    Four letters as I noted, one to the justice no doubt incriminating the member of the enquiry team who was behaving like a vigilante.

    MN, if you want someone to be interviewed under oath, I’d start with him !

    Maillaud will be moved on next year, 7 years maximum in the job, I wonder if a new Procureur will have another look at the case ?

  • M.

    James, he also told his doctor ….. who was probably prescribing his anti-depressants, maybe ?

    What would be the reason to force a confession, to write off the crime or for the ‘vigilante’ to receive praise.

    I’ll stray into MN territory, because the ‘vigilante’ was covering up for himself or someone else !

  • Req

    WBM UK intel. SM Fr intel.

    One contacted the other to arrange tracking/handling of the meeting or handover.

    Handover of what?

    Handover of who?!

    Carpenters checkpoint. Hikers and bikers. Intel.

  • Peter

    It is perfectly normal for a person who is about to be locked up in a cell to have to undergo a strip search, not just in France. If, as in the case of Menegaldo, the crime that the person is suspected of is a heinous multiple murder, and if the suspect is known to have psychological issues, the gendarmes were remiss in not giving him a proper cavity search (which would have included his rectal cavity).

    There is nothing “vigilante” about this. Newly arrested persons, be they guilty or innocent, are at a high risk of suicide. Depriving them of the means to commit suicide (these means can be “innocent” objects such as shoelaces or purposive “insurance policies” like a razor blade taped to the sole of a foot) means fulfilling the duty of care that their wardens have towards them.

  • M.

    MN, maybe because the complaint is against a British Newspaper Journalist, her brothers name was revealed sensationally in the Daily Mirror, with nothing short of an accusation to boot !

    I wonder if she’ll seek a compensation claim for libel ?

    Pink, regarding Yves O-B, the press articles suggest he was suffering from depression, he wasn’t married and doesn’t appear to have children, the death notice posted in the name of his mother, fail to see the link.

    Trying to tie up all sorts of ‘ordinary’ events to this crime will not solve it, as GIP has pointed out, rumour and curtain twitching would be a far easier way to hear the tomtoms.

    All this supposed ‘wall of silence’ and the ‘no photo’ of Mollier.

    The original photos from the Al-Hilli family were proferred by friends, there has been no photo of Suhaila and no recent photo of either Iqbal or Saad given by the family.

    This is obvious when the leaked photo of Saad is of a very grey haired man and Iqbal barely recognisable from her younger days.

    More and more I see people taking their positions with regard to the events, this makes you/them blinkered to what may have really happened.

    Even Maillaud in his latest outing says:

    “D’autant que pour Chevaline, honnêtement, je n’ai plus aucune conviction”

    Which basically says ‘honestly, I no longer have any conviction’.

    He just doesn’t know.

    Peter, where was his ‘brief’ ?

  • Good In Parts

    Peter – with a little light trolling perchance?

    It is perfectly normal for a person who is about to be locked up in a cell to have to undergo a strip search … … There is nothing “vigilante” about this. Newly arrested persons, be they guilty or innocent, are at a high risk of suicide.

    Certainly, but as I understand it, if there was an actual arrest it was completely bogus and probably retrospectively fabricated for ass coverage.

    This poor chap was asked by the gendarmes for another interview (he had already had one). So, being the good citizen that he is, I mean was, he readily agreed. But it was not an interview, it was a trap.

    Quite how these hayseeds thought this was a good idea is beyond me.

  • Good In Parts


    More and more I see people taking their positions with regard to the events, this makes you/them blinkered to what may have really happened.

    I would like to know what my position is!

    Somewhere to the northeast of Vague I suppose.

    I know where you are coming from, in metaphorical terms anyway but this is only to be expected as people advocate their favoured perspective. Plus, it is difficult to argue multiple, mutually exclusive, positions simultaneously without seeming somehow disingenuous.

    This saga has taken me from a high degree of confidence in one ‘piste’ to a low degree of confidence in multiple tracks, with outliers now looking more likely.

  • Pink

    There is no connection that I know of it just struck me that OB comes up quite a bit that could be because they are one of the influential names in the area .

    SM’s dad was Roger Mollier his grandmother was an OB.

    Nicolas Mollier-Thomas was married to one Karen OB

    Sm’s ex worked for one, Cathy OB, since remarried .
    According to BB she is the grand daughter of Jules Bianco .

    Then there Yves OB I saw the article I posted and suddenly thought he was not that old ,I got the impression originally when I saw it that he was an elderly resident who had fallen or jumped but he was a bit young to be a resident so I wondered what his job was .

  • Q

    Just a hop, skip and a jump over the border from France near CERN, a fugitive bank robber has been arrested. The “Vaulter” was wanted in a string of robberies in Canada. Ironic, isn’t it — found in the land of banks, but not known to have robbed banks in Switzerland, where he was found.

    Did this dual French-American citizen get up to any illegal activity while he was living n France? Where in France did he live? Haute Savoie? Annecy? Chevaline?

  • michael norton

    Perhaps the Savoie / Haute-Savoie law firms will not touch the Patrice Menegaldo case because they discern it as a poison chalice.

  • Q

    Photo for anyone in the Haute Savoie and border areas near Switzerland. Do you recognize this man?

    Once considered a gentleman robber who hopped over counters, he became more violent over time, using a firearm and shoving bank clerks into the vault in his last known heist. Maybe he turned to other income sources as age took away his limberness and agility.

  • Peter

    @ GIP, M.

    As I have written before, I think that the most likely sequence of events is that Menegaldo was initially interviewed as a witness, failed to give a credible account of his actions during an increasingly hostile interview, was placed under GAV, was strip-searched and locked up, called in a lawyer and ultimately walked away after another brief pro-forma interview.

    The strip search that he received before being locked up is no different from the one that he would have received at the Foreign Legion before being placed in detention for failing to salute a superior officer or some other, similarly trivial offence. A strip search and a night spent in a solitary cell are not a pleasant idea by anybody’s standards, but I am keenly aware that this is the fate that would await me even here in Germany if I were ever to be caught with a spliff in my pocket late in the evening. Not nice, but hardly a life-altering experience for a normal, mentally resilient person. (If the gendarmes had wanted to go vigilante on Menegaldo, all that they would have needed to do is to admit him to a group cell in a regular prison and introduce him with the words, “Gentlemen, here is the Chevaline killer.”)

    Menegaldo will have known all this. The French Foreign Legion are famed for their intensive “resistance to interrogation” training; he must have been through numerous mock arrests and interrogations, of a far harsher kind than he would have experienced at the hands of the gendarmerie.

  • James

    Seems to me… the police were “confident” on two peoples involvement in this crime (sorry, three !).

    Its like trying to find the Chief Mourner at a paedophiles funeral.

    Has Eric “got a clue” or hasn’t he ?
    The brother of Saad Al Hilli ? The ex-policeman ? The former soldier.

    Who is he going to arrest next time ? Big Bird from Sesame Street ???
    The man is clearly an idiot.

    All in all… it is a pretty poor show from the French.
    Of course the French are so consumed with their rubber horse cocks, I doubt they’ll be ever capable of solving this case. Nice one Eric !

  • M.

    Peter, I get it, but we don’t know how long the man had been out of the Legion.

    A chat in the months after Chevaline, then a second GAV in April 2013, maybe they went heavy handed because of his ‘training’, maybe they picked him up whilst under the influence – either way the man shot himself and has writen in one of his suicide notes of his treatment as being a contributory factor.

    No wonder EM didn’t reveal the content of the note ! And PM points the finger at one person, the experience left him feeling dirty and weak, sufficiently so to se his doctor and tell him, apparently.

    The missed point here is eventhough EM stated on the 17th December 2012 SM was 99.9% not involved, someone still saw fit to arrest a local man, with a licenced gun, who is ex- military. Did they think he was after his buddy Mollier for a personal matter, hired to get rid of him or hired to gun down the family/one of them ?

    This looks more like someone with a grudge against PM, after his suicide, the matter was explored further, there was nothing to tie him to the crime scene.

    James, you should see the size of the most popular double ender in the UK !

  • Peter

    @ M., 17 Sep, 2015 – 9:31 am

    Maybe it was because some gendarme held a grudge against PM, maybe it was because PM initially fit the profile (ex-Legion, excellent shot, mentally unstable) and managed to thoroughly antagonise his interrogator. All over the world, becoming a policeman is a natural career choice for vicious bullies. If PM had the misfortune to encounter one of these thugs in uniform, and if PM fell back onto the old name-rank-and-number routine that he had been taught in the Legion, things could have turned very, very ugly. Perhaps they turned so ugly that PM was too ashamed to tell his lawyer about it afterwards, confiding only in his doctor. Being sodomised with a broomstick or similar object does that to people, and it also leaves them feeling dirty and weak.

    The trouble is, we don’t know what happened during the interrogation. However, it would certainly be worthwhile for Maillaud to investigate the officer who interrogated PM, to enquire whether that officer has a track record of allegations of police brutality.

  • M.

    Agree completely, Peter.

    This doesn’t look very good does it, this could answer why Christelle has taken a Parisien lawyer, rather than someone local.

  • M.

    INTERVIEW | M° Jean-Pierre Lepetit : “Ce journaliste a voulu détourner l’attention des enquêteurs et cogner sur un homme qui ne peut pas répondre à ces accusations.”

  • Good In Parts

    I am not now, nor have I ever been an Eric ‘hater’. My general opinion is that most of the ‘issues’ with the investigation have been systemic.

    I lay only two faults directly at his door, firstly the media frenzy following the ED arrest. Secondly, the PM interrogation and subsequent suicide.

    Direction comes from the top.

    Eric publicly made statements (in relation to ZAH) to the effect that he would just have arrested him, then banged him up to make him sweat.

    Dur, we wus jus doin wha the boss say.

  • James

    Eric promised treatment of Zaid (if he had got his hand on him) is worrying.

    So was this the treatment that the ex-policeman got ? Was this the treatment that the ex-soldier got ?

    There are three points here that should be considered.
    1. What Eric said he would do, if he got hold of Zaid.
    2. The ex-police officers claims with regard his treatment.
    3. The ex-soldiers claim in his suicide letter(s).

    This should be enough for a “case review”.
    The investigation team seem to “latch onto” a suspect….and then “go to town” on them.

    AND YET the “biker from Lyon” seems to have missed Eric’s treatment.
    Although he was the (missing) “key suspect” for awhile…his claim that he “never saw the news” seems outstanding.

    Here is a man (who clearly lives local), but is given no “special treatment” by Eric, even though an extensive “man hunt” had been launched (once his existence was publicly acknowledged !)….and instead is given the “he is 99.9pc in the clear” get-out-of-jail card.

  • michael norton

    I quite agree James.

    Why the different treatment of the mysterious biker from LYON.
    Why hasn’t he been given the “special” treatment.
    I am sure they were thinking from day two that the biker was the slaughterer,
    they may have thought that Eric D. was that biker.

    However, I think that poor Eric D. was set up as a possible fall guy, I think the E-FIT-SKETCH was made to look like the local Eric.D.

    I do not think the E-FIT-SKETCH is a likeness of MISTERLYON.

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