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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • M.

    Precisely why they apparently haven’t been heavy handed and have agreed not to release his name.

    The body count increased with the suicide of PM.

  • Pink

    We don’t know how Lyonman got treated if I read it right he was found a long time before they informed the public,reading what’s being said here I dread to think I hope you are exaggerating .
    Its a shame PM didn’t make a formal complaint instead of topping himself, EM did appear to think he had no reason to be so traumatized I wonder who’s steering the ship and will this get sorted out ?

  • M.

    I think it was about a month, according to the reports he was spoken to and was then due to go to Chambery for a full interview following the release of details to the press.

    Spot the errors.

    Were there any more reports earlier this month ? I had no internet access, have these links already been posted ?

  • Good In Parts


    Quick post re DNA.

    The page on Oui’s site you linked to in your Sept 11 post quotes part of the article below.

    The Independent Dec. 25, 2012 – A targeted killing

    Fragments of it [the grip] were found at the scene. One of them has recently yielded a trace of DNA, which may yet help trace the attacker. On the other hand, that DNA may belong to Zainab al-Hilli, aged seven, who was beaten and left for dead.

    So, that’s clear then!

  • michael norton

    Of course if MISTERLYON is a real person and the primary murder suspect of
    the Slaughter of the Horses,
    he may not have been given the “SPECIAL” treatment
    because he is special.

    Special in some way to the FRENCH STATE?

  • Good In Parts

    Peter et al

    As I understand it, in general anti-interrogation training is intended to protect time-sensitive operational information from a enemy interrogator, not the police in your home town.

    An enemy interrogator cannot take pictures of you wearing womens underwear and pass the pics around town.

    Nor can they ‘find’ close up pictures of rubber horses* on your PC – hundreds of them – many of them ponies.

    They cannot bring your sister in on soliciting charges, then put your nephew in care.

    (*) Thanks for that one James! – Reaches for the mind bleach…

  • Pink

    Can I just ask am I out of the loop of something here not sure where this is coming from and don’t really want to know just wondering ?

  • M.

    Pink, I would have to download some new programme on the old laptop, are there any salient points ?

    GIP, the DNA found on the piece of the Luger grip ended up being one of the enquiry/forensic team, all the people there had to be DNA’d to exclude them. Dated April 2013.

    Le procureur de la République d’Annecy a annoncé que l’ADN inconnu retrouvé sur une des armes utilisées était celle d’un expert en balistique. L’ADN d’une centaine de personnes proches de l’enquête sera listé afin de vérifier qu’aucune autre trace ADN n’ait pollué la scène de crime.

    Here is the reference to the car, dated September 2014

    Les indices retrouvés sur les lieux de la tuerie sont rares : deux profils ADN différents de ceux des victimes ont été prélevés dans le véhicule. Ils ont été croisés avec les fichiers de plusieurs pays européens. En vain.

  • Pink

    Key points
    1 “Now Zaid has sensationally told how French judges admitted to him that their cops have made serious mistakes in the investigation over the past three years.”

    2 “The police have declared war on our family so I have decided to take matters on myself.
    “We are involved in civil action against police now and I’ve lawyers in France. A private investigator we will do later. I believe police know what happened but will never be seen to solve it.”

    3 Zaid said: “The way the French police dealt with the case was nothing short of appalling.

    “There were huge mistakes. It’s a fact that the crime scene was not properly sealed.

    “It’s a fact they left the crime scene open for contamination.

    “It’s a fact they opened the area around the scene 48 hours after.

    “Why did they do that? Why did they open it before they investigated? I can’t understand it.

    “The Met Police came round to see me a few weeks ago and said that if it was down to them they would have sealed the area for about three weeks. It’s shocking.”

    4 Meanwhile The Sun on Sunday has obtained probate papers that reveal Saad and Ikbal left their daughters a small fortune.

    Saad left £451,411 while Ikbal left around £325,000.

    It was all set aside for the girls — who cannot be named for legal reasons and are now in care — to access when they turn 18.

    But Zaid insists the money is simply Saad’s half of the disputed home, which was put up for sale earlier this month for £1.3million.

    He said: “It must be his part of any future house sale. Rumours of bank accounts and hidden treasure are all speculation.”

  • michael norton

    You can not blame Zaid al-Hilli for not going to FRANCE
    to become the plaything of Eric Maillaud, he probably do not fancy getting a policeman’s batton rammed up his jacksie.

  • michael norton

    Let’s see who Maillaud has had in his sights over the last three years.
    1) Zaid al-HIlli estranged brother of Saad IRAQI-ENGLISH

    2) Patrice Menegaldo friend of Sylvain Mollier and special friend of S.M. sister eX-Legionnaire

    3) Eric Devouassoux local eXpoliceman

    4) mystery man from LYON his country of origin/likeness/name/occupation/involvement

  • M.

    So, the Swiss Bank Account, the flats do not appear in Saad’s Probate. Zaid says it is speculation.

    Well, he forgets what he told TP, the Bank Account was frozen when his father became ill, the Credit Cards his father applied for whilst he was in the UK, the two brothers contacting the Bank to ensure neither one was able to get access etc.

    I wonder if he’s going a bit doolally !

    “The Met Police came round to see me a few weeks ago and said that if it was down to them they would have sealed the area for about three weeks. It’s shocking.” – THEY WOULD SAY THAT WOULDN’T THEY ?

    They are the ones who took him into custody and made a charge against him, bailed him and eventually released him from that. They made errors too, it would appear.

    I still doubt there was much else to find at and around the clearing, a very different scenario if the murders had taken place inside. After the car, the bike and the bullets/shells were removed, photos taken, Lasers used to track angle of gunfire, footprints/tyre prints, what else was there to do.

    Although, I would agree 48 hours does seem short, three weeks is an exaggeration, especially as the area is exposed to the elements.

    As someone has already pointed out, the two ways of operating should not be compared, every country has its own manner.

  • Good In Parts


    Thanks, glad you had that filed away.

    I seem to have mis-remembered because I thought the DNA contamination by the ballistics expert occured when he handled a cartridge case with his bare hands (rather than the fragment of the checkered wooden grip).

    But your link does indeed say “a annoncé que l’ADN inconnu retrouvé sur une des armes utilisées était celle d’un expert en balistique“.

    Then there is “discriminer tout de suite l’un d’eux, si un ADN est retrouvé sur un scellé

    In the above quote by EM from your link, how would you translate the word ‘scellé’.

    Could it be jargon for ‘sealed item of evidence’ or ‘item under seal’?

  • Pink

    M you do need to read the whole page I just grabbed bits
    there was this as well.
    “There were also reports that their father had left cash for them in a Swiss bank account, but Zaid dismissed as “completely untrue”

    So I wonder what the truth is .

  • M.

    Hey Pink, then why did he tell TP (copied from my above post, will give the page reference later):

    ‘the Bank Account was frozen when his father became ill, the Credit Cards his father applied for whilst he was in the UK, the two brothers contacting the Bank to ensure neither one was able to get access etc. ‘

    Maybe it isn’t the families money afterall !!!! Who does it belong to ?

    Saad and the two Wills, Saad making appointments at the Bank, even if Zaid said there was no point, has the money vanished, been transferred to someone else ?

  • michael norton

    In England, if multiple deaths happen, as in a car accident, it is assumed that the husband died first, wife slightly later.
    Parent first child slightly later.
    So Iqbal would have been deemed to have died slightly later than her spouse.
    Iqbal would have been deemed to have died slightly later than her mother.

    This would be the case unless evidence proved otherwise.

  • M.

    So, the Bank and Dario Zanni are telling porkie pies ?

    Forgotten this following snippet from M. Ducos, the Romanian phone calls from the Claygate house ….

    Preuve que cette piste roumaine suscite l’intérêt des enquêteurs, les deux juges d’instruction ont délivré une commission rogatoire internationale dès 16 janvier dernier. « Il convient d’identifier les numéros suivant émis ou reçus sur la ligne filaire +44 13 72… » écrivent les magistrats dans leur demande qui ciblent les fameux numéros roumains, toujours en cours d’identification. L’exploitation téléphonique a aussi mis en évidence qu’un autre membre de la famille a été en contact avec la Roumanie. Il s’agit de Fadwa al-Saffar, la belle-sœur de Saad. Les relevés du téléphone fixe de son domicile, à Reading (Grande-Bretagne), ont révélé des appels entrants et sortants avec le pays de l’Est. Et certains numéros seraient communs avec ceux répertoriés chez les Al-Hilli.

    Do you recall the ‘debts’ attributed to Iqbals side of the family ?

  • M.

    MN, but you see if Iqbal’s Probate relates to her inheritance from her mother, which is the most likely, then multiply the £325K by 4, to account for the distribution to all the siblings, Iqbal, Fadwa, Haydar, Ahmed, that’s £1.3million.

    Unless of course, Suhaila had a Will leaving it to one or two and not the others ….

  • michael norton

    @ M

    mind you M
    we have been characterizing Suhalia
    as the “mother” of Iqbal

    if she is not a blood relative then are we to assume Iqbal had £325K in a box somewhere?

  • Peter

    An excerpt from

    Meanwhile The Sun on Sunday has obtained probate papers that reveal Saad and Ikbal left their daughters a small fortune.
    Saad left £451,411 while Ikbal left around £325,000.
    It was all set aside for the girls — who cannot be named for legal reasons and are now in care — to access when they turn 18.
    But Zaid insists the money is simply Saad’s half of the disputed home, which was put up for sale earlier this month for £1.3million.
    He said: “It must be his part of any future house sale. Rumours of bank accounts and hidden treasure are all speculation.”

    Oh really? Leaving aside the questionable assertion that Saad would have bequeathed his daughters exactly £451,411 rather than “half of the house in Claygate”, how did housewife Iqbal manage to get hold of £325,000 of her own? I strongly suspect that those £325,000 were provided by Suhaila al-Saffar – just before she was killed.

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