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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • M.

    “It was all set aside for the girls”, that implies there was money and it was secreted away, really ? Where did it come from and why were they living so frugally. I can’t make sense of that.

    Or is this bad reporting ? The children will inherit but not until they are 18, that is usual isn’t it, maybe trustees can operate the accounts before this date.

    The property went on the market for £1.185million, not sold to date, so an estimated value would have been given, more likely to be realistic and attributed at the time of death, so 2012 prices. Stedman also said there was some money left over after he finalised Saads accounts, which probably gives the odd figure, is the tax threshold still £325k ?

    I recall when I had to deal with Probate, a value had to be put on the forms, relating to the value of the house, furniture, possessions and any money in Bank Accounts/Stocks and Shares etc. That’s why the figure is odd.

  • Pink

    I do remember reading although I can’t remember where it was now that a sum of money was found in the Claygate house when they searched it.

  • M.

    On the basis of ZAH complaining about the French enquiry here is the order of arrests/GAV:

    PM – spoken to end of 2012, GAV April 2013 (never reported)released without charge

    ZAH – arrested in the UK June 2013, bailed, extended bail then released January 2014

    P-R issued November 2013, Eric D monitored from 20th November 2013

    Eric D – GAV February 2014, released without charges relating to Chevaline

    Lyon MC – spoken to in February 2015, re-interviewed after March 2015, no involvement

    The first GAV was local(profile could be hired hand, ex-military or because he was known to Mollier) not reported but local, could that be because PM was mistreated or because EM didn’t know ?

    Then swung to the UK, then back to local (ED not likely to have been profiled as a paid gunman, they knew he was trafficking antique weapons when they arrested him, the nutter element).

  • michael norton

    It would be rather interesting to know who is the Carpenter of Doussard who had
    Nicole Communal-Tournier killed with a shotgun,
    how familiar was he with the Communal-Tournier Family, he may well have drunk in their bar but did he also have business dealings with them.
    This is an horrific crime / set of crimes

    and seems to have been planned with extreme local vindictiveness.

  • michael norton

    How many rich FRENCH people get killed in their homes in a single year by a shotgun that is brought in by the aggressors?

    I wouldn’t mind guessing it is normally less than one a year in the whole of FRANCE.

  • michael norton

    That this terrible crime happened a few kilometres from “The Slaughter of the Horses”
    and six days after the E-FIT-SKETCH was released

    makes me think the crimes are linked.

  • Pink

    This is directions to La cascade du Creux de l’Enfer

    Access: Chevaline (Doussard) –
    Start: car park at the end of the forest road.
    Elevation: 100 m (to the waterfall).
    Torrent: Nant Borien.
    Chevaline Doussard then 3 km. In the small village of Chevaline, take the road on the right, before the church (direction Marceau). After 200m turn left and take the road that goes towards the mountain Coal and which passes above the torrent of Ire. The forest road ends in a stalemate Km away. The trail starts here (cascading panel). It rises to a cross in a few bends to the left and the waterfall. If we continue on the right after crossing the road to the waterfall, the trail heads to the river (the Nant Borien), crossed the continues to source “Good Water” – marked 930 m on the IGN map Top 25 Lake Annecy-230 vertical meters from the car park, half an hour. This path climbs up Mont Coal going around the mountain before joining the path coming from Montgellaz and the valley of the torrent Bornette (see IGN), for seasoned walkers.
    This small village of Chevaline is picturesque and reserves, especially since the church, a magnificent panorama of the lake and the plain of Doussard.

    There is a geocache there

  • M.

    Pink, correct.

    It was Fat Bastard who suggested a Geocache, had SAH done this before with the children, if so, where ?

    If he was asking at the campsite somewhere to go for a walk, he wasn’t on the Geocache website and he wasn’t looking for ‘treasure’.

  • James


    “It was all set aside for the girls” means… it is all set aside for the girls ! Both parents having been murdered.

    Set aside means…. put away until they are 18

    It is “highly unusual” the Swiss Account money has not been mentioned ?
    Was this real ? Is it made up ?
    I don’t think it could be made up. The French have mentioned it. It was found by the Germans. The Swiss “Pros” was very informative about it (Even to the point that he said SAH had an appointment with that bank).

    Here ZAH loses credibility.

    Clearly (?) there is a Swiss account. Maybe this is in “dispute” now with the British tax authorities ? Maybe it isn’t “clean money” ?

  • M.

    James, agreed, my second paragraph reflects this.

    The money in Switzerland, was always a tax dodge, so how does Zaid get hold of it without getting a hefty Inheritance Tax bill ?

    “There were also reports that their father had left cash for them in a Swiss bank account, but Zaid dismissed as “completely untrue”

    So, who did he leave it to, it certainly exists and was seized by Dario Zanni, oh I forgot according to ZAH’s brief, he is only after his 15 minutes of fame !

    The problem with lies is you have to remember what you said and to whom, then you tell another lie to cover up the original.

    Zaid appears to be suffering from memory loss.

  • Good In Parts

    James & M.

    I reckon James is correct about ‘set aside’.

    As to Zaid and credibility, I think this business demonstrates that an ordinary person should not do media interviews full stop.

    Remember that the core accusations against Zaid have been investigated and they were not well founded.

    e.g. the request for bank card.

    So, I think that his statements are probably ‘literally true’
    or at the very least ‘true as far as he is aware’.

    He isn’t suffering from ‘memory loss’, he is just pedantic.

    Perhaps we should see this as an opportunity to gain further insight, as M. posted “So, who did he leave it to

    Remember that the probate papers obtained by the Sun were for Saad and Ikbal.

    Not Khadim.

    See the difference?

  • M.

    Yes, GIP, so what happened to the Wills they were arguing over ? Still not sorted out is my guess.

    I agree Zaid would be better off keeping quiet although I understand he also wants to keep the murders in the public arena.

    Not sure saying the French know who did it etc. is a wise move, better to get some proof first.

  • James


    Get what you’re saying…apart from Zaid is an accountant !

    I have really never “come down on” who was the target…both parties led (or are believed to have led) strange lives.

    But this “thing” about money (it is a motivator in crime afterall) is odd.

    for me….(and this has always been)

    Saad and his family wealthy IS dodgy.
    Saad and his brother are dodgy (I can prove thus Zaid, if you’re reading).

    Mollier is “dodgy” (less wealthy….but dodgy)

    All (and I mean ALL) the witnesses aren’t “grade A” (WBM, I can point to the association with you “futures trading” company….and IF you have actually bought and sold puts/calls)

    Eric is right (although an idiot), it is a perfect crime…..
    ….I’ll say why.


    PS… ZAH. If you’re reading this…denyinging the “Swiss account” makes you look a fecking idiot.

    …so what did your dad work as in England.
    Bin man ? Cleaner ? Uni teacher ? Feck all ?

    Dodgy stored dat ? Dodgy brothers. Odd wife.

    Dodgy local guy on a 7 grand bike.

    Who was the “victim” ?
    But victims were both “grade A C***’s” (“Cee U Next Tuesday”…as they say !)

  • M.

    James, I hope they were from a good year!

    I still can’t see why Mollier was dodgy, have the values of bikes gone up that much in three years 😉

    He looks more like a lucky fella to have met a young, attractive, intelligent female, who was happy to have his baby and learn to be a stepmum to his older children.

    If he messed that up by being a skirt chaser, well that was stupid, not dodgy.

  • michael norton

    I do not know if this is the same five gypsies who shotgunned
    Nicole Communal-Tournier to death?

    now under a pay-wall

    Lully – Cinq prévenus ont été jugés par le tribunal …
    De trois à sept ans de prison pour torture et actes de barbarie

    Le 11 septembre dernier à la suite d’une énième dispute, la relation conflictuelle d’un couple de gens du voyage implanté sur la commune de Lully a …

  • michael norton

    Lully is in Haute-Savoie about 35k from Lathuile.
    This is a small town of 500 inhabitants.

    Their motive? Money. Their modus operandi? Surprised young men in service stations before sequester and tortured for several days. Three men and a woman are judged from Monday through Friday before the Assize Court of Haute-Savoie, Annecy.

    The three main defendants, aged 21-34 years, were prosecuted for “abduction”, “confinement”, “torture and barbarity” and “armed robbery.”
    Abdelkader Bouhalloufa Mehdi Bouteldja and Fatah Hchicha risk the life imprisonment. Lilia Boulaacel, girlfriend of a co-accused is, she tried for “receiving stolen goods”. She took the money to the victims racked by his accomplices.

    Kidnapped two days and relieved of 1500 euros
    The incident took place between October and November 2008, in the municipalities of Douvaine, Margencel (Haute-Savoie), La Biolle (Savoie) and Chanas (Isère). The first attack occurred October 18, 2008 in the parking lot of a gas station Douvaine. That day, around 23:15 Romain, 18, was approached by two strangers. One of them struck him a violent punch to the face before forcing him to follow him in a car.
    Thus began a long and harrowing journey to the victim. Threatened with a gun, it is relieved of his mobile phone, his portefeuillle and his credit card. The attackers immediately withdraw money and pay a “good evening” at the expense of their victims, between purchases of cigarettes, alcohol consumption in a private club and overnight at the hotel. Romain is finally released, two days later, when his account was debited by almost € 1,500.

    Beatings and cigarette burns
    Still as determined, the thugs reproduce the same scenario three more times. During one of their attacks, they went up a torturing their victims by hitting it repeatedly, the starving and burning with cigarettes on his arms, hands and hips … She been released after five days of a hassle.
    The last boy was rescued by the police while he was detained in a hotel in Chanas. He was tied up, gagged and in shock. These attackers were able to extort almost € 8,500.

  • michael norton

    AS I do not speak FRENCH

    I have no idea if these ( Le Parisien)are the same torturers as would feature behind the paywall of Le Dauphine Libre.

    Their last outing against humanity would seem to have happened to the South of Lyon.

  • michael norton

    I do not think they are the same gang
    but what a list of crimes

    “abduction”, “confinement”, “torture and barbarity” and “armed robbery.”

  • michael norton

    A printer of Charlie Hebdo injured in a mysterious explosion

    When he had just started his car outside his home in a violent explosion literally ripped body. The man was seriously injured. Accidental thesis is “plausible” but the police do not close any other hypothesis.

    It is about 7: 30 pm, Friday, when this 47 year old man out of his home near Baneins (Ain) to get to work. He closes the door and puts his Renault Mégane contact. A violent explosion suddenly shreds the vehicle. The windshield is projected to fifty meters. The liftgate can be found adhered to the roof. Parts will be found a few hundred meters in the surrounding fields. “The car looks like a sculpture of Caesar” hardly exaggerating a witness. The house also suffered: broken windows and torn pieces of roof. The man is a true miracle. He manages to get out of the car and call for help. It’s badly burned face and back. The force of the explosion ripped his eardrums and burned his lungs. When the doctor Samu gets there, he is obliged to sleep because the pain is too strong. A helicopter then arises in a field to evacuate to a Lyon hospital faster, even if his prognosis is not engaged.

    The printer of Charlie Hebdo

    Soon, the property is delivered to the gendarmes of the research section (SR) in Lyon, specialized in difficult investigations. The hypothesis of a crime or an attack is planned. Because the victim is a printing leader and not just any: it is rotating out to IPS that the weekly satirical Charlie Hebdo.

    It is primarily deminers who will meticulously inspect the premises in case another source of explosion is present. Then the small courtyard where the carcass of the Megane is “frozen” to allow technicians criminal investigation (ICT) to collect the maximum of clues and to take samples.

    Seems like the South East of FRANCE

    is “quiet” a dangerous place to reside or just visit!!!

  • michael norton

    A three year later question for Eric Maillaud:

    is the unnamed motorcyclist from LYON,
    the very same motorcyclist that W.B.M. saw descending the combe?

  • michael norton

    Well, I think not.
    W.B.M. gave the impression that it was an extraordinary slow riding motorcyclist, I expect W.B.M. is aware of a moped or a proper motorcycle.

  • M.

    Just a thought, neither Claude Antoine or Laurent Fillion-Robin mention the big cylinder MC passing them heading towards Doussard, of course it doesn’t mean it wasn’t there, I wonder which way it left the Combe d’Ire, right fork along Route du Moulin or continued left along the route de Chevaline ?

    Maybe it depends on how familiar he was with the roads, if he had GPS, where he actually lives.

    All this slow moving stuff, it was going downhill, Martin cycling upwards, what is the likely passing speed ?

  • michael norton

    After three years,
    we can now think of some questions for Eric Maillaud to answer,
    it is abut time he came clean with the public and stopped obfuscating.

    Is the motorcyclist,
    stopped and spoken with by the forest people
    and instructed to leave,
    the same motorcyclist William Brett Martin saw,
    as W.B.M. was ascending to the scene of the slaughter?

    What is the true reason Sylvain Mollier, rang Claire Shutz at her business in Grignon, Albertville and requested she leave her business and return to him,
    so he could go out for his last ride?

    Are the murders of Le Martinet and Nicole Communal-Tournier linked?

    which of the players knew each other before
    “The Slaughter of the Horses” happened?

  • M.

    There were also reports that their father had left cash for them in a Swiss bank account, but Zaid dismissed as “completely untrue”. From The Sun.

    De l’argent déposé dans une banque à Genève a disparu.

    The money wasn’t left to the brothers, Zaid wasn’t chasing it, Saad was trying, telephone calls, Wills etc.

    Peter, could the money be left just by an ‘in the event of my death’ letter ? Who has this money now ? That is Private to the bank, can they be forced to tell ?

    Iraqi commanded the murder, Iraqi carried out the murders. Man in suit was sent to tell Saad to back off, no doubt was in the RHD 4×4, probably not the driver, gunman was dropped off and waited for Saad to arrive after being lured to the clearing.

    Zaid has a fair idea of who did it, no wonder he feared for his own life at the outset, you see he didn’t initially think Mollier was the target, he knew his brother had been poking about, Saad fearing for his extended family in Iraq, blackmail to tell him to back off ?

    How’s that for a scenario ?

    They didn’t need to follow from the UK, they knew where he was headed, the Swiss Bank.

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