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8,115 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • M.

    1) maybe, most likely he is.
    2)never read anywhere he telephoned her to come home, pre-arranged to leave work early
    3)no, already stated in the press by the deputy prosecutor
    4)none of them

  • Peter

    @ M., 18 Sep, 2015 – 5:08 pm

    (…) if Iqbal’s Probate relates to her inheritance from her mother, which is the most likely, then multiply the £325K by 4, to account for the distribution to all the siblings, Iqbal, Fadwa, Haydar, Ahmed, that’s £1.3million.

    Ahem, you miscalculated that, since female heirs inherit only half of what any male heirs in the same line of precedence receive. Thus, Iqbal’s share would have been one-eighth of the total: 8 x £ 325,000 = £ 2.6 million.

    £ 2.6 million is quite a tidy sum for a retired teacher living in a modest social-housing flat and sponging off the Swedish welfare state 🙂

  • michael norton

    Let us just take one question.

    What is the true reason Sylvain Mollier, rang Claire Shutz at her business in Grignon, Albertville and requested she leave her business and return to him,
    so he could go out for his last ride?

    Let us say M that your assumption that it was a pre-arranged event.

    That could mean that Sylvain Mollier, who was ostensibly on three year paternity leave from Areva ( or one of their subsidieries/ partners), Sylvain had no visible means of supporty other than from his common-law wife.

    So Sylvain pre-arranged for Claire to take time off, so he could go out.

    That leads to the question why?

  • M.

    Thanks Peter ! I forgot about the Sharia Rule ! Oh my, no wonder the computer in Switzerland disappeared !

    Is it one eigth or a sixth ? if 325 is half of a brothers share, 650 x 2 + another 325, either way that is quite a tidy sum !

    Has all this money been hidden as well, so as not to incur taxes in Sweden, she certainly would have struggled to convince authorities she need social housing and aid.

    What about the ‘in the event of death’ letter for the Swiss Bank, is it a possibility and where is the money now if it wasn’t bequeathed to the two brothers ? Still in the Bank ? Transferred to the rightful owner, Zaid certainly doesn’t think it is his ?

    In the TP book he makes reference to not understanding why Saad would go to the bank, he knew it was of no use.

  • michael norton

    It does not alter the case: of Claire Schutz knowing what Sylvain was going to be up to.

    If Claire was agreeing to a pre-arranged outing for Sylvain Mollier,
    that she Claire the family bread-winner, would have to leave her business,
    to regain control of their child, to release Sylvain,
    for his last ride. This was not an ordinary thing.

    Hs Claire Schutz ever been brought in and put under oath

    to thrash out this very, very relevant point.

    Question from Eric Mauillaud to Claire Schutz.

    Claire, what was Slyvain going to be doing on that day?

  • Peter

    @ M., 20 Sep, 2015 – 10:02 am

    Shite, I miscalculated: in the two sons, two daughters scenario, each daughter receives 16.67 % and each son 33.33 %. Thus, the total inheritance should be around £ 1.95 million.

  • M.

    MN, we do not know how long he’d had the ‘new’ bike, it was a lovely early September day, do you seriously think Claire was in the shop from before opening until after closing from Monday through Saturday ?

    She and Christine Beraud were Assistant Pharmacists to her father, I see no reason why she would not also have at least one Assistant Pharmacist, maybe her Dad did help out as well.

    The dispensing of drugs in rural Pharmacies has peaks and troughs, mostly working around the opening hours of local GP’s.

    Maybe, a Wednesday afternoon suited her and Beraud, not too busy, kids not in school (many professionals take the Wednesday afternoon off as well).

    Maillaud says the family have answered ALL questions put to them.

    Anyway back to the big money issues ? The Al-Allaf/Al-Saffar/Al-Hilli, the answer is in there somewhere.

    Even if the Geneva money hadn’t been accessed but was due to Saad it would have been in the Probate, just as the unsold house is, he would have legally inherited the money before his death, even if it wasn’t in his hands, would that be right ?

    And who was telephoning Romania (5 numbers, calls in and out) from the Claygate house, the pre-fix in Le Parisien can only be from that house ?

  • Peter

    Has all this money been hidden as well, so as not to incur taxes in Sweden, she certainly would have struggled to convince authorities she need social housing and aid.

    Just very briefly, before I go: the money must have been hidden, first because Sweden would have taxed the hell out of it, secondly because there is absolutely no way that anybody with liquid assets of that magnitude would be entitled to social benefits in Sweden. Like anywhere else, benefit claimants are means-tested.

    An “in the event of my death” letter does not wash with a bank, as they do not wish to become embroiled in international inheritance issues. A much easier way to accomplish this would have been to set up two accounts, one for each daughter, that they could access upon coming of age. (The daughters having dedicated accounts is also how I would read the phrasing that the money was “set aside” for them.)

  • M.

    Peter, I’m referring to Khadhims money in the Geneva Bank, could he have just written a letter to say who inherits, it doesn’t appear his sons have.

  • michael norton

    There does seem a reluctance among most of the esteemed contributors on this blog
    to ever consider that Sylvain Mollier was going out for a “special” meeting.

    If you can not ever countenance the possibility of a FRENCH involvement in what happened that day, we might as well throw in the towel, which is probably what the FRENCH are wanting.

    That the rest of the world have now got bored and do not care what the FRENCH have been getting up to.
    Let’s move on, nothing to find out here.

  • Peter

    @ M., 20 Sep, 2015 – 11:10 am

    Now I get it. No, I don’t think that this would have been possible for Khadim, as he would have effectively disinherited his sons by bequeathing the balance of his account to some third party, something that is not lawfully possible in Switzerland. In Swiss law, children are entitled to 3/4 of their deceased parents’ estate; the testator may dispose of at most 1/4 of his estate in a discretionary manner. Khadim could have asserted that he wanted Spanish succession law to apply to his estate, but the situation there is similar, with children being entitled to 2/3 of the estate. Thus, the bank definitely would have wanted no part of such an arrangement, since they would have risked getting sued by his children. Likewise, Khadim cannot have claimed that he money actually was not his, that he merely held it in trust for some third party, because he would have needed a Swiss license as a registered asset manager in order to be able to do so.

    For those reasons, I am fairly certain that the money in the (known) Geneva account is still going to accrue to Zaid. The process may take years, but ultimately it is his money.

  • M.

    Thanks, Peter, very helpful indeed !

    So, what do you make of this:

    De l’argent déposé dans une banque à Genève a disparu.

    I read that as the money has disappeared, not being a native I sometimes get it wrong so does it say of the ‘disappeared’ (very common French terminology of someone who has passed away/died).

    Zaid does appear to say he and his brother have not inherited the money in the Geneva Bank.

  • M.

    MN, come on man, there is no new information surrounding Mollier to discuss, Zaid has been vocal in both the French and British Press, have a go at understanding and discussing the issues raised.

    It doesn’t mean you are barking up the wrong tree, it has been reported they found no link between the Al-Hillis and Mollier.

    Mollier was not party to any nuclear secrets, he had been off work for nearly three months for parental leave, so if he had something to exchange, it was well hidden.

    The ‘lost’ is not the word used in the French media at the outset, it was ‘wrong’ (compared to Daddy Schutz itinerary), his Uncle saying he’d been there often.

    So, from the Mollier angle it could only have been a secret liaison, well if it was, and I am the first to admit that was my instinct, for which I was called naive, a French troll and agent, an idiot (more recently James’ second best idiot), whichever way you look at it, if Mollier didn’t follow a predesigned route given by Daddy Schutz, then how could he or his daughter know where he was going.

    It works if Mollier had a rendezvous with someone they didn’t know about, Claire is therefore completely in the clear.

  • Peter

    @ M., 20 Sep, 2015 – 1:27 pm

    My French is nowhere near as good as yours, but I take that phrase to mean that some money in that bank account has disappeared, not all of it. Given that this statement immediately follows a sentence about the quarrel between Zaid and Saad, I take it to be an allusion to the allegation that Zaid helped himself to a debit card for the account during Khadim’s lifetime.

    Zaid is tellling nothing but the literal truth when he says, “Rumours of bank accounts and hidden treasure are all speculation.” He knows the truth, the investigators know, the bank knows, but insofar as the media and the rest of the world are concerned, it is indeed pure speculation.

  • Peter

    @ M., 20 Sep, 2015 – 1:41 pm

    If Khadim had really wanted to deprive his sons of inheriting the money in that Geneva bank account, there would have been legally bulletproof ways of doing so. He could have established a trust or foundation or something, for example, with some hypothetical third party as the beneficiary.

    However, had he done so, his sons would never have argued over the money in that account. The fact that both of them independently had the account frozen after his death proves that both sons believed that they were entitled to a share of the assets, and that they were known to the bank as Khadim’s heirs. From this I infer that Khadim had no such legal vehicle in place, and that Zaid still is entitled to his share of the money.

  • M.

    From The Sun:

    ‘There were also reports that their father had left cash for them in a Swiss bank account, but Zaid dismissed as “completely untrue”.’

    Peter, how can we reconcile money, no money, disappeared ?

    All along Zaid said he did not know what was in the Bank, he didn’t go chasing after it and wonder why his brother had tried.

    Zaid knew the money wasn’t theirs to claim ? Saad wanted to try, and I get that, he needed ‘l’argent’ to buy out his brother from his legal ownership of the Claygate house, he would chase anything he could. Saad also ‘dealt with’ the Baghdad property, or did he just boast to his friend and sometimes benefactor, Dr Alabdi ?

    The flats in Spain and the UK, he wanted rid of another control freak, Saad wanted Zaid out of his life.

    Just suppose the money in the Geneva account has now vanished, where has it gone ? Secreted away for Zaid to pick up at a much later date ? Someone else to do the same ? Who is the title holder now ?

    If this money wasn’t due to be the brothers, belonged to someone else upon Khadims death, they would have a vested interest in stopping Saad from getting near it with his two Wills, fathers ID, what were all the calls to Switzerland and Spain about ?

  • Good In Parts


    Zaid is tellling nothing but the literal truth . . .

    This. Exactly.

    I am fairly certain that the money in the (known) Geneva account is still going to accrue to Zaid.

    I also think that this is likely to be the case.

  • Good In Parts


    Just a thought, neither Claude Antoine or Laurent Fillion-Robin mention the big cylinder MC passing them heading towards Doussard

    No, but then LFR apparently did not see Sylvain Mollier or Brett Martin, so his work was either all-consuming or he was consuming tea on a break.

    Claude Antoine would seem to be a reliable witness, I wonder if he gave the gendarmes additional details that were not reported by the media.

    Playground name-calling “James’ second best idiot” pah! Back in the day, I used to get accused of being ‘Lynda in disguise‘.

  • M.

    Pink, but that was speculation that didn’t come to anything and was brought into being by the British Press, according to Le Parisien.

    From the Telegraph article:

    Geneva prosecutor Dario Zanni yesterday confirmed he had ordered all funds in a private Geneva bank account to be seized, following a request by French judges in mid-September.

    Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Mr Zanni said: “We believe (Mr al-Hilli) came to Geneva for something. Clearly he had something here he was interested in.”

    From the 14th October 2012:

    Le procureur genevois Dario Zanni, qui enquête sur l’affaire à la suite d’une commission rogatoire internationale, a rencontré vendredi 12 octobre à Annecy les deux juges d’instruction en charge de l’enquête. Les enquêteurs s’intéressent en effet à un compte en Suisse au nom du père de Saad Al-Hilli, créditeur d’environ un million d’euros, selon une autre source.

    Saad Al-Hilli veillait à ce que son frère Zaïd, avec qui il était en conflit, ne retire pas d’argent de ce compte, d’après la même source.”Il s’agit de savoir s’il y a eu des mouvements importants sur le compte les jours qui précédaient le drame ou si Saad Al-Hilli a fait un saut à Genève. Pour l’instant, on n’en sait rien”, a indiqué Eric Maillaud.

    If it was Saads money why was he living so frugally, did he tell someone it was his, in the same way he laid claim to the entire Claygate house ?

    Remember Dr Alabdis observation, Saad would have thought £1k was a lot of money §

  • Pink

    Something was said because they are quoting.

    Saad al-Hilli, he murdered a month ago with his wife and his stepmother, and a French cyclist, “would have happened in Geneva shortly before the drama”, also said the Tribune de Genève, adding that this passage the money would be sequestered in connection with the murder.

    Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Mr Zanni said: “We believe (Mr al-Hilli) came to Geneva for something. Clearly he had something here he was interested in.”

  • M.

    Posts are vanishing and others appearing much later, but James’ ‘feckers’ remain untouched.

    MN, the business about Claire going home, she isn’t paid by the hour, it makes no difference if she is on site or not? i’d being willing to bet she was more than happy to quit the shop for a few hours and be with her baby boy.

    Mollier happy to take some air and commit some time to his passion.

    They were ‘en couple’, have a read of Paris Match article recently posted, they decided together he would take Paternity leave, he probably received a certain sum in the first three months, depending on the arrangements made with his employer and after that he’d be entitled to something from the government, just like a stay at home Mum.

    A Metrosexual, new man.

  • M.

    Correct, Pink, but it doesn’t say the money belonged to Saad and Iqbal, just linked to the family.

    The Press sometimes repeat verbatim, sometimes they add a bit from their own interpretation, in the case of attributing the money to Saad and Iqbal they were clearly wrong. Just one of those things, remember BILD had it attributed to being Saddam Husseins.

    If Saad and Iqbal had accessible money, why was he living so frugally and if there was money in a Swiss account in his name why was he concerned about his brothers involvement ?

    There has always been speculation he ‘passed through’ Geneva the day before the murders, then Mr Suitman turns up just as he returned to the campsite….

    Much has changed in the past three years, not least the original reports that the dead were in a British registered SUV.

  • M.

    From Page 142 of The Perfect Crime:

    Zaid’s suggestion contradicts the notion that this was Saad trying to block him getting at the money in Geneva. He instead insists they both agreed to freeze the account. The money, Zaid says, was savings their fathr brought with him from his business in Iraq. The account was opened in 1988 ….He says he is unable to access the money in the account to this day because it is going “through the legal process”. Zaid also claims not to know how much is in the account.

    “That account was frozen from the day my father went into hospital because he isn’t capable to deal with it”…..

    Asked who froze the account “The bank itself …… H had a carer and all that. What they (carers) know, we don’t know.”

    ….. Dario Zanni, alleged Zaid had tried to use a credit card…… he fraudulently attempted to acquire two credit cards…..”No, my father did apply for these”…. “He was here when he applied…..”

    Page 143:

    Mr Zanni alleged Zaid contacted the bank in July 2012….. all of these suggestions as “nonsense”.

    “These people, I don’t know why they make it up. Do they just want to be in the news these people?……”

    Zaid also rejected the claim that on September 3, 2012….. Saad called the bank to forewarn them of his next visit…… According to Zaid, Saad would never have made such a call because he knew the account was frozen…..

    …. Mr Steadman said. “Saad reorded what had been going on and I think police have been able to get it off the hard drive.”

    Hey ho ….

  • Pink

    @Good In Parts
    20 Sep, 2015 – 4:38 pm Back in the day, I used to get accused of being ‘Lynda in disguise‘.

    You reminded me of something, a long time ago on here I got accused of being an agent or spy or something which I found hilarious ,I did point out that whilst the blog had been around the world in its investigations I had not managed to get out of the car park, at that the time I was still looking for bikes which had become a bit of an obsession ,followed by gouges(don’t ask I might have to tell you )the only reason I ended up here at all was because I saw the finding of Zeena on sky news and was so shocked at what they said had happened I did a google search.
    I have to say it been a learning curve and if I fancy a holiday in Annecy sorted ,although there is really no need to go now I have done it all on streetview .

  • Pink

    @ M I am not fighting anyone’s corner I don’t know what the truth is, you all seem to have a good grasp of how the banking business works where as I do not I read whats said and do my best to make some sense of it.
    As Zaid is an accountant he probably knows his own affairs better than we do ,with all the scrutiny he has been under what on earth could he gain from misleading they would be all over it wouldn’t they ?
    I feel very sorry for all the people caught up in this I hope the end justifies the means and they catch the culprit .

    As for Mr Steadman he said SAH never mentioned a feud perhaps he read it in the papers.

    7 September 2012
    “Mr Stedman said: ‘Through Stedman and Co we have been acting for Saad since 2004.
    ‘His brother was company secretary which is a purely nominal role and Ikbal replaced him as company secretary, it must have been a couple of years ago.
    ‘He never mentioned anything about a family feud.’

    Mr al-Hilli’s accountant said he believed the older woman was his mother-in-law.
    Julian Stedman, Mr al-Hilli’s personal accountant for the last eight years, said he had spoken to him the day he left for France.

    Mr Stedman said: “The day he was going I was trying rapidly to get his VAT return done.
    “He was rushing down to collect his mother-in-law from Reading. I think she was the person who was with them (the family).”

    Mr Stedman said he did not know Mr al-Hilli personally but described him as a “family man” who shared his interest in caravanning.

    He said: “I met him every quarter – he came round here to do his VAT return with me. I would occasionally go to his house to pick things up and see his wife and children.

    “He was a very hard-working family man who loved his children.

  • M.

    Another look at the paragraph containing the ‘De l’argent déposé dans une banque à Genève a disparu’, it is listed after referring to Saad in the present tense, unfortunately the next sentence relates to the arrest of Eric D, which of course is after the event.

    So, it could read money has gone missing (whilst SAH was alive).

    There have been two references to missing money, in Spain (SAH went to sort it out) and then in TP’s book by Dr Zaid Alabdi. Page 152 and his words read:

    ” …..The problem started with the the dad, he said; when he claimed he found out his brother was taking money from the dad. That triggered a big problem. You are dealing with someone who is in love with money….”

    Pink, if anything I am suggesting Zaid is not involved, KAH didn’t bequeath the Geneva money to his sons, only a look at the ‘Will/s’ can determine that ! As I recall Zaid in the TP book says there was only one Will and ‘Saad knows it’.

    The money belonging to someone else would be a good reason to intimidate SAH who was trying to access it, people have killed for less.

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