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8,116 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    O.K. nobody likes question Two

    let’s have a go at Question One

    Is the motorcyclist,
    stopped and spoken with by the forest people
    and instructed to leave,
    the same motorcyclist William Brett Martin saw,
    as W.B.M. was ascending to the scene of the slaughter?

  • Peter

    @ M., 21 Sep, 2015 – 10:10 am
    The money belonging to someone else would be a good reason to intimidate SAH who was trying to access it, people have killed for less.

    Lately, I have been musing about the odd, odd coincidence that both AH pĆØre (definitely) and al-Saffar pĆØre (probably) had large sums of undeclared cash salted away in Swiss offshore accounts. In some respects, this symmetry makes sense, inasmuch as Saad would have married “below his station” if Iqbal had been completely penniless. Vice versa, without his hidden wealth, SAH would not have appeared terribly attractive husband material. Yet the al-Saffars kept their considerable wealth hidden. Likewise, Saad’s true net worth was a closely-guarded secret that he kept even from his friends, or rather the people who thought they were his friends, like Dr Alabdi.

    So, I wonder, how did the relatives who brokered this marriage manage to make such a fortuitous match in financial terms? One very simple explanation would be that Saad and Iqbal were cousins, and that their marriage was intended to keep the family fortune together. Unfortunately, I have no way of checking that hypothesis. Can your Arabic-speaking contact check this out?

    If this hypothesis were true, if the black money sloshing around in the AH and a-Saffar families ultimately stemmed from the same source and belonged to the same family clan, the motive for the murders could have been a family tug-of-war over the distribution of these assets, with Saad (who wanted to help himself to half of the money in Kadhim’s Geneva account) and Suhaila al-Allaf (who, apparently, tapped her late husband’s Swiss account in order to make a secret lifetime donation to her grandchildren via her daughter Iqbal) pulling on one side of the rope and other members of the family on the other.

  • michael norton

    1) there does only seem to be two options:

    a) they are the same person

    b) they are different people

    if the answer is

    a) then MISTERLYON has some talking to do because he is either the murderer,
    the murderers bag man
    or at the very least a prime witness.

    if the answer is b) then we must ask:

    is the E-FIT-SKETCH of the person spoken to by the forest people above Le Martinet?
    is the E-FIT-SKETCH of the motorcyclist descending past William Brett Martin?
    is the E-FIT-SKETCH a made up sketch to put Eric Devouassoux in to the frame as pasie?
    are we still looking for the motorcyclist who descended past W.B.M. because he is very likely to be the slaughterer?

  • michael norton

    Should have spelt is PATSY or written Scapegoat

    Eric Maillaud has made no mention of another motorcyclist.

    He has not rubbished William Brett Martin’s statement.

    so are we to assume that Eric Maillaud thinks the motorcyclist that slowly descended
    the combe passing William Brett Martin ascending, just after the slaughtering happened,
    is the same person as the man spoken to above Le Martinet just before the slaughtering happened?

  • Good In Parts


    I posted:- “Is he one of the two mobylettes seen by the retired policeman heading up the combe?

    You replied:- “Well, I think not. W.B.M. gave the impression that it was an extraordinary slow riding motorcyclist, I expect W.B.M. is aware of a moped or a proper motorcycle.

    So, the logical conclusion from your reply is that there was at least one extra mobylette there that day.

    How do you account for this extra mobylette with respect to the timelines and witness statements?

    Does Eric know who the rider was and if so why has he not revealed their existence?

  • M.

    Why would they make an E-fit look like Eric D ? They stopped a man on a MC, a big cylinder MC. I think we’ve been sucked in by the photos of Eric D, he didn’t actually look much like the E-fit in the summer of 2013 when he lost his job.

    I did a comparison of the two photos with the E-fit in the middle. In one if the recent press articles it said Mr Lyon had a heavy brow, Eric D said the man had black eyes and a black beard. He also said the man was if heavier build than he.

    He was traced via his mobile phone and camera footage, CCTV, and then his MC licence.

    Is it WBM’s MC, how can any of us answer that ? EM implies it is the missing MC, he wanted him to try to recall anything from that day, how likely is it after 2 and a half years and then read the Press articles that anything would be of any use.

    WBM did not see the mans face and neither did ONF1. Always remembering that when all of them who saw a MC were not expecting it to form part of a murder investigation.

    Is Mr Lyon involved, for me it is a no.

  • michael norton

    O.K. let’s take one part of that.

    Why would “They” make an E-fit look like Eric Devouassoux.

    Let us for a moment imagine the motorcyclist from LYON who we have not seen, we do not know who he is,

    did not exist

    or was not present that day.

    “They” make an E-FIT-SKETCH in the likeness of Eric Devouassoux
    to rope him in as a patsy.

    Maybe he has upset some people and “They” need a scapegoat, E.D. is that scapegoat.

    The real murderer would probably be the slow riding biker William Brett Martin
    saw descending, just after the Slaughter of the Horses.

    Possibly the slow biker was not the shootist but he was involved.

  • michael norton

    In the above

    the man from Lyon now comes forward two years later.
    He was not there but he is a real person who works for the FRENCH state,
    he comes forward and says he was there but he was never there.
    This is enough to throw Eric Maillaud into confusion, he had started to believe that the motorcyclist must be the murderer but this secret man who has come forward has him confounded.

    It may never be solved.

  • M.

    MN, bit too much imagination.

    Let’s read between the lines since Mr Lyon has been found, he did not come forward. He admits to being stopped by the ONF.

    Since the revelation he’s found and ‘mis hors casuse’, hasn’t EM said they think the gunman was in place before any of the victims arrived and that he was likely nearby or still there when WBM arrived.

    Therefore, they conclude there was only one MC.

    Peter, do you have the Spanghero link ? You show me yours and I’ll show you mine !

  • michael norton

    @ M

    ” Eric D said the man had black eyes and a black beard. He also said the man was if heavier build than he.”

    could you explain?

  • michael norton

    Surrey Satellite Technology
    20 Stephenson Road Surrey Research Park
    Guildford, Surrey GU2 7YE

    UK small satellite manufacturer SSTL has released details of the spacecraft it launched in July, but about which it gave few details at the time.

    Codenamed Carbonite, the 80kg platform filled some unused mass on the rocket that put up the company’s new high-resolution imaging constellation.

    It turns out the additional passenger was a demonstrator for a new type of quick-build, ultra-low-cost satellite.

    Carbonite uses an off-the-shelf camera and telescope to take videos of Earth.

    It acquires still pictures as well. Both modes show features on the ground down to a size of 1.5m.

    However, if flown in a 500km-high orbit, this would be a 1m ground-resolution.

    Carbonite’s mission was revealed at last week’s World Satellite Business Week conference in Paris, organised by Euroconsult.

    The intention is to compete the platform in the emerging Earth-observation market for daily, fast-turn-around imagery.

    This is a market being targeted currently by a number of Silicon Valley operations, including Skybox-Google and Planet Labs, and requires the use of multiple satellites in orbit.

    Carbonite-1 was built and tested in six months.

    Its camera and telescope, which has a 25cm mirror, were both bought online and then adapted so they would cope with the harsh environment of space.

    It also incorporates a drag sail, which will be deployed at the end of its mission to pull it out of orbit.
    Fill-in role

    SSTL says more Carbonite missions are already in development.

    The goal is to reduce the mass to 50kg, and to get the build time down to under three months.

    The cost will have to be lowered, too. The aim there is to turn Carbonites out for well less than a million pounds.

    “That will depend on what level of sophistication the customer wants,” said Luis Gomes, the head of Earth observation at SSTL.

    “What Carbonite is about is filling in the blanks, and doing it in a timely way,” he told BBC News. (If there is cloud in the way, the ground cannot be seen by an optical satellite).

    “There is a lot of hype out there about some of these new systems – that they can do everything.

    “No, they can’t, but for certain applications, they will nevertheless perform a role in supporting more capable constellations.”

    SSTL has not released publicly the imagery acquired by the demonstrator in the last few weeks.

    The Guildford company says it has been busy getting its own new DMC3 imaging constellation ready for operation and wants more time to work with the Carbonite product before showing it off more widely.

    For those wondering where they may have heard the word “carbonite” before – one use was for a fictional substance in the Star Wars film The Empire Strikes Back.

    The material was used by the Empire to freeze the body of smuggler and rebel leader Han Solo.

  • Pink

    Was just having another dig around the Mastro case there is some gold mentioned in this story not my area all this banking stuff but could there have been a deposit box for this gold and someone was delivering the key or something along those lines BB mentioned in the past this sort of activity goes on .
    I also found that MM drove a Range rover it didn’t mention the colour, it was sold with all LM’s designer handbags and jewel encrusted crap she bought.

  • michael norton

    I still get the idea that Eric Maillaud is trying “to confuse”

    It must be obvious to a blind bat
    that determining if there was only ever one motorcyclist
    there were multiple motorcyclist

    is of huge importance, if you are trying to solve these murders.

    Eric wants us, now, to believe
    that a motorcyclist was spoken to by the forest guards and asked to descend.
    Eric wants us to believe that the forest guards helped the police artist to make an
    E-FIT-SKETCH of that motorcyclist with the special side-opening helmet.

    William Brett Martin has said that a very slow riding motorcyclist descended past him,
    as W.B.M. was ascending to the scene of the slaughter.

    Yet the “Lyon” motorcyclist has told Maillaud that he did not see W.B.M.

    These accounts would seem to disagree,
    yet Maillaud has not updated his thinking ( publicly)

  • Pink

    I agree with you MN he is trying ā€œto confuseā€ and succeeding in my case.

    I wonder if the MC thought s*** we have shot the wrong bloke if it was true that SM did pass BM and thats the area that Em appears to want to confuse the timeline of BM ,then SM could well have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and they were expecting BM it might even cause some rushing because SM arrived sooner than was expected for BM’s timing .
    Or if BM knows more than he says then he may have hidden from MC as it passed and that’s why the rider didn’t see him .

  • michael norton

    If the meet was between a member of the al-Hilli family and william Brett Martin,
    why could they not just meet up in Kent, Sussesx, Berkshire or Surrey?

  • Pink

    Would these claims have been done by their respective lawyers ?

    01 Jun 2013

    “In remarks that appear to confirm reports of a feud between murdered engineer Saad al-Hilli and his brother Zaid, a Swiss prosecutor has said that both men had lodged rival claims to a Ā£680,000 deposit left in a Geneva bank account by their late father, Kadim.
    Kadim al Hilli, who died aged 80 in 2011, had no left instructions for the disposal of his estate, a situation that prosecutor Dario Zanni said was a known cause for “fratricidal war” in families.
    “The common ground is that when they don’t plan their succession, it usually ends up in a fight between heirs,” said Mr Zanni, who froze the account after a request by French judges last year.
    He makes his comments in an interview for “The Alps Murders”, a Channel Four’s Dispatches documentary which examines the as yet unsolved mystery of why Mr Hilli and his family were attacked while on holiday near Lake Annecy last September……

  • Peter

    Finally, one useful factoid amidst all that GQ drivel
    There were two bits of unmatched DNA on the al-Hillisā€™ car, but a search of every known DNA database in Europe couldnā€™t identify them. (Probably meaningless, anyway: One is a few skin cells on the front bumper, as if someone brushed against it in a parking lot, and the other, under the ļ¬‚oor mat on the driverā€™s side, was likely left by a detailer.)

    If that be all the DNA evidence that the gendarmerie have, they might as well close down the investigation now, as it is not going to go anywhere. Upon the other hand, this worthless DNA evidence could not be used to exclude any potential suspect. Viewed purely upon this basis, Menegaldo remains in play.

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