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8,116 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Good In Parts


    Thanks for the heads-up on the DNA. I shall have a look at it.

    I think the recent stories are slightly odd, take the one below which has today as its publication date. On reading it I cannot immediately see any new information whatsoever.

    The story was updated approx six hours after publication this morning, so it is possible that there was some actual, real, ‘news’ from the American family but it was removed upon receiving a request from some agency.

    Published: 04:58, 22 September 2015 | Updated: 11:14, 22 September 2015

  • M.

    Peter, there is a difference, For Menegaldo it was written his DNA was not found at the scene, for Eric D it was written his DNA did not match those found at the scene.

    Subtle but different.

    The Mirror as the original source of the story dies not say the FBI are going to dig up JT.

    Chinese whispers in print, does anyone really think tid could be a suicide pact ?

    If it is true they kept in contact, it is more likely because she was unhappy in her arranged marriage, Sade found out he was
    not her husband, she was just there to produce offspring.

    Maybe JT was the only one she could confide in.

  • michael norton

    From today The Daily Mail

    “The FBI has also asked for the body of American oil worker Mr Thompson to be exhumed so as to verify he died of a heart attack.”

    I think this is new?

  • M.

    Pink, the Press really don’t care about accuracy, and the French have said there is no link, other than they were old weapons.

    Maybe all this is because Zaid has gone to The Sun to give his story and GQ not forgetting Paris Match, not Tom Parry, a sort of revenge because Zaid didn’t come out of the book looking good.

    If there is one thing I’ve discovered in following this case, is don’t believe all you read in the Press, any Press.

  • M.

    MN, it isn’t new, they approached the family in early 2013, the family were happy to accept he died of cardiac arrest.

    If you have the time and if the Facebook pages are still available, go back to September 2012 on Judy Weatherly’s. Some people were questioning his death in the month he died. Nothing to do with Kelly.

  • Good In Parts


    Another useful factoid, well ‘interesting’ rather than useful anyway.

    Every satellite company in Europe, Maillaud says, dug through its archive of images from September 5, 2012, and detectives studied those for any clue—tire tracks, vehicles, an unaccounted person—buried in the pixels.

    Extraordinary! Now that is real news. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that all available satellite imagery has been requisitioned for a murder that did not involve terrorism.

    Watch the skies! no wait, that won’t help. Don’t look up! great advice*…

    Maybe your next action thriller can include someone with a smartphone app that predicts the transits of commercial satellites. Beep! two minutes to get to cover!

    Of course, a forest is effectively continuous cover.

    (*) courtesy of Brill.

  • michael norton

    @ M
    I would have thought that with all the resources of the FBI
    they to could the Family of Jimmy they were going to have him dug up
    because he could have been murdered.
    The family of Jimmy would not have a leg to stand on.

  • michael norton

    If Eric Maillaud was aware of local police officer Eric Devouassoux,
    from week one or two, why did he need to wait for more than a year before allowing the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH, the murder of Nicole Communal-Tournier, before a local person rang in to say ” I know who resembles the E-FIT-SKETCH, it is the local policeman who is a gun nutter his in-laws live in Chevaline”

    You would have thought, Eric and his team could of been onto Devouassoux at least one full year earlier

    but then Eric “wanted to confuse”.

  • Pink

    or rather mysterious death is what it says
    “Police said they had linked the murders with the mysterious death of another tourist in July 2012.”

  • Good In Parts

    I had always wondered why les gendarmes had downplayed the ONF1 sighting of the BMW 4×4.

    There’s an old saying,” Maillaud says. “One witness is no witness.

    Presumably it does not appear in the satellite imagery either.

  • M.

    GIP, it didn’t go over the Col, I reckon it went back down where it came from, afterall, M. Antoine says two or three cars passed by, maybe the 4×4 was one of them.

    Thierry Boinet says many people saw the vehicle, I would bet ONF1 (possibly Roland D of Route du Moulin fame who had an PNR/ONF van in his garden during the snows) is the only person to identify it as RHD and a BMW. Play on words again, just like the MC.

    The first reports were the British were in an SUV, ONF1 living in Route du Moulin may have asked the passing Emergency vehicles ‘what’s up ?’, ‘People dead in a British car’, ‘I passed an SUV up there earlier’.

  • M.

    MN, he wasn’t a real ‘policeman’ combination of one of your PCSO and a Traffic Warden.

    Eric Devouassoux at the time of the murders was a ‘Police Municipale’:

    “safety, security, safety and public order [1]
    the correct application of the bylaws.
    monitoring and regulation of road traffic and the recording of traffic violations.[2]
    routine screening for alcohol offenses.[3]
    maintenance of law 78-6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
    assistance to citizens of the town.
    the laws of urban planning.
    reporting of crimes over which they have no jurisdiction.

    The municipal police may carry out arrests as part of the act [4] and are required to deliver any perpetrator to an officer of the national police or the national gendarmerie.”

    He would have had no purpose or reason to be at Le Martinet, he was employed by the Mairie at Menthon Le Bernard, lived in Community housing before his dismissal.

    The delayed release of the E-fit Sketch (also stated in the GQ article) was because they didn’t want to alarm the man into hiding. It may well have been an error but that was how they decided to proceed at the time.

    This still leaves the RHD 4×4 to be accounted for and the well dressed man seen having an animated discussion with Saad the day before the murders.

    Pink, maybe they just have the year wrong (quelle surprise) 2011, Baligant murdered in a rest area with an old Swiss Musket, no link found.

  • michael norton

    Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right National Front, has been ordered to stand trial in October on charges of inciting racial hatred.

    The charges relate to her comments made in 2010 comparing Muslims praying in the streets to the Nazi occupation of France in World War Two.

    The European Parliament paved the way for her prosecution in 2013 by removing her immunity as an MEP.

    Ms Le Pen has defended her remarks and called the charges “intimidation”.

    She will appear in court in LYON on 20 October, according to French media reports.

    While she is there she could have a chat with MISTERLYON

    and ask him if he did it?

  • Good In Parts


    Play on words again, you are probably right. I dispair.

    The real issue is not the exasperation of a few internet posters, but the failure to follow up a sighting, and the failure to promptly issue a public appeal.

    The negative drip-feed of police ‘opinion’ via media leaks must surely have discouraged any potential witness from coming forward.

    The key messaging is “Want a hard time? Tell us you saw a UK X5. We won’t believe you

  • michael norton

    If FRANCE has already decided that AREVA is essentially bankrupt
    and the EPR design is a load of shit

    why oh why has the ENGLISH chancellor just announced that CHINA
    can pay for an EPR in Somerset.
    Why would we want it if they don’t work,
    whoever pays for it?

    Looks like the FRENCH are going to design a different EPR

    maybe one that is less complex and might actually work.

    Quote Reuters

    “Delays and cost overruns at two nuclear reactors under construction in France and Finland have made potential investors wary of joining a consortium led by France’s EDF for a similar project in Britain, EDF’s chief executive said.

    The French utility plans to build two European Pressurised Reactors (EPRs) at Hinkley Point with two Chinese partners, but it has been unable to find other investors for the 16 billion pound project.

    “For third parties observing the announcements of delays and cost overruns for the EPRs under construction, it is difficult to commit,” Jean-Bernard Levy told French financial daily Les Echos.

    Technical problems and tightened safety rules have delayed EDF’s new-generation nuclear reactors and costs have ballooned way beyond initial estimates.

    Levy said EDF’s main partner for the project in western England is China General Nuclear Corp(CGN), which is also building two EPR reactors in China.

    “They still have confidence in the EPR, like us,” he said.

    but not convincingly.

  • M.

    GIP, from the 18th October 2012

    Un autre jeune pilote de moto trial aperçu le jour du drame dans les environs de Chevaline a, lui, été retrouvé depuis. Il s’agit d’un adolescent qui pilotait son engin dans la zone de réserve de chasse du massif des Bauges et qui a été mis hors de cause.

    From 15th September, one and the same, not sure, he doesn’t indicate he was seen.

    En totale infraction dans ce parc national protégé, et sans assurance, l’ado crapahute au guidon de sa moto trial, une 125. Il n’a rien vu, mais il a clairement entendu une série de coups de feu. Combien? Il est bien incapable de le dire. “Quand même beaucoup!”, confie, du bout des lèvres, le jeune colosse, qui n’a pas songé une seconde à regarder sa montre. Pas de quoi en tout cas affoler un gamin du massif des Bauges habitué à fréquenter les chasseurs. Ce n’est qu’à l’arrivée des pompiers et surtout des gendarmes que Melvin va prendre conscience que “quelque chose de grave” est arrivé et s’éclipser discrètement en faisant un grand détour pour échapper à tout contrôle.

  • M.

    Only because I can !

    More than one witness giving the description of, now known, Mr Lyon, regrettably for ONF1 he’s the only one to give the 4×4 a name and description, does that make him a liar ?

    Maillaud said (as did Le Parisien) they had the details about the 4×4 within hours, the E-fit sketch compiled within 72 hours.

    How good are our memories of someone we came across in the last three days, especially after three sleeps !

  • michael norton

    FRENCH police have arrested a 48-year-old man who may be the motorcyclist spotted at the scene of the murder of the Iraqi-born British engineer Saad al-Hilli and two members of his family in the French Alps.

    The breakthrough came after police issued an efit of a man wearing an unusual model of motorcycle helmet. A motorcyclist was seen at the scene on an isolated road near Annecy minutes before the slaughtering took place.

    Eric Maillaud, the Annecy prosecutor, said a man matching the efit had been
    “”. But he cautioned that it was impossible to say at this stage whether the man in police custody may have anything to do with the killing. He also suggested there may be other arrests.

    I wonder what Eric Maillaud meant by
    “actively sought by police”

    does that suggest they were on to him, before the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH?

  • michael norton

    In some reports, it is suggested that the authorities did not have Eric Devouassoux on their RADAR untill a member of the public called in to say that E-FIT-SKETCH you just released looks a lot like Eric Devouassoux, the local nutter-copper.

    I am warming to my earlier suggestion that the E-FIT-SKETCH
    was made to look like E.D.
    and they used that to start their investigation into him.


  • M.

    MN, the arrest took place in the February 2014, they had been given his name mid-November 2013 by someone from the Mairie where he had been employed, after the release of the P-R, due to a passing resemblance.

    They had him followed for those months and then went to arrest, by then they knew he was dealing in old arms, which he had not declared, and didn’t appear on the list of owners in the area. What a stupid man.

    Eric D didn’t do it, Eric D was not there, he was working and says he was filling up at a petrol station in Annecy around the time of the murders, well that’s an easy one to prove, he would have had to sign for the fuel. The very same fuel that got him sacked !

    Of course they were actively seeking the ‘motard’, hence trawling through mobile phones pinging the local mast.

  • michael norton


    the authorities connived to make up the E-FIT-SKETCH to strongly resemble Eric Maillaud,
    then that leaves me to imagine that LYON biker was not there.

    But that does not mean that the slow riding biker who passed W.B.M. was not there.

  • michael norton

    Sorry, getting my self confused.


    the FRENCH authorities connived to make up the E-FIT-SKETCH to strongly
    resemble Eric Devouassoux
    then that leaves me to imagine that LYON biker was not there that awful day.

    But that does not mean the slow riding motorcyclist who passed W.B.M. was not there.

    I think there is a good chance that the slow riding motorcylist is the murderer or an associate of the murderer.

    It couls still be Eric Devouassoux.

  • M.

    Jean-Marc Ducos @jeanmarcduc

    #Chevaline Faudrait juste dire au MailOnline d’arrêter de recycler des infos périmées et parues il y a déjà longtemps.

    For once I agree with him !

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