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8,116 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Good In Parts

    Quote of the day:-

    He asked the man at the campground, the one with the ruddy face and the gray hair and the pitchfork, where he should take his family.

    Yeesss. . . Riight . . . Mustn’t forget the pitchfork.

  • M.

    MN, at the time of his arrest he lived in Talloires, you need to read the French Press, look at the French VT and photos.

    He was arrested in Talloires. If indeed he owned a ‘maison de vacances’ in Lathuile, which he rented out, that would explain why he needed to rent a property after he was kicked out of the Community ‘logement’.

    “Not far from the parking area, his mobile phone rang. It was Claire. Mollier was out of breath, panting. He told her he had to get to the top, and he’d call her back.”

    “But in April 2014, while working through an extensive list of anyone Claire Schutz remembered ever knowing, detectives summoned a former soldier for a routine interview. His name was Patrice Menegaldo, he was 50 years old, and he lived in Ugine. He’d been a paratrooper in the French Foreign Legion, an elite fighting force composed partly of misfits and ruffians running away from something else; Legionnaires are not, by temperament or training, fragile men. He was asked questions for an hour and then sent on his way.

    Two months later, Menegaldo shot himself in the head.”

    Can we please agree to put the whole GQ in the virtual bin ?

  • M.

    How about Iqbal planning to kill Saad, with witnesses. Zainab wasn’t meant to get out of the car, Iqbal and her mother planned to get rid of Saad, he wasn’t her husband, he found out and made her life hell, she couldn’t divorce a man she hadn’t legally married.

    She wanted out. Oh to know the content of the E:mails between JT and Iqbal Al-Saffar….

  • M.

    I would still like a quiet word with emotional Cedric from a nearby village who had been walking on Les Bauges that day, upon hearing of the commotion he arrived at the barrier….

  • Peter

    His name was Patrice Menegaldo (…) He was asked questions for an hour and then sent on his way.

    Somebody is lying – Menegaldo, his sister, Maillaud, or the gendarme(s) who interrogated Menegaldo.

  • Good In Parts


    Can we please agree to put the whole GQ in the virtual bin ?

    But, but, it’s my favrit! – I Can Has Pitchfork!

    Plus the third chapter has a most ingenious heading illustration. Here is the hi-res original.

    Titled “The Cyclist” with the byline “Photocollage by Gluekit”, it is the only one not incorporating an actual photo of someone involved, presumably because of those ‘legal letters’ flying around.

    But as the saying goes, one photo(collage) is worth a thousand words. In this case the cloud topped cooling towers almost blending into a mushroom cloud, the fit looking cyclist in the centre and the fiddly looking bird on the right with the come-hither look*, say everything that needs to be said.

    (*) or is it two fingers to the lawyers?

  • michael norton

    quote Bluebird 30/10/2013

    I know that some of you have a better memory regarding dates and timing.

    Q1. When did the al hilli family arrive at camping # 1 lake Annecy
    Q2. Was the “balkan” guy seen at camping #1 or #2 and when?
    Q3. When exactly did Saad move to camping #2?
    Q4. Was that “heated discussion” with a dark skinned guy happening at camping #1 or #2 and when?
    Q5. When did the family leave from surrey?

  • michael norton

    quote Agrainofsalt 30/10/2013

    Q1: Arrived camping 1 on Sept 1
    Q2: Balkan guy seen at camping 1 on Sept 1 or 2
    Q3: Moved to camping 2 on Sept 3
    Q4: Happened at camping 2 on Sept 4
    Q5: Unclear. Has been quoted as Aug 29, but doesn’t fit with above timeline

  • M.

    Peter, probably the same Cedric but it was in a much shorter article, not one compiled later, added to and updated.

    Shame, I was quite keen on Cedric being the gunman, gone to a barrier to have a look at the fallout from his afternoons activity.

    GIP, yes the pitchfork, priceless, he’s also had a sex change and gained some years and kilos, originally it was the campsite receptionists daughter, wasn’t it ?

  • michael norton

    It all seems very Hectic.
    The “mother” of Ikbal comes from Sweden with her demented son, seamlessly gets him locked up?
    Then Saad hitches the caravan to his motor, then away to FRANCE.
    Camping One, meet Balkan man, leave for camping two , drive up Le Martinet.

    Where does drive to Switzerland fit into this impossibly tight itinerary?

  • M.

    1. Saturday late afternoon, 1st September
    2. Camping 1
    3. Monday 3rd September, arrived at about 16:00 with a bike on the roof
    4. Camping 2
    5. Wednesday 29th August, on the ferry from Dover around 22:00

    MN, according to neighbours in Sweden they hadn’t seen Haydar for about a month, they thought he’d gone to England. I don’t think there was ever a suggestion he had travelled with his mother.

    SAH apparently went to Reading to collect Suhaila. After Dover they went via Rouen, with two nights at different campsites.

    The Balkan looking gent was said to be an Italian tourist who left or a local waiter who’d been looking to get a Euro piece to be able to enter the pool area. Never any mention of him actually being seen with Al-Hilli.

  • Good In Parts


    Mmmmm. In depth reporting. They certainly do seem to relish getting to the bottom of things.

    Haydar. So, who did he travel with? Or was it ‘unescorted child’ style. Mom puts him on the plane, sister picks him up the other end.

    Airlines seem shy of this these days, but dont want to be sued for whatever-ism. Especially travel for medical treatment.

    Apparently a largish chap and strong. Possibly difficult to handle when off his meds. Wonder if they fully declared his condition and meds. It might have been ‘easier’ to claim he had aspergers or similar.

    So, who paid for his travel and treatment? We are talking serious money here!

    Was Suhaila considering a move to the UK? More family here, young grandchildren etc. She cannot have looked forward to trying to control Haydar on her own.

    Was Haydar being treated in a supported-living style community in the hope that he would like it and go along with a permanent move to the UK?

    It would cost serious money though, who would lose by such an arrangement? Maybe it wasn’t just money being put in her grandchildrens name that was at stake.

  • michael norton

    My little point was it does seem a rather hastily arranged foreign jaunt.

    The “caravan holiday” seems overly fast moving for a family of two infants a foreign grandmother the children did not know.
    In these few days, when was the trip to Switzerland fitted in.

    If you were trying to introduced an unknown grandmother to two infants, you would want to stay in one place for a time, so they could feel sttled and comfortable with each other, that is not what happened on this “holiday”.

  • M.

    According to Iqbals family they had been in Sweden the year before, did I read Iqbal had taken Zainab with her when she attended her fathers funeral, not sure ?

    MN, only the ferry company would be able to say when SAH booked his crossing, and EM of course.

    Swiss possibilities: Tuesday or Thursday, apparently the return ferry was on Friday 7th September.

    I always found the ‘day (Wednesday) was given over to his daughters’, slightly strange, Sunday or was it Monday they spent time in the pool at the first campsite. Arriving just down the road at 16:00 does seem late, unless there wasn’t a pitch spare.

    Haydar, George on TCK wrote he is back in Sweden, he linked an address.

    Even with guardianship, he didn’t have to tell the travel company as long as he had ID, maybe he paid with his Mums Credit Card online.

    Or his mother did, for him to see his brother and two sisters.

    GIP, I wonder how Fadwa was able to undertake a PhD in Reading, from a financial point of view ?

    Although it appears she was living with her brother and niece. As TP says, so little is known about Mr Al-Saffar aka Ahmed Mahmood. I wonder why the two brothers ditched their proper surname ?

  • Good In Parts


    One of the media reports out of switzerland (probably Zanni) stated that SAH had ‘passed through’ Geneva on the Monday.

    I took this to mean that SAH had ventured out on his own probably to visit one of his friends or ex-colleagues and not that he had been to the (or a) bank.

    Arriving just down the road at 16:00 does seem late, unless there wasn’t a pitch spare.” My explanation of this was that SAH had stayed out longer than he thought he would on his trip that ‘passed through’ Geneva.

    I always found the ‘day (Wednesday) was given over to his daughters’, slightly strange.” Me too, but I cannot articulate why I think that.

    I wonder why the two brothers ditched their proper surname ?” Possibly because it attracted too much attention from scammers etc. I read somewhere (possibly the ‘I’ word), that a branch of the Al-Saffar clan were the richest family in Sweden. Maybe that was why they all moved to Sweden.

    Still, it might be useful to have some inpecunious, but loyal, family members around who were not obviously ‘core’ family.

    Do you remember Jimmy Carter’s hillbilly brother Bobby? Usually in overachieving families something is found to keep them occupied in case they become ’embarassing’.

    GIP, I wonder how Fadwa was able to undertake a PhD in Reading, from a financial point of view ?” Perhaps there is a family trust of some kind. On the other hand there was mention upthread of family ‘debts’ in the context of a potential motive but I have never seen mention of this anywhere else.

    Another minor point; I read somewhere is that the prefix ‘Al’ as in Al-Whatever apparently can be seen as a bit pretentious unless you actually are a top-ranking cleric or seriously, seriously, wealthy.

    Bit like me insisting on being called Von Christalovsky if my family name were Christalovsky (which it isn’t). Along these lines it may be worth noting that Zaid seems to use just ‘Hilli’ these days.

    Nice and informal, bit like ‘call me Dave’.

  • michael norton

    At M

    that seems to be a woman, Eric Devouassoux is a man.

    In some of the reports I have read it says he lives in Lathuile with his girlfriend,

  • M.

    MN, it’s his wife, born Littoz-Monnet, check it out, she is named in a French Press article.

    I should have posted that as well.

    GIP, I’ll try to find the reference to the swimming pool, I recall the reference to him passing through Switzerland on the Monday it was Zanni in the early days.

  • M.

    GIP, ParisMatch article:

    “D’après D. B., la famille est arrivée samedi 1er au soir, vers 21h30, avant de repartir aux alentours de 9h30 le lundi matin, pour un autre camping. Ils auraient passé la journée de dimanche au bord de la piscine du camping et mangé entre eux, sans fréquenter le restaurant du lieu le midi ni le soir.”

    Sunday, around the pool.

    Monday left at 9:30 !!!

    Arrived Solitaire 16:00 !!!

    Trip through Switzerland ? Telephoned the bank from Switzerland ?

  • Good In Parts


    Monday left at 9:30 !!! Arrived Solitaire 16:00 !!!

    Thanks. Now that wasn’t quite what I expected, they all left, so unless SAH dropped the others (or some of the others) off somewhere, then they all went somewhere that involved ‘passing through’ Geneva.

    Telephoned the bank from Switzerland ?

    Maybe, one could argue that someone seriously paranoid would wish to not make an international call to a Swiss Bank but from the description of the call SAH was very emotional, so I kinda assumed that SAH had recorded the call on his PC, and thus that he had used Skype (or other IP telephony software).

    If that were the case then it would defeat the objective of increased privacy (or a reduced risk of it being intercepted by anyone other than the Swiss authorities).

    Is there a visitors centre at CERN?

  • M.

    With the caravan in tow, I doubt they left it anywhere. Now that would have been a boring day for the kids.

    What did they do Tuesday ?

    The call, was it someone at the bank who said he seemed disturbed ?

    Deux mois plus tard, le 3 septembre, Saad a prévenu la même banque de sa prochaine venue. Il semblait très perturbé. Cet héritage l’obsédait, a dit à la justice l’un de ses vieux amis résidant au Tessin.

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