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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    FRANCE going down the pan

    Air France on Thursday suspended five of its employees without pay in connection to a violent incident on October 5, in which workers protesting job cuts ripped the shirt off of two of the airline’s executives.

    The company sent letters to the five employees informing them that disciplinary procedures had been launched against them, union sources said.

    The five men, suspected of assaulting the head of human resources and the director of Air France’s long-haul flights unit, were taken into custody by police earlier this week. They were identified on video taken of the shocking episode outside the company’s headquarters near Charles de Gaulle airport, during which two security guards were also injured.
    Gov’t in about-face on Air France restructuring plan

    The employees, workers in the company’s cargo division, are also facing legal charges.

    They are due back in court on December 2, when they could be ordered to pay up to 45,000 euros in fines and spend three years behind bars.

  • Pink

    4.01pm is a strange time why shortly before 4.01pm ,why not say just after 4.OOpm or just before 4.00pm
    If it was between 4.01pm and 4.00pm then he didnt make the call and what was BM doing for the intervening time ?

    But as they rode quietly drive forest road of Combe-d’Ire on the heights of the village of Chevaline, close to the place called Martinet, they saw arise shortly before 4:01 p.m. frantic cyclist, first witness of the massacre that killed Saad al-Hilli, his wife, the mother of the latter, as well as Sylvain Mollier, a cycling family man.

  • Good In Parts


    Mmmmm, what translator are you using?

    Bing translates it as follows:-

    But while they quietly rode in car the forest road of the Combe-of Ire, on the heights of the village of horse, close to the locality of the swift, they saw emerge shortly before 4 p.m. a distraught cyclist, first witness of the massacre which claimed the lives of Saad al-Hilli, his wife, the mother of the latter, as well as Sylvain Mollier a father to cycling.

    Which seems reasonable to my schoolboy french. Maybe your pooter has been at the sauce.

  • Pink

    GIP I was using google translate I was going to try another one to see but can’t get the page to load now I just get this message does the link still work for you ?

    Thanks! An error has occurred …
    The page you requested does not answer ..

  • Pink

    Yes I got the page now and I get the same as you GIP “they saw emerge shortly before 4 p.m.” I rely on google translate a lot I dread to think what its told me 🙂

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Maybe, if it was a national security service, they hired someone (or some group) – plausible deniability – who wasn’t really up to the job? Proper (NATO/Russian/Israeli, etc. state) assassins would have had details of exactly who was present, they would have been listening in and surveilling constantly and they would have killed everyone, including the two children. There have been a lot of vendettas b/w exiled Iraqis over the past 30-40 years. The Iraqi regime (Saddam Hussein’s one, i mean) used to assassinate people (exiled Iraqis) in London. I don;t think anyone outside of the serest state(s) is any further forward in finding out who did this. I suspect there is much of which we, the general public, are unaware, maybe to do with sigint or e-whatever or whatever it is they call it now.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    If one thinks of how it is claimed the GCHQ employee, Gareth Williams in London might have been murdered – allegedly through poison introduced through the ear – and Mossad’s ‘tennis players’ murder of the highly-placed Hamas official in Bahrain one might posit that shooting-up (and shooting and pistol-whipping one of the children) a family group-plus is somewhat crude by comparison.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    They can kill people using neurological enzyme inhibitors applied to the skin – any part of the skin. So, if an advanced state like, say, the USA/UK/France/Russia/Israel had wanted to kill Al Hilli (or the cyclist), they could have done it anywhere, anytime, without fuss. These biochemical agents deteriorate rapidly and quickly become undetectable. And if, say, Israel had wanted to make a circus of it, they could’ve done the ‘waving tennis players’ spectacular. This killing smacks of semi-professionalism, with the emphasis on ‘semi’.

  • michael norton

    So, Suhayl could Jimmy have been given the neurological enzyme inhibitor,
    whilst he was sat at the controls of a vehicle at a traffic stop.

    The FRENCH have apparently many months ago asked for Jimmy to be dug up?

  • Bacchus


    Don’t worry, it’s not an equation. It is the result of the match between your last comment and the response of MN.

    Certainly Jimmy is James Thompson, but only MN can confirn this.

  • Bacchus


    your ‘semi’ is one piece of the game.

    EM have made a good work, BV and gendarmes team have made a good investigation, they have all the puzzle’s pieces on the hand. But it missing one piece … THE FILM.

    and EM again finds his conviction …

  • michael norton

    Jimmy is/was the husband of Ikbal who was later said to be married to Saad al-Hilli.

    On the day 5 September 2012 that The Slaughter of the Horses was happening, in France,
    in America, on that same day,
    Jimmy was found dead in a vehicle which he was apparently driving at a road junction,
    he failed to move because he had become dead.

    It has been suggested that he was killed via a poison blowpipe/dart.

    The U.S.A. official line is he probably became dead because of a heart attack
    Quote The Telegraph

    “And in July came one of the strangest twists, the revelation that Mr Hilli’s wife Iqbal had a “secret” first husband in the United States who died on the day she was murdered. James Thompson’s body was found slumped at the wheel of his pick-up in Natchez, Mississippi, apparently due to a heart attack. Police have been unable to establish any link to the Alps killings.”

  • michael norton

    From memory,
    I think the FRENCH asked about nine months ago for the AMERICANS
    to undertake a disinterment of James Thompson’s body.

    I have heard nothing else other than the FRENCH have said again
    that they have requested a disinterment.

    I do not think there has been any public reply from the AMERICANS?

  • Peter

    Successfully poisoning somebody is so very difficult that it is a measure of last resort even for nation-state actors. It is usually done because you want the murder to look like a natural death, at least for as long as it takes your assassin(s) to make good their escape. Poisoning somebody in such a manner that the time of death alone screams “foul play involved!” would defeat that objective. Conversely, whoever committed those murders at the Martinet probably wanted to send a message, and shooting Thompson twice in the head would only have underlined that message.

    Anyway, I can only reiterate how very difficult and uncertain poisoning is as a method of murder. The failed assassination attempt on Khalid Mashal, on which that fairytale about administering poison through the ear canal is based, is a case in point. There has been so much nonsense written about that, it is unbelievable. The human ear canal is a protective barrier designed to keep foreign matter out of the body, a task which it fulfils admirably. Likewise, administering drugs transdermally is a research topic on which hundreds of millions are spent each year, so far without notable success. The pharmaceutical industry would like nothing better than to find ways of delivering a whole range of substances by means of transdermal patches, not just nicotine and capsaicine. However, unbroken human skin is another one of those barriers designed to keep stuff out of the body. Only tiny lipophilic molecules will pass through it, in very small quantities. In order to get anything else past this barrier, one must first destroy it, causing considerable pain in the process and leaving behind blisters. Any chemist who discovered a way around this problem would be an instant billionaire and would have better things to do with his or her life than bumping off people.

  • michael norton

    Thanks Peter,
    well put.

    However it is still fantastic that Jimmy died on the same day as Ikbal on different continents.

  • michael norton

    Abdul Mohsen Abdallah Ibrahim Al-Charekh
    has been killed by the RUSSIANS in SYRIA

    he was a SAUDI,
    leading a branch of Al-Qaeda in SYRIA

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