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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    has announced that it will deploy its only aircraft carrier to boost its efforts in the fight against Isis.

    In a statement by the French presidency following a meeting of its defence cabinet,
    the government said the Charles de Gaulle warship
    would be sent to the eastern Mediterranean for operations against Isis in both SYRIA and IRAQ.

  • michael norton

    there was only ever one motorcyclist and that motorcyclist was sent down the combe by the ONF,
    William Brett Martin passed the motorcyclist descending as W.B.M. was ascending,
    then W.B.M. arrives at the scene of carnage, where have ONF gone?

    This would seem to put that ONF unit in the frame?

  • michael norton

    So let me be precise,

    Eric Maillaud has done absolutely nothing to suggest he is working on a multi-biker piste,
    therefore he wants the world to think there was only ever one motorcyclist.

    If W.B.M is to be beieved that as he ascended, he was passed by a slow ly descending motorcyclist, then that M/C is the person sent down combe by the ONF boys.
    A few moments later, W.B.M. ascends to the horroe scene, yet W.B.M. does not claim to see ONF.

    This would lead you to the assumption that ONF were the killers.

  • M.

    GIP, I am truly lost, the only reference I recall is the ‘van’ saying they saw SM and not SAH because the latter arrived at Le Martinet first (Max/Ducos).

  • M.

    [mods: this comment went into moderation as it contains more than 12 links. Originally submitted at 16:50.]

    MN, take your pick of which people you think were the ONF killers !


    PNR CHABANOL David Particulier 04 79 62 99 38 [email protected]
    PNR CHARBONNIER Thomas CNRS 06 81 47 94 47 [email protected]
    PNR CHEVRIER Thierry ONCFS 04 76 59 32 05 [email protected]
    PNR GALLICE Ghislaine PNR Bauges 04 79 54 86 40 [email protected]
    PNR GEMMEKE Eefke PNR Bauges 04 79 52 22 56 [email protected]
    PNR GRAVELAT Bruno PNR Bauges 04 79 35 43 90 [email protected]
    PNR HOUSSET Johann PNR Bauges 04 79 54 86 40 [email protected]
    PNR JULLIEN Jean-Michel ONCFS 06 07 16 58 10 [email protected]
    PNR – Savoie BATAILLARD Jean-Paul ONCFS 06 25 07 07 95
    PNR – Savoie BORNERAND Cendrine DDEA 73 04 79 69 93 86 [email protected]
    PNR – Savoie FAURE Thierry DDEA 73 [email protected]
    PNR – Savoie GROSJEAN Pascal DDEA 73 04 79 69 93 74 [email protected]
    PNR – Savoie JANIN André DDEA 73 04 79 69 93 65 [email protected]
    PNR – Savoie LAMBRECH Michel ONCFS 04 79 36 29 71 [email protected]
    PNR – Savoie LISKA Didier Fédération Départementale des Chasseurs de la Savoie 04 79 60 72 04 [email protected]
    PNR – Savoie MOREAU Lionel ONCFS 06 25 07 07 20
    PNR – Savoie TOURNIER Hubert FRAPNA 04 79 75 85 85
    PNR – Haute-Savoie ANSELME-MARTIN Stéphane ONCFS 06 25 07 07 03 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie ARVIN-BEROD Marc ONCFS 06 25 07 07 08 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie BEAUD Damien ONCFS 06 08 71 08 88 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie BERNARD Sébastien ONCFS 06 21 84 25 85 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie BRACHET Christian ONCFS 06 25 07 05 16 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie COURSAT Guillaume Fédération Départementale des Chasseurs de la Haute-Savoie 06 89 33 29 76 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie DECOURCELLE David ONCFS 06 25 07 08 31 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie GRILLON Laurent ONCFS 06 27 02 55 95 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie GRUFFAT Alain ONCFS 06 25 07 08 35 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie GUYONNAUD Benoît ONCFS 06 25 07 07 05 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie HANSCOTTE Daniel DDEA 74 06 86 43 87 11 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie HERBAUX Jean-Philippe ONCFS 06 25 07 07 02 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie HUBOUX Ryck ONCFS 06 80 36 15 02 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie JOLY Yannick DDEA 74 06 89 06 86 07 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie LOZE Laurent ONCFS 06 25 07 07 07 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie MUFFAT-JOLY Bertrand ONCFS 06 25 07 07 06 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie RASSAT Steve ONCFS 06 07 10 94 00 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie REVILLARD Camille ONCFS 06 25 07 07 04 [email protected]
    PNR – Haute-Savoie ROCHER Michel ONCFS 06 25 07 07 12 [email protected]
    Albanais 73 APPELL Daniel Particulier 06 78 59 39 47 [email protected]
    Albanais 73 LUCAS Maxence Particulier 06 83 01 50 81 [email protected]
    Coeur des Bauges DUSSANS Sylvain Particulier 06 82 94 14 83 [email protected]
    Coeur des Bauges GENEREAU Anne PNR Bauges 06 07 09 22 40 [email protected]
    Coeur des Bauges LAZZARONI Sébastien Particulier 04 79 88 09 31 [email protected]
    Coeur des Bauges PERRIN Franck Particulier 06 85 54 33 08 [email protected]
    Coeur des Bauges STEFANIDES André Association des Louvetiers 06 72 15 01 39
    Coeur des Bauges VINCENT André ONF 04 79 54 83 75 [email protected]
    Combe de Savoie BIAU Agnès FRAPNA 06 86 86 90 89 [email protected]
    Combe de Savoie EPECHE Alain FRAPNA 06 30 68 74 69 [email protected]
    Combe de Savoie HAHN Jérémie Particulier 06 20 43 70 26 [email protected]
    Combe de Savoie – Coeur des Bauges VALY Nicolas Particulier 06 73 95 43 66 [email protected]
    Laudon PELISSIER Maurice Association des Louvetiers 06 88 58 52 76
    Laudon – Albanais 74 DURR Eric Particulier 06 79 71 00 31 [email protected]
    Laudon – Albanais 74 LAGAUZERE Alain ONF 04 50 45 72 34 [email protected]
    Laudon – Albanais 74 ROUFFIAC Bernard ONF 04 50 45 54 79 [email protected]
    Pays de Faverges DELUERMOZ Roland ONF 04 50 44 30 09 [email protected]
    Pays de Faverges JOUFFREY Jean-Luc ONF 04 50 44 63 66 [email protected]
    Pays de Faverges MIQUET Sébastien Syndicat des éleveurs ovins-caprins 06 11 49 71 21
    Plateau de la Leysse PIENNE Marc FRAPNA 06 21 22 40 35 [email protected]

  • Good In Parts


    You noted “the ‘van’ saying they saw SM and not SAH because the latter arrived at Le Martinet first (Max/Ducos).”

    I agree that SAH arriving first is likely the case which is why I wrote:-

    “His BMW was tucked in tight at the top of the parking, so could have been missed if ONF2 were looking up or down the combe trying to spot LMC.”

    Here’s the kicker !

    If ONF2 drove down to and through le Martinet parking (following the LMC that they had just ticked off) after SAH had arrived and whilst SAH was still parked tight in the top corner by the sign… who or what was the ‘large vehicle’ that Zainab saw ‘shortly before arriving’ at le parking?

    See.. the word salad that I dignify with the word ‘theory’ has some explanatory value – it predicts that the homeward bound ONF1 would cross SAH & family approx 3 minutes prior to their arrival at le parking. After their arrival, the next vehicles to pass through the parking place heading downwards would be LMC followed by ONF2.

    I seem to remember a report that Zainab suggested that a MC and a large vehicle of some kind had passed them whilst they were parked up but cannot remember where I saw this.

  • M.

    GIP, you didn’t, you are using the same imagination as MN, God forbid !

    Zainab (TP’s book – Zainab saw a 4×4, but she didn’t see a cyclist!, That was an ‘exclusive’!).

    Going back to my self-imposed exclusion, such a shame that the last Press article didn’t offer some new insight.

  • michael norton

    If there was only ever one motorcyclist ( as Eric wants us to believe)
    then the motorcyclist William Brett Martin passed, as he ascended to Le Martinet, must be the same motorcyclist that the ONF claimed they spoke with, just above Le Martinet, sending him down the combe.
    As it was only a handful of minutes between William passing the descending motorcyclist and W.B.M. reaching the slaughter scene, we need to understand, where the ONF boys went.
    The ONF boys claim they did not see William
    and William claims he did not see them.

  • Pink

    All this bravado of shooting guns scaling mountains ,jumping off mountains the fact is we have have some right wussy witnesses who keep quiet and two brave little girls who deserve so much more .
    They showed so much courage Zainab trying to help herself despite being beaten by some cowardly scumbag adult and little Zeena hiding and staying quiet for all those hours in terrible circumstances if you know something tell the police if you don’t trust your police tell the british police ,tell Zaid at least try to help .

  • Good In Parts


    Although ONF2 really need looking at again very carefully, they were not-necessarily directly involved. As I pointed out in a recent post it would not make sense because they had seen and spoken to a non-local witness (LMC) directly above the scene shortly before the murders.

    Unless les gendarmes have somehow missed a connection between LMC and the locals (or he was doing something illicit or shameful) then ONF2 could not count on LMC not coming forward.

    They were easily identifiable, driving a corporate vehicle in a distinctive livery, with the ONF name and logo emblazoned on the side.

    They would have to be the rural studies lads to think that they would not come under suspicion.

    That they have not been, seems to have been because the misinterpretation of the witness statements that produced the apparent reversed order sighting of ONF and LMC. This, compounded by LMC’s failure to come forward, has let them off the hook.

    Now they need that hatpull.

    Which, for the record, I think they have.

    I am away for a few days now. When I get back I shall delve into the whole can o’ worms involving the convergence of the motorcycle descriptions.

    I shall leave it open, on the side just here, perhaps you or someone else would care to check what it contains?

  • Pink

    I agree with GIP we also need to remember that EM has been less then straight with the information that we have so we cannot really make a reliable judgement on much because we do not know for sure which bits are true, I have done searches on what I thought was correct only to find the story has changed the times,colours of bikes/cars where pictures were taken ,names etc.
    I want to trust BM for all I know he may not have even been there or PD .
    Most or even all of the people we know about are innocent and in a terrible position through no fault of their own ,ONF boys go to work one day and have this landed in their lap think how awful that is for them or any of the innocent people caught up I think I would be suffering PTS in their position.

  • James


    “Zainab (TP’s book – Zainab saw a 4×4, but she didn’t see a cyclist!, That was an ‘exclusive’!)”.

    And yet, SAH would have needed to pass two cyclists.
    I guess small front seat pax, don’t always see everything.

    However, slowing to pass another vehicle, heading in the opposite direction, would be more memorable….and easier to “see”.

    As would, standing outside a vehicle….and watching another vehicle drive by.

    …and yet, all motor vehicles (not motorcycles) on the route at that time, have been accounted for (says Eric).
    All except the one. The one which was only seen by one witness.

    ….a vehicle was seen by WBM.
    The accounted for vehicles (3), exited by driving down the route.
    All except the one. The one which was only seen by one witness.

    A question might be…. if WBM had taken a totally different ride that day, would the X5 have even existed ?

    By the laws of proximity, one would assume ONF2 and Lyon man were “near” each other, as they departed the Martinet.
    As Lyon-man passed WBM, then so would ONF2. That would be logical.

    …for some reason, we are left to “guess” at that.
    And instead we a drawn into the case of “who was in the mystery X5”.

  • michael norton

    @ Pink 6 November, 10.27pm

    The “story” of what Sylvain Mollier did for a living, also changed.
    The “story” of who Sylvain Mollier worked for, also changed.

    We have the silly position that after two years, LMC is “found”
    he is almost immediately deemed to be 95% innocent, yet we are not allowed to know his name.
    We do not know if he has been charged with anything nor do we know if he has made a court appearance.
    We are not shown his visage, so no comparison can be made with the E-FIT-SKETCH of the biker.
    We are left not knowing if the “Authorities” are sticking with a single-motorcyclist piste or if they have migrated to a multi-motorcyclist piste.

  • michael norton

    @ James 6 November, 11.37pm

    Quote James
    “A question might be…. if WBM had taken a totally different ride that day, would the X5 have even existed ?

    By the laws of proximity, one would assume ONF2 and Lyon man were “near” each other, as they departed the Martinet.
    As Lyon-man passed WBM, then so would ONF2. That would be logical.

    …for some reason, we are left to “guess” at that.
    And instead we a drawn into the case of “who was in the mystery X5″.

    Very well made, James.

    I think it likely the X5 did not exist and it has been “imagined”
    “to confuse”

    After 13 months the E-FIT-SKETCH of the motorcyclist was made available to the media.
    Six days later Nicole Communal-Tournier was killed in her home in Lathuile, metres away from the holiday home of William Brett Martin the eX-RAF finder of the Slaughter of the Horses.
    Multiple months later LYONMAN is finally tracked down, we have been told because
    on the day of the Slaughter of the Horses, LYONMAN had been using his mobile device in the commune of Lathuile, the commune of Lathuile is adjacent to the commune of Chevaline.

    William Brett Martin has stated that as he cycled up the Combe of Ire, a very slow riding motorcyclist descended, passing him, on reaching Le Martinet W.B.M. claims he saw no other living adults, only one severely injured child in the road, one dead cyclist adjacent to the al-Hilli vehicle and three dead adults in the car.

    W.B.M. has not said he saw ONF2

    So, if ONF2 spoke with LYONMAN and turned him down the combe, as ONF2 did not pass W.B.M.

    Where did ONF2 go?

  • michael norton

    It seems either persons in the ONF vehicle did the slaughtering,

    or ONF cleared off out of it, in panic,

    or the murderer was given a lift/escape route by ONF away from the carnage
    but not down the combe.

  • michael norton

    Eric Maillaud

    needs to explain to the public who pay his wages

    is he working on a single-motorcyclist piste


    is he working on a multi-motorcyclist piste.

  • michael norton

    Yesterday at 12:30, nearly 150 hunters 27th BCA Tom Morel left the district for a four-month mission in New Caledonia. They will join the French forces stationed on the sovereignty “Caillou”. They will be assigned, among others, to protect the national territory, strategic installations and contribute to the maintenance of security, the prevention and the preservation of the interests of France in the area against any form of external aggression and to contribute to regional cooperation in the South Pacific. They must also support the State’s action in New Caledonia as well as Wallis and Futuna. Hunters are required to work on or outside the territory.

  • M.

    Well, Tom Parry in his book hoped Zaid would concede the profits of the house in Claygate to Saads children, well it appears he hasn’t, unless he donates it to them later.

    They will get their fathers half share. SAH didn’t legally own the whole property, to say otherwise was a line he’d spun to his ‘friends’.

    He may have felt it unfair, he’d kind of looked after it, arguably he’d also lived there without paying rent to his brother for his share.

    Is there any wonder Zaid was looked at as being involved in a conspiracy to murder, SAH’s friends didn’t help that, they probably took sides and their dislike of ZAH due to the stories SAH was spinning them.

    Zoopla will catch up and we’ll all know what the buidling went for, my guess is much less than £1million, it needs a complete overhaul.

  • michael norton

    Krekar ‘jihadist network’ targeted in Europe terror raids

    Krekar – born Najm Faraj Ahmad – has served several jail sentences in recent years, including for praising the killing of staff at the FRENCH satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in January.

    Police have targeted 17 people in raids in several European countries connected to a suspected jihadist network.

    Among those arrested were six suspects in Italy, four in Britain, and three in Norway. Police say some of the suspects may have travelled to Syria or Iraq.

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