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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Pink

    Its heartbreaking so many innocent people caught up in things that they cannot help whether its passengers on planes ,refugees or kids on a night out they are powerless to stop what the governments do and all this callous murder will achieve is more carnage .

  • James

    Unbelievable. Totally “bad shit”.

    Unfortunately it is believed the death toll will rise, due to the horrific injuries these people have suffered.

    Complete sorrow. Heartbreaking for the families effected by this shit.
    I can not even to begin to understand how they must be feeling.

    My deepest condolences.

    VIVE LA FRANCE. You cut. We bleed.

  • Pink

    I don’t know what to say M except thinking of you take comfort from all the great acts of kindness shown by the people of Paris doing what they could where they could their light shines through . Hugs.

  • Pink

    M There are always people saying these things they don’t engage their brain first plus every time the PTB do do something hooky it makes some people suspicious of everything that happens just trust your own judgement whoever is telling the tale .

  • M.

    Q the man from the Balkans was in the first campsite and did not meet with SAH.

    Trying to make the events in Paris fit around the murders at Le Martinet isn’t helpful, I can assure you the murders was never handled by the terrorist branch of the French Special Services.

  • michael norton

    Terror at Gatwick: Frenchman arrested in airport threw a gun into a bin as he fled the easyJet check-in chased by police who shouted to passengers ‘get down, get down’

    Officers later confirmed they are not treating the incident as an act of terrorism and said the suspect, from Vendôme in France, was taken to custody cells in Sussex.

    Armed police already on patrol at the terminal were alerted to the Frenchman’s ‘suspicious’ behaviour after he was challenged at the check-in desk around 9.30am.

    It was unclear whether the man had intended to use the guns at the airport or to try to board a plane with them, a source said.

  • michael norton

    Tomorrow the FRENCH nuclear aircraft carrier is departing for the Gulf of Arabia
    France will deploy its Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to support operations against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria and Iraq, the presidency announced on Thursday.

    “The deployment of the battle group alongside the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier has been decided to participate in operations against Daesch and its affiliate groups,” the statement said, referring to the Arabic acronym for the IS group.

    France has been part of the US-led coalition bombarding the IS group in Iraq since September 2014, and expanded its campaign to include Syria two months ago.

    The deployment will more than double the country’s military presence in the region, where it already has six Rafale fighter jets based in the United Arab Emirates, as well as six Mirage fighter aircraft in Jordan.

    The Charles de Gaulle, France’s only carrier, is usually accompanied by an attack submarine, several frigates and a refuelling ship.

    It is currently docked in the southern French city of Toulon, where it has been under maintenance since the spring, and was previously deployed to fight against the IS group in Iraq for two months, from February 23 to mid-April.

    The statement, which was issued after a defence cabinet meeting, added that France supported efforts to reach a political transition in Syria, but said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could not be a part of the country’s future.

    France has repeatedly said in the past that Assad would have to go before the IS group could be defeated.

    I would have thought if the capitol of the caliphate is Syria,
    then they would do better deploying Charles de Gaulle (R91)
    to the Eastern Mediterranean?

  • michael norton

    Several Kalashnikovs have been found in an abandoned car believed to have been used by some of the Paris attackers, French judicial sources say.

    The black Seat car was found in the eastern Paris suburb of Montreuil on Sunday,
    suggesting some of the attackers got away.

    Earlier, the first of the seven dead attackers was named as Ismail Mostefai.
    Six people close to him are in custody.

  • michael norton

    Just seen on the BBC that Sir Peter Ricketts has been United Kingdom Abassador to France, since January 2012, his previous job was National Security Adviser to the Cabinet.

    The National Security Adviser (NSA) is a senior aide in the Cabinet Office, based in Whitehall who serves as the chief adviser to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on national security issues.

    The NSA is secretary to the National Security Council which is chaired by the Prime Minister and head of National Security and Intelligence (National Security Secretariat) which is part of the Cabinet Office.[1] The NSA will also advise Secretaries of State and other government ministers on issues of national security when necessary.

    The first National Security Adviser (NSA) of the United Kingdom was Sir Peter Ricketts, who was previously Permanent Secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee. He handed over to Sir Kim Darroch in January 2012. On 7 July 2015, it was announced that Sir Mark Lyall Grant would replace Darroch as National Security Adviser in early September 2015.

    Well, well, well, this is the very same geezer,
    who was highly motivated, immediately the balloon went up:

    Slaughter of the Horses incident.

  • James

    It’s just….

    “working class disillusioned” V “working class disillusioned”.

    ….we live in the land of “the stupids”.

    But we’ll blame this on “islam”.

  • James

    It is just, I grew up in Northern Ireland…
    …and at the height of “the troubles”.

    I have kinda seen this before. And first hand.
    What is “going to happen next”, isn’t the solution.

    from a guy that grew up in the environment of terrorism…
    … and who lost friends (3) “to terrorism”, what happens next is crucial.

    But…. will be ignored.
    I say “been there, seen it, know what happens”.

    RIP the deaths to acts of misguidance.

  • michael norton

    Not France but the United Kingdom.

    UK announces SUBSTANTIAL anti-terror funding boosts for MI6, MI5 & GCHQ

    The British government will “substantially increase efforts” to fight terrorists in the wake of the growing Islamic State threat. Besides 1,900 additional security and intelligence staff, Downing Street aviation security funding will be “at least” doubled.

    “In the wake of the increasing number of Islamist terror plots against Britain and the attacks in Belgium, France, Tunisia and elsewhere, the Prime Minister has decided to boost resources,” a statement on Monday from the PM’s Office said, announcing the increase on security spending, believed to be the biggest since the July 2005 terror attacks in London.

    The extra funding will be allocated to 1,900 security and intelligence staff to add to the current 12,700 people employed by UK’s intelligence agencies MI6, MI5, and GCHQ.

    “Our intelligence agencies work round the clock behind the scenes and as the threat has grown so they too have risen to the challenge,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said, as quoted in the statement. “This is a generational struggle that demands we provide more manpower to combat those who would destroy us and our values,” he added.

  • michael norton

    Community of Doussard
    Population (1999) 2,781

    Slaughter of the Horses

    So, two years ago, thirteen months after the E-FIT-SKETCH was released of the mysterious motorcylist, Nicole Communal-Tournier was shot dead in her home.
    Nicole lived quite close to the finder of the slaughter scene, William Brett Martin.
    Eighteen months ago we were told by substitut du procureur Yann Jomier
    that five persons were being held, two brothers from Albertville, two men from Ugine and that the instigator was likely the 41 year old carpenter from Doussard.

    Par Stéphane BOUCHET | Publié le 19/04/2014 à 06:03 Vu 10702 fois
    HAUTE-SAVOIE Meurtre à Lathuile : l’arme du crime repêchée dans l’Isère

    so my point is, we have not heard anything since this press offering, headed by Yann Jomier
    since 19/04/2014

    Do we know if there has been a secret court case?

    It would seem unbelievable if almost every adult in Doussard a community of only two and three quarter thousand souls

    did not know who the 41 ( now likely to be 43)

    why is it a secret who this person is?
    why hasn’t this publically gone to court, after all it was only a robbery, right?

  • michael norton

    So is it possible for somebody living in France to tell us why the 41 year old carpenter from Doussard has not been named?

  • michael norton

    FRANCOIS Hollande has told France that it is now at war with Islamic State (ISIS) and has pledged to DESTROY the evil jihadis.

    The French President was speaking after the Paris terror attacks which left 129 people dead.

    Speaking to his country’s congress, the French President said: “France is at war.

    “These attacks were war. It was an attack against our values, against our youth and our way of life.”

    “Since the beginning of the year, this organisation has attacked Paris, Denmark, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Libya.
    “Every single day they massacre and oppress people. That’s the reason why we need to destroy ISIS.

    That’s something which involves the whole international community. I’ve asked for the UN security council to get together as soon as possible in order to mark a resolution for the joint will to fight terrorism.”

    And now Mr Hollande says he wants to step up the attacks on the Islamic State, after yesterday’s bombing raids which destroyed a training centre and a command base in the terror groups de facto capital of Raqqa, Syria.

    He said: “We will pursue these attacks throughout the coming weeks.

    “On Thursday, aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will go to the Eastern Mediterranean, and that will treble our capacity for action.

    “There will be no pity and no fear.

    “The ones who organised the Paris attacks must realise their crimes, rather than making France fear responding, reinforces our determination to destroy them.”
    Mr Hollande said that he wanted to address congress as part of a response to the attacks on Friday night’s attacks.

    He said: “We want to respond with cold determination that’s appropriate to this appalling attack.

    “Our democracy has triumphed over far worse adversaries than these cowardly assassins.”

  • Q

    Thousands of extra police, security and military personnel for France now. Do you think one or two could lend a hand with the Chevaline murders, which remain a mystery?

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