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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    What could be the possible reason
    why the name of the 41 year old carpenter from Doussard, who we have been told is in custody has not been named?

    They did not have much trouble naming Eric Devouassoux, did they,
    they named Nicole Communal-Tournier, they named Sylvain Mollier, they named Patrice Menegaldo,
    they named William Brett Martin, they named Jean-Luc Falcy,
    they named Ikbal & Saad and granny, I know they have not named the mysterious motorcyclist who we must assume looks identical to the E-FIT-SKETCH,

    so is there a connection between the motorcyclist and the 41 year old carpenter from Doussard, are they partners in some way???

  • michael norton

    I can only think of three reasons, why we do not know if there has been a court appearance,
    from the five persons suspected of murdering Nicole Communal-Tournier, just six days after the E-FIT-SKETCH of the mysterious motorcyclist was released.

    1) utter incompetence

    2) further crimes they could be cleared up

    3) French secret service involvement

  • michael norton

    Can you see what I am getting at?

    Six days after the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH of the mysterious motorcylist
    ( who was a likely candidate for the murderer of the Slaughter of the Horses incident)
    Nicole Communal-Tournier, who lives but meters away from William Brett-Martin,
    is slaughtered. We were then informed by Eric Maillaud that it could be
    “A Settling of Accounts”
    The story then morphed into an accidental killing, with five persons being held, for the last nineteen months, without a public court appearance, in the meantime the mysterious motorcyclist has been “found”

    The name of the mysterious motorcyclist is with held
    the name of the 41 year old carpenter from Doussard is also with held ( and his young gang)

    Yet, almost everybody else has been named,
    so what links the mysterious motorcyclist and the 41 year old carpenter from Doussard?

  • Q

    You have forgotten one thing that usually prevents police from naming a suspect, MN: being a minor. As such, that may mean not naming others, such as a random 41-year-old carpenter from Doussard, if such a revelation would reveal the identity of the minor.

    I will get my hands slapped for this, no doubt, as happens every time I mention the mere possibility of an underage person being involved. Why is such a possibility beyond consideration when there is a history in Europe of children being used for criminal purposes, specifically because they are difficult or impossible to prosecute?

  • michael norton

    Q well two of the persons, are said to be of the gypsy persuasion, camping / residing
    in Albertville, close to GRIGNON.

    However all five persons who are reported to be involved with the shooting of
    Nicole Communal-Tournier are said to be adults and male.

  • michael norton

    However, it is possible they could have forced a young person to squeeze through a fan-light to gain entry, then unlocking the door.
    However I think this piste is likely to be a RED HERRING

  • michael norton

    The mastermind behind the Paris terror plot was killed during an hour-long firefight with French commandos following a pre-dawn raid of a flat in the nation’s capital, two senior intelligence officials say.

    Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, and his 26-year-old cousin Hasna Aitboulahcen are believed to be the two terrorists who died in a gun battle which saw 5,000 rounds of ammunition fired.

    Aitboulahcen became the first jihadi woman to blow herself up in Europe when she detonated her suicide vest moments after telling police ‘Help me, help me’. Another jihadi was killed by a grenade as more than 100 armed officers stormed the flat in Saint-Denis believing Abaaoud was inside with six other terrorists.

  • michael norton

    ANNECY / ANNEMASSE State of emergency: a wave of raids last night in Haute-Savoie

    A major wave of raids,
    conducted under the state of emergency in force since Friday evening took place that night in two towns of Annecy area and another near Annemasse.
    Reportedly, it was good to operations conducted at the residence of persons potentially related to “movements that could destabilize FRANCE”,
    in other words with the Islamist movement.
    For now, it is unclear what the police have discovered during these operations conducted with substantial resources. According to information from our colleagues from France Bleu, that we were able to confirm any of the transactions took place in Faverges.


    Jean-Claude Deronzier was the president of Communauté de communes du Pays de Faverges,
    just before his untimely death he fronted a public demonstration to protest the gypsies invading Faverges, then he fell off a cliff.

  • michael norton

    Paris attack terrorists used refugee chaos to enter FRANCE, says PM Valls

    It was confirmed on Thursday that Abdelhamid Abaaoud,
    a Belgian of Moroccan origin linked to a series of extremist plots in Europe over the past two years, had died in a police raid on an apartment in northern Paris on Wednesday.

    As debate raged about the failings that had let Abaaoud slip through the net,
    Valls urged France’s neighbours to “play their role properly”, saying the whole
    Schengen system would be “called into question…
    if Europe does not take responsibility” for its borders.
    FRANCE to have “Emergency Mesures” at least until February

  • Good In Parts

    Haven’t yet managed to get my thoughts written up on the motorcycle descriptions, the X5 ‘sighting’ and how ONF1 in particular seems to have been painted into a corner by his colleagues and les gendarmes.

    Anyway, I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to read articles like the one below:-

    Research pokes holes in police tactics to obtain confessions of crime

    With effective techniques like this available, why the lack of progress?

  • Good In Parts

    In the same vein, here is one that may cast light on aspects of WBM’s experience, such as not remembering any cartridge cases at the scene.

    Brian Williams told a tale – but it could be how he really remembers what happened

    I also wonder whether WBM’s training may have enhanced any distorted sense of time passing he may have felt. I guess that once he realised that he had not stumbled onto the scene of an accident, he went into bullet time.

    As a former fast jet pilot he may have trained on simulators that were overclocked, ie run faster than real life. So, possibly his bullet time is treacle to my, er, maple syrup.

    I am starting to think that the subjective sense of time passing more slowly at the scene, and the attendant detailed flashbulb memories may have overspilled onto prior (and later) events and crowded them out. Thus the previous, apparently uneventful, five minutes prior to his arrival (since he crossed LMC) may have actually been longer than that.

    So, he could have arrived slightly later and spent slightly less time there but still done everything just as he described because by then, he was Billy Whizz.

    He may have even crossed ONF2 but have no memory of it because the flashbulb ‘bleached out’ memories of events immediately prior to his arrival at le parking. The buffer may have been flushed and anything that had not sufficiently started the consolidation process was lost.

    Note that these are just my random thoughts, ‘flashbulb bleaching’ is not textbook stuff, not least because so-called ethics committees frown on scaring the bejesus out of experimental subjects.

  • michael norton

    The Prime Minister of the UNITED KINGDOM David Cameron will meet the president of FRANCE
    Francois Hollande in Paris on Monday to discuss the fight against terror,
    French officials say.

    20 November 2015 – The United Nations Security Council this evening called on all countries that can do so to take the war on terrorism to Islamic State-controlled territory in Syria and Iraq and destroy its safe haven, warning that the group intends to mount further terror attacks like those that devastated Paris and Beirut last week.

    In a unanimously adopted resolution, the 15-member body declared the group’s terrorist attacks abroad “a global and unprecedented threat to international peace and security” following the “horrifying terrorist attacks” it perpetrated recently in Sousse (Tunisia), Ankara (Turkey), over Sinai (Egypt) with the downing of a Russian plane, and in Beirut and Paris.

    It warned that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), or Da’esh as it is also known, “has the capability and intention to carry out” further strikes and called upon “Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law” on its territory.

    Condemning “in the strongest terms” ISIL and other terrorist groups in the region such Al-Nusrah Front, the Council Member States “to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria.”

    It called on Member States to intensify efforts to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters to Iraq and Syria and to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorism, and reaffirmed that those responsible for terrorist acts, violations of international humanitarian law or violations or abuses of human rights must be held accountable.

    It cited “the continued gross, systematic and widespread abuses of human rights and violations of humanitarian law, as well as barbaric acts of destruction and looting of cultural heritage” carried out by ISIL.

    The resolution also expressed deepest condolences to the victims of the terrorist attacks and their families and to the people and Governments of Tunisia, Turkey, Russia, Lebanon and France, and to all Governments whose citizens were targeted in these attacks and all other victims of terrorism.

    “By its violent extremist ideology, its terrorist acts, its continued gross systematic and widespread attacks directed against civilians, abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, including those driven on religious or ethnic ground, its eradication of cultural heritage and trafficking of cultural property,” ISIL constitutes “a global and unprecedented threat to international peace and security,” the Council stressed.

    It also cited the group’s its control natural resources in Iraq and Syria and its “recruitment and training of foreign terrorist fighters whose threat affects all regions and Member States, even those far from conflict zones.”

  • michael norton

    I may me baying to the moon
    but it does seem to me that no light can be shone on the Slaughter of the Horses
    unless it is known
    was there only ever one motorcyclist
    or were there more than one motorcyclist.

  • michael norton

    I imagine substitut du procureur Yann Jomier & his compatriot Eric Maillaud
    know perfectly well, if there was only ever one motorcyclist or if there were more than one
    motorcyclist at the Slaughter of the Horses
    but so far at least, this is not intel they wish to share with the public?

  • Pink

    I have had the experience of things happening in slow motion twice ,both times it was when I was about to witness an accident that I was not involved in but able to see it was going to happen, although the accident happened in real time my brain did this weird slow motion effect a bit like frames moving slowly I remember wondering if knowing something was about to happen I experienced it twice my brain registered what was about to happen and then saw it happen it is a very odd feeling .
    BM riding into such an unusual scene I guess would have gone into overdrive tried to process what he’s seeing, an accident is logical as you don’t stumble on murders as a rule ,once he saw it was way more than that I reckon his brain would have gone into logical mode ,what needs to happen ,first aid ,stop the car ,get help, makes sense to me especially with a smell of burning and being a pilot the smell of burning would be a high concern.
    Although he has been given a hard time now and again by us armchair detectives IMO he was hero given what he found, just dealing with it in any fashion would have been huge challenge let alone logically I doubt there was much processing time for anything that was not critical to the situation so timing would have been tricky it took as long as it took which was as fast as he could carry out his decision process and anything before was down to luck if he noticed as there was no reason to remember,it must have been difficult working it out it after the event .

  • michael norton

    I wonder if Eric Maillaud, after thirty eight months
    still clings to his belief that the only Piste is the ENGLISH one
    or could he beginning to allow himself to imagine that there are naughty people in FRANCE
    who were involved.
    MISTERLYON perhaps,
    is he still 5% in the frame?
    What connection did MISTERLYON have with the 41 year old carpenter from Doussard?

  • Q

    Having had an unfortunate past experience similar to those Parisians in the cafes a short time ago, I can say that time doesn’t really slow down, it just feels that way. It’s hyperfocusing. Not only do you see minute details with great clarity, you tune out other details. You hear the shots and your ears ring, you smell the gunsmoke. You see certain things but(and this is big) you tune out others completely. You might see the gunman’s face in minute detail, without being able to recall other people who were in the background. Smelling smoke means you were there virtually as it happens. There is no logic when you are in the middle of things, only fight or flight. It’s about the senses: seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling — no time for thinking. Your body reacts without the mind.

    I don’t know how highly-trained military, ex-military or police react, as I don’t have that background.

  • Pink

    @Q Blimey how did you end up being in that situation it’s ok not to say just wondering ?
    I do think BM ‘s training would have played a part in assessing what needs to happen ,he did take a huge risk stopping to do anything ,so even as he dealt with priority things he must have had to weigh up whats the best next move in his situation I don’t know what I would have done in terms of exiting when so far away from help I suppose doing what he did was the only option go up or down to get help I did consider up might get a better phone signal.

  • Q

    I think highly-trained people whose job it is to be prepared for acts of violence react differently from an ordinary person. Those whose job is military or police are trained to react automatically, so that they don’t freeze, like ordinary people sometimes do.

    My own experience was similar to the people in the Paris cafes. Dinner out in a restaurant turned into a random act of gun violence. I was lucky that instinct took over, but one person was not. She was an innocent, who didn’t know her killer. Why he did it, no one really knows except him. Attention-seeking? Well, he got that, along with prison.

    Picking off innocent people out living their lives is the ultimate act of cowardice. Picking off children? Even the al-Hilli killer(s) couldn’t go that far.

  • Pink

    @Q Thanks for sharing it’s all too easy to forget when I am posting random thoughts that some people are dealing with reality I need to be mindful of that .

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 20 Nov, 2015 – 7:24 pm

    At least in Germany, suggestive and persuasive police interrogation techniques ceased to be taught decades ago, because the risk of obtaining false confessions is just too great. Quite a few spectacular miscarriages of justice are due to these techniques.

    Apart from innocents being led to “remember” doing something that they did not do, hardened criminals are susceptible to those techniques, too, albeit for different reasons. People who have repeatedly been through the criminal justice system before do not expect that system to deliver justice. Thus, when prompted with false statements such as, “You were seen at the scene of the crime” or, “We found your fingerprints on the weapon”, they often conclude that there is no point in protesting their innocence, because they are going to be sent down for the offence in question anyway. Therefore, to their minds, the rational damage-limitation strategy in such a situation is to confess, even though they know that they did not do it, because a confession implies a shorter sentence and the chance of an early release. For some types of offence such as rape, the chances of ever being released from prison without a confession are zilch, as a failure to confess is construed as a lack of willingness to face up to the offence and deal with the underlying psychological issues that caused the offending behaviour. No confession means no psychological treatment, which in turn means no hope of ever being declared safe to release back into the community. Thus, without a confession, a two-year-stretch for rape effectively becomes a life sentence.

    Be that as it may, I believe that suggestive interviewing techniques of the type described in the article that you cited contributed to PM’s suicide.

  • Good In Parts

    Pink & Q

    I too have had the experience of events happening in slow motion. The most notable, and subjectively the longest, was triggered, whilst I was driving, by an (apparently) impending road accident.

    Lets be clear, as Q notes “time doesn’t really slow down, it just feels that way”. In my case the apparent speed of my car dropped to walking speed instantly.

    The effect gave clarity of vision, situational awareness and time to think. Plenty of time. In fact way, way, more time than needed for the matter in hand.

    In this, it differed from Q’s experience and was probably more like that of Pink. However I was on my own, driving, without the radio on (no air freshener either). So other senses were not saturated and overall it seemed surreal or hyper-real.

    There was no fear either, despite the imminent likelyhood of injury or death. It was all very analytical.

    The heightened awareness gave a meta-cognitive effect in that I was fully aware of the slo-mo and that my ‘thinking’ must be faster than normal. It went on for such a subjectively long time that I was saying to myself, in internal dialogue not out loud, “This is ridiculous!”, and I became concerned that the effect may burn-out when I still needed it.

    When I had passed the other vehicles, having successfully avoided them, normality resumed immediately!

    No ‘hangover’ either, no groggyness or slow thinking. So what is happening in the brain isn’t clear to me. I would have thought that a hormonal trigger like adrenaline would taper off.

    Maybe for a short period neurotransmitters are used faster than the re-uptake process.

    My point in respect of WBM was that he was in one of the few professions that test for and select those with fast reaction times. There is also the possibility that he had been given synthetic training run at faster than real-time, either in the RAF or even at BA.

    My gut feeling is that such domain specific training would not generalise however I could well be wrong and I wonder what effect there could be on the estimation of real time passing.

  • Good In Parts


    Those techniques you mentioned aren’t formally taught, no, they don’t need to be 😉

    They probably get passed on down the years as part of the organisational culture – they are there when they are ‘needed’.

    Here in the UK they have only recently stopped interrogating witnesses, or so I am told. Yes, witnesses not suspects, though the distinction differs in meaning across European legal systems. ‘Cognitive interviewing’ is now the order of the day, whatever that means.

    There are two issues – steering witness statements and eliciting false confession(s) from suspects. In the limit both are about suggestibility.

    Personally, I think everything,every interaction, should be taped, minimum of audio and for serious crime, video. I realise that other ‘channels’ will be developed but it should be worth it for a host of reasons.

    By the way, I think you are right about PM’s suicide. He may have even come to question his own innocence.

    Also, to me, ONF1 in his witness statements seems to have been led up the garden path. Who by, I am not entirely sure.

  • michael norton

    It is relevant
    for us to know, does LYONMAN look like the E-FIT-SKETCH?

    If LYONMAN looks like the E-FIT-SKETCH,
    then we may not have been duped, there may only have ever been one motorcyclist.

    If LYONMAN looks nothing like the E-FIT-SKETCH then somebody / group of somebodies
    are playing games,
    with justice.

  • Good In Parts


    There has always been at least two motorcycles.

    I think that sightings (or hearings) have been attributed to the GG when in fact it was another rider.

  • michael norton

    O.K. let me be more specific.

    We have not been allowed to know the name of LYONMAN.
    We have not been allowed to see the face of LYONMAN.
    We have not been allowed to compare the E-FIT-SKETCH of the motorcyclist,
    released to the press, 13 months after the Slaughter of the Horses atrocity,
    with the face of LYONMAN.

    This means that the public
    do not know if LYONMAN is the same motorcyclist as depicted in the E-FIT-SKETCH.

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