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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    This means that the FRENCH authorities do not want the public to know
    if there was only ever one motorcyclist
    or if there was more than one motorcyclist,
    in addition it means that they do not want us to know if the E-FIT-SKETCH is a likeness of LYONMAN. This means they want it under wraps, which means justice will not be done or seen to be done.

  • Pink

    Bit of garbled tale.

    Kalashnikov-wielding ‘robbers’ take bank manager’s family hostage as botched heist leads to a shootout with police in French town near Belgian border

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  • Q

    @Pink: The Annemasse casino robbers have no need for anything more than a hammer or a handgun for their (yearly) robberies.

    And still, the investigators (from Lyon?) can’t stop this (yearly) robbery. It’s always a group of three. Maybe it’s the same group that shoplifts computer tablets using a double-lined aluminum bag.

    Quite a difference from the approach in Calais.

  • michael norton

    ITALY seizes 800 shotguns bound for BELGIUM from TURKEY

    Italian police seized almost 800 shotguns bound for Belgium from Turkey on a truck that arrived in the northeastern port of Trieste, Reuters reported. Customs rules had not been violated, but the Turkish truck driver did not have the licenses needed to transport the 781 Winchester SXP shotguns, the finance police, who are often in charge of port security, said on Thursday. Pump-action Winchester SXP rifles are made for hunting, but police said they had “substantially” increased their border inspections in the wake of the Paris attacks and subsequent alert in Belgium. “Given the delicate nature of the cargo, its origin and its destination, the documentation regarding the rifles was immediately examined,” according to the statement.

  • michael norton

    BELGIUM lowered the security threat level in Brussels on Thursday after nearly a week on maximum alert following the Islamic State attacks in Paris, national news agency Belga said.

    The reduction to Level 3 – serious – from Level 4 – very serious – brings the capital into line with the rest of the country. The national crisis centre could not immediately be reached for comment.

    It’s a good job that ITALY intercepted the 781 shotguns from TURKEY

    “According to the company’s website, the shotguns seized are the fastest pump-action rifles in the market, capable of delivering three shots in half a second.”

  • Q

    So, has anyone ever told us if James Thompson, Iqbal’s husband #1, fought in the Vietnam war, or if he deserted or fled to another country to dodge the draft? The French Foreign Legion was one way out of that war, but not for pacificists or conscientious objectors. Was Jim a fighter, an objector or did he have any conditions that would preclude service? He would have been the right age to serve, but it is not mentioned in his obituary. The war ended in 1975, the year Jim would have turned 23 years old.

    At age 18 in 1970, a FFL contract of five years could have taken a person to the end of the war without need to renew in order to avoid the draft.

  • Q

    Jim’s chances of being drafted were significantly higher in 1972, which is when he could have been drafted at age 19:

    Draft numbers were down by then, but more than 14,000 men were drafted. Jim’s birthday put him in line at #035.

    By 1973, the draft ceased to exist.

    Some didn’t take a chance, and fled before they became eligible for the draft. This was a significant issue in the early 1970s, for America’s neighbor to the north. What about James Thompson of Natchez, Missippi?

  • michael norton

    Quote Q ( on the aircraft thread)

    “@MN: In light of Belgium, I went back in the al-Hilli story and reviewed the alleged contract killer who was investigated for the Chevaline massacre. He had ties to Belgium. He was cleared of involvement based on an alibi.”

    Yes that is very interesting Q
    and maybe relevant.

    A suspected Iraqi contract killer was arrested by police in connection with the murder of the British family in the French Alps.

    The 35-year-old convicted criminal was questioned for three days about the shootings of Saad Al-Hilli, 50, his wife, Iqbal, 47, her mother Suhaila al-Allaf, 74, and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier, 45.
    The Al-Hilli family were on a camping holiday when they were attacked by a gunman in their BMW at a remote forest lay-by near the French village of Chevaline in September 2012.

    The couple’s two young daughters Zainab, seven at the time, and Zeena, four, survived the attack and are currently in the care of surviving family in England. The Al-Hillis, of Claygate, Surrey, originally came from Iraq, and one theory is that their alleged links to the regime of former dictator Saddam Hussein may be a motive for their murders.

    Eric Maillaud, the Annecy prosecutor, said the unnamed Iraqi was investigated in connection with the crime following a tip-off.

    He said the ex-convict was wire-tapped “following a specific claim from another prisoner that he could have been involved in a contract to kill Iraqis”.

    They looked into his background for more than 18 months while he was living in Belgium and arrested him in June when he visited northern France.

    He was held in custody in Lille for three days before providing an alibi which cleared him of being directly involved in the shootings.

    Mr Maillaud said: “He denied any involvement in a contract whatsoever, and we could not establish a link with the Al-Hilli family.” He said the man was now in jail for unrelated offences.

  • michael norton

    I wonder what the FRENCH authorities mean by
    “He was held in custody in Lille for three days before providing an alibi which cleared him of being directly involved in the shootings.”

    Are They suggesting this ( Belgian) person
    could have been indirectly involved?

  • michael norton

    May be the FRENCH and BELGIAN Authorities,
    should again look into the activities of this unnamed BELGIAN/IRAQI,

    who it was suggested could have been involved in the Slaughter of the Horses,

    there does seem to be a lot of very dangerous Middle East persons living in BELGIUM,
    who keep popping over to FRANCE

  • Q

    It astounds me that this angle of the Iraqi contract killer was rather uninteresting to the press, as they did not pursue it and have not given it the time of day since Friday the 13th. How can this not matter, given the weapons trafficking angle to Chevaline, the weapons trafficking to Friday the 13th, the Belgium connection to both stories, etc.?

    Was Chevaline an antecedent to Friday the 13th, and is this why it will never be solved? Rather embarrassing and very tragic if the whole thing could have been averted in 2012.

  • michael norton

    Samy Amimour s’ is exercised in handling weapons in 2012 in the ANTP, the National Association of Police Shooting.

    We learn a little more about the golf Amimour Samy, one of three suicide bombers Bataclan.

    RATP bus driver until October 2012, then formed an inseparable trio Samir B. and Charaffe EM. – Both still sought. The three men had joined Syria in 2013.

    Before leaving, they would have bought hiking equipment, raised funds to mujahideen fighters. More surprisingly, they are introduced to archery ANTP, the National Association of Police Shooting. The information was revealed by the i-TV channel, which was able to consult the investigation file.

    This association created by former police officers enjoys an approval of the police headquarters. In 2012, Samy Amimour criminal record is blank. There is therefore no objection to what the future jihadi can handle weapons. Samy Amimour even shaves his beard so as not to arouse suspicion.
    Archery lark

    At that time, a criminal investigation was opened against the three men, whose actions concerned. Heard by the judge, “Samy Amimour justifies membership in a target shooting club through its appeal for weapons since childhood – he had his first rifle in hand to 14 years in Senegal to shoot larks – and for his defense Should he go to a country at war, “according to i-Tele.

  • michael norton

    I am just musing if Steven Havutçu
    could also have been one of the people involved in the liquidating of Nicole Communal-Tournier?

  • Good In Parts

    LMC discovery fallout part one.

    What has gone before.

    Assuming that LMC was not involved and taking Eric’s statements at face value, I have tried to review the timeline and to see if there are any inferences that can be made (it may be worth reviewing posts by myself and others from Nov 4th onwards back on page 25).

    Eric has not gone into many specifics, so let’s consider what he has not said. He has not stated that LMC’s account offers any support to the putative sighting of an X5 by ONF1.

    Remember, the X5 was supposedly seen speeding up the combe approx 3 minutes after ONF1 spotted a motorcycle at le martinet parking. The motorcycle sighted has generally been assumed to have been LMC.

    Nor has Eric launched a re-invigorated search and appeal for the X5. Something that would have been likely if LMC had offered even the slightest shred of support for it’s existence.

    Now, let’s consider what the hapless Eric actually has done.

    According to the local rag, les flics have been snouting about the village because of rumours of witnesses silenced by fear of retribution.

    Whatever the truth of the ‘frightened witness’ story, the implication remains that les gendarmes have re-focussed on the local witnesses. LMC’s minimal testimony may have re-framed the investigation.

  • michael norton

    We have not been allowed to know the name of LYONMAN.
    We have not been allowed to see the face of LYONMAN.
    We have not been allowed to compare the E-FIT-SKETCH of the motorcyclist,
    released to the press, 13 months after the Slaughter of the Horses atrocity,
    with the face of LYONMAN.

    This means that the public
    do not know if LYONMAN is the same motorcyclist as depicted in the E-FIT-SKETCH.

    SO ERIC has not specifically told the public he is no longer looking for a motorcyclist.

    If we assume that LMC LYONMAN is removed 95% from involvement,
    then ERIC is still looking for the motorcycle killer, who he believes in not LMC.

  • Good In Parts


    No shit, sherlock!

    “It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

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