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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    I think sending their Nuclear Aircraft Carrier off today to the Indian Ocean, is more about doubling the French capability to bomb Iraq than to help in the search for missing airliners.

  • michael norton

    There has been a total news blackout in France.

    The French media decided that the unexplained violent death of Helric Fredou
    is not news worthy, so they will not be covering it?

    Police Commissioner Helric Fredou, Number Two Police Officer of the Regional Service of France’s Judicial Police (JP), Limoges, (Haute-Vienne), apparently committed “suicide” on the night of Wednesday to Thursday at the police station.

    Commissioner Helric Fredou was part of the police investigation into the Charlie Hebdo terror attack.

    The Kouachi brothers spent their high-school years in the department of Haute Vienne. No doubt this was the object of his investigation. Yet the police and media reports state that he was involved in a meeting with the family of one of the Charlie Hebdo victims.

    On Wednesday, as part of the Charlie Hebdo investigation, he dispatched a team of police officials under his jurisdiction. He is reported to have waited for the return of his team for a debriefing. Immediately following the police debriefing, he was involved in preparing his police report.

  • michael norton

    I suppose Helric Fredou would have shot himself in the head just as he was about to have a revelation about the recent massacres in France.
    The two Charlie Hebdo slaughteres spent their high school years on his manor.
    He had interviewed family members of one of the victims.
    He was writing a report into the biggest terrorist series of events in France in Decades and he just decides to top himself?

    Judicial Police

    would this be police who look into wrong doing by other police?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Where the Kouachi brothers linked to the Marshall desmise? Were where they on Sept 5, 2012? Training near Chevaline perhaps? They are many reports that they and accomplice Coolhesashy had stored a collection of weapons. Any Swiss-made Luger among them? The MSM will never tell, but this is very suspicious. Don’t expect Eric to give you the and sir!
    That’s nailing it:

  • michael norton

    Corse kicking off

    “A Muslim prayer room of the village of Sarrola-Carcopino (Corse-du-Sud), near Ajaccio, has been degraded in the Wednesday and Thursday night.

    An inscription “IAF” (for “I Arabi Fora”, “Arabs out”) was particularly drawn to painting on a wall of the prayer hall.

    Several Muslim places of worship in Corsica, which has a large community of North African origin were the target of Islamophobic actions since the massacre perpetrated on January 7 at Charlie Hebdo newspaper.

    A boar’s carcass was discovered last Saturday before a prayer hall of the village of Ghisonaccia (Corsica) and a caliber .22 bullet had been found before an Arab butcher from the same town of 5000 inhabitants. An inscription “Arabi fora” and a swastika were painted the same day on a wall of the Muslim Council in Corsica, which manages 18 mosques and prayer rooms Corsica, near Ajaccio.

    A boar’s head and viscera had been hanging in the night of Thursday to last Friday at the door of a prayer room in Corsica. Investigations have been opened by the police.

    In the aftermath of the massacre against the drafting of Charlie Hebdo, dozens of Islamophobic leaflets were placed on the windshields of cars parked in the center of Bastia.”

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Not forgetting the EX-legionnair had be stationned in Corsica.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if we learned that Slyvain MolliEX was a boar hunt her.
    So many things we learn here. And people in Corsica are FRENCH

  • michael norton

    The unexplained violent death of Helric Fredou
    in his policestation has now made an entry on
    the Chrlie Hebdo Massacre pages of Wikipedia

  • michael norton

    What I would like to know is why do the French police straight away say they know of no reason why top cop Helric Fredou should commit suicide.
    Then half an hour later it is declared death at his own hand.
    Yet this declaration of suicide comes before an autopsy and before the coroners court.
    Surely the statement that he died at his own hand,
    should only come at the end of the coroners court
    or am I missing something?

  • Tim Veater


    Now, we have what appears to be a completely different account of where and how Ahmed Merabet, the French Gendarme, was shot and killed! Very significantly it is quite impossible, unless someone explains otherwise, to reconcile this latest version to the alleged video of the event by a resident in the block of flats opposite, a “Mr. Jordi Mir”.

    These variations and changes to the story are not insignificant or hypothetical, but central to understanding what happened, and ultimately who or what is actually behind it.

    In a Guardian article entitled “Charlie Hebdo attack: fallen policeman Ahmed Merabet buried in Bobigny” by Kim Willsher in Paris dated Tuesday 13 January 2015 16.10 GMT, he relates the circumstances of his death, presumably from reliable police sources, as follows:

    “The officer was one of two police patrolling the street near the magazine offices on his bicycle on Wednesday morning. It was his patch, and he had patrolled it for eight years, but had recently passed his promotion exams after months of intense study. Wednesday was to have been his last day on bicycle duty, but as he and his colleague rode along Boulevard Richard-Lenoir in the 11th arrondissement, they were confronted by brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi fleeing the scene where they had already killed 11 people.”
    “Merabet drew his weapon and fired at the gunmen’s car, but his police-issue pistol was no match for their Kalashnikovs, and he was shot and injured.”
    “What followed next demonstrated the chilling determination of the attackers. Heading for their black Citröen C3 getaway car, the Kouachi brothers halted before calmly running back to where Merabet lay injured.”
    ““You want to kill us?” one of the hooded gunmen asked the injured officer “No, it’s fine, boss,” Merabet replied raising his arm over his head. The jihadi gunman slowed down for a fraction of a second then shot the officer in the head at point blank range before returning to the car.” End Quote.

  • Tim Veater


    Now please note some salient facts:

    He was patrolling on his bike …. near the offices of Charlie Hebdo …. with a colleague …. THEY were confronted by the fleeing Kouachi brothers …. Merabet drew his weapon and fired at the car …. at THAT stage he was shot and injured …. after being hit the Kouachi brothers RETURN to their vehicle before again returning to deliver the fatal shot.

    The reported conversation repeats the ‘second amended version’, as highlighted in my earlier article, despite a quite specific French rendering and translation given earlier, that gave the words “Are you going to kill me?” to the policeman NOT the killers.

    So let us examine this account and compare it to the alleged real-time video of the event.


    First, the location opposite 62 Boulevard Richard-Lenoir is on the OPPOSITE side of the pedestrianised recreational “island”, with a one-way system operating on both sides, first south and then north via a transverse connecting road. In other words to get to the video location, the car must have taken a long detour. This cannot fit the description of “confronting the brothers fleeing the scene”. How can the location of car and officer be thus described even were it on the OTHER side of the island?

    Second, the video does not support in any way the statement Merabet had drawn or fired his weapon. It is no where to be seen on the video. Surely if under fire, the last thing he would have done was have thrown it away? Why does he not attempt to take cover behind a vehicle? Who knows?

    Third, where is the other officer to which the report refers? It is said they were both together but there is absolutely no sign of him on the video.

    Fourth, leaving aside the troubling issue of the absence of serious armed forces arriving immediately, where are their bicycles? No sign of them on the video either. A damaged police bicycle located in what seems the same locality is here:

    Fifth, the video gives no indication of a prior gun fight, the gunmen returning to the car, then back again. Rather it appears they have just stopped and go after the officer further up the road. Could this be explained by an earlier confrontation there, in which case how does one explain the relative positions of criminals and policeman? And how to explain absence of other officer, bikes and TWO police weapons NOT represented or fired? Where is the other officer whilst his partner is being shot?

    Sixth, who was it who presumably shot and shattered the REAR window of the Citroen C3 when Merabet is shown to be well in front of the car and how many gunmen were there actually? On the day Parisien had the following headline plus a photograph that is difficult to locate precisely:

    “A manhunt was launched to stop the THREE (my capitals) terrorists on the run after an attack against Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday morning that killed at least twelve dead.”

    Seventh, the change in reported conversation between the two is intriguing. Who in that situation is the more likely to ask “Are you going to kill me?” Why if logically Merabet said it, has someone changed the narrative? Is it to remove from the killer’s mouth the words “OK, Chief,” as earlier related, that sounds distinctly un-French and might point to a foreign national?


    It should be noted that the shooters have been variously reported as “two or three”, yet only two have been identified by name. One witness has reported seeing three in the get-a-way car. Further it must be stated in their black garb and face masks, it is in fact impossible to firmly identify the men other than by voice, clothes, physique or distinctive features such as height and posture. Yet no one has questioned whether in fact the men in the said video are the same as those who shot and killed officer Merabet, or indeed appear in the video.

  • Tim Veater


    Similarly photographs on the internet purporting to show the escape car being loaded onto a police lorry has different coloured wing mirrors.

    See here:

    compared to this a still from the video:-

    Others have argued this may be just a trick of the light and of reflection. The point needs to be settled definitively.


    A rather strange photograph appeared in the press of two men in black clothes and face masks, apparently under arrest but appearing strangely relaxed with an informally dressed police official who has a coat labelled “Police Technical Scientific” and appears to be a camera man. Is it possible that these men, similar in size and dress to those in the video are indeed they, but apparently being treated in a very relaxed manner (for example their faces are still covered and their masks have not been removed nor are they being treated as is normal for potentially dangerous fugitives) The photograph tagged “An unidentified man is detained in Reims” can be viewed here:

    It is just one more inexplicable aspect of this extraordinary event that has been pounced on particularly in France, Britain and Israel to support a very similar message and agenda.

  • Tim Veater

    Like the secret of a good joke …. timing Michael Norton
    14 Jan, 2015 – 6:39 am

    Does no one see how convenient these outrages are to get unpopular measures past the legislature? Don’t they twig the connection? “All we like sheep etc.”

    Watch out Britain if Cameron doesn’t get his way on the new security bill.

  • Tim Veater

    just repeating Eric faux pas (see wot I did there?) over death of SM’s brother in law (well almost) as highlighted by yours truly at the time Michael Norton
    15 Jan, 2015 – 2:54 pm

  • Tim Veater

    that veterans today quote was interesting BB and quite feasible. there is really nothing so far to prove the men in black were kouachis other than the claims made by the forces that killed them. they may have been and they may not. its rather strange that two individuals that apparently go out of their way to advertise their actions (if we believe what we are told) and to seek to die as martyrs, take such pains to prevent their identification and indeed to run. if the charlie hebdo was the mission (planned we are now told by alawaki over three years ago before he was droned, then why not make their final stand there? why the frantic drive around not even ensuring an escape plan? why reveal themselves for food and petrol not even having sufficient fuel, money or provisions? then in advance of being killed TV announced french intention to “neutralise” them which of course they did. in fact all killed rather than captured when intelligence of top priority? as with chevaline it ALL stinks and if accurate the veterans today abstract gives a fairly compelling reason how and why.

  • Tim Veater

    with this i’ll finish for now having used up my credits


    The latest reports coming out of America, now suggest Al Qaeda in Yemen – “AQAP” – has accepted responsibility and that the operation has been in the planning stage for at least four years!

    Now the first thing we have to swallow is that despite all the surveillance poured into Yemen and adjacent Saudi Arabia and all other sources domestic and foreign, an attack four years in the planning of what must always have been an absolutely top potential target in France’s Capital City, had never been detected by any of the multiplicity of Western State security organisations, so that not even a proficient armed guard was provided outside the Charlie Hebdo offices? Nor that with all this time the attackers knew names of targets but not where they were located in the building. This is surely quite unbelievable.

    Another extrordinary claim by American intelligence (for which read CIA, and we know how aligned It is with the whole Zionist Middle East destabilization programme now reaching its tentacles into European capitals) is that Anwar-al-Awlaki who was killed by American drone strike on the 30th September 2011 having survived an earlier one on the 6th May that year. In other words that the attack at Charlie Hebdo had been master-minded and planned by a man who had been dead for over three years!

    Of course any research on Anwar al Awaki will reveal a very dubious character, closely linked to all the shady events and players of the 21st Century. Was he who American Intelligence portrayed him? Was he working for or against the CIA? As so often happens in these circumstances he was high bred, his father being Nasser al Awaki founder of Ibb University and former president of Sana University, served as Yemen’s minister of agriculture and fisheries. Here he makes an impassioned plea to President Obama over the death of his son and grandson and a unilateral denial that either were Al Qaeda affiliates or leaders.

    The fact that Anwar was an American citizen and effectively assassinated by the American state without trial or conviction (one of four, including his sixteen year old son) is of course a new and worrying low in the behaviour of that country that could well be mimicked by others including our own. All the omens point that way.

    Anwar was not only American and lived there from birth to seven and from twenty to thirty-one, followed by a period in London before returning to the Yemen but the 9/11 Commission Report claimed that al-Awlaki preached to and interacted with three of the 9/11 alleged hijackers. Given what we now know about them and it, his provenance and probity is even more clouded. If the CIA was closely involved in the 9/11 event and alleged hi jackers, in association with foreign states as appears almost certain, any claims by them about Awaki are clouded by the same stain of intrigue and treason.

    So now we have, from American sources, the Kouachi brothers linked to the same individual, despite the doubt over Awaki’s role and function and the passage of more than three years, having first being described as working independently of any network or outside influence.


    Obama described Anwar al Awlaki as a dangerous terrorist with blood on his hands. His highly respected father flatly denies this, and points out that not a shred of evidence has ever been included in an indictment or tested in a court of law before he was assassinated by drone, whilst living quietly in a desert village. Not only so, but his sixteen year old son and American citizen, was similarly targeted and killed by drone apparently merely on the basis of association!

    Does this not prove the pretty pass to which the United States principles of justice and due process have been reduced? If it is this connection on which the Western intelligence community is relying, we should be very very concerned and wary.

    My, how the story develops and is embroidered by potentially one dubious line on top of another. If lies are being told, we need to challenge them. We need to pose the question, are the perpetrators and backers who we being told they are?


    Meanwhile, “Je Suis Charlie” – a protest in support of free expression, appears to being used for precisely the opposite objective! CNN reports (see above) that Controversial French humorist and actor Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, better known as simply “Dieudonne”, was arrested in Paris, accused of publicly supporting terrorism, French media has reported.

    “He posted on his Facebook page: “You should know tonight that as far as I am concerned I am Charlie Coulibaly” — an apparent reference to Amedy Coulibaly. Dieudonne’s Facebook post has been removed.

    “Dieudonne has previously been fined several times in France for anti-”Semetic commentary. Last year, the French government said it wanted to ban his live performances. On Monday, Dieudonne issued a statement with his stance on the terror attacks.

    “Since the beginning of last year, I have been treated as public enemy number one, when all I try to do is make people laugh, and laugh about death, because death laughs at us all, as Charlie knows now, unfortunately,” he wrote in a letter to the French interior minister.” End quote.

    Another fifty four cases have been opened against people in France for allegedly expressing support for terrorism since the attacks, the Justice Ministry said Wednesday. Not you notice for “expressing free speech”.

    “It’s unclear how many people are blamed for the 54 infractions, said ministry spokesman Pierre Rance. The investigations involve phone threats, cyber attacks, Facebook posts, and more.”

    “Some people are in prison awaiting trial and others have already been convicted, Rance said. Some people have been released after being reminded of the law or give a notice of a court date.”

    “Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira “considers that words or actions of a racist or anti-Semitic nature, or that cause hateful, violent, or discriminatory behaviour, or advocate terrorism, or target security forces must be fought and pursued with the utmost vigor,” Taubira’s office said in a statement. “Taubira “asked prosecutors to exercise extreme reactivity in the conduct of public action against the perpetrators of such crimes,” the statement said.” End quote.


    Wherever you stand on the issue of “freedom of speech” versus “limitation to insult”, what we should be very clear about, and insist upon, from our political leaders is that the same rules apply, whether it centres on Christian, Jew, Muslim or any other religious, political or ethnic persuasion. What we cannot have is the right of one group to insult and inflame another, if the same standards, limits and protections are not afforded all. Into which trap France and western democracies in general, appear to be determined to fall. END.

  • michael norton

    I have thought it strange,
    that the two brothers were allowed to escape from the Charlie Hebdo immediate vicinity.
    They have confronted and killed police inside and outside of the building.

    If, as Tim says, there were two cycle officers trundling past and one is shot, more than once and killed, would not the other be ringing up central command and screaming for back up.
    Similarly the police car that arrived, was shot at and reversed, would they not scream for serious back up.
    Yet these two brothers were let loose?

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    16 Jan, 2015 – 9:21 am you have a basic and good point. If you check a map of the area (see,+75011+Paris,+France/@48.8599409,2.3728302,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x47e66dfeb2c56cfb:0x7854e745df71a87) you will see for the gunmen to get to where the video purports to show the cop getting shot, the car HAD to travel first south down the one side of B Richard Lenoir about 250 yards, across Chemin Verte and then back up the other side about the same distance, perhaps 550 to 600 yards in all but remember in mid morning traffic. Add to this the confrontation with the cop car in Allee Verte, not to mention all the earlier shooting in Hebdo itself, you have a significant time slot – 10 to 15 mins AT LEAST I would say. Yet as you note, despite this is a major capital city and a top target and a high state of readiness where they MUST have an armed unit on permanent standby/patrol, not one of them appear until it is all over – not even the sound of a siren of a car on its way! This is simply incredible and very reminiscent of defence planes etc at 9/11 and the slowness at 7/7. In other words there is no effective prevention just men on push bikes also rather conveniently, a Muslim.

    Another strange thing the police car that backed up under fire in Allee Verte has at least 15 holes in the windscreen.

    This is the Google earth view:,+75011+Paris,+France/@48.8593471,2.3707113,70m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x47e66dfeb2c56cfb:0x7854e745df71a87

    This is a photo of the confrontation

    This is a location map of the confrontation which is on the opposite side to the video location!

    Here is a picture of the police car after that exchange:

    Note how the rear window of gunmen’s car appears shattered already and the way the gunmen are AIMING using sight – not from the hip shall we say in the general direction of. This looks very military style rather than a couple of part-time hoodlams. All is revealed when you view the windscreen. The shots are mainly clustered centrally or to the left (ie passenger side) NOT at principally at the driver side. Only three appear to be aimed directly at him. As far as we know no one was killed in there. Yet look how easy it would have been to do so.

    In other words I am sure in that instance they weren’t really trying to kill and the the intention/instruction was not to shoot to KILL but just to get them out of the way for the escape. A significant not seen commented on elsewhere as far as I have seen. It makes the fatal and unnecessary shooting of Merabet more significant I would say – that is IF the two sets of shooters are actually the same.

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