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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Good In Parts

    LMC discovery fallout part two.

    Convergence, conferring, conflation and contamination.

    The testimony of LMC, taken together with the results of the gendarmerie putting his life under a microscope, will have revealed that some aspects of the statements made by the ONF employees led to an almost unprecedented misdirection of police effort. I think it is worth considering how this occured.

    Firstly, in my view, the ONF employees have to be considered as a team.

    I have posted previously about the pressure for convergence of accounts and the pressure to avoid contradictions. Not only that, but they actually conferred by telephone a few hours after the event.

    I may be wrong, but I think the ‘ten minute gap’ concept originated on this call. Again I may be wrong but I don’t think the ONF sightings were actually separated by ten minutes.

    This agreed ‘ten minute gap’ plus the dubious interviewing methods of the gendarmes seems to have pushed ONF1 to step-by-step modify his testimony so that an international appeal was launched for an X5.

    To be clear, I think he sincerely believes in his (latest) account. How he got there is going to be case study material.

    Was this simply confabulation on the part of ONF1 due to some element of pressure by the interviewers to eliminate inconsistencies in accounts?

    There could also have been an element of conflation occuring. I think that ONF1 could have subconciously seen the vehicle driven by PB shortly after exiting the combe. His description of the vehicle he saw is essentially a composite of the estate driven by SAH and the 4×4 driven by PB.

    Further witness contamination could have occured when the 4×4 appeared in the reconstruction.

    I will note that it did appear at first that ONF1 was back pedalling from his initial statement, possibly to protect his colleages or the motorcyclist.
    Turning for a moment to the ONF2 pair, how on earth did their two pairs of eyes observe, and end up robotising, an obscure helmet, the search for which must have consumed many hours.

    A helmet which, apparently, LMC did not own.

    Was this then, deliberate misdirection?

    It seems more likely to me that the preconceptions of the gendarme robot operators led them to perceive something that was not there. Something however that made sense to them and they half-expected.

    Still, two witnesses… Obviously best practice was followed and two separate robot portraits were developed, weren’t they?
    Out of time now, the motorcycles will have to wait.

  • michael norton

    Two new suspects have been charged over the Paris attacks that left 130 people dead.

    Officials in BELGIUM said the pair were arrested on Sunday.

    One suspect, a 20-year-old Frenchman, knew Bilal Hadfi, one of the suicide bombers who blew himself up at the French national stadium, according to Flemish public television VRT.

    He was reportedly held for questioning at Zaventem airport, northwest of Brussels, as he was about to fly to MOROCCO.

    The second suspect, a 28-year-old Belgian, was arrested in the Brussels district of Molenbeek, where several of the gunmen lived.


  • michael norton

    Investigators say that whoever carried out the crime is likely to be a trained marksman, and to know the local area extremely well.

    This has led to well-sourced theories that Mr Mollier, the cyclist, may have been the principal target.

    He had recently left his wife and two children two live with a multi-millionaire heiress, with whom he had just had a baby, and there were said to be tensions in the relationship. The 2011 killings took place in an isolated layby on a mountain road not far from the tiny village of Chevaline.

    A detective involved in the case said: ‘The reality is that whoever did it left no forensic evidence, and disappeared without trace. It is sadly quite possible that this will never be solved.’

    I thought the Slaughter of the Horses killing happened in September 2012 ?

  • michael norton

    Oil at it lowest point in ten years, according to BIG BOSS of Total

    The oil price is unlikely to recover next year, according to the boss of the French energy giant, Total.

    The price of Brent crude is currently under $43 a barrel, down more than 60% since last summer, while US light crude is trading below $40 a barrel.

    Oil prices have not been this low for more than 10 years.

    And Total’s Patrick Pouyanne “doesn’t anticipate a recovery in 2016”. In fact, he thinks supply will grow faster than demand next year.

    He is not alone. Last Friday, Goldman Sachs put out a note suggesting prices could fall a lot further.

    “While [we are] forecasting oil prices over the next few months to be near $40 a barrel, or roughly where they are trading today, there could be another 50% to fall,” the investment bank said.

  • michael norton

    So BIG changes coming to FRANCE

    The far right seem to be doing astonishing well, in the current election, the public have shirted to the right and away from the HAPLESS HOLLANDE

  • michael norton

    Good in Parts 03/12/15 1.40am

    It would be helpful to know if LMC

    has undergone a line-up

    with William Brett Martin, all the ONF personnel
    ( and every other person that was in the area that day)?

    It is highly possible that the killer motorcyclist ( with the special side-opening helmet)
    is still on the run.

  • Good In Parts


    LMC, as found, almost certainly is LMC as seen by ONF2.

    Thay particular ‘special side-opening helmet’ was probably an interpretation error by the gendarmes.

    However it is highly possible that a killer motorcyclist is still on the run.

    The timeline is so tight that WBM is effectively LMC’s alibi.

    But wait-a-minute, why then the arrest of Eric D ?

    Do the gendarmes think that WBM saw a different motorcyclist?

    Or is there something else that they are aware of that makes them think the killer rode a motorcycle?

  • michael norton

    Another 3% off the price of crude today

    Brent Crude Oil Futures $/barrel 38.56

    Not quite sure what’s going on

    but it’s probably enough agro for somebody to want to start yet another war.

    Certainly enough to get agents bumped off in remote woodland meets.

  • michael norton

    I am not sure why the FRENCH lawyers are getting upset,
    half of Europe, half of Africa
    and most of the Middle East are undertaking emergency measures to try to prevent terrorist activities, planes are mysteriously disappearing, in the last 18 months a thousand people have died in uneXplained air accidents?
    why would the lawyers in France want the French state to sit on its hands?

  • michael norton

    Yasser Louati, a spokesman for the Collective against Islamophobia in France,
    an anti-racist group, said the state of emergency has unfairly targeted Muslims.

    Who does Yasser Louati think the French authorities should be targeting,
    French little old ladies?

  • Q

    We focus on the Lyon motorcyclist, but what do the forestry workers look like?

    Thinking of the Vaulter Bandit, a French-American whose disguises included a construction worker get-up. Geez, the guy must have taken inspiration from the “YMCA” video. The VB was caught in Geneva in September, but he had been living just across the border in France. He scouted his locations well, and carried a police scanner. He was a professional who worked a solo act as a bank robber, successfully for some time. He was driving an unremarkable small car at the time of his arrest.

    He is now fighting extradition to Canada, where he is wanted for 21 bank robberies.

    We’re supposed to believe the Chevaline massacre was professional, yet random. A professional would have scouted the location of a hit, and tracked his target. Could the problem with these conflicting facts be a professional of one sort (robber) who stepped out of his element to follow a target, and ended up becoming a killer?

    So what do the ONF guys look like? Would a man who once lived a cushy, yet parasitic lifestyle actually take a day job as a labourer?

  • Good In Parts


    “Would a man who once lived a cushy, yet parasitic lifestyle actually take a day job as a labourer?”

    Sure, but not a real actual job. It would be a one-man-band business to look legit, launder some of the cash and maybe act as cover for scouting locations to rob.

    I did favour the idea of a robbery motive, likely involving someone associated with the campsite (similar to the scenario that led to the botched home invasion and murder) however I think the gendarmes would have solved it by now if it had been as simple as that.

    Then there was the “shouting” immediately prior to the shots being fired. I assume it was in french. Even if Zainab did not know any french at all, it seems likely that she would have understood from gestures etc that they were being robbed, if that actually were the case. Not to mention the undoubted fact that Eric M. would have blabbed all about it by now.

    (*) It could just be that her memory of the shouting etc. was so severely disrupted by the concussion that she cannot recall any more.

  • Q

    @GIP: I don’t know how good Shuman’s French would be. His maternal grandmother went from France to the U.S., but there’s no information about his fluency.

    The heat was on for Shuman by May of this year, as the reward for his arrest jumped to $100,000 Cdn. He went solo for his gigs, but perhaps he took on more risk as time passed. At some point between 2010 and 2015, he made his way to France.

    He was once found with an air pistol, which seems to me an indication that he didn’t really want to hurt anyone. Anyways, just putting him out there again.

  • michael norton

    9.14pm 12 / 12 / 2015

    It is a mystery why substitut du procureur Yann Jomier & his compatriot Eric Maillaud

    are so QUIET?

  • michael norton

    Why don’t they put a few inconsistancies straight.
    For example why do they not tell the public if they are still looking for a murdering motorcyclist?

  • michael norton

    You can just see Yamaha underneath the yellow tarp, in front of the rear wheel.

    No doubt the ONF persons were asked to identify the motorcyle the suspected shootist was riding, if they spoke to the rider, then they would easilly have been able to identify the make ( as he would not be riding it, drapped in a tarp.

  • michael norton

    I’d also like to point out that I believe it was cynical of the ruling elite to hold the climate talks in Paris at the same time as their elections
    because if the climate talks turn out well it will improve the standing of
    the ruling left wingers.

    However that is it just me being cynical?

  • M.

    MN, more cynical and downright appalling is the PS pulling out of regions to block the FN from a gain of the Department…

    First round results, mouse over and see what the results were, British Press imply it was only Calais and Dunkerque who voted this way, that just ain’t true:

    Nevertheless I think you are barking, this will show you how long it takes a case to come to court, in the NCT murder/manslaughter, three have admitted involvement two have denied.

    As for the MC, the one seen by ONF2 (two men in a 4×4) he’s been found, whether the second is Melvin or another they have been ‘mis hors cause’, I think I posted the link to this previously.

    Unless there was a FURTHER MC, I reckon any MC involvement is next to ZERO, so that leaves the possibility of a man on foot or dropped off by a car, which swang into the parking at speed, dropped off the gunman and left.

    I still favour a Spanish connection.

  • Q

    In the case of the French-American bank robber, Canada enlisted the help of the Swiss police. Canada had information on when Jeffrey James Shulman would be crossing into Switzerland. This is critical, as it would have been nigh well impossible to extradite a French citizen from France. Maybe he had a job in Geneva at the time of his arrest. Maybe he was lured across the border by a well-played Mr. Big scam.

    I’ve come to believe that this is the only way we might see an arrest in the al-Hilli case: if the so-called professional hitman commits a crime outside of France, for which he is brought to justice. I’m not counting on French authorities for a resolution.

    Maybe there’s a lesson in there for the British. If the lives of their citizens matter, what are they prepared to do about the Chevaline murders? Surely human lives and the safety of British citizens travelling in France matter more than money stolen from banks, money which is insured against robberies.

  • Q

    The Vaulter shifted his MO and became more dangerous. We can guess that he needed more money for international airfares.

    Was the danger posed to the public and bank employees the reason for the increased reward money, or was the bigger concern the substantial, undisclosed sum of money?

    Note the shift to the use of newer model getaway cars in recent crimes.

    Very clever to commit crimes in one country, then return to live in his country of citizenship, where he can’t be extradited. Note also that he can’t be charged with any crime until he is returned to Canada. Therefore, he should have stayed put in France. How careless, for someone who had been very careful previously.

    Still wondering about those casino robberies in Annemasse. Still wondering if the Vaulter needed partners in France, due to less than impeccable spoken French.

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