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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Bacchus

    a publié le 22 Décembre 2015 à 11:12
    votre article est au moins faux sur un point : le mandat de perquisition n’existe pas en France, les gendarmes devaient travailler dans le cadre d’une commission rogatoire d’un juge d’instruction qui leur permettait de perquisitionner là où ils voulaient… s’il ne l’ont pas fait, c’est qu’ils ne l’ont pas estimé nécessaire… à ce moment là…”


  • M.

    “Jim’s emails were erased AT MIDNIGHT before he died….”

    What time would that have been in France, some five or six hours earlier, evening of the 4th September ?

    What time did the mystery man appear at the campsite ?

  • M.

    Human level, Judy must have seen the content of the e:mails.

    How about IAH alerts JT that SAH has found out about the late divorce and their continued contact, she asks him to delete everything.

    He does but this makes him anxious, a man already overweight and with high blood pressure, this causes his cardiac arrest in the following hours. He didn’t know IAH had died.

    I don’t see IAH going to use an Internet Café, maybe she did use one at home, forgot to log out, or SAH or someone else hacked in and had the perfect element for blackmail.

    I wonder who put the bug on Suhailas computer ? One of her sons or her brother-in-law or SAH when they visited Sweden the year before ?

  • Peter

    @ M., 10 Jan, 2016 – 12:16 pm
    In Parry (p. 167), the incident is described as follows: “After the FBI called me I checked again and they were all gone. They were gone from midnight backwards. The password had been changed too.”
    I interpret that to mean that JT used an IMAP account, where e-mails are not stored locally, and that the FBI seized his e-mails from his provider and had the provider delete them on their servers and change the account password. It is typical for the system clock to register such an account reset as having occurred at 0:00 hours. I don’t think that there is anything suspicious or illegal about that.

    @ Good In Parts, 9 Jan, 2016 – 6:42 pm
    I made a mistake. As you rightly point out, Iqbal did not go to the UK straightaway after leaving the US, but rather to Abu Dhabi. So why would she say, before leaving the US, that staying in touch with JT could get her into trouble? Trouble with whom? She had not met SAH yet, her parents were in Sweden – so who in Abu Dhabi could possibly take issue with her exchanging e-mails with JT?

    As I have said before, it seems to me that she ran away to the US from somebody (perhaps from an arranged marriage?), tried to hide there by changing her name and not working as a dentist, finally caved in to (parental or spousal?) pressure and went to Abu Dhabi, before latching on to SAH. Perhaps she was already married to somebody before she ran away to the US, a circumstance that might suffice as a motive for said hypothetical first husband to have both her bigamous spouses (JT and SAH) killed. After all, adultery carries an official death penalty in Abu Dhabi.

  • M.

    Peter, I haven’t seen these photos before either, must have been behind a paywall at time of publication.

    I’d stick to JT being besotted with her, the wardrobe probably contained a box of souvenirs and photos.

    If the e:mails went at midnight before he died, JT deleted them and he changed his password.

    I wonder how long it had been since SAH knew his wife wasn’t his wife ?

  • Peter

    @ M., 10 Jan, 2016 – 3:47 pm

    Judy Weatherly’s account is not entirely clear, but my understanding of it is that the e-mails were still there after his death, but had gone after the FBI contacted her. If that interpretation be correct, it stands to reason that the FBI seized JT’s e-mail account on behalf of the French authorities. Assuming that he had an IMAP account, like most people nowadays, deleting his e-mails server-side would instantly make them vanish off all his devices (PC, smartphone).

  • M.

    Peter, I refer you to JW’s comment at the end of the article posted by Q…, it is JW Facebook:

    “108 days ago
    I did NOT say these things… only …and I repeat the only part that is true is that Kelly was a truly wonderful person. She would not have had an affair of any kind! My brother Jim respected her much more than that! Jim’s emails were erased AT MIDNIGHT before he died…. why steal his emails and then erase them? Whoever did this had a LOT OF HELP!!! ”

    JT could easily have deleted them himself, changed his password BEFORE he died and this would be BEFORE Iqbal died.

  • Q

    Wouldn’t it be interesting to know if the people who reset Saad al-Hilli’s passwords also reset Jim Thompson’s?

    About that house, Bacchus. A little trip down company lines does show some powerful connections, sir. I can see why this might lead to certain parties dragon their heels over solving these murders.

  • Q

    Why didn’t Iqbal tell her family in Sweden about her trip to the U.S.? How did she manage to keep this secret — gone AWOL for nearly two years — from all of them? Not only did they not know she was married, they didn’t know where she was at all. Facebook and Skype communication? No communication? No one noticed?

    And yet Sabah Alshaikhly knew, and was the keeper of this secret, and spoke their language, and had ties to Iraqis.

    What happened in 2008, when SA returned to Baghdad, divorcing MW on his return?

  • Good In Parts

    M. & Peter

    I concur with Peter that there is not anything suspicious or illegal about the email deletions. Read the terms of service of your email provider!

    The service provider would have carried out the instructions of the authorities (the Feds in this case). The first email synchronisation would also have wiped them if any were also held locally.

    It may look to MW as if they were deleted at midnight before JT died but they were probably deleted from the providers servers whenever the feds served papers instructing them to do so and, any that were also held locally, from JT’s PC on the first subsequent email synchronisation (which was probably initiated by MW herself).

    However locally held emails were likely still recoverable at that point in time. The pst file could have been at least partially rebuilt from the freed-up disk blocks.

    This long after the event, things would be more difficult. Still if MW has a mysterious break-in and the PC is stolen then somebody may think the effort worthwhile.

  • Good In Parts


    You wrote

    Perhaps she was already married to somebody before she ran away to the US, a circumstance that might suffice as a motive for said hypothetical first husband to have both her bigamous spouses (JT and SAH) killed. After all, adultery carries an official death penalty in Abu Dhabi.

    Yup, all of the above. Even breach-of-promise could incite certain elements allegedly. A runaway-bride leaving someone at-the-altar, then marrying a kaffir, may have made someone slightly peeved. Especially if he were someone important.

    I did wonder if there were some kind of long-con going on along the lines of ‘wire me cash so I can escape and we can be together’ but I could not make it work.

    In the end I came to the conclusion that she just seemed to be a serial dinner-party dentist as we have previously discussed.

    Whether that ‘act’ and the inevitable running-away aspect pissed someone sufficiently to trigger a vendetta is not yet clear.

  • Q

    What I found peculiar about the mysterious hitman from Lille who allegedly claimed to have taken down some Iraqis was not that some jailhouse informants might try to better their own situation by ratting out a cellmate, but that Lille has become known for this:

    There is a way around such matters, of course, but it isn’t cheap.

    Consider the legal system in the emirates, where women who report sexual assault may be jailed for being victims. Foreign women caught in this trap may get out, but only with political pressure and public outcry.

    A woman’s honor in Muslim states belongs to her male family members. I’ve already mentioned the Shafia case.

    There is nothing to indicate that any of this is relevant to Chevaline.

    Why and how did investigators wind up in Lille? Sure, an informant put them on to the alleged hitman who had an alibi. But were they already looking into the possibility of honor killing at the time?

    What about that doctor in Dubai who helped Iqbal connect with Sabah A. in Georgia? “Kelly” seemed to have found friends that thought the world of her and protected her in the U.S., but we heard nothing about her connecting with Muslims during her time there, other than Sabah A. I dont know if the deep south U.S. has fewer Muslims than elsewhere. Maybe the deep south is a good place not to connect.

  • Bacchus


    Sorry, my engilsh is not suficient to understand this :

    “I can see why this might lead to certain parties dragon their heels over solving these murders.”


  • M.

    Still not getting it re the e:mails, if they were deleted before he died then she knew in the hours or days after his death, unless the FBI had already been head-upped immediately ? Because she continued to use HIS Facebook account as well, why wasn’t this wiped ?

    It certainly adds to the element of poor journalism if indeed they misquote.

    Q, Iqbal told her family she was staying with friends. There is a lot of confusion over where she came from and where she returned to, JW thought it was England. Chances are she didn’t tell the truth to those that did not need to know, least of all her family to know she’d married Jim, regardless of the circumstances.

    Bacchus and Q, ever thought of asking Google Maps why there is what appears to be a partial whiting out of the Bewicks house ? On Bing Maps it is perfectly clear.

  • michael norton

    quote intp1
    “They won’t fire Eric because he has done a great job of non-investigation from start to finish which is the goal.”

    astonishingly, I have to agree.

    The FRENCH do not want to find out what happened and Eric is their main-man at finding nothing out.

  • Good In Parts


    From Le Parisien

    “Pendant deux ans, cet homme qui avait gagné un baptême de l’air en parapente, effectué ce jour-là”

    Can you clarify please, my schoolboy french is not up to it, is this simply a phrase meaning he had his first flight that day or did he literally win a course?

    The whole LMC discovery and interview affair is a mess, it seems to me that they have failed to fully exclude (or alternately expose) LMC simply by their own unforced errors.

    I am annoyed because my motorcycle theory is predicated on LMC having been effectively cleared. If he were telephoned in advance and ‘went legal’ by demanding a search warrent then I am not sure I can make that assumption.

  • Peter

    @ M., 11 Jan, 2016 – 9:17 am
    In Parry, Judy Weatherly is quoted as saying that she “tried” to access JT’s e-mails after his death. She does not explicitly say whether she tried and failed or tried and succeeded, but obviously nothing had occurred at that stage to freak her out. Then, after the FBI had called her, she “tried” again – and all his e-mails were gone, the password changed. It was a bit insensitive of the FBI not to notify her that they had seized his e-mail account, but then they had no way of knowing that she knew the password and was in the habit of accessing said account.

    The FBI did not seize JT’s FaceBook account because he did not use that to stay in touch with Iqbal. Speculating, I suppose that Iqbal used her personal smartphone to communicate with JT and was very careful about wiping her traces (a sensible thing to do for her, given that SAH was a computer geek). I assume that this is why the French asked the FBI to seize the e-mail account of her correspondent JT. If it be true that JT never deleted anything, as JW says, they will have recovered all messages exchanged between Iqbal and JT. This is probably what Vinneman alludes to when he says that they found some astonishing things in Iqbal’s background.

    @ Good In Parts, 11 Jan, 2016 – 10:53 am
    My schoolboy French is not great, either, but I know that learning how to paraglide only takes a few hours and costs no more than € 100. If this dude was on a two-year-course, he must have trained to become an instructor. However, I take that phrase simply to mean that he had been paragliding for two years and also did so on the day.

  • Good In Parts


    Sorry, my cut-and-paste has misled you, the ‘deux ans’ refers to his ‘ignoring’ the appeals, I think. I failed to remove the first part of the paragraph.

    Pendant deux ans, cet homme qui avait gagné un baptême de l’air en parapente, effectué ce jour-là, selon la même source, a étrangement ignoré tous les appels à témoins qui ont suivi la diffusion d’un portrait-robot en novembre 2013.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 11 Jan, 2016 – 10:53 am

    LMC knew that the cops were looking for him, but still waited for them to come knocking on his door. That behaviour is so suspicious that, if you credit Eric Clouseau with an IQ exceeding that of a gnat, you know that his guff about LMC being an honorable man and so forth, not naming him etc., was a smokescreen behind which they investigated the hell out of LMC. They probably tap and bug and track him to this day.

  • M.

    The e:mail thing, Judy obviously knew about his contact with Iqbal, she saw their content, so unless it was all in some kind of code I bet they were just a how’s it going kinda stuff and we don’t know how often, it may have been only every month or so !

    This is just a perfect storm scenario, nothing underhand, other than the FBI thinking ‘wow, they both died the same day, let’s go see’.

    Just another useless pistes.

    The fact that he’d kept souvenirs of their time together says he had affection for her, isn’t that the most obvious reason ?

    The translation, does mean he won a prize and why not, could have been through his usual parapente club, interestingly Maillaud changed the parapente to deltaplane and a lesson.

    So, I’d guess either way, he wouldn’t have needed his own equipment to make the flight from Forclaz, he parked up his MC in Doussard, was taken up to Forclaz and landed back in Doussard.

    Not difficult to proof.

    Peter, the name of Eric D was passed to the cops mid-November 2013, his arrest in February 2014, no doubt after they had done some detective work, they found out about his penchant for antique weapons.

    Therefore, I have no doubt they had done the same with LMC, they knew he wasn’t the killer, but were probably pissed off that he hadn’t come forward sooner.

    Q, the 35 year old Iraqi boasted he’d been offered money to kill Iraqi’s in London, never did find out if that was a pack of lies, or just a lag bigging himself up, the info we know of is that he didn’t kill the Al-Hillis.

  • Good In Parts

    Peter & M.

    On IQ per gram, I think the gnats have it.

    “LMC being an honorable man and so forth, not naming him etc., was a smokescreen behind which they investigated the hell out of LMC.”

    Certainly, plus I think EM was running out of public goodwill, another suicide or another guy writing to M. le Presidente having lost his livelihood, would not look good.

    Particularly if he was squeeky clean. EM lucked out that the previous two could be (and were) portrayed in, let’s say, an unsympathetic light.

    So, it does mean he won a prize. Thanks for clarifying that M. (Yes, EM did switch to saying deltaplane as you say)

    It seems to me that if he won a prize, presumably awarded and booked up prior to the week of the tragedy, then LMC himself cannot have been part of any pre-planned attack on any of the parties. Not to mention flagrantly riding around on his own MC with his mobile phone switched on.

    LMC and WBM seem to me to offer mutual alibis, assuming LMC did confirm WBM’s sighting.

    Now here’s the thing, everything checks out. Can anyone think of a witness who has been caught out in an obvious lie?

    The closest I can get is ONF1 and I am pretty sure that he was boxed in by ONF2 calling dibs on the 15:25-30 ‘sighting slot’. Thus his initial statement was probably the most accurate, then things went downhill as les gendarmes wrestled the witness statements into mutual consistency.

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