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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • M.

    Pink, apparently details of the divorce were found amongst papers in number 26. So, not exactly the French.

    GIP, I would guess that LMC did not see WBM, or at least not that he can recall, by my reckoning ONF2 and LMC driving through Le Martinet happened well before WBM arrived.

    Never has it been reported if anyone saw the Red BMW on the route (apart from WBM) or at the parking.

    Did ONF2 or LMC or both do the French thing and pass through without stopping, the usual don’t get involved, that’s my niggling doubt, especially as ONF2 didn’t come forward immediately.

    But surely, that twisting of the truth could be easily broken, couldn’t it ?

    Did they do it, no !!! Did they set up Eric D, no !!!

    Until the man at the campsite is found I will continue to suspect his involvement, why hasn’t he come forward ?

    Oh to see what he looked like, I guess they have a better description than the few elements in the Press domain, I include Rizet in that.

  • Good In Parts


    Maybe he only ‘researched’ on-line.

    Pick an obscure southarn church that’s got no on-line presence and is tardy with sending records to state and bob’s your uncle*.

    (*) by marriage, that is.

  • Good In Parts


    Didn’t a french journo (JMD?) in a tweet suggest that ONF2 must have passed thru after SAH had parked up?

    And you know that I think someone did indeed see SAH in his RHD BMW and that someone, a certain ONF1, then spent a lot of time backtracking from his statement because he was forced to.

  • M.

    GIP, that’s the famous ‘cadavres’ comment, James hung on to that meaning they passed through and didn’t see dead bodies.

    Listen to the question/answer segment after the Press Conference you will then realise it has been taken out of context.

    From my point of view, search amongst all the known pistes or suspects, you will not find the answer. Too many expect this to be solved as in NCIS, or a novel. It won’t be, there are too many possibles and even more probables.

    As someone wrote earlier it is easy to confirm someones guilt, if all those possibilities and probabilities come to nothing, what then ?

    Intelligence hit, no !

    This is either personal to the Al-Hillis or Mollier.

    The latter angle too easily investigated. ZAH will have seen the files, I don’t see him jumping up and down, he seemed a bit out of the loop regarding his brothers declared assets to the Tax man, ‘must be the value of the house in Claygate’ or some such.

    As I am not a David Icke crank (loved that reference by a presenter on LBC radio!) I am more inclined to look for the logical answer before deciding it was TPTB or aliens, or lizards and so on.

  • M.

    JMD, limelight seeking, pity he doesn’t update his copy when there are updates.

    The British Press are the same, they repeat errors, lax journalism, certainly, more to do with filling column inches than caring about the truth.

    It’s just a job.

  • Pink

    So what struck me is we have SAH worried about some documents (the police found some related to the marriage according to M)we have Jack Saltman saying he knows of a personal problem .

    Then JT has something to find if anything happens to him.

    If SAH wanted to divorce IAH or vice versa what paperwork would they need ?

  • Q

    Yes, indeed, that white blip is most curious, and why that odd shape?

    What of the most curious corporate connections of the owner of said property (allegedly)? I mean,what are the actuarial odds of diplomatic ties, just steps from diplomatic ties to Pakistan and NATO? I may have this wrong, so consider it “allegedly”.

  • Q

    Pink, being a little flippant here, but isn’t it easy for a Muslim man married in the UAE to say, “I divorce you” three times to his wife and it’s a done deal (and he walks away with the children and property)? Alas, Saad and Iqbal married in the UK. Whose idea it was, we don’t know, but Iqbal would stand to benefit from UK marriage and property rights. Then again, Saad had that issue with his brother, and there might be some reason to marry in the UK to protect his share of the eventual inheritance.

  • Q

    I suspect the UK is slightly more lenient to bigamists than the UAE, but long ago wondered if Iqbal would risk deportation if British authorities found her out. Who would turn her over, or bribe her over this?

    Jim sounded content enough with his lot in life.

    Who would be motivated by greed on either side of the ocean?

  • Q

    If someone who owned a company that does contract work for an international cybersecurity, aerospace and defence contractor happened to live down the street from a mass murder, it would be human to wonder if there’s any kind of connection, even if it’s just one big coincidence. Coincidences do happen, as people like SA have told us, when interviewed about Chevaline. This is purely theoretical, of course.

  • Q

    I still wonder why Sir Peter Ricketts himself got directly involved with Chevaline.

    What are the odds that Sir Peter Ricketts, UK Ambassador to France, would be heavily involved at the government level, and taking some heat over issues with a defence contractor in September 2012?

    And what if that very same defence contractor had contracts with someone who lived on the road to the mass murder on the mountain?

    It would be the perfect plot for a spy novel, don’t you think?

  • Q

    No lizards, reptiles or other creatures were harmed in my idle postulation. I cannot say for sure if any dragons were harmed or not, because they are fictional, and surely no grown man believes that they are real.

  • Q

    Apologies for droning on.

    What would be really weird, if someone wanted a novel plot: if a defence contractor was the common thread on both sides of the ocean in our fictional saga. Say, someone who knew the female lead in the U.S. worked for a defence contractor. And this happened to be that same defence contractor who subbed out work to someone who owned property on the way to the murders on the mount. And let’s say the company was in high-level talks at the time of the completely random mass murder, thus bringing high-level government types to the scene. And it was all a freak coincidence!

    Would anyone pay to read such a farfetched saga?

  • M.

    Q, GIP will like this from the France 24 link:

    Police sources have told M6 the witness, a former officer in Britain’s Royal Air Force, gave key descriptions of a scooter and a 4×4 vehicle both seen on the road leading to the secluded car park where the four victims were gunned down. “He kept a clear sense of observation. This could greatly help us,” a source close to the investigation told M6. Police have refused to name the witness and the media have seemingly been unable to track him down yet.


    LMC and the “scooter” are not one and the same, the 4×4 may well be ONF2 (confirmed by Maillaud as a 4×4) but that doesn’t tie in with JMD’s Citroen van !

    Always remember, Bossy did not see a MC, of course he didn’t, it was long gone before he started the climb, the “scooter” was most likely MM, who went off towards La Combette from the 900 metres gravel track.

    Conclusion, the gunman left on foot, he’d not been there long before the family and Mollier arrived. Who were the “hikers” evacuated from Les Bauges ? Any tourists ?

  • Good In Parts

    Pink & Q

    The whole divorce and associated paperwork just does not make sense to me. They were married in the US and she was now resident in the UK, so… why go back to the UAE to divorce JT?

    There was no need to go to the UAE at all. None. Jim was almost certainly not antagonistic and, I am sure, cooperated fully. An accomodation address in the UK could have been used if she did not want a trail back to Claygate. The marriage took place in the USA, thus so did the actual divorce. She would not have needed to be there in person.

    Two possibilities occur to me, firstly that she was pulling the wool over SAH’s eyes as to where and who she had married. But that doesn’t make sense if documents were found in the UK that SAH presumably had access to.

    Secondly and more likely in my view, she had to go to the UAE to end another marriage there.

    Q, that ‘blip’ as you call it looks to me like the CCD in the camera was over loaded. The shape shows typical ‘bleed’ along orthogonal axes.

    A cause would typically be an intense source of light, eg a flashgun, but in this case I guess it was reflection from building materials on the site. Probably insulation being installed on the roof or sidings.

    I shall not post links because it would look like advertising and put this post in the spam bucket. If you are interested search for aluminum foil backed insulation or thermal insulation foil. Also available is rigid foam insulation that has an aluminium foil backing.

    If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, our international-law abiding pakistani friends sold libya a design for a nuke of approx 500Kg mass. A more advanced design of 200Kg mass never got to libya (presumably because of some political difficulties there) and was eventually seized in switzerland.

    It obviously does not sound ‘right’ that pakistan would treat with shia parties but money is money as they say (especially when there is a lot of it) and they have been special friends with Kim Wilde Un.

  • Good In Parts



    Oh and don’t forget the two mobylettes seen by M. Antoine (as ‘good’ a witness as WBM, if not better).

  • M.

    GIP, on the basis that there has been a huge extension on the Bewicks property the blip could be a reflection from some sort of tarpaulin, front and back, a close look on Google Earth reveals other similar reflections, even one that has a rainbow effect, water on a surface will do that.

    Whilst it is playful to see the Bewicks and their house somehow involved, if LFR hadn’t been working there that day, would anyone have paid attention to the property or the blip.

    So, I agree.

    WBM saw a mobylette, either MM or another, as I posted earlier, identified and ‘mis hors cause’.

  • M.

    Something else in the France 24 report from Q, Zeena was already under her mothers legs, I wrote a while back, I think she was used to travelling in the footwell of the car, LFR didn’t spot her and there was no child seat in the rear, I recall it was said she travelled on the central armrest, maybe she did until people/Police were is view !

    This offers a good reason why the child didn’t move, she was used to it.

  • M.

    GIP, is it possible she started divorce proceedings whilst she was at an address in UAE ? Isn’t there something written that she asked JT for a divorce because she’d fallen in love ?

    She needed to return there for her letters, she couldn’t risk them being forwarded on to Claygate.

  • Pink

    Reminds me of the caravan confusion.

    14-09-2012, 09:19 AM #1200

    “The full article connected to these 3 photos all of the wrong? house & caravan:-

    Public data lists 33 Foley Road as the registered address for Al-Hilli’s firm, SHTech Ltd. SHTech’s Company Secretary is listed as Ikbal Al-Saffar whose personal address is also 33 Foley Road, which could be Iqbal Al-Hilli, Saad’s slain wife.”

    Good In Parts
    12 Jan, 2016 – 6:46 pm
    “An accomodation address in the UK could have been used if she did not want a trail back to Claygate.”

  • Good In Parts


    Who were the “hikers” evacuated from Les Bauges ? Any tourists ?

    Good question. I am sure that le gendarmes wrote down their names on a piece of paper which they have kept securely in a pocket somewhere.

    I would also pose the question, who were the overnight hikers who arrived with Bossi?

    Because if the pistes we have discussed are dead-ends then maybe it’s one of the pistes we don’t review much because we have little or nothing to go on.

    My favourite is the overnight hike. When you think about it, if SAH arrived randomly and SM only arranged to go cycling on the day, then the overnight hikers were the only people who had actually made plans to go there prior to that day.

    They probably told someone their starting point. In fact such hikers are meant to tell someone their intended route etc in case of problems.

    Think about their arrival time. Were they running about ten minutes late?

  • Q

    “A normal day” was how William Brett Martin described it. He would go for a one- or two-hour ride. Did someone know his normal route?

  • Q

    Why three strange white blood of varying shapes, with irregular borders at “the house” on the road to the murders? Why are two out of three white blips surrounded with a black line, as if someone said, “Remove the pixels within this lined area”? That is something I have never seen before. I don’t suppose it’s to cover up nude sunbathers. They’d have to be huge, irregular shapes sunbathers in two or three different parts of the property.

  • michael norton

    Quote M

    “MN, Mollier did not belong to a cycling club.

    The ‘Martin knew Mollier’ ERROR came about because of a mistranslation on this and another blog, it was along the lines of ‘Martin recognised Mollier from his cycling shirt/short colours’.

    The real wording was he ‘recognised Mollier from the cycling shirt/short colours as the man who had passed him earlier’. Big difference, isn’t it ?”

    NOW I thought it had been “cleared up”
    that William Brett Martin does not claim that Mollier EVER overtook W.B.M.?

  • M.

    MN, if you look really hard at the Panorama programme you will see Mollier speed past the junction in Chevaline as Martin arrives from the Marceaus. On the basis WBM was involved in the programme, I’d guess this is where Mollier ‘passed’ him.

    I didn’t say Mollier ‘overtook’ WBM, did I ?

    I think WBM said something along the lines of Mollier joined him on the route and soon put some distance between them.

    Q, there are others like it, you need to have a fly over the area.

    GIP, that’s funny, we know that Cedric had been up there walking that day and the old Mayor of Chevaline.

    The Bossy angle, yes he would have told someone where they were going, he’s a mountain guide and an experienced hiker. Apparently it is nothing unusual to overnight in one of the cabins to see the sunrise.

    There is another PB in Crachier who does the same thing.

    I wonder if the two women are amongst his friends on Facebook ?

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