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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    If there is to be a Nuclear Renaissance in Europe,
    how will this work if most of the huge firms involved are not solvent?
    how will it work if crude oil drops to below thirty dollars a barrel?
    how will it work with ever increasing terrorisim?

    It seems to me that realistically the Nuclear dream is over?

  • Good In Parts


    “Maybe Saad’s aerial survey company was in the business of doing flyovers for illicit swimming pools for municipalities. Maybe this had consequences for someone.”

    Maybe. However it’s a long way from suburbia to travel in order to exact revenge.

    If ‘pictures’ are in any way in the frame as motive, how about Gigabytes of satelite imagery potentially copied from work.

    Those imaging satellites presumably have to be tested before handover to customer control. I am guessing that shedloads of raw data piles up on servers. Obviously these servers would be highly secure, with rigorous access control and partitioned on a completely seperate network from the normal LAN.

    Still, suspicious minds might have thought that somehow such extensive securiy measures had been subverted.

  • michael norton

    Oh dear, this will not help the plummeting FRENCH Economy

    Shares in French car manufacturer Renault have fallen 20% after police raids on several of its factories.

    The company confirmed the raids, saying that fraud investigators wanted to check equipment at its factories.

    Enuff to get somebody rubbed out?

  • Q

    I can only believe that the white pixels and black outlines of Chevaline are quite intentional:

    “Every satellite company in Europe, Maillaud says, dug through its archive of images from September 5, 2012, and detectives studied those for any clue—tire tracks, vehicles, an unaccounted person—buried in the pixels.”

  • michael norton

    Does anybody ( on here) have a clue
    as to when the five criminals being held ( for two years)
    for the murder of Nicole Communal-tournier (close neighbour of William Brett Martin)

    will be produced in court to answer for their crimes?

  • M.

    What gives off colour, water, oil or maybe solar panels, velux windows ?

    By there is the white blob as well.

    If it is only close to WBM’s place then it isn’t relevant, is it ?

  • M.

    MN, I tried to explain, cases take an age to come to court in certain areas of France, I’m sure you’ll keep an eye on the local press reporting.

    Three of the five have admitted involvement, two have denied any such.

  • michael norton

    Thank you M

    could you lead us to the write up of

    “Three of the five have admitted involvement, two have denied any such.”

  • M.

    MN, I’ll get back to you on that.

    Regarding the white blips on Google Earth, if you zoom in as close as possible you will see there are colours around the one over the Bewicks house.

    My conclusion is it a problem with the ‘film’, not a tarpaulin nor velux nor anything else.

    Deliberately altered, highly, highly unlikely.

    This from a post in 2007 might explain the anomily:

    “It’s probably a spot where the emulsion from the original negative was scraped off accidentally.”

  • M.

    From local press:

    “Le procès ne devrait pas avoir lieu avant de longs mois, car l’enquête se poursuit encore pour déterminer le rôle de chacun des 5 individus dans cette affaire. Plus de détails dans nos éditions du jeudi 24 avril…”

    MN, this is the closest I can get for now, if I find the other link I’ll post it:

    “Saisis de l’enquête sur ce crime perpétré près de Chevaline, les gendarmes de la section de recherches de Chambéry vont alors mener de minutieuses investigations, jusqu’à identifier les cinq suspects, déjà défavorablement connus de la justice. « Ils ont été identifiés et confondus par des éléments extérieurs à l’agression, et notamment après l’examen de leur emploi du temps », révèle une source judiciaire, qui précise : « Certains nient totalement leur participation à ce drame, d’autres admettent à demimot leur implication, mais il n’y a pas d’aveux fermes à ce stade. »”

    If you read all the info about this ‘gang’, certain of them, especially the leader had carried out similar robberies in two places before. Maybe he’d already been sentenced previously and released on parole, break that and they don’t need to rush procedures.

  • michael norton

    The search for Vietnam’s war dead:
    Largest ever DNA identification project is underway to name those who perished 40 years ago

    It seems Vietnam is keen to recover DNA from many years ago.

    Yet only two sets of unidentified DNA have been found with regard to
    the Slaughter of the Horses event. Four people were shot to death with multiple bullets, a child was smashed in the head with the weapon, a bicycle was found at the scene as well as a BMW with many bits of stuff, then there is the al-Hilli campsite / caravan,
    yet in these several bodies and hundreds of artifacts
    only two sets of unexplained DNA could be found,
    utterly astonishing
    and unconvincing.
    So have they swabbed Sylvain Mollier and his bicycle and all his stuff?
    Have they

  • michael norton

    It does seem “strange” that a 40 something carpenter from Doussard,
    could imagine that he with four others, could get away with securing a rich, well known local couple in their abode not a mile away.
    that they would expect to torture this couple and get what they wanted, using shooters.
    This couple were related to the recently died Maire of Doussard.

    This is almost unbelievable.

    Only a year before they shot and killed Nicole, one of the most serious gun crimes in FRANCE had happened just up the combe, the discoverer of that crime was retired William Brett Martin, who was on international television, this W.B.M. was a neighbour of Nicole.
    Yet only a week after the E-FIT-SKETCH was released of the suspected shootist,
    this local carpenter thinks he can pull this off?

  • Q

    Film? In a satellite digital image? Really?

    Modern telescopes and the like store images not as images, but as data. It was my understanding that satellites are the same. It’s data, until someone requests an image version of the data. I’m no expert.

    There can still be flares in the eventual image, and glitches. However, I’ve been looking at mountain towns in other countries, none of which have this kind of glitch. All have snow and sunshine, etc. This could turn into a hobby for life, which isn’t how I want to spend time. Are satellite images glitchy anywhere else, in the way they’re glitchy at Chevaline? Google, please fix!

  • Good In Parts


    “WBM saw a mobylette, either MM or another, as I posted earlier, identified and ‘mis hors cause’.”

    I posit another motorcycle rider, as you know. As to ‘mis hors cause’ maybe the gendarmes are mistaken.

    This far into the investigation there are two possibilities:-

    Firstly the culprit is someone already known to the gendarmes as being in the area at the time but has been eliminated in error or ranked way, way, down the probability list.

    Secondly the culprit is someone completely unknown to the authorities.

    Personally, after all this time, I think that the first possibility is more likely.

    I also think, like you, that the killer left the scene and the immediate vicinity on foot. Probably returning to where they had left their motorcycle, then carefully and quietly exiting stage left.

  • Good In Parts


    Film? No. CCD flare? Yes.

    A quick search reveals this example:-

    Canon Ixus 100 IS – CCD Blur / Smear / Flare Problem

    “Most CCD camera’s have this problem with extremely bright light but the Canon Ixus 100 IS seems to be a lot more susceptible to it than most. The footage was taken in mid afternoon in Feb in Zurich, Switzerland where the light conditions weren’t that bright.

    Not the best example I admit, but it clearly illustrates the issue of sensor overload.

  • M.

    Q, that quote was from 2007…. is there a real time date on Google Earth, please, please, please zoom in as much as you can, you will see an array of colours, but definition is lost.

    The Bewick house is not censored, what is the point ?

    The other property isn’t censored either, it is just a strange apparence.

    GIP, the images are purchased from a satellite company, hey I’ll play the game, SAH worked for a satellite company (or owned one – seriously does anyone think he owned a satellite ?) he sold them to Google.

    Barking up the wrong tree.

    MN, ever considered that crims don’t give a stuff about what is going on around them ? Why would they care about a P-R that wasn’t of one of them ? We now know it wasn’t. There is no connection between the Lathuile and Chevaline deaths.

    I bet you won’t answer this, ZAH was only released because of lack of evidence to prosecute, wasn’t he ?

  • Good In Parts


    Seriously, yes, I considered the possibility that SAH owned not just one satellite but all of them !

    All the ones committed to DMC anyway.

    Someone could have thought that were indeed the case and that SAH was imminently about to transfer ‘ownership’ to an adversary.

  • Good In Parts


    “I bet you won’t answer this, ZAH was only released because of lack of evidence to prosecute, wasn’t he ?”

    I’ll answer. I could be mistaken but I do not recall the police using semi-formulaic statements like ‘insufficient evidence to secure a conviction’ or ‘not looking for anyone else in the UK in respect of this crime’ that could indicate what you may be implying.

    If you can find the original police statement on the matter, the actual source not some lazy journo’s rehash, please post it. Parsing the statement for meaning is not usually difficult, especially if given verbally.

    Slight digression, you may have noticed that I started off with a non-local perspective but as those pistes tailed off have more recently shifted to a profoundly localist view of this crime. The tipping point in this shift was the discovery and 95% elimination of LMC.

    Unless I am mistaken, you have taken the reverse journey. I am not challenging or criticising your view but seek to understand why you think some distant party, perhaps in the UK, may have directed (but not committed) this crime.

  • James

    Being that the police (most likely) have looked at “every angle” in this murder case….

    ….have they considered the “way out” ones like “Saad did it” ?

    As in, Saad’s wife had “lived a life” before she married him.
    She had been married before, back in the USA.
    The recent (an ongoing) spat with his bro, clearly bother Saad.
    He was, in all respects, becoming “paranoid”.

    Would it be the “first time” someone has hired a killer to “do away with” their wife….and make it look like “a tragic robbery” ?

    The killer comes out of the woods to ambush the car.
    Mollier arrives (at that precise second).
    All hell breaks loose.

    It’s “way out there”….
    ….but Saad had lost his mother and his father. He’d also lost his brother (technically).

    His wife’s continued “contact” with her ex husband, could have been a final straw.

    It would of course be a “HUGE” thing to organise, BUT it is Eric’s words that ring in my ears.


    Something like that, would mean the “pay master” would have to also “keep quiet”. And you can’t get anymore “quiet”, than “dead”.

    Of course a killer (potential killer) need only “take the money, then do nothing”.

    But there maybe the “prospect” that he would be eventually “tracked down” or (if the paymaster was capable of hiring someone to kill) much worse.

    A solution would be…. kill as asked AND kill the paymaster.

    Like I say. It’s “way out there”.
    But not “unbelievable” as it may sound.

  • Q

    James, maybe SAH took the murder weapon from his father’s deposit bank in your scenario: an untraceable weapon that belonged to a dead man.

    Maybe SAH had arranged for Jim to be notified, which led to the heart attack.

  • michael norton

    What if on the day of the Slaughter of the Horses
    two motorcycles, both with top boxes,
    each ridden by one person, travelling together ( at least for the turning up)
    arrive at one of the nearby parapente venues.
    Then one motorcyclist hops onto the back of the other, they ride up the combe, the pillion gets off, puts his motorcycle kit in the top box, takes out his shooter and one half of the communication set.
    The rider then drives down the combe.
    The pillion then secures himself in a ditch or behind some trees.
    At the appropriate moment the rider communicates with the shootist,
    “the target is four minutes away”
    then the rider clears off, returning to the other motorcycle, he transfers the pillions motorcycle stuff into the parked motorcycle top box.
    Then the rider clears off – completely.
    Back up the combe the shootist dispatches his victims, bashes the child in the head and walks off the combe – off piste.
    Dressed as a hiker, the shootist buries the weapon & walks back to his motorcycle, where he unlocks the top box, garbs up & calmly rides away.

  • Peter

    @ Q, 14 Jan, 2016 – 8:32 pm
    However, I’ve been looking at mountain towns in other countries, none of which have this kind of glitch. All have snow and sunshine, etc. This could turn into a hobby for life, which isn’t how I want to spend time. Are satellite images glitchy anywhere else, in the way they’re glitchy at Chevaline? Google, please fix!

    According to Google, the phenomenon is known as CCD-blooming and caused by solar panels. Although the finished, rendered and stitched-together digital satellite images appear to have the camera facing perpendicular towards the ground, that is not the case. The satellite’s cameras actually look down at an angle, since otherwise every swimming pool, lake or pond would cause CCD-blooming. However, the angle at which they look down matches the slope of most roofs. The effect has nothing to do with snow or mountains. It is kind of typical, though, that the Bewicks, as foreigners, would be the only ones in their neighbourhood to have solar panels installed.

  • M.

    Yes, Peter, a read up about Google Earth cites using layers and stitching together of photographs.

    Cam someone tell me how to access the historic views ?

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