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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    Heard on the Radio this morning that the English Police have upgraded their terror alert,
    they are expecting Islamists to capture an behead police officers in the street, so more of them are to get stab proof vests and tasers.

  • michael norton

    la brigade criminelle de la police judiciaire de Versailles

    I wonder if top cop Helric Fredou,
    used to work for top cop Christian Marichal,
    after all they worked in the same area.

    I also wonder if Helric Fredou also knew the uncle of Claire Schutz?

  • michael norton

    Quote: Jean-Marie Le Pen

    “The final proof that France faces an enemy within,
    which has been created by immigration and open EU borders.”

    The Charlie Hebdo massacre may have been the work of an “intelligence agency”, working with the connivance of French authorities, according to Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the far right Front National.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    If Jm LePen says so, you can trust him: he’s a very reliable person, with no biases, and wishing for the best for his fellow citizens, the FRENCH!!!
    They are the problem, not the solution.
    About the CH mystery, chief, unclear moves of both the attackers and the police, my advice: forget Google, look at the tyre tracks. You were so brilliant about those when the topic was the slaughter of the horses

  • michael norton

    The French have now set light to our tunnel.

    ‘Significant delays’

    The spokesman said the fire had led to the closure of both tunnels, and that there are currently no trains in either.
    Continue reading the main story
    “Start Quote

    “We were evacuated off the train inside the tunnel and given gas masks.”

    Ben Lawton Passenger

    The lorry is being recovered and the fire was being dealt with by the French authorities, he added.

    “Rail passengers are advised to expect significant delays whilst the vehicle is being recovered and fumes are cleared from the tunnels,” the spokesman said.

  • michael norton

    France remains on the highest security alert level following the attacks, with 122,000 police and well-armed troops deployed to protect the country, as the Channel Tunnel burns.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    French lorries are on fire! And they do that in OUR tunnel!
    1/11 is nothing conpared to 7/7, and the killers of the slaughter of the horses? Who eats horses, if not the French?
    VT is a jolly good fellow. This is certainly a conspiracy. Didn’t the Al-hillis cross themselves and rhe Channel by night? The French pro-secutor was never clear about this.

  • michael norton

    Doctor Robert Chapman, a consultant forensic pathologist, conducted the postmortem examination of all three Al Hilli bodies,
    but not Mr.Mollier,
    pity he may have been able to tell if more than one weapon was used in the slaughter?

    Still, at least we know who the consultant forensic pathologist was,
    I bet we have not been told who the French geezer was?

  • michael norton

    The French, again.(2007)

    blood tests taken from her body would not have revealed it because she had already been embalmed.

    Dr Robert Chapman, the Home Office pathologist who carried out her post-mortem examination, also told the inquest into her death that he had found no visible signs of pregnancy.

    However he conceded that, had she been in the very early stages of pregnancy, no visual signs would have been evident.

    Furthermore, blood tests would have been “contaminated” because the Princess’s body had already been embalmed.

    Dr Chapman, who examined the Princess’s body in London, admitted he had found it “surprising” that there had been time to embalm her.

    In addition, the embalming process itself had not been necessary to preserve the body.

    “It is my view that (embalming) would not have been necessary for preservation,” said Dr Chapman.

    He further conceded that, the body having been embalmed, would inevitably have affected all toxicology tests.

    “The embalming procedure will affect the body fluids, perhaps blood or urine, which makes toxicology difficult or

    impossible,” he told the High Court hearing.

  • michael norton

    So, the same chap who in England did an autopsie of Princess Diana, who died in mysterious circumstances in France
    has also done autopsies on the three al Hilli bodies, who also died in mysterious circumstances in France.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The answer lies under the Alma bridge. Same forensic expert, same criminals.
    If you want to chase the Al-hiillis’ killers, think of Princess Diana. Think of the white Peugeot that slammed into her Mercedes bends.
    Heroic Mayo was still an assistant prosecutor back then. But the Mossad was already very active!

  • Tim Veater

    Who I wonder gave permission for LD to be embalmed. It’s certainly standard procedure. Legally it couldn’t have been any member of the Royal family (other than children) as she was divorced and I doubt they were consulted. Her mother (d. 2004)? Her brother? No-one? Did French surgeons/undertakers do it without permission? I very much doubt it. So who?

  • Tim Veater

    “”I’m certain it’s a contact or near-contact wound,” he told defence counsel Michael Reed QC.

    Dr Chapman was giving evidence on the 49th day of the retrial of David Bain (37) for the murders of his parents Robin and Margaret, sisters Arawa and Laniet and brother Stephen.

    The defence says Robin killed his wife and the three children before committing suicide, shooting himself in the left temple even though he was right-handed.

    But the Crown case is that David Bain shot his parents and three siblings then set the scene to frame his father.

    In his evidence, Dr Chapman said he saw no sign of what Prof Ferris described as powder abrasions which would take the wound in Robin Bain’s left temple from close contact to intermediate range.”

    In other words it appears he was supporting the defence case at a retrial ordered by the Privy Council. David Bain was found not guity. There was no Coroner’s Inquest initially and the house was burned down by the authorities, presumably thus destroying all evidence. Incest was claimed to be a factor in the case. David the son, always protested his innocence.
    Incidentally this report includes a photograph of Dr Chapman in which he’s caught in quite a striking pose maybe.

  • Tim Veater

    In passing and somewhat off topic:-

    “REGGAE MUSICIAN Smiley Culture “violently struggled” as he collapsed to the floor with a knife in his chest, an inquest heard last week.

    On March 15, 2011, Smiley, real name David Emmanuel, died after being stabbed in the heart during a police raid on his home in relation to a drugs investigation.

    Police claim the Cockney Translation singer stabbed himself with a large kitchen knife as four officers searched the mansion in upmarket Hillbury Road, in Warlingham, Surrey.

    The allegations were met with disbelief by members of the community, with hundreds of people attending a march through central London demanding answers over the suspicious death.

    The four police officers who were in the house at the time have been granted anonymity – known as witness one, two, three or four – and will be giving evidence at the hearing at Woking Borough Civic Offices from behind screens.”

    “Home Office pathologist Robert Chapman said it was “impossible to say” who inflicted the chest wound because while it was “consistent with self-infliction” the location and the angle of the wound “do not exclude actions by someone else”.

    He added that no defensive injuries were found on Emmanuel’s hands.

    Dr Chapman said the singer had a “relatively high concentration” of the cannabis compound THC in his bloodstream, which showed that he had used the Class B drug within an hour of his death.

    The musician’s niece called at the address in the middle of the search and described her uncle as “calm and a little bewildered.”

    Witness one, employed for nine years in the Met, claimed to have previous experience of dealing with Emmanuel, and deemed him as a having a “low risk” of harming himself, police officers or the public.

    On July 3, 2010, at about 2am, witness one was present as police searched Emmanuel’s house, and the south Londoner was described as a “cautious, polite, respectful and pleasant individual.”

  • Tim Veater

    he died on 15 march which as everybody know is the Ides of…

    and just a week before he was due in court to answer cocaine charges…oh right

    “After being arrested in July 2010, he was charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine, and on 28 September he appeared at Croydon Magistrates’ Court in London.[18] His trial was due to begin on 21 March 2011.”

  • michael norton

    Doctor Robert Chapman, a consultant forensic pathologist,
    conducted the postmortem examination of all three bodies.

    He said Mr Al-Hilli received four gun shot wounds to the head and torso,
    Mrs Al-Hilli received four to the neck and chest
    and Mrs Al-Allaf received three
    published 10/11/2014

    yet in The Mirror published also on 10/11/2014

    Forensic pathologist Dr Robert Chapman told the inquest all three victims’ deaths would have been “very rapid”.

    He revealed Saad had seven gunshot wounds – including bullet entry and exit points – in the head and trunk.
    Iqbal had five to the neck and chest
    and Suhaila three in the head and neck.

  • michael norton

    So of the two newspaper reports of the Al Hilli Coroners court,
    of the three deaths being discussed, only one, Suhaila Al Allaf,
    do these newspapers agree on the number of bullet wounds?

    It may be that newspaper reporting of Coroner court cases is an inexact art.

    However Dr Robert Chapman, the Home Office pathologist report,
    should be accurate as to the bullet wounds?

  • michael norton

    The Surrey Comet gives the total number of bullet wounds to the three bodies as eleven (11)
    The Daily Mirror gives the total number of bullet wounds to the three bodies as fifteen (15)

  • michael norton

    Is it possible that the coroner court case of the three deaths of the al Hilli party
    have only been reported in one minor local rag and one national ( low brow) newspaper
    because a government wanted some but very, very limited coverage.
    This way it could not be said that it had not been covered,
    yet we have conflicting number of bullet wounds from the only two newspapers who have decided to publish?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Quote from upthread: ” Who I wonder gave permission for LD to be embalmed. It’s certainly standard procedure. ” Absolutely, it is standard procedure in FRANCE, whenever a body has to be shipped abroad. And with no respect for the Royal Family, the FRENCH did not give an exemption for Diana Spencer.
    Likewise the three members of the Al-hillis party must have been embalmed before there bodies were sent back to Britain, even though one of them was a Swede.
    An other quote: ” The Surrey Comet gives the total number of bullet wounds to the three bodies as eleven (11) The Daily Mirror gives the total number of bullet wounds to the three bodies as fifteen (15)
    The forensic expert must be a jolly good Chap. He provided both the numb her of bullets fired (11) and the numb her of wounds (entry and exit). Hence we can conclude that only (4) bullets, probably fired point-blank, made their way across the victim’s body.

  • Tim Veater

    Here’s an example of how enforcement agencies are desperate to find Muslim terrorists so have to create them. Meanwhile the “true” terrorists disappear into the mists or are shot dead to stop them speaking, because they are controlled by those states themselves. We are indeed in a dystopian global scenario.

    “Consider the truly remarkable (yet not aberrational) 2011 prosecution of James Cromitie, an impoverished African-American Muslim convert who had expressed anti-Semitic views but, at the age of 45, had never evinced any inclination to participate in a violent attack. For eight months, the FBI used an informant – one who was on the hook for another crime and whom the FBI was paying – to try to persuade Cromitie to agree to join a terror plot which the FBI had concocted. And for eight months, he adamantly refused. Only when they dangled a payment of $250,000 in front of him right as he lost his job did he finally assent, causing the FBI to arrest him. The DOJ trumpeted the case as a major terrorism arrest, obtained a prosecution and sent him to prison for 25 years.

    The federal judge presiding over his case, Colleen McMahon, repeatedly lambasted the government for wholly manufacturing the plot. When sentencing him to decades in prison, she said Cromitie “was incapable of committing an act of terrorism on his own,” and that it was the FBI which “created acts of terrorism out of his fantasies of bravado and bigotry, and then made those fantasies come true.” She added: “only the government could have made a terrorist out of Mr. Cromitie, whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope.”

    In her written ruling upholding the conviction, Judge McMahon noted that Cromitie “had successfully resisted going too far for eight months,” and agreed only after “the Government dangled what had to be almost irresistible temptation in front of an impoverished man from what I have come (after literally dozens of cases) to view as the saddest and most dysfunctional community in the Southern District of New York.” It was the FBI’s own informant, she wrote, who “was the prime mover and instigator of all the criminal activity that occurred.” She then wrote (emphasis added):”

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    18 Jan, 2015 – 9:34 am to an extent the two reports could theoretically be reconciled by differentiating between entry and exit wounds. Indeed in the case of a glancing shot they may be both the same so to speak. Only by inspecting the autopsy report with photographs and diagrams would WE be in a position to infer precisely what happened. This could have been elicited by coroner or Counsel for the parties if they had wished. If not we are left with what Dr Chapman wished to reveal which though truthful may still contain elements of ambiguity. This could be unintentional or the reverse.

    What cannot be reconciled, and never could, was the utter confusion about bullets and wounds put out by the French which can only be explained in terms of incompetence or intention to mislead. The location of the spent cartridges shown by the mysteriously released scene photos blew apart the official version of where they were, being at the OPPOSITE end of the car park.

    Nor the French account of bullet wounds and the British one. If we take the lower of the two we are still left we at least eleven bullets and wounds. When added to the stated seven in SM (18 in total obviously) we are faced with the infeasible conclusion there were no missed shots or very few, depending what “total” figure we use. It seems EM can’t quite make his mind up on that point!

    With the photos, this information blows a huge hole in the French account and interpretation of events yet still does not “put the knife in” by drawing the obvious conclusion of official collusion or cover up or both.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    If ” She then wrote (emphasis added) : ”, this is either a very cryptic message, or the epitome of buffoonery.
    But at least that judge was not FRENCH, not like MN or EM!

  • Tim Veater

    This excerpt regarding David Kelly is not without relevance:

    “While investigating the death of Dr David Kelly I have made many strange discoveries, not least some disturbing parallels with the case of a young American journalist named Danny Casolaro.
    Mr Casolaro made himself deeply unpopular with elements in the murky world of U.S. defence by probing too deeply into their activities.
    One morning in August 1991, he was found dead in a hotel room near Harpers Ferry in Virginia. He was in the bath, naked, with his wrist slashed.
    There were no signs of bruising or other marks on the body and the police concluded that he had committed suicide.
    But this was totally false according to Dr Christopher Green, who was the CIA’s chief forensic pathologist for decades.
    Dr Green participated in Casolaro’s autopsy and last year he told veteran White House reporter Sterling Seagrave that the young journalist had been killed before being stripped, put in a full bath, and his left wrist cut in precisely the same manner as Dr Kelly’s.
    And as with Dr Kelly, there was remarkably little blood, bar a small amount smeared on the edge of the tub, suggesting that the wrist wound had been inflicted after the heart had stopped pumping.
    This compelling demonstration of how effectively a murder can be disguised as suicide drove me on in my search for the truth about Dr Kelly, who was found dead in an Oxfordshire wood on July 18, 2003, having apparently taken his own life.
    Before Danny Casolaro died, the journalist had been investigating the activities of America’s private security companies which, according to Sterling Seagrave, are linked to the ‘Grey Ghosts’ – an army of professional killers commissioned by the Pentagon to carry out assassinations.”

    Read more:
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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Agreed: “What cannot be reconciled, and never could, was the utter confusion about bullets and wounds put out by the French which can only be explained in terms of incompetence or intention to mislead.”
    Its actually both. The FRENCH are eqbually in competent and trying there best to miss lead. Only a superior mind like your’s can show the naked truth.

  • michael norton

    What I imagined happened in the Corner court case of the three al Hilli (party)
    was that the Mirror reporter Vicky Smith,
    was taking notes of the verbal evidence offered by Doctor Robert Chapman,
    the consultant forensic pathologist.
    I expect the reporter for the Surrey Comet Ellie Cambridge,
    was also talikng notes from the verbal offerings.

    I then expect they rushed out of the building and electronically imparted their stories to their newspapers and who ever else they thought might buy their reports.

    What they did not do ( in my guess) was wait around for any written documents.

    Maybe they know they have fucked up but it is old news by now.

    However, I would have thought that these doucuments must be public records

    if not,
    what would be the purpose of holding a public coroners court?

  • michael norton

    I would imagine there is no doubt in the mind of Dr. Robert Chapman
    how many times each person was shot.

    I would not imagine he would give evidence which was intended to be difficult to understand.
    Why would he want to confuse entry wounds with exit wounds?

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