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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    I say, if the second option, then all shall die.
    This is because the drop-off accomplice is on look-out and communication duty.
    The look out communicates with the shootist when the targets are moving up the combe
    and that there are no other non-targets moving up the combe.

  • michael norton

    So if we put to one side
    the walk in – walk out very local lone nutter option, tooled up with twenty five + bullets
    and a desire to rub out as many targets as possible

    We must have at least two people involved, with the intention of wiping out both parties.

  • M.

    MN, RHD 4×4 did the drop off.

    Well Bacchus, if you are right then the British Detectives are in on it as well, I recall during a joint Press Conference, Detective Nick May stating the only thing they were sure of is a Luger was used.

    Peter, going back over the reports of the ‘Eastern European’ man at the first campsite, the owner saying it was an Italian in the days after, the well dressed man at the second site, suggests Al-Hilli was being ‘watched’. In one report it goes as far as saying the fellow at the first campsite was wearing a jacket ! Sounds suspiciously like the mystery man.

    Maybe Soudermann and friend were correct, a bloke was already hanging about the Europa and he then reappeared at Solitaire.

    Although I’d really like to know how a ‘Balkan’ is described, is the dark monobrow the giveaway ?

  • M.

    Bacchus, so did the (second) man at the campsite have a similar appearance ?

    If so, employed to intimidate and when pushed, murder ?

    I know it isn’t a popular view, who was the man/men at the first and second campsite, neither were resident, therefore they had to have left a vehicle parked outside, walked in and in the second case spoken with SAH ?

    An animated conversation, said to have been culturally different to the watching witnesses, assumption being it was in Arabic, maybe it was English but with heavy accents, apparently SAH spoke with a cockney accent.

  • M.

    Croats are also known to be square jawed …..and Romanians.

    The man at the second campsite aged between 30 and 40, square jawed ……

    Is that the real answer, someone from number 26 was using the phone on five separate Romanian numbers, not traced, no doubt pay as you go chips.

    Who was at home during these hours ? I hope they checked.

    Iqbal, Saad or A N OTHER ?

    Iqbal would ordinarily have been at the Dental Practice, SAH worked from home and at the office.

    Could someone with a key make these phone calls ? Didn’t they stop a few weeks before the family left the UK, who was alone in the house during the period of the calls, apparently in and out ?

  • M.

    SAH left the first campsite between 9 and 10am Monday morning, checkout normally 11am, checkin possible at midday in Solitaire, arrived at 4pm, what did they do all day with a caravan in tow, the same day he called the bank ?

  • Good In Parts


    There is another brother as well as Haydar.

    There were calls to Romania from both Saad’s and Zaid’s homes.

    I thought that the calls to Romania from Zaid’s home (a condo) were now attributed to someone doing cleaning or maintenance work. It was not made clear whether the apartments were fully serviced or whether Zaid had employed them.

    I don’t recall anything specifically citing the calls from SAH’s home.

    Some of the Romanian mobile numbers do appear to have been traced though.

    I remember reading an on-line news article in french (using a translator) that was an interview with a young Romanian working in France in the same general area as Savoie. He was a bit surprised to have been picked up, having been linked to the murders by his mobile.

    The calls from SAH’s house could have been from a cleaner or child minder, or as you say a family member.

    There were also apparently thefts of antiques and silver from the house, which were attributed by SAH to his brother. Zaid denied any involvement.

  • michael norton


    17 January 2.19pm

    I do not think we should become fixated by a right hand drive 4×4 vehicle.

    If you were trying to be discrete by walking off piste, after having slaughtered multiple
    victims, some of whom were British subjects, using a British vehicle to drop off the killer,
    would not hep anonymity.

    was it only one ONF employee who claimed to have seen it, was this person also one one those who gave information to the authorities for making up the side-opening helmeted,
    motorcycle / shootist?

  • michael norton

    IF one of the “helpers” who assisted in making up the E-FIT-SKETCH
    was also the only person to claim they also saw a right hand drive 4×4 vehicle

    is this person a known fanastist?

  • M.

    MN, that is so very funny coming from you, obsessed by LMC and Lathuile, ONF1 didn’t supply the P-R….

    Fantasist, manynof them about.

    Zaid didn’t make any calls from his FLAT, according to him, the maid was nothing more than a suggestion, even FB proposed Zaid was only looking for an au pair for his grandchildren.

    Which was most likely a joke.

    The telephone calls were made from a certain number according to Le Parisian, that’s the one you refer to GIP, check the code.

    01372 Claygate

    020 Kingston


  • M.

    Yes, the other brother is now a legal guardian of the girls along with Fadwa.

    Reports vary regarding the phone call, reportedly SAH seemed disturbed when he telephoned, there must be a record of this, either at the bank or on SAH’s recordings.

    As I recall Danni said he made an appointment but never made it as he died on the Wednesday afternoon.

    And if they passed through Geneva that day, the caravan in tow, or did they park it up somewhere, makes it even more intriguing.

  • michael norton

    Are the FRENCH Authorities searching for the BRITISH 4×4?

    If the FRENCH Authorities are not searching for the BRITISH 4×4

    is that because they do not believe it ever existed?

  • michael norton


    a double state of emergency

    “Due to the threat of terrorism in the past, we had to introduce a state of emergency. But amid global chaos and an uncertain economic environment, it’s appropriate to talk about a state of economic and social emergency. Employment is the most important question after the security of French citizens,” TASS quotes Hollande as saying.

    However Britain is also haemorrhaging jobs, with the oil / coal /steel sectors collapsing.

  • michael norton

    1) Completely lone, very local gun-nutter – walks in and walks out.

    2) Lone assassin rides in, slaughters, then rides out on motorcycle.

    3) Assassin has at least one accomplice, who drops him off up the combe,
    after the slaughter, assassin then walks off through the forest, dressed as a rambler.

    4) Assassin is one of the actors known to have been at the scene but discounted by
    the FRENCH Authorities.

  • michael norton


    well the perpetrators seem to have vanished
    as if by magic?

    I am wondering, if my number 4 option
    is the most likely?

  • michael norton

    Would it be conceivable that a person working for a secret(part of the FRENCH STATE) group
    could embed themselves with the ONF?

  • michael norton

    An increasingly desperate Mr Hollande has now said he will PAY French employers to hire people in a bid to boost jobs as he sought to restore confidence and said that it was time to address the country’s “broken” economic model.

    He said: Our country has been faced with structural unemployment for two to three decades and this requires that creating jobs becomes our one and only fight.

    France was facing an uncertain economic climate and persistent unemployment and there was an economic and social emergency, he said.

  • M.

    MN, you really need to understand the comment Q posted.

    It is the most unlikely of options that solves the crime in one fell swoop and makes everyone come up smelling of roses.

    GIP has long posed such an answer.

    President Hollande said if he couldn’t reduce unemployment he would not stand for office again, he is looking to ‘park’ the increased unemployed into anything that gets them off the list, he does not want to go through a primary, which apparently his party won’t touch if he goes for re-election.

    I hope he stays in place and Alain Juppé becomes the LR option, I don’t wholly want this old man there, but it has to be the better option until, Wauquiez and Baroin get some more experience.

    The problem in France is the power of the Unions and those that continue to support their outdated ideas of the workplace, times have changed, this is why your Corbyn will not secure a Labour victory (that’s if he is still leader of the party in 2020), most people are moderately to the left or to the right, he and the likes of Melenchon and Le Pen need to realise this.

    And so does Farage.

    The cost of an employee in France and then the difficulty of getting rid of them if unsuited to the position (I’m being polite) is second to none.

    France, I approve of Mascron, needs to join the real world, that will never happen under a socialist government who want foreigners to get the vote, not so different to the SNP wanting 16 year olds to be given such in their last referendum on indepedence.

    Foreigners and kids will always vote socialist, if you have nothing you have nothing to loose. Most people graduate to the right in advancing years because they want to protect what they have, it is logic.

    Of course there is always the exception to the rule.

    I listen to my fellow French, I live amongst them, I see both sides of the coin, the abominance that is Calais has changed many a view.

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