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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Q

    Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf? French farmers, that’s who. Why don’t they get pairs of trained Karelian Bear Dogs? There is a certain rigid, old-world mindset in the French Alps, a complete inability to think outside the boite. Bossnapping park officials instead of using their brains to come up with creative solutions: old-world thinking that gets them nowhere. Meanwhile across the pond, people have found a way to live with wildlife in their back yards, literally.

  • Q

    Ramblers in the French Alps would be well-advised to wear bright orange safety vests and carry noisemakers. It’s not just wolves that have been culled by the “wolf lieutenants” and their posses.

    Elsewhere in the world, mountain villagers have realized that it is tourists who bring them the money that butters their bread. You’d think that in tourist regions with hotels and hostels that cater to ramblers, the locals would make this connection. Mais non! C’est la France! Don’t look for solutions, like bringing in tourists to do wolf walks. Don’t get Karelian Bear Dogs. Shoot to kill! Don’t site the prey first, just shoot to kill!

  • M.

    MN, or the British Detectives assigned to the case, because if Bacchus is right, they are in on it.

    At the British Coroners Inquest it was reported:

    “11:35 am
    Family snaps taken on day of shooting
    DCI Mark Preston of Surrey Police told the inquest 18 photos were found on Saad al-Hilli’s camera taken on day of shootings.

    All were typical family snaps.

    He said there is an ongoing inquiry into the deaths taking place in the UK.”

    No witnesses, murders in the open air, is it really such a surprise, lucky that the gunman didn’t pick up his 21 spent shell casings…

  • Q

    Where there’s a will there’s a way:

    For the French farmers, the attitude seems to be passivity, and expecting all problems to be solved by the gouvernement.

    The problem with wolf lieutenants and their posses is that it’s a bit like the Wild West. Call the sheriff, round up a posse and take the law into your own hands. The Wild West days are gone elsewhere, but not so in France. First, it’s a wolf. Next, it’s a neighbor or business partner that done you wrong. Where does it stop. Wolf culls potentially mean “accidents”. Wolf culls give people a sense that they have the right to correct wrongs in their lives with a gun, and become judge, jury and executioner. Vigilantism comes with a code of silence.

  • michael norton

    Has the COLLAPSE of the EU started? Schengen disaster WILL mean end for Euro,
    says BIG chief Jean-Claude Juncker

    The failure to control the number of migrants come to Europe has caused tensions between neighbours, particularly along the Balkan route used by migrants arriving in Greece to reach their preferred destinations like Germany or Sweden further north.

    It comes as European Council president Donald Tusk made a similar warning to the EU president over the threat to free movement.

    He said: “We will face grave consequences such as the collapse of Schengen.

    “Without Schengen, free movement of workers, without freedom of European citizens to travel, the euro makes no sense.”

    Maybe BRITAIN will not have to walk away from the hated EU,
    we hope it will die and free the nations of Europe to deal with their problems in their own ways, let democracy live.

  • michael norton

    I know very few people in BRITAIN

    who wish to stay in the EU

    every day, we hear more and more ghastly undemocratic news from the EU

    the game is up.

  • Good In Parts

    MN. M. Q

    “It was deus ex machina. That’s my vote”

    EM suggested flying saucers, with skyhooks!

    “GIP has long posed such an answer.”

    I have? Er, yesss.. Um, not the epileptic trees…

    Oh yes! Yes I have…

    Ahem. OK, here’s what we’ve got: the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people – under the supervision of the reverse vampires . . .

  • M.

    I tell you what, let’s organise a coach trip and see if we can do better, a brush up on our French, a couple of note pads and pens, must remember to take a flip chart, no doubt we would find the answer before sundown and get ourselves to the local bar for an apero before a copious Savoie supper and rest easy in our beds.

    Q on a more serious note, people in Calais are asking the state to buy their homes, I know an officer in the Gendarmerie who has been brought in from Brittany as part of the 700 already there, should the influx of migrants continue, the army will have to be deployed, the stories are not good.

    Local businesses state the Brits have stopped coming (that is a longterm problem, at one time the pound was near value of the Euro) I have to go through Calais often, it is not a pleasant experience, the burning tyres of the defunct unions(they haven’t got the message yet) make matters worse.

  • M.

    GIP, will you join our coach trip ? Let’s start at Calais, pass through Rouen, a couple of nights there, preferably at the same places the family stayed. Eventually, resting our weary heads in Europa and then Solitaire before going up to Le Martinet ?

  • Q

    @M: The hunters do wear orange. They wouldn’t shoot their own, would they, after they’ve been warned to be careful? Oh, wait, there’s that mayor…

  • Q

    @M: We could look for a Cigare Volant, or drink it — oh, wait, that’s a New World wine, not likely to be on offer in Savoie.

    In all seriousness, wouldn’t that be a good idea — to make the same trip as the family, in real time, re-enacting what we know they did? An anniversary tour in September 2016. No disrespect meant, as this is what police do here. They use actors that look like the people involved, and air it on the news, hoping someone who saw something will come forward. It’s called Crime Stoppers, with a monetary reward for information that solves crimes. Anonymity guaranteed.

    Meanwhile back on the ranch, municipalities here are asking the federal government to put a hold on incoming refugees, as there isn’t accommodation for them all. Imagine if, after all their struggles to get here, they’re homeless (not unlike growing numbers of non-refugees in today’s economic downturn).

  • michael norton

    I do expect this new bit of information is connected.

    In a 56-page spread featuring the usual jihadist diatribe, the photomontage on the second-last page of the latest issue of Dabiq, the Islamic State (IS) group’s online magazine, is easy to overlook.

    Titled “Just Terror,” the visual features nine men in combat fatigues glowering against the Paris landscape above a single line proclaiming, “Let Paris be a lesson for those nations that wish to take heed…”

    A day after the latest Dabiq issue was released, security experts were indeed paying heed — particularly since the group of nine men who conducted the deadly November 13, 2015, Paris attacks included two men identified as Iraqis.

    “Those two Iraqis were the two that were still not identified by French authorities,” said Wassim Nasr, FRANCE 24’s expert on jihadist groups, noting that the two men had used stolen Syrian passports to enter Europe with the flood of migrants seeking asylum last year.

    The two suicide bombers, who blew themselves up at the Stade de France on November 13, were identified by the names on the stolen passports: Ahmad al-Mohammed and al Mahmod. A passport bearing the name al-Mohammed was found near the site of the attack and both men were fingerprinted upon their arrival at the Greek island of Leros in October. Little else was known about the two men despite repeated calls by French authorities for witnesses to come forward and identify them.

    The 13th issue of Dabiq, circulated online Tuesday night, identified the two men as Ukashah al-Iraqi and Ali al-Iraqi. As is common in jihadist circles, the men were identified by their aliases, which typically incorporate the countries of their origin or residence.

    The November 13 Paris attacks, which killed 130 people, were conducted by three teams of assailants who targeted the Stade de France, the Bataclan concert hall, and a series of bars and restaurants in the lively 10th and 11th arrondissements of the French capital. The teams were comprised of three men each. In addition to the nine attackers, two other suspected accomplices, Salah Abdeslam and Mohamed Abrini, are on the run.

  • michael norton

    Terribly sorry,
    I meant to type

    I do not expect this new bit of information is connected

    to the Slaughter of the Horses.

    Is there a facility on here to change your post, after you have posted, if you realize you’ve
    reversed the sense?

  • michael norton

    On 29 May, the managing editor of the news channel BFM TV, Hervé Beroud, and one of its journalists, Dominique Rizet, were sentenced by the Criminal Court of Annecy to 10,000 euro fine each for “concealment of property derived from the violation of the confidentiality of investigations”.

    A judgment that came after the broadcast, on-air and on the website of the chain of photos taken shortly after the quadruple murder of Chevaline in September 2012. The photos were released in February 2014 as part of a rebound of the case which has still not been resolved.

    The photographs clearly showed the bodies of members of the al-Hilli family and that of the native Savoy Ugine cyclist Sylvain Mollier. At trial, the relatives of Sylvain Mollier, who had brought a civil party had been rejected because the court had acquitted BFMTV for the dissemination of these images on the air, retaining only concealment.

    Yesterday afternoon, the Court of Appeal of Chambéry had to consider in turn on this case, because everyone had appealed (defendants, prosecutor and plaintiff). A hearing where legislation such as case law have largely facilitated the discussions.
    Decision on February 10

    For Mollier family, Caroline Blanvillain read the letter from a son of the deceased cyclist, involving the work of journalists, “Dad, that was so discreet, was shocked … Behind this photo hides a wounded child never. “The lawyer for the civil parties denounced the violation of the confidentiality of investigations that would have allowed BFM TV to broadcast these pictures.

    A violation that the General Counsel Martine Imberton, also stressed: “What is certain is that a person subject to investigation secrecy provided these pictures. “She confirmed the release for” the attack on the integrity of a corpse “.

    But she needed convictions for “dissemination or reproduction of circumstances of a crime that seriously undermine the dignity of a victim made without its agreement” and “concealment of property derived from the violation of the secrecy of ‘instruction.”

    The defense lawyer, Peter Randolph Dufau, highlighted the secrecy of journalists’ sources. Pleading the release, he referred to the absence of case law to the facts alleged against its customers. “The only offenders are journalists who have tried to do their job? ”

    The case was taken under advisement to 10 February.

  • michael norton

    “The photographs clearly showed the bodies of members of the al-Hilli family and that of the native Savoy Ugine cyclist Sylvain Mollier.”

    I am certain, I have not seen photographs of the bodies of the family al-Hilli.

  • michael norton

    By Sylviane Garcin | Posted 01.21.2016 at 6:04 on | Updated there about 1:00 Viewed 17528 times

    I think Sylviane Garcin is new reporter of these matters?

  • Good In Parts


    I am most brassic and haven’t got a passport, so not at the moment. I think that I would would also want the gendarmes to have made more progress, at least to the stage of laying charges. Say someone found the Luger in the crook of a tree, would it be admissable?

  • Good In Parts

    Michael Norton

    I seem to remember that EM stated that bodies of the al-Hilli family were (partially) visible through the windscreen. I do not know which photograph he was refering to though, so it could have been one that I have not seen.

  • michael norton

    I can not understand the “Motif”
    of Caroline Blanvillain,
    what on earth is she hoping to accomplish,
    all she would seem to be doing is hounding the media and continuing the grief of
    the loved ones?

  • michael norton

    This is what Eric Maillaud said after one year had past

    “We have made great advances in the investigation”, said Eric Maillaud, the Annency prosecutor in charge of an investigation being conducted jointly between French and British police.

    What’s he now saying after 40 months,
    let’s stop the press looking into it?

  • Good In Parts

    Michael Norton

    She is simply serving her clients best interests, as she is obliged to.

    As the saying goes, ‘he who pays the piper calls the tune’. In this instance the paymaster is the employer of SM.

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