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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    do you know who were the employers of Sylvain Mollier, it had been thought that he worked for
    a firm called
    CEZUS, a subsidary of AREVA
    but his bird said he did not work there?

    Tuerie de Chevaline
    in Wiki
    has been updated today.

    The editors of two national media and journalist are subpoenaed February 27, 2015 at the criminal court of Annecy for “concealment of breach of confidentiality of investigations and affect the integrity of a corpse.” They are accused by lawyers for the family of the cyclist to have broadcast images of the crime scene from the investigation file, including images of the vehicle from the al-Hilli family and Sylvain Mollier’s body lying on the on the same ground scene of the killing. The defense lawyers argued the acquittal because they believe that “the publication of these photos allowed better understand the crime scene and therefore had a real newsworthy.” 43

    On May 29, 2015, the Criminal Court of Annecy condemned to a fine of € 10,000 the managing editor of the information channel BFM TV, Hervé Beroud and journalist Dominique Rizet. Only the violation of concealment of confidentiality of investigations was retained against them. Jean Hornain, editor of the Parisien and prosecuted for the same offense is relaxé44.

  • michael norton

    Unless Sylvain Mollier was a member of the secret service

    it ought to be fairly straight forward to understand who was his employer?

  • Q

    If you look at St. George’s Hill from the satellite view, it is a golf course community. Large estate homes are built surrounding and in between the greens. There are three other golf courses nearby, including Old and New Burhill, just seven minutes away by car. If you want a car, there’s a Mercedes dealership a couple of minutes away in Brooklands. It’s got everything your average oligarch could want. A dream come true, that.

  • Q

    If the dodgy codgers insisted on “pure” bloodlines for tournaments for their members, how did they treat their employees, especially those who looked like they came from “Brazil”? Could that have motivated anyone to seek revenge? And what if someone with an axe to grind was about to be ratted out by someone with their own axe to grind?

    I doubt that anyone could get away with five or six simultaneous poisonings without it raising some suspicion, Even with the likes of the cops in Surrey or our Eric. Non-suspicious poisonings are more the turf of the powerful. The rest may have to resort to cut-rate characters, who aren’t nearly as reliable or efficient. And yet, these lone nutters are just as elusive. Strange.

  • Q

    Why live on a golf course, surrounded by other golf courses if you don’t golf, or at least eat in golf club restaurants that are open to “the masses” (no snobbery there, LOL)?

    If the oligarchs of Weybridge are still alive enough or wealthy enough, I think they would frequent gold courses that accept people from “Brazil”. At the very least, oligarch female companions might be considered “the masses”, thus able to dine there as ladies who lunch.

  • michael norton

    FRENCH PM Manuel Valls says refugee crisis is ‘destabilising’ Europe

    The French prime minister, Manuel Valls, has said Europe cannot take in all the refugees fleeing wars in Iraq and Syria and that the crisis was putting the concept of Europe itself in grave danger.

    Speaking to the BBC at the economic forum in Davos, Valls said Europe needed to take urgent action to control its external borders. “Otherwise,” he said, “our societies will be totally destabilised.”

    Asked about border controls inside Europe, which many fear put the passport-free Schengen zone at risk, Valls said the concept of Europe was in jeopardy. “If Europe is not capable of protecting its own borders, it’s the very idea of Europe that will be questioned,” he said.

  • michael norton

    I realize contributors are not addressing the point:

    Maitre Caroline Blanvillain seems to acting in an unnecessary case.
    She is reported as acting for the family of the killed.
    It is thought that the “employers” of Sylvain Mollier are paying her and instructing her.

    Who are the employers of Sylvain Mollier doing the instructing?

  • Peter

    @ Q, 21 Jan, 2016 – 6:41 pm
    Not suspicious at all. Not poison at all. Do they care to reconsider?

    This particular oligarch died on the day he returned from a jaunt to Paris with his new mistress, and a week after taking out a huge life insurance policy, the beneficiary of which was his wife, who had previously sued him over financial matters.

    It was the insurers who came up with this canard about ions uniquely associated with gelsemium elegans being found in his body, because they were naturally loth to pay up. If he had in fact been poisoned with gelsemium elegans, lab tests could have established that beyond doubt

    Anyway, if someone welcomed him home with a bitter-tasting but oh-so-healthy green smoothie on that day, it surely was not the FSB 😉

  • michael norton

    So if Claire Schutz claims Sylvain Mollier was not working for Areva-Cezus

    who does she claim he was working for?

    It would have to be a well heeled organization to be funding this legal
    stuff to suppress the media?

  • Good In Parts

    Michael Norton

    “So if Claire Schutz claims Sylvain Mollier was not working for Areva-Cezus who does she claim he was working for?”

    Do you have a link to her actual quote? I have been caught out using web translators and I suggest that we look at the quote in it’s original context.

    It might simply mean that he had ‘no current employer’ as he was on paternity leave at the time. I don’t know the legal position in france (or here for that matter) if one were on leave-of-absence or sabbatical.

    I did, and do, think that funding the legal bills is pretty weird unless there were a ‘connectiion’ of some kind between his employment and his tragic end. Maybe I have become cynical and cannot see that it is just some paternalist french state enterprise ‘thing’. Twenty odd years service, he was a ‘lifer’ wasn’t he?

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 22 Jan, 2016 – 2:59 pm

    In my opinion, Areva-Cezus have a valid reason for trying to prevent any leaks pertaining to this investigation. After all, the investigation files will also cover the industrial espionage angle, detailing exactly which commercial secrets SM knew or could have known that might be valuable to competitors.

    Given that one or more gendarmes involved in the investigation saw fit to sell those photos to BFMTV, others might see fit to take a USB stick to work and copy information pertaining to Areva-Cezus’ intellectual property. Compared to the potential damage such a leak might cause, a few thousand Euros spent on a half-decent lawyer are chickenfeed to Areva-Cezus. (As is a € 10,000 fine to the likes of BFMTV, part of the cost of doing business and loose change in comparison to the extra revenue generated by publishing those photos.) As they cannot go after the corrupt gendarmes themselves, who are hiding behind a wall of institutional omertà, they go after the journalists – “killing the chicken in order to frighten the monkey”.

  • M.

    I think the link between TP writing about their (Areva) lawyers keeping an eye on the Press and Maitre Blanvillain have been muddled.

    Remove the dross, we are left with an ‘Avocat’ who represents principally the children of Sylvain Mollier, all be that through their mothers.

    It might be covered by ‘aide juridictionelle’ Legal Aid as the children are/were minors at the time of the infraction.

    All three parties, the family, Maillaud and the defendant went to appeal, this is more about principal than money.

    This article explains it more precisely:

    Think about the two teenage boys, their fathers CORPSE on TV, in the Press on their computers and Smartphones, and worst still images lifted from Police records, according to Maillaud most likely someone in Paris.

    MN, this is a complaint against BFMTV for publication and a greater complaint against the Enquiry Team.

    Problem is the Press are not obliged to give up their source…..

    Whilst I and others have salivated over them, looking for clues or challenging witness statements, I was uncomfortable about their publication, thing is they were issued on the day Eric D was spectacularly arrested, a way of persuading the public what an evil man he was.

    Thing is he didn’t do it, had they got their man they probably would not have bothered, it would have been overshadowed, that was BFMTV’s gamble.

  • M.

    The job front, it was reported the Mollier father and son had worked for Ugitech, this then became Cezus for the latter.

    Someone already posted about Research & Development on this site, here is a link that may help to solve the puzzle:

    Centre de recherches AREVA
    Avenue Paul Girod
    CS 90100
    73403 UGINE Cedex

    But I’ve also found reference to Cezus employing people on a CDD basis related to their needs, Mollier in his 20+ years worked in principal for Ugitech maybe he was loaned out or moved to Cezus, he negotiated his extended leave.

    Who knows maybe the move was only recent, you’ll have to ask the company.

    Nevertheless, all three companies, Timet, Cezus and Ugitech who occupy the same industrial area, regularly have get togethers for sports days, skiing and the like, a man who was a longterm employee and lived locally all his life would be known to many.

    CS has friends from all three companies.

  • michael norton

    “At trial, the relatives of Sylvain Mollier, who had brought a civil party had been rejected because the court had acquitted BFMTV for the dissemination of these images on the air, retaining only concealment.”

    So Maitre Caroline Blanvillian will not let it go.
    Who is funding and instructing her?

  • Q

    @Peter: Are female companions of oligarchs known to be ladies who lunch at (formerly) snooty golf course restaurants, where they converse with their BFFs? The walls have ears. Or maybe I’ve been watching too much of the Real Housewives franchise. 🙂 Not!

  • Q

    Could anyone have mistaken Saad for his brother? I don’t think they look alike, but if you were in a hurry and looking from a distance, maybe they would.

    Do accountants at golf courses have to collect on overdue fees and unpaid tabs? What is the code of revenge, and does it extend to children?

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