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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • M.

    MN, the family, they are appalled to have seen POLICE PHOTOS of their dead father/partner/ex-husband to have appeared on screen. They are appealling against the decision, so is the Procureur and in turn BFMTV because they feel they did nothing wrong and don’t deserve the fine.

    I think this was a misjudged publication.

    Lawyers are no where near as expensive in France as they are in the UK, and it could be funded by the state.

  • michael norton

    Services from Port of Calais, FRANCE
    have been disrupted after 50 migrants got on to ship,
    the city’s mayor Natacha Bouchart has said.

    It is understood that about 50 migrants in Calais boarded a P&O ferry named
    the Spirit of Britain while it was unloading.

    The ferry company DFDS Seaways tweeted that the port had been closed due to
    a “migrant invasion”.

    Police have been called and are at the scene.

    P&O Ferries described it as a “security incident”

  • M.

    MN, you are looking to find fault where there is likely none, please try and put yourself in the mothers position, primarily of Leo and Mathis, awful for them to see the body of their Dad plastered all over the media. I doubt it was easy for Claire or Lydie or Molliers family to witness either.

    There was no purpose in them, it wasn’t an appeal or a release of information by the Police, it was underhand and illegal.

    BFMTV, got their scoop, got the publicity, at a cost to the family, I don’t approve of that.

  • M.

    MN, I was by chance in Calais today ! Too many times I pass there and see people on the sides of the motorway, not today.

    But I did notice the new fencing at Eurotunnel and Gendarmes everywhere !

    That is the problem, close up one ‘mousehole’ and you’ll open another, Calais has become more secure so now they try Dunkerque.

    If there was an operational terminal in Boulogne they would try there, next along the coast is Dieppe, it is a very long way and those trying would be spotted way before they arrived.

  • michael norton

    The tunnel is shutting so an overnight safety exercise can take place
    and all services will be suspended.

    I have no idea what the answer is
    but Europe can not go on much longer like this.

  • michael norton

    “Migrants claim BRITAIN is their ELDORADO”

    The activity of the port of Calais was suspended Saturday after the illegal intrusion of fifty migrants on a ferry, a rare fact, after a peaceful demonstration of about 2000 people in support of migrants camp the “Jungle”.
    “At the end of 17 hours to protest, a group of 500 people forced the CRS dam to the port and 150 people were able to get into the enclosure. Of these, a group of fifty was able to get on a ferry, “said the prefecture of Pas-de-Calais.
    The security forces were still at work to 20 hours in an attempt to dislodge the migrants boat, while the others were all left the port. However, migrants were blocking the access gateway, preventing CRS boarding.
    The boat in question is the “Spirit of Britain” chartered by the British company P & O. “He returned from Dover and no passenger was on hand. There were only a few trucks, “according to P & O.
    Already an attempt this summer
    “This fact is very unusual. This summer, an unsuccessful attempt had been foiled, “said communication port of Calais.
    In the afternoon, around 2000 people demonstrated in support to migrants in Calais of the “Jungle” camp, claiming “worthy of reception conditions.”
    Approximately 4,000 migrants, mostly from Eastern Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan, live in the “Jungle” in Calais, considered the largest slum in France, hoping to reach the England, regarded by them as an Eldorado.

  • michael norton


    do you think you could email BFMTV

    and ask them who they think is paying the fees of Maitre Caroline Blanvillian
    and what they think is really behind all this legal nonsense?

  • M.

    MN, just go to their website and go to the bottom of the page and you’ll find ‘CONTACT’.

    It isn’t legal nonsense, Maillaud warned the Press :

    “Choqué, Maillaud va même encore plus loin : “Je crois que le mot déontologie existe toujours dans le dictionnaire. Il y a à mon sens des lignes rouges à ne pas dépasser. Ce sera, en temps utile, une enquête et l’étude de la possibilité de poursuites pénales” dénonçant ensuite des “attitudes” qu’il juge “parfaitement scandaleuses”. ”

    The Le Dauphine article referred to all three parties wanting an appeal of the initial decision.

  • Good In Parts

    Peter & M.

    Peter, I agree with you, I was even about to write that the amount would be trivial for the company but stopped because my posts are becoming prolix 😉

    You posted:-

    “After all, the investigation files will also cover the industrial espionage angle, detailing exactly which commercial secrets SM knew”

    That may well be the case with regard to SM (I have not found a specific quote about SM) however EM noted that as far as SAH was concerned his employers were effectively a closed book.

    Parry p225 quotes EM on the employers of SAH and the possibility of industrial espionage;

    “.. the company will not help us. We have no means of going any further with this”.

    I thus wonder whether SM’s employers are being very nice indeed to his family in public but uncooperative with the investigators in private.


    Again I agree. It was a gamble. In my view publication was wrong. However I still read the story…

    I am unsettled, not just by my own hypocracy but by the double standards of EM himself.

    He treats with the press and his currency are secrets. Family secrets. Specificly, Al-Hilli family secrets.

    ‘Missing passports found where? Ooops! Mmmmm, it’s going to take something big to shunt that to the sidebar…’

    That was parody. But near enough the mark.

    Presumably a secret d’instruction is no longer a secret when EM himself announces it as salacious gossip. Thus no longer actionable – sweet!

    No point in devising a calculus of dispair, in this case the scales of justice are not evenly balanced. He simply has no duty of care to the two girls.

  • michael norton

    For their part, the defense lawyers argued that the attack on the integrity of a corpse covered only physical abuse and that only the victim of a violation of dignity could initiate a lawsuit, reserving and this type of action to living people. “Otherwise, we could no longer publish an attack or war scene picture” protested Mr. Dufau, lawyer BFMTV. Minded to Me Ader, the Parisian lawyer, who also pleaded acquittal, arguing that the publication of these photos allowed to better understand the crime scene showed a real newsworthy.

  • michael norton

    If you look at the pictures here you will see the killers about to killer the policeman on the pavement outside Charlie Hebdo.

    Is this less offensive than showing the dead body of Sylvain Mollier?

    i would say it is not less offensive.

    Pictures of top cop Helric Fredou
    who did mysteriously are also shown?
    I hope the FRENCH system is the same for all?

  • M.

    I suppose Maillaud isn’t happy because someone from inside the enquiry got these photos to BFMTV, be that stolen or copied, who decided to use them as an exclusive. This isn’t about money it is about principal. I feel for the family, particularly the Mollier side, although some people say they can see Saad in the car, through the winscreen, I can’t.

    Yes he does release info, if it suits him, when it does there is usually another message lying behind it, I think he plays the we don’t know card to try to make someone feel safe.

    MN, here is the account from the man who filmed the death of the Police Officer you refer to on his mobile phone, which he shared on Social Media and regrets.

    Completely different to the Chevaline photos.

    Not sure I understand what you mean about a photo of M. Fredou, MN ? It appears he was given the task of looking into the backgrounds of the Kouachi brothers who went to school in the Limoges area…. he was suffering from depression since finding the body of a fellow officer who had committed suicide.

    Yes, GIP the ‘found passports’ were hidden in this article :

  • michael norton

    Why was not the person/s from the inside, of the investigation,
    charged with passing secret information to the outside?
    Who was responsible for “mislaying” the al-Hilli passports?

  • michael norton

    If, as Eric Maillaud maintains, the reasons for the Slaughter of the Horses will be found in the UNITED KINGDOM, how come so many periphery people have turned up dead in FRANCE?

  • michael norton

    State of Fear

    As FRANCE remains on edge, President Hollande is looking to extend the state of emergency imposed after a series of suicide bombings and shootings across Paris in November, despite criticism from human rights groups.

    The country’s state of emergency gives the government the authority to search houses without a warrant and restrict the right to peaceful assembly, all without judicial oversight.

    Hollande is looking at broadening those powers to include measures to strip dual citizens of their French nationality if they are convicted on terrorism charges.

    The proposal has been added to a constitutional amendment bill, which will be debated from early February. It comes in spite of opposition from members of the Socialist administration, including Justice Minister Christiane Taubira.

    They’ll soon be saying things are too dangerous to hold democratic elections !

  • M.

    MN, the real emergency is that we have bleep President Hollande and the bleep, bleep, bleep Taubira in any position of power.

    As much as we shouldn’t wish away time, 2017 can’t arrive soon enough, with a great big boot up their bums !

    Not that this has anything to do with the murders at Le Martinet.

    PS: there is only one death associated closely to the murders and that is Menegaldo, anything else is at best speculation and at worst posited by conspiracy cranks, the latter influencing the vulnerable who are unable to think for themselves.

  • Good In Parts


    To be fair, the investigators themselves considered the ‘untimely’ death of JT suspicious enough to warrant contacting the Feds.

    Whilst that piste apparently did not go anywhere, I don’t think investigators are able to exclude it completely, given that they have not been able to exhume poor old JT.

  • M.

    GIP, I forgot that one, but really it is more that MN was referring to FRANCE, comme d’habitude !

    On the basis that they’d found out about a husband in the US, initially they would have made enquiries about his whereabouts, especially as she hadn’t divorced him before she ‘married’ Saad. Can you imagine the day at the office when they were told he also died some hours later on the 5th September. Oh to have been a fly on the wall.

    No doubt speculation was rife, even for cops !

    I suspect they could exhume the body if they really wanted to, their first knowledge of the death would have been within weeks of his death. Maillaud said they found the divorce papers in the early weeks of the enquiry. They didn’t say anything until they felt like it and probably after extensive enquiries Stateside.

    MN, I leave you with your fantasies.

  • M.

    Just had an hour to waste !

    Thanks to the article in The Daily Mail today, I had a look at Google Earth again, the image over the Bewicks house was taken 28th May 2011, there is another one later 4th March 2012, the works don’t appear to have started, the quality is poor.

    The Google Street view is from August 2013, the extension is finished.

  • Good In Parts


    The fly on the wall would have experienced that day several times by now. Finalment le breakthrough!

    As a french fly, it is probably wallowing in it’s own ennui.

    Having ‘gone local’ I have ‘invested’ many an hour poring over the combe and surrounding villages, particularly the forest trails and sightlines.

    Goggle-eyed, after a long session, messages seem to appear in the trees… blooming watermarks!

  • michael norton

    Is this true?

    Ailing Brussels staggered ever closer to its own grave with the announcement the flagship Schengen agreement, for so long thought indispensable, is being shelved because of the refugee chaos.

    Nations are now set to reimpose border controls for the first time in more than 30 years, effectively killing off Brussels’ dream of creating a European superstate to rival America and China.

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