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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Tim Veater

    18 Jan, 2015 – 12:13 pm I take your point, but embalming is surely NOT standard practice in France if one leaves aside the issue of removal to another country. Nor I presume is it ever done without a request or at least permission granted by next of kin or in its absence some legal entity. In Diana’s death we see replicated, elements of JFK’s, insofar despite the high profile person, the high likelihood of foul play, standard procedures are truncated or ignored, and very strange elements introduced. As with Kelly, the authorities appear to be anxious to rid the scene of evidence, contaminate it or not pursue obvious lines biological, chemical or other lines of inquiry. Who in their right mind, if they wished to preserve biological evidence of chemicals or anatomical changes would embalm a body, that involves removing the gastro-intestinal tract?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    What ever happens in a corner Court can be twisted around.
    Luckily, we still have reliable news athlets, like the Daily Male, to report stories that the MSM would other wise berry.

  • Tim Veater

    Whenever or wherever this happens it is tantamount to destroying evidence and I would say, unless pressing reasons can be given, suspicious in its own right. How for example can one explain in the Kelly case, not following basic standard procedure of taking body temperature and details of rigor mortis on discovery of the body, both of course crucial in determining time of death?

  • Tim Veater

    Clearly NotForgettingFrenchBashing
    18 Jan, 2015 – 1:37 pm you work for the Male or the Grauniad or have a wry sense of humour?

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    18 Jan, 2015 – 1:23 pm having been involved in a few coroners inquests in my time, i think the situation is that there is NO official verbatim record keeping of the proceedings. Nor is there any obligation to make one public other than the bald verdict. As a result the only information that usually reaches the PUBLIC domain is what version is finally publicised by the media. This obviously varies greatly in detail and reliability. One only has to compare the time taken for serious cases, days or weeks, with the news slot on the TV if it gets one to be aware how truncated it is, conveying virtually none of the important detail.

    That is not to say that there are NO records. If solicitors or barristers are present they (or their juniors) usually keep a record; the family members or interested parties might; jurors if there are any might keep their own though I believe there are limitations on what they can make public subsequently. Then there is the Coroner him/herself with all the statements and information that has been gathered. Information or opinion can be sought from the Coroner or even the relevant documents which can be produced but I am not sure if they can be demanded or guaranteed comprehensive, as perhaps revelation in criminal cases, so there is still a bit of a question mark over this aspect. I guess the general rule is that whatever was made public in open court cannot be refused but of course that can leave an awful lot of information still kept out of the public gaze.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    All of these.
    But likewise in the case of Slyvain molliEX, how could they have taken his body temperature to determine time of death, if he was really photographed the next day lying fully clothed on the gravel without any protection? Or where these pictures taken not the next day but rite after the crime, and ifso by who?

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    18 Jan, 2015 – 1:29 pm I guess only Dr Chapman or the Coroner could answer your questions Michael. The point I have been making with all these things is that they COULD be definitively described if they wished. If there was doubt over interpretation this could be similarly stated. There is always FACT and INTERPRETATION. Both or either CAN be manipulated or in the absence of either of the former, just not explained clearly. Obfuscation is the name of a game I have seen played to great effect.

  • Tim Veater

    Quite NotForgettingFrenchBashing
    18 Jan, 2015 – 2:13 pm! The intriguing question (by inference) is that the eye-level photograph at least (though EM says both sets) must have been official ones, ie taken by personnel authorised to be there ie police camera man though of course it could have come from the Sapeurs-pompiers or other emergency teams, though the fact that the casings are all marked out proves this was AFTER an intitial police investigation ie LATER than the initial. We were told that the Sapiers recorded the scene with cameras but there has been absolutely no sign of that or a whisper from the personnel involved. Of course if the British Coroner had really wanted to get to the bottom of the FACTS he called all those initial witnesses to the scene. Whether they would have agreed to come is another matter. The fact that he didn’t demonstrates both the weakness and shallowness of our Coroner Court System for getting at the truth.

  • Tim Veater

    As you say how, why and by whom the incriminating (of a French misrepresentation) the photos were released is a fascinating question. It explains why SM has condemned it in such strident terms, and why even in a climate (so say) of Je Suis Charlie, the family/prosecutor is going after the TV company that published them. Someone has to pay for demonstrating French incompetence or worse.

  • michael norton

    I realize that matters are greatly complicated by have British unexplained deaths on French soil.

    An interesting question for any autopsie people or coroners would be
    even if all the bullet wounds in the five victims were of the same caliber,
    were they all fired by the same weapon?

  • michael norton

    I have not yet been in attendance at a coroner court case, however I shall my it my civic duty do do so at least once this year, so I can understand the processes involved, in England.

    However, I would have thought, part of the process in unlawful killing
    would be trying to determine how many killers were involved?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    What can a British Coroner court do when the FRENCH are hiding the truth. The French so-called elite scientific gendarms in Bois Darssy performed in vestigation on the Al-hillis Estate BMW, just like they had done on the Mercedes in which Lady Di was killed. The very same tim.

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    19 Jan, 2015 – 10:05 am Unfortunately, as in so many things, theory and practise have a habit of parting ways. I am of the opinion that in matters of murder or even unexplained death, the system may or may not work depending who is behind the event in question.
    Basic information about Coroners Court is here if you haven’t come across it before.

    Note points on a jury – “Whether or not there is a jury will depend on the interests of the relatives and whether a jury is ‘in the public interest’. Generally, an inquest will be heard by a jury if the death occurred at work, in police custody or prison or if there is a risk that further deaths could occur in similar circumstances to the death in issue.”

    And ability to call witnesses – “In order to determine the circumstances surrounding a person’s death the coroner may require witnesses to be called to give their account at the inquest. These witnesses must attend, and can face penalties for not attending.”

    We might reasonably question why neither were actively adopted in the Al|Hilli case in spite of the circumstances and it was claimed this was the “perfect crime”. One would have thought this would have made a full and detailed public examination in front of a jury even more necessary?

  • Tim Veater

    NOW WHO HAS HEARD OF THIS FELLOW AND THE TWO INCIDENTS HE WAS INVOLVED IN, one previously a Charlie Hebdo. A very unlikely looking terrorist i would say. Are they by any chance related? Confusing because it says it was published on Nov 18 2013 but comments relate to recent event. Someone might like to clarify?

  • Tim Veater

    same day this happens Who knows if the two are related in any way. Stuff – big stuff – going on between Russia and France though via Israel which required unscheduled stop-over by French President to see Putin 6th Dec 2014 at which former was said to be visibly upset and warning Russia of American false flag event to be blamed on them. This follows MH17 on 17.7.14 (on its 17th birthday btw!) then a French vote to recognise a Palestinian State, then supporting its admittance to the international criminal court, then France arguing go easy with Russia over Ukraine, then note American President (or any high official) at the Charlie Hebdo march at which nonetheless Netanyahu took leading role, and immediately after French parliament supports anti IS military attacks. Can anyone else work out whats going on and who’s on who’s side in all this nonsense?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Also, Sa’ad alhillis’ passport was eventually recoved, long after the slaughter of the horses incident, in a pocket of his jacket, just like the 9/11 hijacker passport.
    New York City to Chevaline to Charlie ebbdo: same strange occurences. And wee all know what country is specialising in forging faked passports!
    So many planes falling down. The USA and FRANCE have declassified there secret reports about UFOs. In teresting read in deed, has they all seem to originate from the middle east, and manny witnesses actually describe the so-cold flying saucers as being “star shaped”. Is this an other co-incidence?

  • michael norton

    It would seem that The French have let opportunities slip through their fingers

    According to the Canard, another satirical weekly that is known for its investigative reporting, Coulibaly and his partner Hayat Boumeddiene were stopped in a random check by police officers while driving a rental car in Paris on December 30.

    The French weekly said the 32-year-old was driving without a licence, having only just passed his driving test. The car had been rented in Boumeddiene’s name.

    The officers reportedly searched their database of wanted persons and Coulibaly’s name came up, along with instructions to question him without raising suspicions. The database described Coulibaly, a petty criminal who converted to radical Islam while in jail, as “dangerous and belonging to Islamist movements”.

    The officers immediately notified the police’s anti-terrorism unit, the Canard reports, but nothing came of it.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The Chained Duck report should not cum as a surprise. The FRENCH police are totally incompetent when it comes to pre-venting crime. They only believe in surveillance, which his obviously ineffective for crimes committed by lone wolves who often do not have previous criminal history. Sting operations are officially disapproved, so basically the French only respond to crime AFTER it as occured.
    In the slaughter of the horses incident, this pole icy is very clear. The only suspect was arrested over a year after the events, for two late to find any conclusive evidence.
    In the slaugter of the cartoonists incident, the FRENCH are now looking for people they had within there reach weeks before the crime, and who are know in Siria or some were.
    Pity Holland and his Waltz governement.

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