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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Bacchus

    Think with me :

    Why say that LMC was discover and was not the killer ?

    Strange, because if EM continue with silent of the LMC, the true killer can continue think that the justice was back LMC.

    It’s a strategic play, LMC was not found !

  • michael norton


    I have always thought that there is reason to believe that LMC has not been found.
    We have not seen his likeness, we do not know his name, his whereabouts, his movements-on the day of the Slaughter of the Horses.

    I think,
    that somebody has been made to come forward to take the place ( many months after the murders)
    of the actual motorcycle killer.
    This “new” motorcyclist was never actually there,
    that is why he can claim he has never worn or owned a special side-opening helmet
    but I expect he was “chosen” because he actually was undertaking parapente that fateful day.

  • michael norton

    The prosecutor Eric Maillaud Annecy announced this morning that five individuals were arrested, heard and indicted in the murder of Nicole-Communal Tournier, manager of Camping L’Ideal Lathuile, shot a shot rifle in November 2013.

    Two of the five people belong to the community of Travellers. At the material time, they were staying in a camp set up near Albertville in Savoy. The other suspects were arrested in Doussard, for one and Ugine for the other two. All major and aged 20 to 40, they were arrested last week between Tuesday evening and then indicted for robbery, or aggravated violence (organized gang and weapon). Both were also indicted for murder: the eldest of the group, a forty Doussard and a young Savoyard of 24 years arrested in Ugine.

    All have been remanded in custody in various prisons in the region.

    On the night of November 10 to 11, 2013, the manager of the camping L’Ideal Lathuile, Nicole-Communal Tournier, died at his home after receiving a shotgun discharge in the chest.

    Earlier, around 1:30 am, two armed men had entered his home, while the 54 year old woman was watching TV. The screams of the victim had awakened her husband. A fight had broken out and the husband was able to put to flight the two assailants.

    On leaving, one of the two men had turned and fired through a door, up-Nicole Communal Tournier in the chest. The latter had died on the spot.

    The investigation was entrusted to the research section of Chambery, who worked closely with the police companies and research brigades of Savoie and Haute-Savoie.
    Stéphane Bouchet | Published on 04/16/2014 at 09:13

    So Two years has now gone by since the arrest of local persons for the killing of
    Nicole Communal-Tournier

    yet as far as we now, their names have not been released and no trial has taken place?

  • Peter

    @ Q, 12 Feb, 2016 – 8:46 pm

    I don’t know about serial killer, but I would guess an opportunistic “serial offender” (burglary, robbery, theft etc.) motivated by financial gain. His ties to the region may be seasonal, in the sense that he regularly works there during the tourist season and goes back to his family during the off-season. Early September was the end of the peak tourist season, and this circumstance may have motivated him to dare go for a higher-profile offence (armed robbery) than usual, because he was planning to leave the area anyway soon. He may even be, as Eric Clouseau once speculated, some ex-soldier, ex-cop or ex-something-or-other from the Balkans – only that he doesn’t make a living as a professional hitman, but rather in some unskilled profession such as fairground helper.

  • Good In Parts


    I am open to the unskilled profession idea.

    So, the gun… he could have found it doing casual work clearing out garages sheds etc. He is proficient. He knows it must be worth a good price. Why not sell it?

    If he had a good reason not to, when the season was over, was he going to leave it in Haute Savoie safely buried in the woods?

    Surely he could not risk carrying it through customs?

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 13 Feb, 2016 – 2:01 pm

    Simply “finding” such a gun in a context where it would not be missed and not be reported as stolen would have been an incredible stroke of luck. I consider it more likely that he stole it during a burglary and chose to keep it, first, because a stolen gun would have only sold for a few hundred Euros and, secondly, because the gun was a money-making tool for him.

    He might have planned to leave it buried somewhere in the woods or hidden in some dilapidated shed, because that is probably where he kept it all along. After all, one of the golden rules of crime is not to keep any incriminating items in or near one’s home. If the killer has previous convictions and his fingerprints and DNA are on file (which I assume), it would also be good practice to keep that gun forensically sterile at all times, in case it is accidentally discovered. Thus, the fact that the pistol and ammunition were so clean need not point to a premeditated multiple murder, but could merely be a routine precaution.

    Actually, one could imagine a scenario in which the Chevaline murders were sparked off by the killer retrieving his gun from its cache: the area around the Martinet would not make such a bad hiding place for a gun (e. g,, a sealed Tupperware box shoved into that culvert beneath the road), particularly if the killer is lazy and does not like taking long hikes on foot. Zainab goes to the toilet in the bushes near the Martinet, stumbles upon the killer who has just retrieved his gun nearby, screams in fright, SAH goes into protective-father attack mode and realises too late that he is not dealing with a child molester but someone far more dangerous … That scenario would explain why the killer had three full magazines on him, even though he did not intend to commit mass murder that day, and why he tried to kill Zainab as well.

  • michael norton

    So I suspect it was a state sponsered HIT

    The motorcyclist either did it or was the accomplice.

    After a very long time the mystery motorcyclist was “found”

    but he has not been seen he was not there.
    He is someone who has been persuaded to step briefly forward from behind the shadows to protect the real killers and who is behind the scene.

  • Good In Parts


    “hundreds and hundreds of men in the general area of Chevaline must have been accused of being the killer by such types. All those tip-offs will have been followed up on. To my mind, that circumstance makes it quite unlikely that the killer is a local, or if he is, he must be a complete recluse. However, I believe that it is more likely that he is an itinerant, who probably passes through the area quite regularly (as evident from his good knowledge of the local geography), but does not live there permanently and does not have any strong social ties to local people.”

    As a child I was taught that french villages were the preserve of the green-ink-brigade, with anonymous accusations, hate-mail and bitter personal emnity going back decades.

    So, yes I am sure you are correct about the accusations. In fact my guess would be that the sheer number has inured the gendarmes to the extent that now they may even be reticent to action them and thus be used as a tool in some petty dispute.

    I seem to remember that the investigators seemed reluctant to launch a public appeal and messed-up the launch of a tip-off telephone line. Perhaps they knew it would be misused.

    You have advocated the itinerant theory previously and it has some things going for it such as seasonal work etc.

    I wibble on about data analysis etc. and one would expect a multiyear seasonal pattern of petty crime, perhaps preying primarily on campers or through traffic. The type of crime that, even if reported, is rarely followed through to it’s conclusion.

    But robbery at gunpoint is not an under-reported crime. It is a ‘leaving town’ crime even when the victims are tourists.

    Perhaps the killer simply had a bad season?

  • Q

    @Peter: I was thinking something along the line of parapente instructor. This would be an occupation easily certified for former military members of airborne regiments. Then, off he goes to teach in the warmer tourist regions for the winter. There were a number of people in the Haute Savoie on Facebook a few years ago who posted about heading off to northern Africa in the winter, i.e. Tunisia.

  • Peter

    @ Q, 14 Feb, 2016 – 6:44 pm

    Yes, he might as well be a parapente instructor. Although that job is a little too glamorous and well-paid for the type of person that I had in mind, it has a certain charm in offering a potential explanation of why LMC never came forward: if LMC knows X from the parapente school and in fact looks up to X in some ways, if LMC spotted X near the Martinet at the time in question, and if X furnished LMC with a plausible, harmless yet vaguely embarrassing explanation of what he, X, was doing there (a secret tryst with another instructor’s wife, for example), LMC might have shielded him and might continue to do so to this day.

  • Good In Parts


    Mmmmm, wasn’t PM a parachute instructor for the Legion?

    One thing that puzzled me was how LMC so very nearly didn’t get stopped by the ONF at all.

    It strikes me that he probably discussed riding over the col with the instructors and other enthusiasts. Maybe it was even suggested to him.

    Perhaps someone told him to wait until the ONF had gone home for tea. This would have to have been someone with local knowledge.

    If he were told to wait at le Martinet parking until say 15:45 but took the decision to proceed round the hairpin and uphill because he saw ONF1 descend and assumed the way was clear, then he may think that he had been targeted by the person proffering the advice or someone overhearing it.

    Either way, time to leave town and keep a low profile.

    If you really want a conspiritation, he could have been lured there by ‘winning’ a rigged competition.

    Bet the gendarmes havn’t checked that one out!

  • Good In Parts

    Cherche la femme. As they say in FRANCE.

    So why hasn’t she come forward, fear? Fear of her husband or fear of losing everything, having to bring her children up as a penniless pariah? Fear of being wrong?

    Maybe she has tipped off le gendarmes anonymously but the killer is lost amongst Peter’s “hundreds and hundreds of men in the general area” who have been so accused.

    Perhaps it is not about revenge.

    Is she complicit? Could it look that way?

    ‘Oh la la, if it wasn’t for my corpulent workaholic husband we could be together… he is only interested in parawhotsits and riding his MC up lonely mountain trails…’

    Perhaps she was the target.

    Who were those two overnight hikers?

    EM has three broad pistes, the SAH party as targets, SM as target or no-one as a target. He doesn’t seem to seriously consider other parties as possible targets.

    I have had a qick scan and I cannot find him ever referring to the two overnight hikers as potential targets.

    Prove me wrong!

  • michael norton

    The prosecutor Eric Maillaud Annecy announced this morning that five individuals were arrested, heard and indicted in the murder of Nicole-Communal Tournier, manager of Camping L’Ideal Lathuile, shot a shot rifle in November 2013.

    Two of the five people belong to the community of Travellers. At the material time, they were staying in a camp set up near Albertville in Savoy. The other suspects were arrested in Doussard, for one and Ugine for the other two. All major and aged 20 to 40, they were arrested last week between Tuesday evening and then indicted for robbery, or aggravated violence (organized gang and weapon). Both were also indicted for murder: the eldest of the group, a forty Doussard and a young Savoyard of 24 years arrested in Ugine.

    All have been remanded in custody in various prisons in the region.

    On the night of November 10 to 11, 2013, the manager of the camping L’Ideal Lathuile, Nicole-Communal Tournier, died at his home after receiving a shotgun discharge in the chest.

    Earlier, around 1:30 am, two armed men had entered his home, while the 54 year old woman was watching TV. The screams of the victim had awakened her husband. A fight had broken out and the husband was able to put to flight the two assailants.

    On leaving, one of the two men had turned and fired through a door, up-Nicole Communal Tournier in the chest. The latter had died on the spot.

    The investigation was entrusted to the research section of Chambery, who worked closely with the police companies and research brigades of Savoie and Haute-Savoie.
    Stéphane Bouchet | Published on 04/16/2014 at 09:13

    So, out of the five persons held in custody for a couple of years for breaking into L’Ideal, terrorizing the family Communal-Tournier and shooting dead Nicole

    one comes from the Commune of Doussard, on who’s land The Slaughter of the Horses took place
    two come from Ugine, home ground of Sylvain Mollier, the only local victim,
    and two were staying in a gypsie camp in Alberville/Grignon, close to Claire’s shop.

    No co-incidences then.

  • Q

    Peter, wouldn’t it be something if “la femme” is the key to it all. Let’s say she’s one whose name is familiar in the Grignon area, one who lived there and has now moved on, perhaps to Lyon. And for good measure, let’s tie in some mairie connection, since connections of that sort seem to be dangerous in France. Put her on a motorcycle, and she’d tie up a lot of loose ends in this story.

  • Q

    GIP, this fictional female of my construct could be connected to someone in Peter’s tip file. Was she someone who had a past connection to SM? Someone jealous of CS and her new life with SM? A love triangle in her own mind?

  • Good In Parts


    We are deep in outlier country now, but hey while we are here we might as well have a snout about.

    Wasn’t the fireman’s social club in the Grignon area? The one with the ringer MC parked outside? Perhaps someone pops back for a drink occasionally.

    In my dilettante view, jealousy is a much more powerful psychological driver than say, robbery. You also make the important point that any love triangle or relationship could be purely imaginary. A fatal fantasy.

    PS next week it’s banjo country time – or should that be banjax? Where is James when you need him?

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