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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    @ Peter 22/02/2016

    O.K. but that does not preclude the present boss, who has since re-located to Lathuile, “employing” a carpenter at / from those premises at the time
    of The Slaughter of the Horses?

  • michael norton

    It looks like the nations of Europe
    are starting to distrust each others ability to control security / borders

    BELGIUM is setting up border checks along its frontier with FRANCE to avoid migrants bound for BRITAIN choosing the country as a transit point, as a large camp near the French city of Calais is set to be cleared, Belgium’s interior minister said.

    They got a cheek,
    Belgium was used by the Jihaddis to bomb France.

  • michael norton

    That’s Handy
    FRENCH Court now says FRENCH Government can clear Jungle

    French government plan to clear part of Calais “Jungle” migrants camp approved by court

  • M.

    Do you know that during winter months a Landlord cannot evict a tenant who is in arrears and has received all the necessary court warnings ?

    “En effet il faut également tenir compte de la période hivernale qui s’étend désormais du 1er novembre au 31 mars de l’année suivante pendant laquelle toutes les expulsions sont suspendues.”

    Not all of ‘Jungle 2’ just the South side.

  • michael norton

    736 Route d’Arnand, it is the very large old building with the yard going back to the river.

    If this place was a carpenters place at the time of The Slaughter of the Horses
    then moved afterwards to Lathuile,
    perhaps the reason he moved was because he employed a dodgy geezer,
    the dodgy geezer, now being held in klink?

  • M.

    NET immigration is the by-word, MN. Whichever way you look at it more came in from OUTSIDE of the EUROPEAN UNION.

    “The Office for National Statistics produce estimates of international migration based on the International Passenger Survey, a survey of passengers arriving and departing the UK. Someone arriving to the UK intending to stay for 12 months or more is an immigrant and someone departing the UK for 12 months or more is an emigrant. The migration figures are also adjusted to include asylum seekers. Net migration is the number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants.”

    All Citizenships British Non-British EU Non-EU
    Immigration 617,000 87,000 530,000 257,000 273,000
    Emigration 294,000 127,000 167,000 85,000 82,000
    Net Migration 323,000 -40,000 362,000 172,000 191,000

    As for your Doussard/Arnand attempt at marrying up the ‘chapentier’, maybe the local dodgy carpenter was employed by Fillion-Robin on the Bewick property, lot of woodworking used there !

    Being dodgy he didn’t like the sound of murders being mentioned outside the gates of Duchers farm and hotfooted away asap ! Giving dear old Sylvie the fright of her life as he almost ran her off the road !!!

    Fillion-Robin, finishes the job at Bewicks and winds up the company 5th April 2013. The dodgy carpenter returning to a life of crime, resulting in the attempted armed robbery of the Communal-Tourniers because he thought they had cash on the premises. He was a regular drinker at the campsite bar and no doubt watched the cash being handed over ….. I recall the Assistant Procureur saying the plan was hatched during the summer months, as a result of the dodgy carpenters jealousy. And known to have committed crimes in October of the same year.

    Monsieur C. already had a business in Lathuile from 2011, working on boats.

    Patience, MN all will be revealed in time. There is no link between the NCT case and the Le Martinet murders as confirmed by the Assistant Procureur.

    Oh, I’m sure the locals know who the carpenter is, so do the local Press but they aren’t allowed to say so. The court papers posted above have had the full names blanked out for other cases. Innocent until proven guilty.

  • michael norton

    UKIP Leader Nigel Farage said, “Today the ONS has put out near record figures on inward migration to the UK with a net figure of 323,000 arriving in the country, of which 260,000 are from EU countries. But this masks the grant of National Insurance numbers to EU nationals which as Jonathan Portes of the NIESR points out that “Official immigration stats say EU (gross) immigration to UK was 260.000. But 650,000 National Insurance number registrations over same period”.

    “That is treble the official Migration figures. They are pulling the wool over our eyes.

    “The ONS migration figures use the International Passenger Survey to derive their figures, a survey that is regarded as deeply flawed but most responsible statisticians, the more accurate measure is the simple grant of National Insurance numbers. (NiNos).

    “If as they claim only 260,000 EU nationals arriving, then how is it possible that 650,000 National Insurance Numbers have been given to foreign nationals?

    “NiNos are a simple and clear reflection of the real numbers of people in this country, as without them you can neither legally work, nor claim benefits. They do miss out on the large numbers of illegal migrants in the country, but there are no real attempts by the Government to work out how many illegal migrants are here.”

  • M.

    How long does it take to get an NI number ? Could the Xenophobia you and your matey express be a rollover figure ?

    How many of the NON-EU are given NI numbers ?

    I don’t agree with much of the EU shenanigans, the ‘child benefit’ business is a joke ! Should be paid by the Tax Payers of the country in which the children live.

    I probably cross back and forth more than most due to family commitments, I am always amazed at the number of buses and minibuses with Romanian and Polish plates that are takine people out of the country, by the sa

  • michael norton

    Over the last few years i have travelled on the Channel Tunnel from England to France, we have always noticed, hardly anybody travelling out but always full to bursting, from France to England
    and most of them were not French.

  • Q

    @M.: “Oh, I’m sure the locals know who the carpenter is, so do the local Press but they aren’t allowed to say so. The court papers posted above have had the full names blanked out for other cases. Innocent until proven guilty.”

    Wow. That’s just crazy. Here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. In the meantime, the name of anyone who is charged with a crime is in the public domain. Their names cannot be released until they’re charged, but after that it’s fair game. That’s common law for you.

  • Peter

    Don’t worry, MN. If you and your fellow boss-eyed yokels get your way – which I sincerely hope you will – there is going to be a massive wave of outbound net migration soon, not only of people, but of capital and jobs. London is going to become a prime destination for young Eastern Europeans to celebrate their stag nights, and you will have to get used to the sight of fat Belgian tourists lording it over the local populace, throwing your now-worthless currency around like confetti.

    I am aware that you won’t understand this, as most Brits don’t, but the threat of an imminent Brexit is barely newsworthy within the EU, and the actual event will hardly be noticed. Why, you ask? Because the remaining countries of the EU have already given up on you. As little as twenty years ago, it would have been unthinkable for any major decision affecting this corner of the world to be taken without the UK having a major say in it. These days, the UK no longer has a seat at the table, as the Little Englanders have already manoeuvred her into a position of political irrelevance. A Brexit will complete this decline and marginalise the UK (perhaps minus an independent Scotland, we shall see) economically, too.

    The hope that the UK can somehow strike a “better deal” with the EU following a Brexit will prove illusory, as the UK will be negotiating from a position of utter weakness. Negotiating from a position of absolute weakness is commonly called begging, and I relish the prospect of somebody like Boris Johnson finding himself being treated like a pariah by the Eurocrats, condemned to years and years of fruitless “preliminary negotiations” while hundreds of EU “technical advisors” swarm the UK like locusts and dream up myriad preconditions that have to be unilaterally met before negotiations proper can even commence. Ask generations of Turkish government leaders how that feels 🙂

  • michael norton

    @ Q

    Obviously us LITTLE ENGLANDERS have only slight understanding of the FRENCH legal shenanigans.

    It would seem more honest, if once a person had been charged their name and the charge should be made public,
    the law must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.

  • michael norton

    It seems dishonest to arrest five persons for killing Nicole Communal Tournier,
    yet holding these persons in custody, virtually in secret detention.
    The denial of their names to the public, is STRANGE?

  • michael norton

    @ Peter,
    I certainly do not mind being called a LITTLE ENGLANDER.

    I hope you are right in that we will be let go from the clutches of the drowning corpse of the EUROPEAN UNION.
    None of us were ever asked if we wanted to be in the E.U.

    I expect ( as similar to FRANCE, HOLLAND, IRELAND)

    we will be told we voted the wrong way, wait a year, then vote the correct way.

    Our best wish would be for an overwhelming majority in the UNITED KINGDOM to vote to GO.

    Then Dave Cameron would be knifed by his own team.

    I would like us to leave the E.U. entirely, as instantly as possible because I think it is about to implode, like Byzantium, only much, much, much more quickly.

  • Peter

    @ MN. As I have said, I am with you all the way. I, too, would like to see the UK lapse into mass unemployment, further deindustrialisation accompanied by the near-total destruction of the financial-services sector (on which the UK is already more dependent than Switzerland ever was), an imploding housing market, abolition of minimum wages, an ever sharper social divide between the haves and the have-nots, with pensioners starving and a significant proportion of the population dependent on food stamps, massive youth unemployment and the attendant rioting and rise in crime, even harsher policing and sentencing, armed conflicts regularly initiated in far-flung corners of the world in order to deflect attention away from the dire situation at home – you get the idea.

    My reasons are as selfish as they are simple: I no longer live in the UK, my income and assets are in Euros and Swiss Francs, and I can think of a few good investment propositions to profit from those developments. Also, I rather fancy the idea of snapping up an idyllic summer residence in the UK with my own private trout stream for small change. Please, please make it happen.

  • michael norton

    I’d still like to know why the murderers of Nicole Communal Tournier have not been brought to court,
    they have been held incognito for two years, it smells fishy.

  • michael norton

    AREVA reported a €2bn net loss for the full year as the FRENCH nuclear group took further writedowns on its long-delayed EPR reactor project in FINLAND

    High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights.

    The company, which is 87 per cent owned by the French state, is in the middle of negotiating a government-backed rescue package that will see it raise €5bn in the markets. It is also selling a majority stake in its reactor making division Areva NP, valued at €2.5bn, to rival French nuclear group EDF.

    Areva s’effondre à la bourse

  • Bacchus

    Totally out of subject : if the referendum of Europe-Exit win, it is a good think for the independentists of scotland, north ireland,etc … 🙂

  • Bacchus

    @Deadzone61 say “#chevaline Pourquoi l’honorable motard de Lyon n’a pas contacté la police quand Eric D a été faussement accusé d’être le motard?”

    … because for the moment LMC is not found. It’s a lure of EM.

  • michael norton

    @ Bacchus
    “Chevaline the honorable Lyon Motorcyclist did not contact the police
    when Eric Devouassoux was falsely accused of being the biker?”

    Rather a good point.

  • michael norton

    @ Bacchus

    Do you think the reason the honorable Lyon Motorcyclist did not come forward
    when Eric Devouassoux was fasely accused of being the biker
    ( in the EFIT-SKETCH, issued 13 months after The Slaughter of the Horses)

    was because

    he had not yet been selected for that role?

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