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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Q

    Would a young, traumatised child speaking in English provide all the technical terms in French for various types of protective gear used in the construction industry or motorcycle equipment? I think words have been put into her mouth by adults, if indeed she said them at all. I don’t think she’d be able to identify a goalie mask unless she’s from a hockey country like Sweden, nor would she be familiar with “Jason”.

    What assorted kinds of protective gear do various law enforcement agencies, SWAT teams and the military in France use?

  • Peter

    @ Q, 3 Mar, 2016 – 5:49 pm

    What assorted kinds of protective gear do various law enforcement agencies, SWAT teams and the military in France use?

    (Off-white) Latex gloves are used for frisking people, cavity searches and so on. Other than that, the French wear the same gloves as everybody else: black tactical leather gloves with cut-resistant Kevlar linings and sand pouches on the knuckles. As the sand weights the gloves and makes punching people with them both safer and more effective, these gloves are sometimes frowned upon or even banned, but everybody uses them, often purchased at their own expense.

    Regarding masks, forensics people will often wear those white cotton dust masks as used by builders in order to prevent spraying saliva over a crime scene. Other than that, whenever CS/CN gas is deployed, full-face respirator masks are the norm.

  • Q


    The Vaulter Bandit suspect, Jeffrey Shuman,
    was returned to Canada from Switzerland in a dark-colored Abercrombie and Fitch brand hoodie.

    Protective gloves would not be suspicious at a construction site or mechanic shop. Similarly, motorcyclists often wear dark leather gloves.

    Nitrile could be preferred simply because it gives better grip, strength and flexibility than latex. Latex gloves condense sweat if you wear them for a while. Black nitrile is preferred by mechanics. Anyone with a latex allergy would eschew latex gloves. Either nitrile or latex can leave fingerprints through the material, but prints will be distorted to some degree. Police know this, but criminals may not.

    As for blood, correct, washing textiles may destroy the DNA, but forensics can still detect the presence of blood. There is a prominent case in court now in my country dealing with just that. Black nitrile gloves are also part of the evidence, and a shell casing with no gun retrieved.

    I’m quite surprised that cellphone records have not come up, because this is a key part of the evidence in the case I mentioned. Extensive review of cell records in my country, but not a peep in France about Chevaline cell record?. That is very strange.

    The case I’m referring to involved murder for the purpose of stealing a years-old vehicle. The vehicle was nothing remarkable, and had seen better days.

    Are the French Alps prone to custom-ordered vehicle thefts for chop shops or export?

  • Q

    Can a child who suffered a beating easily distinguish between black and dark navy blue? It’s hard enough for many adults. Try matching socks when the light is dim.

  • Peter

    @ Q, 3 Mar, 2016 – 6:20 pm

    Black nitrile is preferred by mechanics.

    The use of special-purpose gloves is mandatory for certain tasks such as welding, using power tools or handling corrosive chemicals, but other than that, I have never seen a mechanic wearing gloves, and I know a few. Rather, the mechanics whom I know use a paste called Liquid Glove to make it easier to clean their hands after they finish their shifts. Nitrile or Latex gloves offer no meaningful protection against anything but dirt, and hence they would be regarded as superfluous or even counterproductive where I come from.

  • Q

    I think it may be true that the little girl’s statements were not helpful. She suffered a head injury. She may have drifted in and out of consciousness. What did she see: first responders in head-to-toe black (sapeurs-pompier, police), with protective face masks and gloves? A mean man? A first responder yelling for help could seem mean to a frightened little girl. It wouldn’t stand up in court, but it probably didn’t help the investigation, either.

  • M.

    Q, you’re right they didn’t speak to Zainab until after she was brought round from an induced coma, as I recall there has been mention of her recollections being brought down a notch, because of her age and trauma.

    If this information is in the files and the various ‘partie civile’ have been allowed access, then is this where AM is getting the info, probably third party via the UK.

  • michael norton

    Of course, I do not say Eric Maillaud was in on the E-FIT-Sketch being made to look like the patsy of Eric Devouassoux,
    this scam would have been conceived a bit higher up the chain of State command.

  • michael norton

    This may not apply in FRANCE

    “Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.”,_1st_Viscount_Hewart

    For a long while, we were expected to believe that “the motorcyclist”
    was very likely to have also been “the shootist”

    That seems to have changed after the release of Eric Devouassoux.

    Eric Maillaud thought he had the motorcyclist/shootist in his bag.

    We have never been allowed to see the likeness of the person described as the honourable motorcyclist/parapentist from LYON.

    If like in ENGLAND
    “Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.”

    Then justice has not been seen
    because we do not know if the E-FIT-SKETCH provided by the police artists, which was a dead-ringer for Eric Devouassoux, also resembles LMC

    If this is never cleared up, some may imagine that the public are being duped
    and that a cover up is happening.

  • Peter

    @ Bacchus, 5 Mar, 2016 – 12:56 am

    And this would be a great soundtrack to go with it 😉

    We’re killing strangers (we got guns!)
    We’re killing strangers (we got guns!)
    We’re killing strangers, so we (we got guns!) don’t kill the ones that we
    Love, love, love, love
    Love, love, love

    Can one really tell the difference between a mask and thick stage make-up? Not with this type of goth make-up …

  • michael norton

    “appear whimsical telephone numbers of foreign heads of state.”

    from Le Dauphine Libre, gold found in Lake Geneva

    Dans l’après-midi du 26 février, un plongeur a découvert dans le lac à hauteur du restaurant “Plus belle la vue”, un sac en velours noir contenant des bijoux en métal doré et argenté. À l’intérieur d’un des bijoux en forme de plaque représentant un oiseau, figurent des numéros de téléphone fantaisistes de chefs d’État étrangers. Les policiers de la circonscription du Léman lancent un appel dans le cas où le propriétaire reconnaîtrait ses objets. Commissariat, tél. 04 50 71 04 61.

  • Good In Parts


    “LMC is not the killer and they knew this before they finally identified him. The CCTV meant he left before WBM could have crossed him.”

    You realise the implications of what you have written?

    If ONF2 are not telling porkies and they did indeed immediately follow LMC as he rode straight back down the combe after his ticking off, then they cannot have been the 4×4 crossed by WBM at approx the half way point. It could be the putative X5, plus we would have an extra MC in play, so that is two vehicles and ‘two makes a team’.

    We have a team again! Conspiritation theorists are go!

    Now I am not CT so, question for you, do you have a source?

    “There is another MC of sorts, WBM saw this one, it turned off or parked up before PB got near the crime scene and fell upon WBM, most likely the ado ‘mis hors cause’.”

    Yeah, and your phrase “most likely the ado” sums up an assumption that I think the gendarmerie have been making whenever there was a vague MC sighting.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am not having a dig, this sighting by WBM could indeed be the ado as he crossed from one side of the valley to the other.

    It’s just that I think there was another rider on the combe.

    The catchall ‘ado sightings’ may be masking someone else.

    “Gunman left on foot, keeping to solid ground where his footprints could not be traced. Back down Combe d’Ire, would he have been seen, not if he heard a vehicle approaching and was able to keep out of sight”

    I completely agree that the gunman left on foot, at least for the first part of his egress from the combe, however I favour a different route.

    EM reckons the killer had left mere seconds before WBM arrived, so back down the combe would take him headlong into WBM, who unless he had a squeeky wheel, was approaching silently. The revving of the lurching car could also make any squeekiness difficult to discern.

  • M.

    GIP, a pleasure!

    Taking into consideration they ID’d LMC by his phone being ‘borné’ in the general area, CCTV footage and a Motorcycle Licence, they would have sussed out all info before going for a chat at his home. I doubt they were very happy with him ! The Eric D. situation was due to him resembling a black and white drawing, his mobile phone ‘borné’ in the general area and on the basis that this information was available from mid-November 2013, they had plenty of time to realise he was involved in a bit of antique arms collecting and no licences ! Within hours of his ‘garde a vue’, Maillaud said the crime hadn’t been solved…

    I never accepted the assumption that the 4×4 seen by WBM was ONF, he knows what such a vehicle looks like, ‘it must have had a driver’, easily places the driver away from him in a RHD vehicle.

    All that business about the Citroen Van which was NEVER reported in Le Parisien, JMD may regret Twittering this to Max, was most likely ONF1, ONF2 were definitely in a 4×4 as confirmed by Maillaud at a Press Conference.

    And back to the MC, do you recall ‘such a MC doesn’t exist’, well it doesn’t because it was two, then the report in The Standard written by Peter Allen, not followed up by any other media outlet, Fillion-Robin saying a MC and Green 4×4 passed before SAH.

    You have made me think, if it isn’t the ‘ado’, it is a second MC, not the one seen by ONF2, but seen by ONF1 and WBM. The 10 minutes business makes no sense, because if LMC was ONF1 sighting why did it it take 10 minutes to get to the second hairpin, considering ONF1 apparently saw the MC start to pull away…. did it hide in the track at the first hairpin ?

    I could go on, ParisMatch cites the RHD as having British Number Plates, of course that could be assumption, now how did ONF1 word that on Panorama ?
    “Lors de leur intervention au domicile de ce « motard improbable », les gendarmes étaient démunis de mandat de perquisition. Une petite erreur stratégique. Ils n’ont pu que se faire remettre « volontairement des scellés comme le top-case de la moto et la combinaison », qui ont été exploités par l’Institut de recherche criminelle de la gendarmerie.”


    Panorama portrays the MC as having sidebags, is this the info WBM gave ? So, they have solved the riddle of the man portrayed in the sketch, they haven’t solved the MC seen by WBM but not seen by PB or the third cyclist.

    And even though I write all this there are still holes in the theory, where did MC go in order not to be seen by the others, that then stinks of local knowledge…. why doesn’t the man in the campsite, the driver of the 4×4 and then a second MC not come forward ?

    If MN, thinks that LMC not coming forward is suspicious then what of the others ?

  • M.

    MN, its old jewellery, looks very 70’s… probably in the bag being carried on holiday.

    Maybe the best people to solve the mystery is the insurance company who no doubt paid out !

  • michael norton

    FRENCH treasure hunter finds 50 pieces of jewellery on Mont Blanc from Air India crash 48 years ago
    Climber Daniel Roche finds necklaces, bracelets, pendants from an Air India Boeing 707 that crashed in 1966 with 117 people on board, saying the gems looked as though they had been “placed there the previous day”

    Yes Q I remember that, interesting that, that aircraft had the special person on board, the instigator of the INDIAN NUCLEAR PROGRAMME?

  • michael norton

    Do we know if the child who was shot and had her her bashed by the Luger has been shown the E-FIT-SKETCH to see if she recognizes it?

  • Good In Parts


    “Panorama portrays the MC as having sidebags, is this the info WBM gave ?”

    Could be wrong but I thought ONF1 saw panniers.

    Thanks for the reply – I don’t have time to do it justice today.

  • michael norton

    The financial director of EDF since six years, Thomas Piquemal, 46, resigned this week due to a disagreement on the feasibility of the controversial project to build a nuclear plant at Hinkley Point, England. This gigantic project weighs no less than 18 billion pounds, or 23.2 billion euros, EDF should take 65.5%. The French electricity giant yet to make a final investment decision, the final stage for its implementation. Unions group, owned 84.5% by the French State, recently feared that EDF will err on the side of optimism.
    A margin of only six months

    Not going too well for the FRENCH NUCLEAR INDUSTRIES

    they should stop wasting money on fruitless court cases.

  • Peter

    Am Rochaix has come up with another nugget on Twitter:
    Le meurtrier à #Chevaline sortait, d’après description, par l’ancienne route forestière dit Près de la Montagne.

    Google Streetview only extends southwards to the point where the track forks,6.2210843,16z
    but it looks seriously rugged south of that point, barely navigable in a 4×4, if at all. Thus, I take this to mean that the killer fled on foot. The cops (or their dogs) probably picked up his trail because he had to move cross-country in order to reach that track.

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