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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    I think The French are playing their cards close to their chests
    in their “Investigation of The Slaughter of the Horses”

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Butt them, FRANCE is the TOP nation in the world interns of horse meet consumption. This tales your some fin!

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Also, it is common practice for the French authorities to retain the names of accident or murder victims for operational reasons, but this practice has been criticised in the past by British police working on joint enquiries.

  • michael norton

    That is a very good question Not Forgetting French Bashing, it must be half a year since his demise, yet we have not been told who he is, only that he died in his flat in Ugine (possibly suicide) and that he had been romantically linked to the sister of Sylvain Mollier.

    BUT why don’t they say who he is?
    The Police chief who was found dead at work recently has a name, it was said his death was probably suicide.

    So, how do they choose to name one possible suicide but not another possible suicide?

  • michael norton

    Yesterday, around 19 pm, a vehicle traveling in the direction Détrier / Pontcharra collided with a wild boar.

    Destabilized the driver, a young man from Pontcharra alone on board, came to rest by hitting a pole on the opposite lane. The accident, involving a single vehicle, took place near the power plant. Quickly on the scene, the rescue had to extricate the victim who was taken to the hospital in Grenoble.

    Maybe Twig and maybe Nicolas Mollier hit a wild boar?

  • Tim Veater

    I made the point at the very beginning but it may be worth repeating for those who have arrived later:

    Chevaline occurred 40 years to the day following the Black September attack at the Munich Olympics. Not only is anniversary highly significant as an indicator but so is the number 40 which appears throughout the Bible. What are the chances, when linked to all the other indicators, that these are purely coincidental?

    Now feed in the fact that this was a joint operation with the notorious Baader-Meinhof Group. Could this explain, if true, the use of the iconic Luger pistol, although Mossad choice was the Beretta. The remnants of the group only dissolved as late as 1998!

    The RAF was founded in 1970 by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof. It is called “RAF”! The Germans allowed the three surviving terrorists to escape later when threatened by a Munich plane hi-jack.

    Twelve people are identified for retributive assassination and the operation called “Wrath of God”,lasted at least thirty years. There is no confirmation it ever ceased. The location of the Chevaline killing could not have been more fine-tuned if you tried. It of course is called Combe d’Ire – “ire” meaning “anger; wrath”.

    Black September is born in Beirut, Lebanon. The Israeli assassination squad is based in Paris (recent poignant connections!!!!) under the leadership of Mike Harari (February 18, 1927 – September 21, 2014) Hariri had a lifetime as an Israeli hired assassin. The first victim in Libya was shot 12 times to represent the number of targets. See how Mossad works? It is steeped in Jewish symbolism and never misses a trick to emphasise it. Like the Fox, it cannot resist leaving its marking card on any available rock.

    I am convinced that Operation Wrath of God is the lock and it is the victims that are the key. That is not to say that there might not have been additional levels of purpose or “justification” for the killings but I think it is in the history and background of the victims that the explanation most likely resides. This is supported circumstantially by the extreme secrecy surrounding the biographical details and visual representation of the victims, particularly SM and SAH’s mother-in law, Suhaila al-Allaf, 74. This of course would have made her 34 at the time of Munich. Was she connected to any of the Black September conspirators or more broadly Hezbollah.

    As for SM we know his father was closely connected to left wing nationalist politics. Were there links, tenuous or otherwise to the RAF grouping that lasted (rather akin to the IRA) up to at least 1998?

    The historic connections (so well researched by BB in the past) might well have been compounded by later ones, but I feel sure this is where the ultimate explanation will be uncovered if it is. We could do with another succinct update BB if you are still following this thread!

  • Tim Veater

    Latest: “Lebanon has not recovered from its 2006 war with Israel and sending fighters to Syria has stretched Hezbollah’s capabilities. In addition, the strike came at a sensitive time for the group.

    Hezbollah is trying to contain the damage caused by one of its operatives who confessed to spying for Israel in a case that shattered the group’s aura of impenetrability.

    The suspected spy is believed to have leaked Hezbollah’s plans to avenge the assassination of Imad Mughniyah.

    Mughniyah, whose son was killed in the strike last week, was implicated in the 1983 bombings of the US Embassy and US and French barracks in Beirut, and attacks on Israeli targets. Hezbollah accuses Israel of killing him, which Israel denies.”,7340,L-4618294,00.html

  • Tim Veater

    Proof of Israeli continuing assassination:

    “senior member of Lebanon’s Islamic Jihad Organization and Hezbollah. Information about Mughniyeh is limited, but he is generally understood to have been a principal leader and operative for a number of years within Hezbollah’s military, intelligence, and security apparatuses. He may also have been among the founders of Hezbollah in the 1980s.

    “Mughniyeh was killed on 12 February 2008 by a car bomb that detonated as he passed by on foot,[6] around 11:00 pm local time in the Kafr Sousa neighborhood of Damascus, Syria.[7][8][9] In January 2015, his son Jihad Mughniyeh, along with a number of other Hezbollah commanders, were killed, supposedly by Israel, by an an airstrike, while reportedly planning an attack on Israeli citizens. Israel refused to comment.”

  • Tim Veater

    We have of course covered this ground before but what is intriguing about the 1979 assassination of Ali Hassan Salameh was the role of a British woman who acted as an Israeli agent and was thought to be crucial in the timing of the exploding VW that also killed (murdered) innocent passers by. Her brother turned out to be a leading British judge, Nicholas Mordaunt Chambers QC.

    The DM also draws a parallel with the 2010 murder in Dubai of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh by Israelis using an Irish woman, “Gail Folliard”. The links with the arrest and death of Ben Zygier have been well discussed. If nothing else, it proves Mossad assassination teams were active right up to the Chevaline incident. Passports and finding them in strange places keeps appearing a standard feature in these state inspired terrorist events also. One might almost say they are a “trademark”. (9/11; Paris; Chevaline; 7/7? besides the ones mentioned here) Note too how Mossad ALWAYS has a well-developed escape plan for its operatives, then link this to EM’s comment that this was “the perfect crime” and it all fits.

    Israel can hardly claim it is beyond suspicion can it?

    Now as to Judge Chambers here’s an interesting twist: he retired precisely nine days following the Al Hilli assassinations and co-incidentally the same day as injured Zainab returned to England following hospital treatment.

    “His Honour Judge Nicholas Mordaunt Chambers QC retired as the Specialist Judge at the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre on 14 September 2012.

    Notes to editors
    His Honour Judge Chambers QC (68) was called to the Bar (G) in 1966 and took Silk in 1985. He was appointed as an Assistant Recorder in 1983, as a Recorder in 1987, as a Deputy High Court Judge in 1999 and as a Senior Circuit Judge in 1999, based at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre.”

    It is worth noting that the modus operandi of the Mughniyeh February 2008 assassination repeats almost precisely (car bomb as he passed by) that of Ali Hassan Salameh’s almost thirty years prior. You see how a continuous thread runs through these killings?

  • Tim Veater

    Perhaps we should also point out that Ali Hassan Salameh, recognised as a CIA agent, was previously married to a woman, about whom there appears to be virtually nothing on the internet which to say the least is rather surprising.

  • michael norton

    Tim, very interesting.
    You have not mentioned that a previous husband of Iqbal
    also died ( possibly murdered) in a bizarre manner at the same time on a different continent to Iqbal.
    Now that is a BIG coincidence.

  • michael norton

    As the al-Hilli coroner has ruled they were unlawfully killed,
    we should also assume Jimmy was unlawfully killed
    and that the two continent deaths are linked.

    Now killing two sets of persons on different continents on the same day would take some considerable coordination?

  • intp1

    @Tim Veater 16 Jan, 2015 – 10:16 pm

    My question too (I have seen it no-where else yet) Why assume the 2 Charlie Ebdon shooters were the same as those shot outside Paris? Several things point otherwise amongst various anomalies.

    The scenario of grooming miss-informed actors to take the heat alongside hired Pros goes back at least to the 60s with many more recent suspicious events. It should by now a standard line of inquiry.

  • James

    Well this thread went to the dogs !

    TimV (who was always going to bore the crap out of everyone and loves being Anti-Jew, but appears to know nada aprt from cut n pasting “the news”)…..

    ….and now Michael Norton !

    Talk about “bumping a thread”. These guys must be………

  • michael norton

    I wish Eric the prosecuter could get some of his storylines straight.
    It would be good to know for definate in which order they were shot, how many times each was shot, was the child shot, was the other child hiding, how many weapons were used,
    getting the timeline straight, wot Sylvain did for a job, what bike he was on and which route he took on that awful day.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Yu’d be surprised, butt naught every body use the same kalendar. Inn the Jewish kalendar, the slaughter of the horses is naught hat hall fourty years two the date after the slaughter of the athletes, be cause of the lip years.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    And in the end, it all becomes clear, because nobody cares here about the al’Hillis. It’s all about you’re gunter grunts, and Cheval’ine is no thing like the pentagon.
    Usually, Irish people can speak Inglish, even if they despise the nation.
    Mad son, you well de serve ur name, ur a wunderbar prototype of what should be viewed as pathetic on such Freds.

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