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8,089 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Peter

    Reflecting further upon the possible use of disinformation by Clouseau: I have this sneaky suspicion that the info regarding the killer’s outfit (if true) is just a little too good, too detailed, to come from a severely concussed, traumatised child. However, this stuff about the mask’s eyeholes, the hood and the white gloves is just the kind of rich, vivid detail that I should expect a trained observer like WBM to provide …

    What if WBM actually spotted the killer running away dressed in this garb, and what if the entire purpose of WBM’s TV interview was to reassure the killer that he had, in fact, not been seen by WBM? What if WBM was deliberately hazy on the 4×4 and the motorcycle that he encountered on the way, because they had already been ruled out at that stage and the police did not want to spark a witch-hunt?

    Ah well, I had better give those speculations a rest, lest I get carried away …

  • Peter

    @ Bacchus, 8 Mar, 2016 – 2:12 pm

    Time for some popcorn 😉

    As I understand it, the local killer (or his father or grandfather) was given the pistol by a maquisard who was defeated atères

    It sounds as if Am Rochaix is quoting from a manuscript written by somebody who is not interested in details, e. g., a journalist.

  • michael norton

    Not much mystery with the jewelry found in Lake Geneva, just a house-breaking,
    but why dump it in the lake?

    L’appel à témoins a payé. Une habitante d’Allinges s’est manifesté samedi auprès du commissariat de Thonon, suite à la publication de la photo de bijoux retrouvés par un plongeur dans le Léman le 26 février. La découverte a été faite entre le port de Rives et la piscine de Thonon. Un petit ‘’trésor’’ contenu dans une bourse de velours noir. Sa propriétaire a expliqué avoir été cambriolée en février. Ces bijoux fantaisie ne représentent pas une grande valeur marchande, mais surtout sentimentale.

  • M.

    MN, not worth the bother of selling and risk getting caught, as you say nothing to see, move along.

    Peter, someone telling the tale of a locally acquired P06, maybe an ‘old lady’ imaginings.

    I will add, that was my first response about WBM, well sort of, when he appeared on TV, ‘you didn’t get me’ !

    Why isn’t some Press picking up on these musings ?

  • Good In Parts


    I don’t think that Eric Clouseau is under any moral or legal obligation to keep the press truthfully informed and up-to-date.

    My understanding is that he does indeed have a legal obligation to the press as part of his role, which he seems to take extremely seriously. Excessively seriously in my humble* view.

    Apparently the UK contingent were actually reluctant to sign up to the joint enquete unless EM would put a sock in it. He put his foot down and told them it was his duty.

    (*) By ‘humble’ I mean arrogant, opinionated and ill-informed.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 8 Mar, 2016 – 8:24 pm

    I believe that you are holding the wrong end of the stick here (or have been handed it by some jingoistic flat-cap-and-a-whippet UK journos). What do you think the recent trial against BFMTV was about, if not BFMTV allegedly violating Eric Clouseau’s right to conduct his investigation in secrecy and to withhold whatever information he sees fit from the public, the famous secret de l’instruction?

    He cannot be muzzled by his superiors or by anybody else, but he is under no obligation to speak to the media at all, let alone tell them the truth.

    Thus, whatever he does choose to share with the media needs to be taken with a large pinch of salt. Rather, you should assume that whatever he says has been discussed and cleared with the team working on the case, and that the objective of the exercise is not to help sell newspapers, but to help catch the killer.

  • Q

    @Bacchus: I don’t know what it is abou t these masks, and people trying to enter Canada:

    @Peter: The term we use for well-worn paths (shortcuts) is “cow paths”, even in the city, where there are no cows. The alps, of course, do have cows, and people who tend them. Cows need to be milked morning and night.


    Long, long ago, I posted about the Maquis and their caches. It makes sense to me that there are secrets handed down from generation to generation.

  • Q

    “Waiting ’til the cows come home”… What time do the cows come home in Doussard? Do farmers have grazing rights near the scene of the crime? How do dairy farmers check on their herds in Doussard/Chevaline? ATV is common where I live, but dirt bikes might be used in steeper areas. We know there are predators, with and without fur in the mountains, so it is likely the farmers are armed. Who would think an old pistole unusual, if that is what you happened to have — easier to carry than a shotgun or rifle.

  • Bacchus


    Interresting : my access with Bacchus nickname was blocked, I a can post, but to read your comments I do change my access name. Good !

  • michael norton

    It is now three and a half years since The Slaughter of the Horses.

    As far as we know Maillaud has had four potentials for the shootist.
    First the brother of Saad, now seems rather unlikely
    the still as yet unknown motorcyclist from Lyon
    Patrice Menegaldo now dead
    and Eric Devouassoux.

    So the last thee “suspects all local to “That Part of FRANCE”

    so for the last Two years, all the potential shootists have been local.

    So are we to assume Eric Maillaud is now concentrating on a “Local Piste”

    and has all but given up on an “ENGLISH Piste” ?

  • mods@cm-org

    Bacchus there shouldn’t be any problem with your username. At the time of your test comment there was a problem with redirects restricting access to the first page of comments. That could have been the problem.

  • Bacchus


    Thanks. Effectively when I open CM with Bacchus, I can only view the first page. But now (today) is continue the same (with Bacchus).

  • mods@cm-org


    We’ve been altering some things at the back end to help with some issues we have been having. An unplanned side effect meant that all comment pages were being redirected to the first page for a time last night.

    Also users who have a comment cookie set because they have previously commented should always get latest version of page. Without a comment cookie you will get a cached version of page to reduce load on webserver. At one point last night cached pages were okay but some live comment pages were broken.

    We believe everything should be fixed now. If you continue having problems could you try reporting them in our new experimental support forum at

    Thanks for feedback.

  • Bacchus

    “le maquisard n’avait jamais récupéré le Luger”

    Smell that the maquisard had lost or hide the Luger, perhaps, route dit de la montagne. And, why not, the masque too ?.

  • michael norton

    From the above story

    “Police now believe there may have been concerns about what he would say in evidence during that trial.”

    so police believe that people are shot,
    to stop them spilling the beans,
    well i never.

  • michael norton

    It makes me wonder if Patrice Menegaldo was shot to stop him spilling the beans
    about The Slaughter of the Horses.

  • Peter

    Am Rochaix is at it again:
    Il émettait des bruits bizarres, des grognements. Le masque déformait les sons.

    If true, this factoid about the killer grunting can only come from an eyewitness, either Zainab or somebody else …

    I suppose Am Rochaix is writing in French because he is trying to rattle the killer’s cage – but then again, why would he need to rattle his cage if he knew who he was? And how could he know about the provenance of the gun without knowing the identity of the killer?

  • Bacchus


    Am Rochaix have written “Finalement arrêté”.

    What’s happen with him and the media ? He speak and the media shut up !

    Very, very strange. If that AmR writte is true why only him spoken ?

  • Good In Parts

    [ Mod: Caught in spam-filter ]


    You wrote:-

    “Rather, you should assume that whatever he says has been discussed and cleared with the team working on the case”

    An apparently reasonable assumption but not one that I am sure we can make, at least in relation to perfidious Albion.

    Indeed that issue seems to have been a sticking point during negotiations:-

    “Avec les Anglais, une équipe commune d’enquête (ECE) est d’ailleurs mise en place pour éviter la multiplication des commissions rogatoires internationales. «Il a fallu faire un travail diplomatique», explique le magistrat, «parachuté dans un nouvel univers». Il se souvient par exemple de ce rendez-vous franco-britannique au 27e bataillon des chasseurs alpins: «A 15 minutes de la signature pour l’ECE, les Anglais refusaient de signer, me demandant de me justifier sur des propos que j’étais censé avoir tenu dans la presse.»”

    What I think the recent trial against BFMTV was about, was his loss of control. The pictures were not stolen, they were leaked.

    A futile exercise in power and revenge, in the end a hollow victory, reversed in short order.

    Celui-ci en a pourtant donné, plutôt fermes. Exemple: le 29 mai dernier, le parquet d’Annecy obtenait la condamnation du directeur de la rédaction de BFMTV pour recel de violation du secret de l’instruction après avoir diffusé à l’antenne trois photos de la tuerie….Une victoire pour le magistrat, un signal, une forme de revanche aussi. Car la presse ne l’a pas épargné.

    First quote url

    Second quote url

  • Peter

    @ Bacchus, 10 Mar, 2016 – 2:03 pm

    I can only speculate about what Am Rochaix is trying to do, and I have no idea where he got this information from, in a dream, out of the investigation files or from a new witness nicknamed fir tree. Why don’t you ask him yourself?

    As I understand it, the “Finalement arrêté” refers to the original owner of the P06, a resistance fighter routed at the plateau des Glières (close to Annecy) in 1944 and subsequently arrested. That story sounds like a plausible explanation how a family from the region could have acquired an untraceable P06 and kept it as a souvenir. It could be complete bullshit, too.

    I am less clear about why, 68 years later, the grandson (?) of the man who kept the gun for its original resistance-fighter owner would don a goth outfit and kill a family of British tourists.

  • M.

    Peter, an interesting link to the Chevaline case and Glières is Claude Antoine has written two books on the latter. Relevant, probably not.

    The musings on Twitter, could it be that someone had an old Luger from the Maquis, which has been reported stolen ?

    That leaves another 56,027 to trace !

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