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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Peter

    @ M., 10 Mar, 2016 – 3:54 pm

    It is a huge leap from the history of that pistol to what amounts to an eye- and earwitness account of the murders …
    Note that the latest instalment, the bit about the strange noises that the killer made, could be read as a refutation of my hypothesis that WBM saw the killer running away. In effect, this says: “No, the witness was close enough to hear the killer grunting”.

    Unless Am Rochaix has been talking to the trees, which I believe is a common pastime in his, er, neck of the woods, that mystery witness must be Zainab. Thus, either he has exclusive access to her, or to powerful hallucinogenic research chemicals 😉

  • michael norton

    If the only senses that Zeena had was hearing( hiding under her mothers skirt)
    then is is likely she heard what was happening, outside the vehicle, the shooting and the grunting and the shouting, she would be able to say what language the bad man was speaking.

  • Good In Parts


    Your interesting link would likely have done considerable research in the area for his books, to find anecdotes, photographs or other memorabilia.

  • Good In Parts

    On tonight – from the link given by MN above – might be interesting to understand what the police mean by the quote below.

    Crimewatch is on BBC 1 on Thursday 10 March at 21:00 GMT and available on the BBC iPlayer after broadcast.

    Speaking ahead of a BBC Crimewatch appeal, police said the crime scene had been “professionally” stripped of evidence.

  • M.

    MN, ‘speaking’, she heard the screams of her parents, do you think a four year old would be able to discern anything else above her parents and grandmother who were in the car ?

    She was also in the footwell, apparently covered by bags as well as her mothers legs and skirt…..

    Peter, remember he wants to write a book.

  • michael norton


    I suspect there is a good chance that Zeena would be able to tell the authorities what language the bad man was speaking.

  • michael norton


    if both the al-Hilli girls independently told the authorities
    what language the bad man was speaking,
    that might be a clue.
    However it would not conclusively pin the origin of the bad man to a sole pigeon hole,
    unless he spoke in a very local way.

  • Peter

    @ M., 10 Mar, 2016 – 7:41 pm
    Peter, remember he wants to write a book.

    Yes, you are right, that is probably what this is all about, a piece of “faction”. It sounds quite promising, too. Those details about the killer’s appearance and behaviour in particular were gripping and plausible, the first time that the killer was given a face, even though it only was a mask.

  • michael norton

    Maybe we could draw up a list of what Maillaud mak “know” but is keeping tight to his chest.
    1) height of shootist.
    2) language spoken by shootist
    3) route shootist left the Slaughter of the Horses
    4)how many motorcycles were present

  • Peter

    @ M., 11 Mar, 2016 – 1:36 pm

    With journos one never knows, of course, but I consider it highly unlikely that a genuine lawyer would call some unknown blogger at three in the morning in order to trade invective for an hour. That woman was probably somebody’s high-spirited drinking companion rather than his (or anybody else’s) lawyer.

  • michael norton

    May be we could draw up a list of what Eric Maillad may “know”
    but hasn’t let on publicly through his friends in the media.

    1) height of shootist

    2) language spoken by shootist

    3) route shootist left the Slaughter of the Horses

    4) how many motorcycles were present

    5) did the shootist resemble the E-FIT-SKETCH

    6) how the shootist arrived at Le Martinet

    7) prime target

  • Good In Parts


    I have finally got round to adressing your excellent post on the nature of rehearsal back on 2 Mar, 2016 – 11:29 am

    You make the important distinction between mental and physical rehearsal, plus the kind of odd ‘lessons learned’ that could result from physical roleplay.

    As a (relatively) new convert to the localist cause. I think the origin of this crime lies in obsessive thinking, escalating to actions, probably compulsive dry practice of magazine changes to start with. Then “properly rehearsed” as you suggest.

    Currently I see this as planned and prepared for but with no specific date in mind – effectively contingent on an opportunity that might never occur. If his hatred had subsided then he may never gone through with it.

    As an example, not a working theory, a fireman with a grudge spotting SM on the nearby cycle track could say to his super;
    “Je suis pissed with my lazy colleagues – how about I take a hydrant wrench and go clear some hydrants to cool down?”

    Maybe, to his surprise, his boss says “Sure”.

  • michael norton

    I had thought we had been told that governments were not allowed to rig markets
    in the E.U.

    CEZUS / AREVA / EDF are effectively owned by the FRENCH STATE

    and they are effectively all insolvent

    is there some non-legal jiggery-pokery happening?

    On page 175 The Perfect Crime,
    Tom Parry states that Sylvain Mollier worked for CEZUS.

  • michael norton

    If “The Perfect Crime” target was Sylvain Mollier,
    what could be the reasoning?

    I can see that also wiping out four others, who were not local, would easily allow for distraction.
    But the reasoning would have to be something of enormity.

  • michael norton

    Now what gives the CEO of EDF the notion that he can ask the FRENCH STATE to cough up even more money to keep the FRENCH NUCLEAR Industry from terminal decline?

    Curiouser and Curiouser

    More than 40 years ago, Jean-Bernard Lévy was at the same school as François Hollande in the Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine.

  • michael norton

    Jean-Bernard Levy has been a civil servant when the Socialists have been in power.

    In December 2012 Lévy was appointed as the CEO of Thales Group.

    In October 2014, he replaced Henri Proglio as the CEO of Électricité de France.
    His period as CEO has proved difficult, with declining profits and EDF’s market value halving by March 2016, when the Chief Financial Officer resigned over investment decisions

    He was appointed a Chevalier of the Légion d’honneur,
    and an Officier of the Ordre national du Mérite.

    However EDF / AREVA are out of money BIG TIME

  • michael norton

    At the same time Jean-Bernard Levy keeps his day job
    as Chairman and CEO of THALES.

    the arms giant.

    I must say, it all seems rather cosy.

  • michael norton

    Remember a few days ago David Cameron and Francois Hollands were as close as interlocked dogs

    patting each other on their backs and being very chummy announcing that Hinkely Point C would go ahead and announcing Franco-British DRONE building ventures.
    Well Jean-Bernard Levy should be grateful
    as he is the CEO of both organizations

    EDF and THALES

  • Good In Parts

    Motorcycle Hash

    I have been meaning to write up a couple of alternate timelines as a continuation of my ‘LMC fallout’ posts but the whole motorcycle issue is very, very, wrong and difficult to resolve into a coherent narrative.

    So here is the outline and I shall write it up later if it has any traction.

    Simply take the ‘cannon’ timeline and swap ONF1 for ONF2.

    The idea is that they (ONF1 & ONF2) hashed it up during their telephone conversation on the first evening. ONF1 believed he saw the MC arriving and thus must have seen the MC before ONF2, making the assumption that the motorcycles were one and the same. They agreed on this reversed order of sightings and of course the 10 minute gap.

    This caused ONF1’s story to require ‘force fitting’ by the gendarmes as previously discussed. The initial testimony by ONF1 is probably the most accurate.

    Everything fits as far as I can tell. ONF1 saw the pannier motorcycle (PMC) at approx 15:25, then SAH, then WBM.

    The motorcycle seen on the Col can even be worked in by assuming that PMC had arrived from above and was just turning round at Le Martinet after a recce (it does require that the farmer mis-remembered the time of his sighting but then he mis-remembered seeing anything at all until prompted by his wife).

    Alternately PMC arrived by riding up the combe.

  • michael norton

    Fresh doubts have arisen over plans by FRENCH Energy firm EDF
    to build an £18bn nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point, Somerset, ENGLAND.

    Angus MacNeil, chairman of the House of Commons energy committee,
    has called for the project to be re-examined.

    It follows a letter that EDF chief executive Jean-Bernard Levy
    sent to his staff, saying the project needed more funding from the FRENCH government.

    The UK government said it was “committed” to Hinkley Point.

    But Mr MacNeil, an MP for the SNP,
    said the government needed to urgently rethink its support for the proposal.

    “It’s something that has to be looked into very carefully and very soon because it is a huge obligation and a lot of eggs in quite small baskets,” he said.

    “The CHINESE are involved, the FRENCH involved, the UK are involved. They need to take a step back because other places have decided not to go ahead with this NUCLEAR stuff.”

    In his letter to EDF staff, Mr Levy said: “We are currently negotiating with
    the FRENCH state to obtain commitments allowing us to secure our financial position.

    So the FRENCH EDF / AREVA project in Somerset
    has taken a down-turn,
    since this morning.

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