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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    The ERR ( European Pressurized Reactor) was to be the nuclear reactor which ensures a bright future for the industry and the FRENCH tech industry. It became the source of all troubles. Finns first buyers of this jewel of technology, should have been put into service in 2009 at Olkiluoto. Today we talk in 2018 … Meanwhile, the cost has tripled, resulting in the near collapse of the manufacturer, the FRENCH AREVA, which recorded 5.5 billion euros of losses on this project … which should have been bringing in three billion.
    EDF buys, at the behest of the FRENCH government, the division of AREVA reactors,
    to save the industry.
    Big risks for EDF
    However, EDF is itself mired in the same problems of delays and additional costs for the construction of a FRENCH EPR at Flamanville (Manche). And now the electrician, already in serious financial trouble, has engaged in two EPR construction at Hinkley Point, ENGLAND. With a financial package which places two thirds of risks EDF:
    except two CHINESE state companies that commit to 33.5%, EDF did not find a co-investor. The electrician has not obtained the guarantee of the BRITISH Treasury, who asks to see Flamanville run before getting wet …
    For the CFO of the FRENCH electrician, this is too much.
    Thomas Thornton stormed Friday and his resignation was made public Sunday.
    François Hollande and David Cameron last week reaffirmed their commitment to start work Hinkley Point as soon as possible. Is this what Thomas Thornton decided to leave EDF? He doubts the “short-term feasibility” of this mammoth project. And for good reason: while Olkiluoto in FINLAND and Flamanville in FRANCE have respectively nine and six years late delivery of both Hinkley Point EPR is set at 72 months (six years) after signing the contract. That all unions EDF deem untenable. The FINNISH EPR has sealed AREVA.
    ENGLISH EPR, after Flamanville, EDF will they be stopping?
    The CEC of the electrician, met yesterday, evokes an “unrealistic and dangerous” project and denounced “the blindness of senior management and the controlling shareholder
    ( The FRENCH STATE) to pursue their goals at the risk of destroying public service missions of company EDF, its industrial facilities such as security of energy supplies to millions of homes. ”
    Macron supports the project
    political side, we do not share the analysis of the CEC and Thomas Thornton. “We confirm our full confidence,” Jean-Bernard Lévy, Chairman of EDF “and we renouvellons our full support to the proposed Hinkley Point, which will be very profitable over the next 30 years,” said Minister of Economy Emmanuel Macron. In London, it’s almost in the same terms as the spokesman for David Cameron said “fully support the project.”
    In exchange, EDF has lost 6.73% in one day yesterday: the financiers do not believe in the political optimism.

  • michael norton

    But if Mollier is just saying The European Pressurized Reactor is SHIT
    would that upset people enough for mass murder?

  • michael norton

    Accident at Nuclear plant in Marcoule, South East FRANCE

    on September 12th, 2011

    A nuclear accident at the sprawling and historic Marcoule site, twelve miles north of scenic Avignon, France, killed one worker and injured four others, according to the French Nuclear Authority.

    The workers were operating a high temperature industrial oven that burns low-level nuclear waste in a sealed building when the unit blew up. The worker who was killed was burned so badly his body was carbonized, according to officials. Another worker was seriously injured and three others received less serious injuries.

    French authorities say no radiation was released outside the Marcoule site and all radiation is contained in the building. It should be noted that the French government and their government-controlled nuclear companies have a long history of poor transparency when it comes to reporting radiation-related accidents and leaks. Much of the French national economy is dependent on these companies providing electricity and exporting nuclear technology and fuel.

    The explosion took place at the Centraco nuclear waste treatment facility run by EDF, the large French-government-owned nuclear utility through a subsidiary called Socodei.

    The Marcoule facility has played a huge roll in the history of the French nuclear weapons program.

    Since the mid-1990s, the Marcoule site has combined fissile uranium and plutonium into MOX fuel. EDF uses MOX in its civilian nuclear power stations. It sells nuclear fuel and technology worldwide through another French-government-owned company called Areva. EDF also produces weapons grade plutonium and tritium gas at the facility for the French government.

  • michael norton

    Chris de Margerie died with all the crew members
    (Yann Pican, Maxime Rassiat and Ruslana Vervelle) in an aircraft crash in Moscow
    on 20 October 2014. The aircraft, the Dassault Falcon 50,
    hit a snowplow on take-off from the Vnukovo International Airport.

    He was returning to Paris, FRANCE after a meeting with
    the RUSSIAN Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at his dacha near Moscow following a business leaders’ meeting in Gorky. The two men had been discussing investments in RUSSIA
    amid the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine and the resulting Western sanctions on the country related to the stand-off in Ukraine.
    FRENCH authorities opened a manslaughter investigation.

    This is a little bit I wrote, 21/10/2014
    Just after FRENCH TOTAL boss Chris de Margerie was bumped off in Russia after his meeting with Dmitry Medvedev

    Quote BB “French TOTAL CEO de Margerie (involved in the Iraqi oil for food scandal – we discussed that here) killed in Moscow plane crash.”

    it has been said that the Saudis are rather uncomfortable that the rest of the World is desperately trying to gain energy supplies that do not come from the Arab World.
    The Americans are going completely flat out for fracked Methane and for fracked oil,
    Canada has also gone for tar sands.
    The U.K. has gone for deep sea drilling and is thinking of going for fracking.
    Solar power is going to be huge in the very near future and may come to dominate electricity supplies.
    Graphene will be huge,
    with super-conductivity at room temperature / massively increased capacity of capacitors and so on, which will utterly revolutionize power storage and distribution.
    The Saudis are worried they are being side-lined on purpose.
    All Saudi Arabia have to do is produce a constant income, they do this by turning the taps more open or less open, the actual price is not so important to them, as long as they have a regular income but what they most certainly do not want is to become irrelevant.
    What the Americans want to do is make them irrelevant as quickly as possible.

    There are massive tensions in the world of fuel supply and most certainly prominent people are being put in prison and murdered to alter the decision making processes
    of fuel companies.

    All still true,
    U.S.A., U.K., Russia, Japan, China, Canada, France

    nothing would stop them from securing energy / power, nothing.

  • michael norton

    75% of the electricity produced in FRANCE is from Nuclear Reactors, the highest proportion of any state in the World. FRANCE currently has 59 reactors and is completing the
    European Pressurized Reactor at Flamanville, this will be the working model for
    Hinkley Point C in Somerset.

    I wouldn’t mind betting That The Slaughter of the Horses Incident is about nuclear power in FRANCE.

  • michael norton

    Pressure is mounting as the £18bn cost of the Hinkley project is more than the entire value of the EDF.

    The man in charge of BRITAIN’s first new nuclear power plant in 20 years is to leave the project.
    Chris Bakken, the project director for Hinkley Point C in Somerset, will take up a new role at US energy company Entergy in April.

    EDF Energy said he had decided to return to his home country to pursue
    “new professional opportunities” and spend more time with his family.

    He has been in charge of the £18bn Hinkley Point C project since 2011.

    A final investment decision for the nuclear project was postponed by EDF Energy last month.

    Hinkley is due to start generating power in 2025, and is expected to provide 7% of the UK’s electricity once it is running.

  • michael norton

    Two senior people from EDF have cut and run, over the course of a few days.
    CEZUS – AREVA – EDF – THE FRENCH STATE all interlinked.

    So who was funding Maitre Blanvillian?

  • M.

    MN, the only way to get rid of nuclear power is to reduce demand and have viable storage.

    As for your question, why not ask the man next to her, most likely one of Molliers brothers by the look of him. I think you overestimate the cost of the action, it’s not as if the lawyers were taking hours, days or weeks to research a case !

    How do you feel about the Germans ?

    I had the pleasure of visiting the Siemens Wind Turbine plant and was at one time involved in the importation of these into France.

    What do you propose to replace nuclear ? Afterall there is no worse place for NIMBYISM than the UK, they don’t want Kent to be drilling for the oil there, no fracking, no more wind turbines as they are costly (by the way, from my upstairs windows I can see two which are only a kilometre away).

    From the Guardian:

    “Swansea Bay is a fascinating project that would be good to push forward. But it is small – 320 megawatts compared to Hinkley’s 3,200MW – and is based on a largely untried technology, rather than half a century of experience in nuclear power.”

    To even mildly consider that the lowly Sylvain Mollier was to blame for his own death regarding his working life is naive, he was a cog in an enormous wheel and not in the Nuclear Power secteur, a supplier of the base metals products which were sent on from Ugine to be refined elsewhere.

    If Mollier was the target, it was more personal. Although with the recent Tweeter feed from L (AM ROCHAIX, Private Detective, Ugine) looks like it may be just some nutcase.

    Today is the anniversary of DUNBLANE, 20 years on…. a truly shocking event, how do parents recover from such a tragedy ?

    Give my regards to Nigel and Zaid, you are doing a sterling job !

  • michael norton

    Here is a question I have been giving some thought.

    Was a bullet extricated from the child.
    Was the child shot with a bullet that had already passed through the body of an adult?

  • Peter

    @ Q, 13 Mar, 2016 – 11:18 pm
    Is it really true that gun owners in France require a yearly doctor’s checkup?

    Not yet, but that measure is part of a proposal by the EU Commission ostensibly intended to combat terrorism. The proposal also calls for a complete ban on sales of guns, gun parts etc. over the Internet, for time-limited gun permits (no longer than 5 years at most), for a ban on certain types of semi-automatic rifles etc. etc.

    The proposal is billed as a reaction to the terrorist incidents in Paris, and I am sure that it is going to pour cold water over any nefarious plans that the tens of thousands of Daesh deserters, disgruntled Al Nusra Front cutthroats, Afghan tribal militiamen, North African street children and so forth who have recently entered the EU sans papiers might harbour.

  • michael norton

    If the bullet that hit Zainab first went through Sylvain Mollier or Said al-Hilli, then the child was shot accidentally.
    If the bullet did not first go through one of the other victims, then she was shot on purpose.
    The three adults were executed by multiple death shots.
    Why shoot the child in the shoulder and not a death shot?

  • Bacchus

    For memory :

    “Un témoin a raconté vendredi à quelques journalistes avoir croisé une voiture blanche “un peu folle”, sur une route non loin du lieu du massacre, peu après l’heure estimée du crime. “C’était plutôt une voiture genre 306 blanche, mais en tout cas pas un 4×4, qui faisait n’importe quoi sur la route”, a confié cet homme aux journalistes. “Ils essayaient de doubler tout le monde, alors que la circulation était fluide, ils paraissaient très nerveux. Au début, j’ai cru que c’était deux filles à l’intérieur, mais une fois qu’ils m’ont dépassé, ils avaient l’air bizarre, avec des cheveux bizarres, comme s’ils portaient des perruques. Ils conduisaient comme s’ils étaient en fuite, ils semblaient très nerveux”.”

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