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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Good In Parts

    Here is my working timeline:-

    15:00:00 – LMC starts his ride up the combe
    15:11:00 – ONF2 meet LMC at second hairpin
    15:12:00 – LMC start descent from Martinet parking
    15:12:30 – ONF2 start descent from Martinet parking
    15:17:00 – SM passes the old mill going up
    15:19:00 – WBM passes the old mill going up
    15:20:00 – ONF2 pass the old mill going down, exiting the combe
    15:20:01 – TBR passes the old mill going up
    15:21:30 – SAH passes the old mill going up
    15:25:00 – ONF1 start descent from Martinet parking
    15:25:30 – ONF1 spots the TBR just below Le Martinet
    15:28:00 – ONF1 crosses SAH (the 4×4 seen by Zainab)
    15:29:00 – ONF1 crosses SM
    15:30:00 – ONF1 crosses WBM (the 4×4 seen by WBM)
    15:31:30 – SAH arrival at Le Martinet – TBR passes through unseen
    15:32:nn – SM phone call
    15:33:30 – WBM crosses TBR
    15:34:00 – ONF1 passes the old mill going down, exiting the combe
    15:34:30 – ONF1 passes PB after exiting the combe
    15:34:30 – TBR rides up side track
    15:35:00 – SM arrival at Le Martinet – shooting starts
    15:39:00 – WBM arrival at Le Martinet
    15:42:30 – WBM departs
    15:44:59 – First emergency call
    15:47:nn – Return to Le Martinet
    15:48:nn – Second emergency call
    16:03:00 – Emergency services pass old mill
    16:10:00 – Emergency services arrive at Le Martinet

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Would be very easy for the Surrey police to test my theory that William Hershkovitz was their assassin.

    All they would have to do is ask French investigators for copies of two unknown samples of blood at the Anecy murder scene, and the Israeli authorities for sample of his blood at the scene of Hershkovitz’s killing.

  • Good In Parts

    Here is my working timeline:-

    15:00:00 – LMC starts his ride up the combe
    15:11:00 – ONF2 meet LMC at second hairpin
    15:12:00 – LMC start descent from Martinet parking
    15:12:30 – ONF2 start descent from Martinet parking
    15:17:00 – SM passes the old mill going up
    15:19:00 – WBM passes the old mill going up
    15:20:00 – ONF2 pass the old mill going down, exiting the combe
    15:20:01 – TBR passes the old mill going up
    15:21:30 – SAH passes the old mill going up
    15:25:00 – ONF1 start descent from Martinet parking
    15:25:30 – ONF1 spots the TBR just below Le Martinet
    15:28:00 – ONF1 crosses SAH (the 4×4 seen by Zainab)
    15:29:00 – ONF1 crosses SM
    15:30:00 – ONF1 crosses WBM (the 4×4 seen by WBM)
    15:31:30 – SAH arrival at Le Martinet – TBR passes through unseen
    15:32:nn – SM phone call
    15:33:30 – WBM crosses TBR
    15:34:00 – ONF1 passes the old mill going down, exiting the combe
    15:34:30 – ONF1 passes PB after exiting the combe
    15:34:30 – TBR rides up side track
    15:35:00 – SM arrival at Le Martinet – shooting starts
    15:39:00 – WBM arrival at Le Martinet
    15:42:30 – WBM departs
    15:44:59 – First emergency call
    15:47:nn – Return to Le Martinet
    15:48:nn – Second emergency call
    16:03:00 – Emergency services pass old mill
    16:10:00 – Emergency services arrive at Le Martinet

    (bounced to new page)

  • Good In Parts

    Note that the following two events could be so close together as to be effectively coincident.

    15:28:00 – ONF1 crosses SAH (the 4×4 seen by Zainab)
    15:29:00 – ONF1 crosses SM

    Thus ONF1 could have a decent reason for not remembering SM.

  • Pink

    Thanks GIP just a quickie is three and half mins long enough for all BM did?

    Going back to what Straw4berry brought up about a 2nd vehicle with Z in I know its a longshot ,in this piece the builder only see’s one child in the front seat .

    “A beautiful day. Warm and sunny. This makes a good half hour on Wednesday afternoon that Lawrence *, 35, and his young apprentice took over the job after the lunchbreak. And labor, there is to enlarge the tiny wooden cottage, especially as the site has lagged far behind. The two men attack the low wall surrounding the property. Armed with a jackhammer, they encroach a bit on the floor not very wide at the exit of Chevaline when a BMW is approaching. An English plaque. Provided that these are not the British owners, Vivienne and John Beweek, come see the progress of work worries !, Lawrence. No. He did not recognize the man driving. There is a little girl sitting in front, next to him. And two adults in the rear. Two women, apparently. It is 2:40 p.m. Wednesday 5th September.”

  • Pink

    I wish we knew whether they found a booster seat in the BMW if there was only one seat then the booster would be in another car ,photographer possible, friend maybe, if they allowed z into another car maybe even a woman.

  • Good In Parts


    “is three and half mins long enough for all BM did?”

    Short answer:- easily.

    Long answer:- assuming WBM arrived at 15:39:00 and the first emergency call at 15:44:59 was made when he rode approx 200m down the combe and met PB and friends, then there is a time budget of almost six minutes.

    I allocated 2 minutes for that 200m ride downhill and 30 seconds of mauvais francais to get them to dial the authorities, Maybe he could ride downhill faster than that with the hot breath of Pan on his neck. I certainly could. However he may have been apprehensive about riding too fast and running into the killer

    Move and tend to Zainab – one minute.
    Move and check Sylvain – one minute.
    Check driver -smash window – switch off engine – check passengers – try mobile – one and a half minutes.

    That all works for me. I am aware that some reports place the meeting with PB further down the combe, however with two call times nominally defined, then there is a constraint on how far down it can be.

    If you really want to, you can make WBM’s arrival say half a minute earlier but not much more. EM seems to be about right in his assertation that the killer had only just left when WBM arrived.

    You pays your money and takes your choice.

  • Pink

    I had misjudged that by quite a lot I was thinking about 10 minute’s, lesson learned I will try a test run tomorrow a bit of an eyeopener actually as I don’t use time very much or only farmers time, start in the morning and a jobs done when its done.

  • Pink

    Trow you are being plain rude on this thread and the other one ,it is not my job to solve it if you have information that you believe is pertinet then pass it on to the people who can do something about it that is not me .
    You accuse me of contaminating the thread I am sorry you feel like that , GIP is doing his best to plough through the info I cannot offer much help I can at least help to keep the thread ticking over ,you have made your viewpoint available when there were plenty of people here and they have not managed to do anything with it so why do you imagine I can ?

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Pink, your role is too similar to Punch’s Mr. Narcissus Pink – who complained in 1845 about former Lord Chancellor Brougham, The Times’s Special Commissioner on Ireland, complaining about Ireland’s absentee landlords in London leading the country to the Malthusian abyss, not to be just coincidental.

    The only difference is Narcissus tried to make Ireland smell better than it was while you work constantly on the whole UK and beyond.

  • Pink

    Trow that has gotton me well confused you seem to be seeing an agenda and for all I know I may have one I have not realized, I came here as Pink it is unique to this site and I assume anyone with a modicom of sense can see I am a fairly simple soul , I thought you were complaining about me posting off topic or something as I had brought up the straw4berry idea the only reason I did that was because I came across it reading old posts and thought it worth consideration ,or because I was ignoring your idea which I was, I tend not to engage in things I cannot understand or usefully follow up I leave it to people who have a clue ,with so few people left I figure it helps to enage a bit to keep the thread active and so they are not talking to themseleves ,I am not sure why you have decided to get unpleasant ,I have not attacked you or your ideas.

  • Pink

    Does this mean you think I am not attacking the PTB enough if it does then I hold my hands up,so you can see where I stand heres a bit of help ,I live a quiet life I like to see the best in people I accept that some people are far worse than I can imagine ,I like anyone else can see that there are powerful agendas at play regarding what’s going on in the world I even agree with Icke on the Problem ,Reaction ,Solution idea it seems to work ,the only answer I can see for myself is to continue to stick with my own principles and do the best I can in my own backyard which mostly consists of a few cows and some wildlife so is not going to make a lot of difference only to perhaps keeping a little bit of england free of pesticides and give what wildlife is left the best chance to thrive against the onslaught, if I could I would make the world war free , I would feed the hungry and have people as whole do better ,stop buying crap they don’t need ,stop polluting everything its not in my power people will do what they do and sooner or later the shit is going to hit the fan we can only hold back the inevitable for so long not forever. The chances of getting everyone on the same page does not look hopeful and when they have knackered their bit of the world they will come after my bit and screw that up as well ,we are all going to die however good or bad we are some people don’t care how they live and are ruthless,most are just getting by in a time they find themselves in , for all that is bad in the world there are more people doing their best against the odds brave people who no matter how awful it is do what they can ,I am thinking the humanatarians who go and do what they can in war zones the people who do care enough to actually put themselves on the line in whatever shit is currently happening overseas or on our streets ,the whole system is not full of evil people they are stuck with how it is we can do better we have to make the choice too .
    No one could have bombed anywhere if people had not agreed to do the dirty work a person delivering shock and awe or a person wearing a bomb belt is just as bad as each other and most of the people who die are just people who are here in this place and time living a short life in the best way they knew how made even shorter by madness.
    People who consume more than they need because they have the choice can choose not too.
    People who work in industrys that supply the hardware/software that allows PTB to carry out whatever atrocity can choose not too ,the person blowing up theatres or train stations can choose not too, if you drive a car then it is pointless complaining about the oil industry if you buy crap dont be surprised if someone produces it ,if you support the torture of animals to get the next drug that may help you or animals to be raised in inhumane circumstances so you can have plenty of choice you can choose not too,it may sound a bit naive it is that simple people make their choice they know very well if they contributing to all that is wrong they choose not to care enough to change it ,the things that contribute to all that is wrong is decided by each of us making a choice at the end of the day so stop choosing things that make it worse when we collectively choose to do better it will happen .

    “The only difference is Narcissus tried to make Ireland smell better than it was while you work constantly on the whole UK and beyond.”

    • michael norton

      So can anyone let us know, if Eric Mailluad has left Annecy,

      is anyone now in charge of the investigation into The Slaughter of the Horses

      or has the i”investigation” died?

      • michael norton

        What we have not been told
        1) why, right from the off, the French Authorities have maintained that Sylvain Mollier was not a target, merely as passing cyclist?
        2) who did Sylvain Mollier work for?
        3) what was the actual nature of S.M. work?
        4) where did S.M. go to college?
        5) what were the qualifications S.M. has obtained?
        6) what were S.M. secret involvement with the French state?
        7) what was S.M. relationship with Pierre Morange?
        8) where was the main abode of S.M. & Claire Schutz?
        9) from where did S.M. depart on his last cycle ride?
        10) did Sylvain Mollier get Claire to look after the infant unexpectedly, so he could go out on “business”?
        11) what was the route S.M. took on his last cycle ride?
        12) did Sylvain Mollier and William Brett Martin know each other?
        13) was Sylvain Mollier and at least one adult from the al-Hilli party meeting?

        • michael norton

          Lathuile, Haute-Savoie, France – Population (1999) 729

          Lathuile murder camping in Haute-Savoie: trial opens in Annecy

          In 2013, the manager of the Camping Ideal, Lathuile, was killed after a flight that had gone wrong.
          The trial of five defendants should open on Friday 1 July.
          They risk life imprisonment for “attempted robbery with violence resulting in death.”

          / Alps / Haute-Savoie / Annecy

          Lathuile murder, Camping Ideal, in Haute-Savoie: trial opens in Annecy

          In 2013, the manager of the Camping Ideal Lathuile, was killed after a flight that had gone wrong. The trial of five defendants should open on Friday 1 July. They risk life imprisonment for “attempted robbery with violence resulting in death.”
          It was a Sunday. On the night of 10 to 11 November 2013. A woman of 54 was killed by a gunshot. Gloved and hooded men were then introduced to her home at the campsite the ideal, which she was the manager at Lathulie, south of Lake Annecy, while she was watching television. She then warned her husband who was sleeping, which he then managed to put away the criminals after receiving a rifle butt in the face.
          But one of the robbers fired a shot through the door, fatally wounding the manager. “A gunshot to facilitate their escape,” according to the lawyer thereof.

          A burglary gone bad
          Five months later, two men were indicted for murder. A carpenter of 40 years at the time, domiciled in Doussard, and a young glazier 23, from Ugine, the alleged shootist.
          Three other suspects were also arrested and indicted for “band organized with flight weapon.”

          The investigation revealed that these robbers were far from being “nickel-plated feet.” They had rather a whole gang.
          The forties was surrounded by two accomplices of Albertville, with whom he had already committed wrongdoings in
          Flumet and Villard-sur-Doron, to which had been added two brothers of 20 and 23 years.

          The five men now aged 23 to 43 are considered the foundation of Annecy starting Friday
          “for attempted robbery with violence resulting in death.”
          The challenge of the trial will be to determine the responsibilities of each.

          Reportage Ariane Savary-Combes, Christian Mathieu and Thao Huynh

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Well, I, not any biscuit, have sent an email to the Surrey Police about why I think that William Hershkovitz was their killer, and how they can prove it by comparing blood sample, and they have responded by saying they have received it.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Just received an email from the Contact Management of the Surrey Police which says that it will be not be taking any action over the accident I am referring to as it happened in France, and the person I was referring to is an American, so it sees no basis for it doing anything.

    Of course, two of the murder victims, the al-Hillis, lived in Claygate, Surrey, but that is not the basis of any police action in the dysfunctional UK

    Next time I want to kill someone residing in the county, I shall wait until they leave before acting, and then it will just be forgot about.

    • michael norton

      You could try writing to Nigle Farage, he would have been their M.E.P.
      Nigel is still the M.E.P. for South East England

      As Nigel was their M.E.P. and still is M.E.P. for South East England and is currently the chair of E.F.D.D.

      so Nigel would be in an excellent position to take this massacre up and run with it, particularly as he is resigning from being the U.K.
      leader of U.K.I.P. but I assume remaining their leader in the E.U. Parliament?

      • michael norton

        If the leader of a “group” in the E.U. Parliament,
        who was also at the time of “The Slaughter of the Horses” the M.E.P. of the British family, massacred in France, still an M.E.P. for the same Euro-Constituancy,
        could not look into this matter,
        it would be very strange indeed, it would make European cooperation in law enforcement, somewhat meaningless?

      • Trowbridge H. Ford

        Cannot think of worse advice than Farage, an ardent supporter of Israel, trying to get to the bottom of Meir Dagan’s last homicides.

        Shall possibly try the head of Britain’s Constabulary to keep politics to a minimum in any new inquiry.

          • michael norton

            Murderer burglary Lathuile (Haute Savoie): five accused and a broken family

            The face-to-face began in Annecy. At the Assize Court of Haute-Savoie,
            Nicole Communal Tournier

            found herself in front of the five accused of the murder of the manager of the camping Ideal in
            slaughtered in November 2013 six days after the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH
            William Brett Martin was staying in his chalet a few hundred metres from the home of the Communal-Tourniers at the time of “The Slaughter of the Horses”

          • michael norton

            “It’s still very painful,” describes Mr. Marc Dufour, a lawyer for the civil parties. He mentioned that when the accused entered the box, while the family is already in the room. There is the husband and three daughters Nicole-Communal Tournier. “This is the first time, except during the reconstruction, the victims are in the presence of authors, even if they knew any of them.”

            They knew a carpenter Doussard, José Fernando Saraiva who was a familiar camping. This man, now aged 43, who allegedly recruited for burglary in Latheron, convinced that the family silver. Nicole-Communal Tournier died after receiving a shotgun discharge in the chest.

            The author of the shot, Nicolas Benoit, 26 years old today, was glazier Savoie. An acquaintance of Ugine is also in the box. The last two individuals, 24 and 33, were arrested in Albertville.

            According to the survey, the burglars had waited long enough outside the home of the victim saw the woman watching TV. Then they were determined to enter. The manager of the camp shouted, waking her husband managed to scare them away. In the rout, the young man would have got scared and pulled through the door. Nicole-Communal Tournier then fell.

            Ariane and Christian Mathieu Combes report

            Published on July 1st, 2016 at 17:22 , Updated July 1st, 2016 at 20:21

          • michael norton

            Murder of Lathuile (Haute Savoie): When a lawyer is trying to sow doubt

            While this Monday, July 4, the day was to be devoted to listening to the director of investigation and ballistic expert, a lawyer tried to prove that other actors than those present in the box, would be to behind the murder of Nicole-Communal Tournier.

          • michael norton

            ” Other Actors”

            Well, who could have possibly imagined that six days after the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH, ( thirteen months late)
            Nicole was shot dead in her home, only a few metres from the “holiday” home of the apparent discoverer of
            “The Slaughter of the Horses”

            and other actors may have been involved, whatever next?

          • michael norton

            At the time José Fernando Saraiva “The Carpenter of Doussard”
            was robbing Flumet
            Pierre Ouvrier-Buffet was the Mayor.
            This is the area, described by Bluebird as “The Nest of the Molliers”
            This is the area where a relative of Sylvain Mollier, Nicolas Mollier-Thomas,
            plunged over a bridge into the gorge on a Sunday afternoon, after having lunch with his mother, at his childhood home, onthe short way back to his own young family, no other vehicle of person involved?

            La communauté de brigades d’Albertville poursuit son enquête pour définir les circonstances exactes de l’accident qui a coûté la vie, dimanche, à un automobiliste du Val d’Arly, Nicolas Mollier-Thomas. Il n’y aurait pas eu de témoin et le conducteur était seul à bord de sa voiture quand celle-ci a quitté la route avant d’effectuer plusieurs tonneaux. Le père de famille, 39 ans, originaire de Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle et domicilié à Héry-sur-Ugine, circulait sur une petite route de montagne au lieu-dit Flumet d’Aval, au-dessus du pont de Flon, à Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle, quand l’accident s’est produit. Il a été éjecté de son véhicule et était décédé à l’arrivée des sapeurs-pompiers et du Smur d’Albertville.

          • michael norton

            We had be told that the five persons held were of the gypsie persuasion, the shootist is said to be
            Nicolas Benoit

            that is not a gypsie name.

            If you look at the photograph of José Fernando Saraiva is “The Carpenter of Doussard”
            he does not look like a gypsie, more like an intelligence officer.

  • michael norton

    Explosion chez Areva NP : conclusions de l’enquête à la fin du mois

    While the activity of the foundry is still pending, the site uginois Areva NP, following the explosion of a furnace occurred on 13 July, the investigation continues. Its conclusions will be known at the end of August and should allow next restart production of the workshop.

    • michael norton

      Since Friday, five defendants were referred to the Assize Court of Haute-Savoie. They responded with attempted robbery that led to the death.

      The event took place on 11 November 2013, at a campsite in Latheron. The 5 individuals were broke into the camp to commit a burglary. They were put to flight by the managers. In his race, one of them fired the shotgun in a door. It will fatally affect the manager. They were arrested six months later, when they were under surveillance for burglary events in the region.

      Following the debates, Fernando José Saraiva was sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment, Thomas Scheid to 5 years in prison, three years probation probation, Nicolas Benoit to 15 years imprisonment, Atmane Mounane to 8 years in prison and Xavier Scheid to 9 years in prison.

      • michael norton
        Des peines allant de 18 à 5 ans de réclusion après le cambriolage mortel de Lathuile, en Haute-Savoie

        Aux assises de la Haute-Savoie, les cinq participants au cambriolage meurtrier de Lathuile ont été condamnés ce vendredi 8 juillet. L’organisateur écope de la plus lourde peine, 18 ans de réclusion. Le tireur est, lui, condamné à 15 ans.

        En novembre 2013, Nicole Communal-Tournier, la gérante du camping l’Idéal, à Lathuile, avait été tuée après un cambriolage qui avait mal tourné. Une semaine après l’ouverture du procès des cinq accusés devant la cour d’assises de Haute-Savoie, le verdict a été rendu.

        José-Fernando Saraiva, 43 ans, qui avait réuni la bande pour faire ce cambriolage, a été condamné à 18 ans de réclusion. Il avait été mis en examen pour “tentative de vol avec violence ayant entraîné la mort, violence aggravée, vol en bande organisée, recel”.

        Nicolas Benoit, 26 ans, le tireur dans cette affaire, écope de 15 ans de prison. Il avait été mis en examen pour “tentative de vol avec violence ayant entraîné la mort, recel, violence aggravée”. Au cours du procès, il n’a pas nié les faits, parlant d’un coup parti sans le vouloir, alors que les cambrioleurs prenaient la fuite, visiblement surpris par l’arrivée de l’époux de la victime.

        Xavier Scheid, 33 ans, est condamné à 9 ans de réclusion. Il était poursuivi pour “tentative de vol avec violence ayant entraîné la mort, vol en bande organisée, destruction du bien d’autrui, recel”.

        Atmane Mounane, 25 ans, écope de 8 ans de réclusion. Il avait été mis en examen pour “tentative de vol avec violence ayant entraîné la mort et recel”.

        Thomas Scheid, 23 ans, est condamné à 5 ans dont 3 ans avec sursis. Il était lui aussi mis en examen pour “tentative de vol avec violence ayant entraîné la mort, vol en bande organisé, recel”.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Must be some kind of record, Michael Norton, a dozen successive posts about a completely different crime around Lake Annecy in the hope that posters will see it somehow connected to what happened to the al-Hillis et al!

  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    I for one thought that that a possible campsite connection made the NCT murder an ‘event of interest’. It also appeared to me that there was an attempt by les gendarmes to break the cohesion of the gang whilst they were on remand.

    The carpenter of Doussard got the longest sentence of them all, longer even than the shooter. What do you make of that ?

    • michael norton

      Let’s think it through.

      1) you do not take two different types of shooter to rob a house, or in this case an out of season campsite managers house.
      2) you do not rob a house with five people.
      3) this shooting death happened just six days after the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH
      4) this tiny community of less than a thousand souls seems to have rather a lot of co-incidents,
      some co-incidents with the near-by “Slaughter of the Horses”
      5) At the time of the “Slaughter of the Horses” William Brett Martin ( the acknowledged discoverer of the massacre) was staying in his holiday home in Lathuile, five minutes walk away from the home of the Communal-Tourniers,
      nobody has ever asked if he visited Camping Ideal or if he knew Nicole or Jean-Paul,
      that would be a reasonable question?
      6) it has been said that the eXpoliceman Eric Devouassoux resided/had a house in Lathuile ( he may have owned several properties at the same time)
      7) the friend of E.D. Jean-Luc Falcy lives in Lathuile, a stones throw from the home of Jean-Claude Deronzier ( fell off a cliff)
      In a place with 800 people, many intermarried for generations, most would know other business, local theft would be a no-no.
      Why would you try and rob one of the best connected family in the area, a place that you drink at, when you are so bloody local, utter madness, almost inconceivable, so as to not be true.

  • michael norton

    They all know each others business.

    Of note the brief for Eric Devouassoux was the same brief the family Communal-Tournier used against José Fernando Saraiva

    Marc Dufour

    • michael norton

      The Fact that Eric Devoussoux used Maitre Marc Dufour and later John Paul Tournier-Communal decided to use Marc Dufour.

      This helps me to think that Eric Devouassoux was innocent of any involvement in the “Slaughter of the Horses”

      and that he was set-up.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    I have contacted the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) about the murders which occurred in France, Israel, and the USA four years ago, especially the killings the al-Hilli family of Claygate, Surrey, and have been instructed about how to make my complaint.

    I plan to write one about 1,500 words long, and it will inform me within 15 working days what it plans to do about them.

  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    I have a slightly different perspective:-

    1) & 2) They planned a ‘home invasion’ and needed manpower for give a shock effect and to search for the cache of cash that the carpenter believed to be kept in the home. If they failed to find it quickly then they would undoubtably have resorted to torturing one or both of the residents. That would also require manpower.

    3) The timing is indeed suspicious, being just six days after the release of the E-FIT-SKETCH. It feels like a crime of desperation, possibly fueled by a need to leave town in a hurry.

    The key question for me is whether the raid was organised after the E-FIT-SKETCH was released.

    6) At the time of the murders Eric Devouassoux did not live in Lathuile, it was his parents-in-law that did.

    7) The carpenter was not a ‘real’ local. He lived in an O’Hara mobile home on a trailer park. In effect he was an outsider.

    The crime was ‘intelligence driven’, presumably gossip at the place that he drink at suggested there was a shedload of cash at the house. The carpenter was the instigator and organiser. He did not speak during the raid because his voice could have been recognised.

    One wonders whether he organised other crimes based on campsite bar tittle-tattle. With his obvious criminal connections he would be in a position to know of others who also preyed on tourists.

    He got the longest sentence and potentially has the most to gain by turning Queens’.

    I acknowledge that any connection is unlikely, but as I have stated previously, we are deep in outlier country now.

    • michael norton

      yes, they went equipped with two types of guns and plastic cable ties, so I agree, they were going to torture the home owners, probably the wife, while the giant husband looked on.
      I also think you are correct, in thinking that there was desperation involved, like this “thing” had to be done quickly.
      looking at the Carpenter, he does not look like a gypsie, at all, he looks intelligent, like an intelligence officer.

      How about, he was/is an intelligence officer but the other clowns were recruited for home-jacking.
      “The Carpenter” was going to get something from the Communal-Tourniers but was it just cash?

      The parents-in-law of Eric Devouassoux live in Chevaline.

      • michael norton

        The E-FIT-SKETCH was only released to the public after thirteen months, following “The Slaughter of the Horses”
        why would that be?
        Six days after the public release of the E-FIT-SKETCH, Nicole is shot dead in her home, a few hundred metres from the holiday home of William Brett Martin, the acknowledged discoverer of “The Slaughter of the Horses”
        Then “They” arrest Eric Devouassoux a very local eX-policeman , the parents of his wife live in Chevaline and Eric is a dead-ringer for the E-FIT-SKETCH-FIT-UP. Later Eric is released, it seems without charge.
        Then a motorcyclist is “found” but we are not allowed to see his likeness or know his name, so we cannot discern if he looks like the E-FIT-SKETCH.

        I think the E-FIT-SKETCH was made to resemble Devouassoux, him being a patsy.
        This was done by a secret service of France.
        I think the motorcyclist who we do not see either does not exist in any real way or he is/was an employee of the state who was brought in to pretend he was there, the real motorcyclist/killer being neither Eric Devouassoux nor the brought in but unseen motorcyclist.
        Somebody is moving shadows.

        • Trowbridge H. Ford

          The E-FIT-SKETCH was only released after a year to limit any possible connection with William Hershkovitz, who also matches it, but had been in a grave for a year by then.

          And the secret services of not only France but also the USA, UK, and Israel were deeply involved in it in the hope of proving that Iran was desperately looking for material at any price for its nuclear weapons program which caused Hershkovitz to start going berserk when he saw no evidence of such at the murder sites.

          And why no mention of relevant killings like that of Jim Thompson in Mississippi, Oqbal’s former husband, who was killed by CIA poisoning as insurance on the very day she was murdered?

          That reminds me of when Leon Panetta tried to have me poisoned too.

          • michael norton

            You are a troll of the most stupid type, mindless twaddle trowbridge,
            go boil your “brains”

  • Pink

    Yes that did cross my mind when you arrived Trow .

    “Trowbridge H. Ford
    August 20, 2016 at 01:54

    Thought there were rules against such attacks, but it almost always happens when one hits a raw nerve.”

  • Good In Parts


    How did you get on with the timing test-run ?

    There could also be the variable perception of time passing involved here, as we previously discussed.

  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    If it was an E-FIT-SKETCH that provided a desperate motive for robbery, then it was probably not the one that was released to the public.

    There is that second robot portrait as yet unreleased. My guess would be that it is of the campsite bonnet thumper but someone ‘involved’ might assume it was of them and could be released at any time.

    Oh, there’s that word again, campsite.

    • michael norton

      GIP are you suggesting that the unknown well dressed man at the first campsite ( I can’t remember was it: Solitaire du Lac?)
      ( the well dressed man who has not yet after nearly four years been located)
      could be the boss of the gang that is led by José-Fernando Saraiva
      the man described as the Carpenter of Doussard?

      Do you think this means José-Fernando Saraiva does carpentry in Doussard or does it mean he resides in Doussard or is being called
      “The Carpenter of Doussard” as a criminal signature ( such as nailing people)

      Arrest of local ex-policeman
      On 18 February 2014 a 48-year-old man was arrested following the issue of an artist’s impression of a man in a motorcycle helmet. Police removed several guns from his home. The man, living in the local village of Lathuile, and said to be a weapons collector, reportedly had been dismissed from the municipal police in June 2013. It is not clear whether the investigators thought he could be involved in the killings.

      • Good In Parts

        michael norton

        Nope, not the guy seen at the first campsite.

        My guess is that the, as yet unreleased, second robot portrait is of the guy seen having an apparently heated discussion with SAH shortly after he arrived at the second campsite.

        He has apparently never been traced.

        But that is not my point, which is that someone with a guilty conscience who, post-panorama, became uncomfortably aware that les gendarmes had some avenues of investigation that they had not made public including the portrait-robots might, in their paranoia, believe that they were the one portrayed.

        They might think it was time to leave town.

          • michael norton

            I was thinking, that as the very long overdue murderers of Nicole Communal-Tournier, were finally in court that a new broom, was sweeping “stuff” out into the public gaze?

  • Pink

    @GIP Sorry I have only just seen your post yes I did, it was not vey scientific I didn’t have a bike and I didnt break the car window I figured that was just a push as it was already damaged and did not allow time to find something to do it with, I was less than 3 minutes I even allowed myself to puzzle over the imaginary wounds,it must have looked a bit barmy I hope no one was watching .

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Working away on my report for the IPCC about the massacre of the al-hillis et al.

    Seems like it was just another attempt to get back at Tehran, what stared with the botched assassination of John P.. Wheeler, III, and continued with the failed attempt to set up Saad al-Hilli as working for Iran before he was assassinated, it seems, by William Hershkovitz on September 5, 2012.

    Will post it as a new thread if CM and the mods agree.


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