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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    But shadow dancer is all IRA stuuf.! Im not sure how they say ‘agent provocateur’ in French, but it take us wary far from Upper-Savoy.
    There where reports that Sa’ad hat a Tv Dish with his caravan, butt it coud bee any thing els.

  • Tim Veater

    25 Jan, 2015 – 10:24 pm
    “Im not sure how they say ‘agent provocateur’ in French,” – now that IS funny.

  • Tim Veater

    the French, Jewish, American, Iraqi, German, Swiss, Lebanese, Swedish, English, Iranian, even Irish connections are all there as previously unravelled. Sorry if I left anyone out. “No passports were ever found” EM said, then one pops up in his jacket????
    SAH had TWO mobiles in the car. If true (?) that’s classical agent as we all know.

  • James

    Unbelievable !

    The French live where ?
    The Americans live where ?
    Germans, where do they live ?
    Lebanese, Swedish, English, Iranian, Irish ???

    So why do you “throw in” Jewish in the list of “people that come from which country” ?

    I tell you “Tim”, you are on very thin ice. And I will be there when you fall through it.

    If this forum has degenerated into some kind of “racist club”, you will be reported.

  • James

    I’ll give you a clue, before I report you (because I have had enough of this).

    Israel is a country. It’s where Israelis live.
    In your list, you meant to write “Israeli” didn’t you ?

    At least I hope you did….because you wrote “Jewish”.

  • michael norton

    How can we find out if Eric is still doing the business as far as
    “The Slaughter of the Horses” events are concerned?

  • Tim Veater

    ???”Yesterday BAC officers spotted a suspicious car during a patrol.
    So they approached to check the identity of the driver. Seeing the latter police fled. A chase is committed but it ended suddenly when the police car slipped on a patch of ice near the sports park. Balance a crashed car and 3 slightly injured agents. The suspect is still on the run him.
    Written by Quentin Lienard in Miscellaneous Facts on 26/01/2015 at 7:18″

  • James

    Jesus Tim !

    I have rattled you boat something rotten.

    But the truth of that matter is, you just haven’t got a clue.

    You think that the US has some big pact with Israel and that this “pact” forms the “New World Order” that all you guys talk about….well new news, it isn’t like that.

    All “Governments” and “Big Commerce” and “Military” (and the “sub” fiefdoms therein) are all at it for themselves. And it isn’t new. (it goes back to the Renaissance !)

    And you just can’t see it.

    But post on some forum like some “revolutionary” and you think you’ve found out the truth. Well, you haven’t. It would seem, it is far too complex for you to even grasp.

    So whilst you rant about “the Jews” taking over America….you fail to understand that it is the “real money” which holds the power. And they are beyond “country” or “religion”.

    Oh…and before you start with “the new world order” b*llsh*t, that’s for the loons.
    These people aren’t “organised” in that way at all. They are in it for there own “self”. There own “people”. Their own “crew”.

    You even believe that these “Governments” get along. They don’t. The internal power struggles are legendary. And that goes for the “Military” and “Big Commerce”.

    But the questions I would ask you are far too big for you to comprehend.

    So you rant about “Mossad” et al because it makes you sound “clever” to the “thicko”.
    (By the way, ever counted how many times the CIA rained on Mossad’s parade ? Mossad are no fans of the CIA my friend).

    But no the less…. you “pump out” what you have been “steered” to pump out. And the sad thing is….you don’t even realise you have been conned.

    Now that’s a funny thing.

  • michael norton

    Perhaps The Idiot Hollande will also disband his useless agents of the law/prosecution?

    President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has announced plans to disband Argentina’s intelligence agency,
    following the “suicide” of prosecutor Alberto Nisman – hours before he had been due to testify against senior government officials.

    He had been investigating the bombing of a Jewish centre in the capital in 1994 which left 85 people dead.

    Mr Nisman, 51, had accused several senior government figures – including President Fernandez and Foreign Minister Hector Timerman – of involvement in a plot to cover up Iran’s alleged role in the bombing.

  • michael norton

    In a “plot”
    “suicides” can be enlightening.

    Maybe that is why Eric Maillaud, Le Procureur d’Annecy
    has yet to tell the name & circumstance of the X-Legionnaire who was found dead in Ugine in his flat
    and it has been said he was romantically linked with the sister of Sylvain.
    Some think Sylvain Mollier was not collateral damage
    but was the main target, a reason for thinking this way are the large number of possibly linked deaths/suicides in the area.
    Remember Nicolas Mollier-Thomas who barrel rolled off a bridge?

  • James

    Ah Cristina ! The lawyer with no law degree
    Infact if you find a pic of it, you’ll get 10K USD.

    Still, through politics, she’s made herself a millionaire. Lucky girl.

    So the Justice Dept has stiffed her by “committing a suicide”.
    Suppose they had to keep safe.
    So now she’s getting back at them.
    They have always got to play the popularity card. Keep in the game. Await the next crisis from which to make some cash.
    And think how many paws got in on the Iran deal (I have yet to see a poor Iranian minister pulling up his chair at the negotiating table).

    You just have to love “The Layer Cake” of life.

    There are smaller Layer Cakes going on to. Like Chevaline.
    Smaller “Fallings Out” of love and money. Of honour and prestige.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Zis fred is pickingup. No more rents, no more dis-putes about were the French live, no more i-rich con-test.
    Yes sue a side can be vary in lightning. Foreign stance, what was the reason all thise peple wen top to Le Martini, if not to loose there lives? Next to the Estate, they’re where the rim-ants of a fire? Does hit wring a Belle?
    End pleas, dont con-tinue two blame any-one for Miss Spelling. Hi dont even no woo she is, butt letter rispond fore hersellf.
    Weave al the tallent they’re is ear, im shure the Chevaline case (slaughter of the horses) Will bee solved an he timesoon.
    End hit want be fangs to Eric, be cause his a reel French-man, a rogue-ant butt incapable!

  • Tim Veater

    “The mysterious death of Alberto Nisman, the Argentine Public Prosecutor who was investigating the 1994 AMIA Jewish Mutual building terror bombing in Buenos Aires, raises questions. Accumulating evidence suggests the bombing may have been a Mossad false flag operation to implicate Iran and Nisman has been murdered to disourage further revelations.

    AMIA Argentina attack: Mystery behind public prosecutor Nisman’s death by Adrian Salbuchi

    The West’s global war on terrorism certainly kicked off in 2015 with a bang.High-profile events, charged with “unexplained and unexplainable” circumstances, began January 7 with the “Charlie Hebdo Event” in Paris.

    Eleven days later, Alberto Nisman, Argentine Public Prosecutor in the case of the 1994 AMIA Jewish Mutual building terror bombing in Buenos Aires was found dead, just as he was about to make public “high-power evidence” against Argentina’s President Cristina Kirchner and her Foreign Minister Hector Timerman for allegedly covering up Iran’s role in the attack.

    This comes on the back of the US court ruling against Argentina in its dispute with vulture funds and in the run up to the presidential election this year.”

    To find out more about the Critical Thinking project go to

  • Tim Veater

    27 Jan, 2015 – 12:06 pm
    “Weave al the tallent they’re is ear, im shure the Chevaline case (slaughter of the horses) Will bee solved an he timesoon.”

    Had we had access to all the evidence and resources of (at least) two European States I think the question would be beyond doubt. In admitting “this was the perfect crime” EM is also holding up his country and justice system to ridicule, yet the fact there has been no criticism of him, let alone suggestion he be replaced PROVES he has backing to the top of the system. It means he is doing precisely what his political masters expect of him. If he wasn’t you can be sure you wouldn’t see him for dust apros pos Petraeus in the States or now the whole intelligence top brass in Argentina (apparently).

  • James

    Where do they have all their private meetings Timothy ?
    Is there like a special office “end of year” party they have ?
    Do they have to wear blind folds ans stuff so they can’t see each other ?

    …and no “proof” whatsoever.

    He screams “Aaarr, no proof IS the proof….it’s all Mossad”

    Tin ….. Foil …..Hat !

  • James

    Nisman accuses Kirchner of ordering Foreign Minister Timerman (and others) to negotiate immunity for Iranian suspects in exchange for allowing Argentina to import Iranian oil.

    Nisman had asked the Judge (a Judge) to freeze $23 million of assets belonging to Kirchner (and the others) named in his complaint.

    It turns out Nisman inadvertently began uncovering evidence of this Kirchner/Iranian oil plot during the investigation of the 1994 AMIA bombing.

    Nisman’s evidence led to the indictment of Carlos Menem (The President at the time of the bombing). He was accused Menem of tampering with evidence that implicated a Syrian businessman.

    The Judge who was leading the AMIA bombing investigation, attacked Nisman over procedural issues (namely that Nisman shouldn’t be investigating Menem).

    Here’s the kicker…..

    Kirchner, who is trying to do a deal with Iran for oil, was challenged in the Argentine Court over her Iranian deals, she “pulls” the Judicial Investigation into the ’94 bombing, thus years of legitimate judicial enquiries goes up in smoke.

    And so this leads to Nisman’s two year investigation into “what was going on” (this included wiretaps etc), which led him to Menem’s original “botch job”.

    The business of “Politics” Vs “Judiciary” Vs “Corporate Business”.

    Tehran in the meantime, pulled out of the deal. It was getting far to complicated with the in fighting in Argentina.

    Still think it’s the New World Order Tim ????

  • James


    Do yoy think it’s Tim’s “Tinfoil hat” b*llsh*t

    “Accumulating evidence suggests the bombing may have been a Mossad false flag operation to implicate Iran and Nisman has been murdered to disourage further revelations”

    Or the actual facts….

    The original Judicial Investigation (eventually after delays) linked the Iranian terrorists to the bombing, which was undisputed in the Argentine Court.

    Kirchner pulls the above investigation, as it links her to what she’s been up to. She has been trying to prove the opposite of what the Court findings were.

    This leads to an investigation into her dealings and her use of the Foreign Minister.
    Which uncovers “Christ knows what money deals”.

    Which subsequently leads to Menem, who was likely get perks from the Syrian businessman.

    I think you’ll find the facts win in this case

  • Tim Veater

    We have now had, in the space of a couple of years (at least) two incidents that shout black arts and clandestine activity involving elements of national security and foreign policy objectives. Chevaline and now Charlie Hebdo have many points in common. Indeed one could almost say they are two sides of the same coin. Both present cases of savagery that mark them out and guaranteed to get wide coverage and universal “shock/horror” response. They both involve issues surrounding relationships to Muslims and Jews and their respective home states. But importantly they both show evidence of manipulation and falsehood for ulterior motives. However there are also contrasts that signify different objectives.

    In the former the alleged rationale and gunmen are advertised from the very beginning. This besides an act of terrorism is clearly an attack by Muslims targeting very specifically Jews and “Free Speech”. Of course how the security services were able so quickly to identify the individuals responsible, yet at the same time claiming ignorance of their activities, is deeply suspicious and hardly credible. It turns apparently on the laughable suggestion of one of them helpfully leaving his identity card behind in the second escape car.

    Then we have the Boston style mobilisation and “lock-down” leading to a dramatic car chase (pure Hollywood) and “successful” but inexplicable “shoot to kill” policy, announced as the intention to “neutralise” the suspects prior to knowing the precise circumstances requiring it.

    Contrast this to Chevaline where the almost exact opposite in method and outcome is apparent. In this case despite being on the scene almost immediately there is no identifiable escape car, no abandoned car ever, no traced car ever, no chase and of course no confrontation with the suspected gunmen. Rather than advertising suspects and victims secrecy surrounds both. There is little evidence of “mobilisation” or “lock-down”, indeed there is an almost casual “everything as normal” approach to local security, almost as if (!) the authorities know, no further danger is present.

    In the former case everything is out there, the criminals are swiftly and precipitously dealt with, with little or no need for forensics or evidence. In the latter even after over two years, silence, secrecy and despite all the wonders of modern criminology, nothing of significance to report, with either confused or bungled forensics throughout.

    There is however one common and compelling factor to both incidents and that is both undoubtedly reveal what can only be described as intentional false information being issued by the State. This is crucial to understanding the underlying reason for both events, even if it unable to identify specific persons or organisations behind them. As soon as State organs lie or misinform you can be sure the situation is not as straightforward as they wish you to believe – in the former case that this was offended Muslims seeking revenge on western free expression, or in the latter a criminal act lacking purpose that just happened to accidentally involve a passing local cyclist in the cross fire.

    It was statement regarding the initial call that alerted me to what could not be made to fit the timeline, and which has never been subsequently explained, despite unlimited opportunity to do so, that alerted me to official mischief. This was compounded by many more as we have discussed at length. The case for misinformation and cover-up is in my book, proved beyond doubt. Nor despite two anniversary “press conferences” has the opportunity for clear and precise description been seized.

    Now in the CH case there is also evidence of official malfeasance, yet the reaction by european and world leaders proves this cannot be an isolated event, but carried out with the knowledge and approval of the rest. “Rest” not including rather obviously the BRIC or Muslim countries which rather says a lot. Clearly this cannot be viewed as a little local affair, nor I suggest Chevaline either, involving of necessity the same state organs.

    There are many suspicious aspects of the Hebdo attack that mirror others such a Sydney and Boston (the para military response, the television coverage, the orchestrated public response including available printed slogans in their thousands, the immediate availability of video that went viral, domestic and foreign policy decisions in the legislature on the back of it etc) but facts that clinch one way or another this was a state orchestrated event relates to inconsistencies that can be proved. As with Chevaline, it is photographic and video evidence that proves the lie.

  • Tim Veater

    So in the case of Hebdo we have in particular three sets of photographic or video evidence that were immediately circulated on the internet suggesting either amazing preparedness or luck. More importantly all of them show either manipulation of falsehood that cannot be reconciled with more or different sources.

    It is now clear that the video from the roof of the Allee Verte building has been edited to remove a posse of uniformed personnel advancing down it. It also has raised other issues relating to others on the roof wearing bullet proof vests etc.

    The second video alleging to depict the Muslim policeman as previously enumerated cannot be taken seriously nor really the smiling claimed girlfriend at the subsequent press conference.

    The third photo shoot of the alleged abandoned car cannot be reconciled with the subsequent press photos of the police all over it prior to removal. As has been logically and unemotionally proved here using the photographs and Google Earth street view …. the locations though in the same street are literally YARDS apart.

    As soon as lies of this nature and importance are proved, nothing in the official version can be taken at face value.

    So to conclude, I believe the two events are linked and both evidence official misinformation and choreography but for diametrically opposite reasons and purposes. In the case of Hebdo this was a public psycho-op to influence public opinion against Islamist and “ISIS” world view and for greater state intervention and repression against them and colaterally the French population although this is kept carefully hidden. In the case of Chevaline the objective is opposite but related: to HIDE the facts and to neutralise identified individuals with probable Muslim State or historical terror links essentially against Jews or the Jewish state of Israel. In both cases the people doing the killing show incontrovertible evidence of military training. Who the people were firing the guns is not at all clear but in both cases it is highly likely they have received official protection whilst others have been blamed. Oh just one other common factor: the hero. Every such event has to have one. In Chevaline it was of course (before even the full facts were known) BWM; in Hebdo we had at least two – Lilian Lepere and Lassana Bathily who rather conveniently came from Mali (comments passim). Not to mention the need for the “sacrificial lamb” the significance surely does not need to be explained, always appears as well from Kennedy’s assassination (the policeman, ditto Boston, ditto Hebdo plus others including son of leading Jewish N African cleric).

    Same murky coterie of people ready to kill to secure the strategic objective in which one way or another a variety of Western states are implicated.

  • michael norton

    Quote Le Dauphine Libre

    “The body of a man was found dead yesterday around 16 hours in a car parked near the cemetery of the Côtes-d’Arey. Rescue and police were alerted. According to preliminary investigations, it would be the body of this man, aged 40 and remaining Assieu, which had given no sign of life since Thursday. Disappearance reported to police Sunday night. Prosecutors in Vienna opened a research investigation of the causes of death. An autopsy will be conducted Wednesday.”

    Now this probably isn’t funny because note how they advertise they are going to do an autopsy.

    Did they advertise they were going to do an autopsie on Sylvain Mollier?

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