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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    Eye think the French me he was obviously dead.

    But my point is, see how easy it is for them to anounce an autopsy will be held tomorrow.

    Did they do that with Sylvain?
    Did they do that with the X-Legionnaire?
    Did they do that with Nicolas Mollier Thomas?

    and so on.

  • James

    Classic Tim !

    Tim, click on that video. Then click the “more” box to get the information !

    Basically the guy that made the video… He’s got you good.
    He’s did fake analysis to catch you nutters out.

    In his own words (and it’s there for you to read)…..

    Disclaimer: This video does not prove that this photo was staged. No proof whatsoever. I simply made a video with a convincing story, pulling your eyes to what I wanted you to see when actually the truth is in the photos. All you have to do is look at where the black posts with the white tops are to know that the car is positioned in the same location as the top view of the abandoned car.

    I didn’t do this to be mean. I did it as an experiment for me and for you the viewer. I am by all means a truth seeker but I wanted to know where the rest of the truth seeker community stood when evaluating information found on the internet.

    I just simply wanted to point out that some conspiracies are simply not true. The fact that I used real, unaltered photos to mislead you simply proves that when a human being has its mind set on what they feel is the truth, no amount of evidence that disproves it without a doubt is strong enough to change the current mind set and view of the believer. A believer is going to see what they want to see even if it isn’t actually there. It’s not your fault, it is simple mechanics as to how our minds work. One must learn to shut off that portion of the mind and look at things from a scientific and analytical view point. Turn the belief portion of your mind off.

    Don’t hate me guys, this is just one of the steps you need to take if you are ever going to find the truth. Keep your minds open, analyze everything and do not take someone’s word for it—– JourneyToTheTruthandTotalRandomness

  • James


    “May bee you shoud read the dis-claimer that is posted with zis vidio. Its inn plane inglich!”

    It’s hilarious. Tim didn’t read the box ! The man is a fool. He’s an ape ! LOL

  • michael norton

    The Côtes-d’Arey
    is immediately South of Lyon.
    Maybe, just in case we should keep a weather eye on this suspicious 40 year old dead man in a car.

    “Les Côtes-d’Arey : macabre découverte dans une voiture”

    “Le corps d’un homme sans vie a été retrouvé, hier vers 16 heures, dans une voiture stationnée à proximité du cimetière des Côtes-d’Arey. Les secours et les gendarmes ont été alertés. Selon les premières investigations, il s’agirait du corps de cet homme, âgé de 40 ans et demeurant Assieu, qui n’avait plus donné signé de vie depuis jeudi. Une disparition signalée aux forces de l’ordre ce dimanche soir. Le parquet de Vienne a ouvert une enquête en recherche des causes de la mort. Une autopsie sera réalisée mercredi.!

    Autopsy tomorrow

  • michael norton

    When Le Dauphine Libre says
    “Les secours et les gendarmes ont été alertés.”

    Could they mean

    Groupes d’Intervention de la Police Nationale

    The terror police?

  • Tim Veater

    27 Jan, 2015 – 4:05 pm thanks for the advice too late for me I’m afraid but appreciated all the same.

    Well a godsend for a certain person here. looks like I have to eat humble pie on that one claim on Ponte de Pantin. Closer inspection does indeed reveal the two white topped bollards beyond the car which means it must be this side of the junction and not the other as claimed by that prat and me for taking it at face value. However it doesn’t of itself negate other objections to the photographic record. Indeed as we saw in Chevaline it is yet another example of muddying the waters so approved of by mercenaries. Perhaps people would like to take a look at this one to see if the points made are genuine?

    Someone else made the point that Merabet, a Muslim was 42, the video is 42 seconds long to which I add 42 years since that Munich event referred to before. All coincidental of course.

  • James

    Too late Tim….. You look a dick !

    At least Michael and NotForgettingFrenchBashing actual make relevant points.

    You know yourself you talk shit.

    And everyone can now see it.

  • James

    No Quarter Asked, No Quarter Given.

    Or better put….
    When you spot a “blaggard”, make sure you show them as the lying sh*t they are.

  • James

    No Tim. Goethe said “Behaviour is the mirror in which everyone shows their image”

    Why do you do what you do (…and do it badly) ?

    You have been shown to be a “loon” (yet again, fact beat lies).
    Give it up. Go home. And post your racism somewhere else.

  • Tim Veater

    The composite James with the multiple personality? Only a handful of contributions in the last four pages. Then you crop up with some Foreign Office type assessment of Argentina @ James 27 Jan, 2015 – 1:21 pm. It’s intelligent and reasoned and quite polite. James 27 Jan, 2015 – 12:48 am is another one, analytical and fairly objective regarding CIA/Mossad and other Israeli/US stuff, although you make the mistake of attributing “New World Order Bullshit” to me which I have NEVER supported here. Why would you do that and why the sensitivity to writing “bullshit” in full when you show a complete absence of embarrassment elsewhere in your abusive rants? I have always thought there was more than one person behind that type-writer of yours.

    The reasoning “James” contrasts with this one :-

    James 9 Jan, 2015 – 4:37 pm “Result ! Well done the French. Hope they died a really bad death (but likely brief). Fingers crossed all hostages are safe. Maybe they’ll drag there bodies through the streets…. like they do in the Yemen.”

    Note the inability to differentiate between “there” and “their” always a give away.

    Then able to quote Goethe ? How do YOU pronounce it btw? All very strange.

    27 Jan, 2015 – 10:57 pm “No Tim. Goethe said “Behaviour is the mirror in which everyone shows their image”

    Then all the examples of gloating offensiveness typical of the violent bully, invariably ultra sensitive to assumed insult; insensitive to the feelings of others.

    “Why do you do what you do (…and do it badly) ? You have been shown to be a “loon” (yet again, fact beat lies). Give it up. Go home. And post your racism somewhere else.”

    “Even more proof…that you’re a fool.
    And from your very own hand !”

    This “It’s hilarious. Tim didn’t read the box ! The man is a fool. He’s an ape ! LOL “ and

    “Too late Tim….. You look a dick ! At least Michael and NotForgettingFrenchBashing actual make relevant points. You know yourself you talk shit. And everyone can now see it.” and

    “42… and 42 ….and 42 ! You have a theory based on “random numbers” !!!!!!
    D + I + C + K = DICK !” and this “No Quarter Asked, No Quarter Given.” and

    “Or better put…. When you spot a “blaggard”, make sure you show them as the lying sh*t they are.”

    plus thinly veiled threats (we went through all that back at the beginning)

    all far more indicative of “blaggard” I would say.

    “Methinks you protest too much” Either that or you must be an obsessive/compulsive personality type who for some inscrutable reason has fixated on me and the one mistake you have found to hang a thousand insults on. Poor old you.

  • James

    Actually, sat on standby.

    So when I find a blatant racist, I like to point “this is a racist”.

    Not “one mistake” Timothy. You have made many. So I’ll point them out continuously.

    Carry on old boy…. I’ll be here Xx

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Goethe all my tea! Just stop hit! Oui dunt care whose i-rich, germ on, ore naught, has lang has your naught French! Hi kip my doubts a bout michael bee cuz is inglish sims two gud for an i-rich mann.
    The slaughter of the horses his steal wet in, butt note fore lung!

  • michael norton

    La déconstruction de Superphénix avance

    Lors de la cérémonie des vœux, Véronique Bouilly, la directrice du site nucléaire de Creys-Malville, a fièrement annoncé que 55 % de la déconstruction avaient été accomplis en cette fin d’année 2014.

    Il est vrai que de l’extérieur, l’imposant bâtiment réacteur, toujours en place comme immuable, masque ce qui se passe à l’intérieur.

    Mais l’exposé offert par Véronique Bouilly, photos à l’appui, est revenu sur les étapes cruciales qui se sont déroulées dans ces murs l’an dernier, et pour lesquels des prouesses technologiques ont été réalisées. Ce fut le cas notamment, pour achever la vidange du sodium de la cuve du réacteur. Un robot laser a été utilisé, avec succès, pour percer des tuyauteries. Une première mondiale dans un environnement radioactif qui a permis de récupérer les 450 litres de sodium restant. Aujourd’hui, la cuve est donc totalement débarrassée de cet élément chimique. En tout, elle contenait 5 900 tonnes de sodium qui ont toutes été récupérées pour être transformées en soude par une machine appelée “TNA”. Le résultat, ce sont 38 000 blocs d’un béton inerte, entreposés dans une installation nucléaire construite à cet effet.

    À Superphénix, 2015 sera une année charnière pour préparer la mise en eau de la cuve et procéder à la découpe du matériel encore présent. De l’extérieur, la déconstruction deviendra visible avec notamment le démantèlement des éléments électromécaniques de l’ancienne station de pompage.

    En matière de sûreté, des clôtures supplémentaires vont être installées pour renforcer la protection du site. La directrice a rappelé que l’an dernier, la centrale a déposé six plaintes pour des survols de drones.

    Même en déconstruction – la fin des travaux est planifiée pour 2028 – le site de Creys-Malville crée des emplois. 90 salariés d’EDF et 300 prestataires y ont travaillé l’an dernier. Le site a embauché 8 agents EDF pour pallier les départs en retraite et a recruté quatre apprentis.

  • michael norton

    Rocket attack

    Against a background of ongoing protest and low-level sabotage, on the night of January 18, 1982 an RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade attack was launched against the unfinished plant. Five rockets were fired across the Rhône at the incomplete containment building. Two rockets hit and caused minor damage to the reinforced concrete outer shell, missing the reactor’s empty core. Initially there were no claims of responsibility.[6]

    On May 8, 2003, Chaïm Nissim, who in 1985 was elected to the Geneva cantonal government for the Swiss Green Party, eventually admitted carrying out the attack. He claimed that the weapons were obtained from Carlos the Jackal via the Belgian terrorist organisation Cellules Communistes Combattantes (Communist Combatant Cells)

  • michael norton

    Looks like the arse is dropping out of the French Nuclear Industry.

    although this site is just in Isere ( on West bank of the Rhone)
    it is bordering with Savoie.

    The Brave New World
    is crumbling.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Ze French nuclear lobe-he!
    Hit makes me go ballistic!
    To sink that bilding coud suff-her dame age in 1982, hand no body ever maid ze reap hers! Hit tails yousome fing.
    End France is border-in weave Haute-Savoie.

  • James

    @Good In Part

    I could write a whole thesis on that….
    (or as Tim would say, “me and my Caesarea comrades could” !)

    And it would start around about the American 2nd War of Independence
    (the German mercenaries and the finance of those…and the reason).

    It would also include the Bolshevik risings….and the finance there of.

    I would even go back to the politics of the Renaissance. The finance and deals between the Corporates and the Guilds….and the trade off’s made with declining European powers.

    It’s very “boring” stuff. But it gives a hell of an overview to current times.

    Good article. Thanks for posting it.

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