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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James

    BUT …. I will be clear.

    Tim (and the late lamented “Jorgen”) fell their have “the rules”. And that is okay.

    I will play by their rules then also.
    And that is “there are no rules at all”.

    So…..when I go into bat, I will use all my energy to “hit that ball”, No holds barred.
    Like “Jorgen” said…. “I’m an Northern Irish Jew”.

    And like I say… “I know where you live you Hate Crime Jew hating bastard”.
    And “my tech” proved that,

    Guess who won ?

    Tim… be aware. I hate racists.

    So “play nice”. Or…… I won’t.

  • James

    “Allah provides….” he said

    They asked “you became more Islamic after you received your free education”

    And Tim thinks Mossad is “way out there” !

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    U guys are just the same, exactly the same, with different descents and history, but equally prone to racial slurs or personal attacks. Go ahead. The thread is yours. Those who abandon it don’t miss a thing. Except an opportunity for French bashing. But I guess it’s less fun than the everlasting anti-semitism or the new anti-muslims deviant thoughts.
    The al-hillis died even though they were probably just collateral victims. And who cares? No-one here, except for Craig in his initial post over two years ago. So sad.

  • Tim Veater

    29 Jan, 2015 – 10:08 am sorry but that really is a load of rubbish. I have from the beginning been concerned about the circumstances of Chevaline and the people involved. I am on early record drawing attention to the many inconsistencies and misinformation that have subsequently been confirmed by leaked information. The problem with these events (as with the Charlie Hebdo incident) is limited information and the reliability of the sources. The circumstances of the event may shout a con, but it is quite another matter to prove it. Sometimes analysis and the conclusions drawn from it can be quite wrong (as with that getaway car!) but that does not mean all criticism is negated. There is something very suspect about those who make generalities from particulars and we must all guard against those potential pitfalls. However it is now proven fact (Gladio et al) that governments, including western governments inspire and carry out terrorist incidents, purely to blame the other side. It is also fact that governments are deeply involved in assassination so these things do not need to be proved. In the case of Israel Operation Wrath of God that went on until at LEAST the mid-90’s is an accepted FACT even by Israel itself. This is NOT anti-Semitism which has been erroneously and illegally levied against me, it is objective criticism of state terrorism. I am equally critical of elements of British and American policy as indeed I am of Muslim countries when they act inhumanely. “Anti-Semitic” is an oft used and cheap jibe intended to stifle rational debate. I am no more anti-Jew than I am anti-American but I am definitely against intentionally bombing civilians under the cover of a civilian plane crash, or killing people with drones whether they are guilty of any offence or not. Nor can any reasonable person support the alleged actions of Muslim extremists including so-called ISIS but only a fool could ignore the way these groups have been inflamed, trained, led and financed by western interests, to see how convoluted and corrupt the whole process has become. Finally I try to ignore the sustained and unjustified insults and slurs from a certain quarter on here. I almost regard them as a badge of honour and proof that there must have been an element of truth in what I have said. I believe if you had received the sort of sustained and personal invective, you too might have been prompted to reply. Most on here, with a couple of notable exceptions, keep to the topics in hand. The exceptions prove the rule that when you loose the argument you attack the person.

  • Tim Veater

    Incidentally I can’t help noticing how your spelling markedly improved on that last one NotForgettingFrenchBashing
    29 Jan, 2015 – 10:08 am!
    What could be the explanation? I hope you arn’t loosing your sense of humour – LOL

  • Tim Veater

    At the beginning we had many contributors here. Sadly they have gradually seeped away although of course we do not know how many still pop in to view. This is a natural consequence of time and interest flagging. It begs the question why DO some remain? I for my part I left the blog for a long time and went elsewhere, returning only comparatively recently. Strange how some icons seemed to pop up again also. I do it partly to pass the time but also because I believe it would be a travesty of justice to allow the incident and its implications to be forgotten, partly because clearly that is what both the French and British governments would prefer. As I have always suggested, the case raises far wider questions than just the brutal murder of four people. It is also a test of the robustness and reliability of our judicial systems and government integrity. Charlie Hebdo is living (or dying) proof of the issues at stake, which again go much further than Paris. Ukraine is currently the focus of a new Cold War, as much in propaganda and manipulation as it is in weaponry and destruction. Thousands killed and hundreds of thousands misplaced by essentially western backed bombardment of civilian areas (again) under the cover of a wholly imbalanced and biased news media (I have just watched the BBC 1 o’clock news from which you would have thought the called “separatists” had bombed themselves!) Hollande did an unscheduled stop off to see Putin in December to suggest ways to resolve the Ukraine situation and to warn him of a false flag event apparently.
    “High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights.

    Mr Putin said Mr Hollande’s brief stop on his flight home from Kazakhstan had been agreed at the G20 summit in Brisbane last month. The Russian president had left that meeting early after western leaders including German chancellor Angela Merkel publicly criticised him over his support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine and pressured him to change his stance.”

    Instead an event occurs on his own doorstep. Things just happen when you step out of line. In America in an unprecedented move Netanyahu is to speak to Congress widely assumed to undermine Obama’s attempts to negotiate with Iran, whilst passing new measures to militarise the Ukraine. Then France recognises the Palestinian State and votes in favour of it joining the International Criminal Court from which may flow War Crime indictments

    The writing was on the wall six months ago. A ten billion dollar fine????? (See below) France has fallen out with BOTH America AND Israel, the Siamese twins of plots and plans. Some argue all this is irrelevant to Chevaline and Charlie Hebdo. I respectfully wish to differ in that opinion.

    “Hello to you. There is fury in France tonight. Banking officials there are lashing out at their US counterparts, and it’s threatening to spark a diplomatic row. There’s anger over a proposed fine by American authorities against the French banking giant BNP Paribas. Tonight, the former president of the European Central Bank tells me the punishment would be extraordinarily dangerous.

    The United States is investigating BNP Paribas for violating sanctions by doing business with Sudan, Iran, and Syria. The bank is facing a $10 billion fine, the largest criminal penalty ever given by the US — United States.

    Now, BNP Paribas could be prevented from moving millions — or millions of dollars, or dollars, whatever it’s got, in and out of the United States. Now, French officials say the fallout could hurt the French economy and could impact trade talks between the US and the European Union.

    French foreign minister Laurent Fabius is calling the punishment “unreasonable, unfair, and extremely serious problem.”

  • Tim Veater

    It is impossible to over-estimate these world developments as it runs the risk of propelling us into another military confrontation with Russia (beyond the current one) that can easily be seen to proliferate to Iran and even China. The nuclear weapons are still as real as at Cuba fifty years ago, and the MAD (mutually assured destruction) still as valid. However just in case the West thinks Russia wouldn’t risk using them it has tactfully reminded Europe particularly, it now has the most non-nuclear bomb in existence. Pull the bears tail at your peril Putin is saying.

    “In describing the bomb’s destructive power, Russian deputy chief of the general staff Alexander Rukshin was quoted as saying, “all that is alive merely evaporates.”[1] The bomb is reportedly four times as powerful as the US military’s GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb (whose official military acronym “MOAB” is often colloquially called the “Mother of All Bombs” as a backronym).”

    “Also known as the vacuum bomb, it uses a fuel-air explosive more powerful than TNT.

    “It allows us to reduce accuracy requirements, which makes it cheaper. But it’s still a quality modern weapon,” said Yury Batylko, a head of Department at the Defence Ministry Research Institute.

    The bomb explodes in mid-air and its destructive power comes from extremely high temperatures and aftershocks, which incinerate everything nearby.

    Powerful fuel-air bombs scorch the earth over a wide area, leaving it looking like the surface of the moon. “

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Two lit all two let.
    Sore he sur, no body we’ll teck zis sur yours lee.
    About the spelling, I’m just trying to adjust to others on this thread, but it’s not enough.
    About the rest, people like you and James make a perfect match, in terms of bigotry.
    About the Al-Hillis, I doubt they would acknowledge your alleged concern, and probably not Sylvain Mollier either.
    About French bashing, you never complained.
    Have fun!

  • Tim Veater

    I certainly try not to be “bigoted” NotForgettingFrenchBashing
    29 Jan, 2015 – 3:44 pm. What I try to be is reasonable and logical and keep out of personal attacks and insults on here but when they are continuous, even a worm (such as I) turns. Why would someone want to be personally insulting and/or threatening but this is nothing new? It has happened ever since this person has appeared. I can only conclude it is harassment intended to stop me contributing to the thread. Indeed I have done so in the past. However you have lost me when you come to the “French bashing” bit. If you mean my criticism of both the French and British investigation, and perhaps I should rewrite that to say the French and British investigation “that they have made public”, how could anyone not be critical? Not even after two and a half years have they even provided a convincing narrative of events. How can you explain allowing everyone in to contaminate the murder scene before declaring the forensics on-going. Lying (as proved by the elicit leaked photos) as to the location of the shooting. And many other examples of truth for the wrong reasons or duplicity for the right ones? And there is nothing to brag about on the British side just silence. I differentiate between the apparent investigation and the real one because I am quite sure both sides of the channel must know what happened and who did it. Consequently that the statement by EM that they have no idea (not specifically replicated by the British side) must surely be less than honest? I am not in a position to judge EM as I have no idea to what extent he is “in the loop” or subject to higher authority and direction. As far as the victims are concerned I cannot claim any more than the feelings of empathy common to all human beings particularly as it touches upon the fate and loss of two young children, to whom the approach of the British authorities was as troubling as it was suspicious. Clearly from whatever quarter the threat emanated, the British authorities were convinced that it remained even back in Britain. That alone says a lot about the true nature of it. Why you write in that faux English – well that truly is inexplicable.

  • Tim Veater

    Whilst on the topic of alleged “French bashing” let us return just for the moment to the murder scene on the 5th September, 2012 and specifically the circumstances surrounding the discovery and rescue of four year old Zaina. Huffington post had this on the 9/9/2012:

    “A four-year-old girl who hid under the corpse of her dead mother following a gun attack in the French Alps has returned to Britain, Sky News has reported. Zaina al-Hilli lay undiscovered for eight hours after the attack. Her aunt and uncle are thought to have accompanied her back to Britain, after travelling to the area in the wake of the shootings, reported AFP.”

    The Ibiza Sun had this “There was shock and speculation last week when a young child was found, in a car, having survived a brutal gun attack which killed her parents in the southeastern French Alps. Four-year-old Zaina al Hilli was discovered cowering under the body of her dead mother, Iqbal.”

    In the same report it states Police officer Benoit Vinneman told reporters that the crime scene was being re-examined, and that it would be wrong to focus on the theory of an “ordered execution”. “Is this the work of a crazy person? Was the family the real target? Only work based on complete information can help us to see things clearly.”

    Take a look at this video reconstruction apparently published 19 February 2014 that I haven’t come across before nor its publisher with apparently is a collaboration with Reuters so ostensibly fairly reliable you might think. It’s made by “Next Media Animation. News Direct” “3D ANIMATED
    Partnering with Reuters, the world’s largest multimedia news agency, to visually enhance your breaking news stories and in-depth features.”

    You will immediately notice there are some rather startling divergences from the official story line whilst replicating disproved ones. How could this happen a full 18 months after the event? Surely after this passage of time they (meaning Reuters that has a reputation to protect) wouldn’t have simply guessed? NB. This was AFTER the elicit crime scene photos had been published.

    First change, the shooter comes from the bottom of the lay-by NOT the top as EM/police had stated.

    Second change, they suggest the motor cyclist does the shooting and that his bike is behind him facing up hill as if he has just arrived. This clashes with the forester’s testimony that when he drove down he passed (the?) motor cyclist turning into the park

    Third change, or perhaps more correctly, replicating early reports, locating Zainab and SM’s bodies to the front right of the car. This is specifically contradicted by the photograph of the dead body of Sylvain, substantiated by blood stains. If the animation is accurate his body had to be moved to its new location before it had the chance to bleed where it fell. WBM admitted he moved the body. If so it would have to have been immediately after the shooting.

    Third change, note there is no mention now of a wide reverse sweep from the top of the lay by whilst under fire. This was a crucial element of the French interpretation that I for one strenuously argued against. If this animation is accurate, it dispenses with it completely and suggests as I argued at the time, only a straight reverse happened.

    Fourth change, it shows the motor cyclist passing WBM but note in completely the OPPOSITE direction, as WBM is shown approaching the car on his RIGHT hand side which could only be achieved if he was cycling down hill. This is such an obvious error does it reflect the truth or was it introduced to confuse or just as a result of incompetence on the part of the animator?

    Fifth change, it places SM to the right of the car. Apart from an obvious question why he would be there if a total stranger, it clashes with the photographic record insofar as his bike was at the OPPOSITE end of the lay-by. Would the investigators have moved it so far away even if they had moved it? This at a crime scene where they were careful to disturb nothing?

    Sixth change, two forestry workers are now shown STANDING with no sign of a vehicle. The motor cyclist goes past them, presumably leaving the seen, shown going DOWN hill. This would place them BELOW the crime scene not above as previously stated, which introduces many more problems such as EVERYONE presumably must have passed them both up and down. There is no reasonable explanation for this. Also note prominently displayed, the forester has what appears a short wave radio or at least mobile phone. If indeed there were standing below why have we not heard their input?

    Seventh change, there is absolutely no mention of the BMW x5 that the British police reported going up at the exact time or of passing WBM in his version of events. Why have they written it out of the script?

    Eighth change/inaccuracy, it says the photo-fit was produced “after the event”. This in no way conveys the inexplicable fact that this was over a YEAR later and only because of the previously hidden involvement of TWO forestry teams in vehicles revealed by a Panorama programme!

    An 18 Feb arrest is depicted as if the crime has been solved. Misleading to say the least.

    Perhaps the only thing we can draw from this is that “Next Media Animation” and by extension Reuters, is not very reliable. Alternatively if accurate it raises fundamental questions about the official narrative.

    Now take another look

  • Tim Veater

    Now here is an image of the crime scene I have NEVER seen before!

    It appears to have been taken at night and shows the car in situ, virtually all bullet casement locations marked and what appears to be the outline of a recumbant body wich we must assume is SM. It’s a very revealing crime scene photo graph apparently posted over a year ago on you tube (5.1.2014) yet not referred to by EM as far as I am aware. Fifteen bullets are identified which ties in with EM initial report before discovering an extra 9(?) It appears genuine. Again I would point out the position of SM which differs diametrically from the animation just discussed. Evidence of further flash (photographs?) can be seen so this is a video clip rather than a photograph it would appear. It confirms yet again the shooting took place at the bottom of the lay by not the top. (When in the French chat room several attacked me for suggesting this contrary to the official version put out by the police that they must have known was inaccurate)

    It is one of a series of ten apparently. Sadly for my the principal language is French with no sub titles so if any of you French speakers haven’t seen it, you might like to. About one hour forty in all I guess.

  • Pink

    I am still watching and people do care there is little anyone can do about any of it ,we are not in a position to solve this crime that’s the job of the police all we can do is hope they are doing something.
    After all of the effort to turn up information that has gone on here and other sites I should think just about every angle has been covered so what exactly to you bring to the table that might help because if you have something then spit it out I ran out of ideas a long time ago so not much hope from this quarter .

    29 Jan, 2015 – 10:08 am
    U guys are just the same, exactly the same, with different descents and history, but equally prone to racial slurs or personal attacks. Go ahead. The thread is yours. Those who abandon it don’t miss a thing. Except an opportunity for French bashing. But I guess it’s less fun than the everlasting anti-semitism or the new anti-muslims deviant thoughts.
    The al-hillis died even though they were probably just collateral victims. And who cares? No-one here, except for Craig in his initial post over two years ago. So sad.

  • michael norton

    One of the most important slices of knowledge
    could be the autopsies of the murdered four adults.

    Presumably “The French” did autopsy each corpse.
    Presumably “They” recovered each “Ball” and each case.
    Presumably the persons doing the autopsies know how many bullets were fired into each person and how many weapons were used in the “Operation”.

    But, perhaps “The French” had a different autopsy team do each corpse

    so compartmentalising the knowledge?

  • michael norton

    French still out of “Normal”
    or is pandemonia the new normal for France?

    Quote Daily Mail
    “Paris was gripped by travel chaos again today as train drivers went on strike following a vicious, unprovoked assault on one of their colleagues.

    Commuters were dangerously crammed into stations and trains as they desperately tried to get into work and then home, causing pandemonium across the French capital.

    Frustrated workers took to social media to reveal the scenes as the city’s public transport system struggled to cope with the millions of extra stranded people.

    Commuters were seen walking up central panels of escalators in desperate attempts to keep out of the crush, while other pictures revealed crowds at a complete standstill.”

    Their country is falling apart.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    MN, thanks for nurturing me. With such a talented follower, i know i can leave with the best heritage.
    And don’t forget: T. Veater and pseuso-James are your best friends.
    Yes, the French are guilty for everything, ever since the Red Sea parted.
    I wouldn’t like to be there the next time the country of liberte-egalite-fraternite gets invaded.
    Good luck

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    What’s falling apart isn’t any country mentioned above, it is this thread / blog for reasons clear to anyone sensible. Like a dead duck, it keeps going for a while. But there’s no foie gras in this case.
    “What a silly remark” “All this rubbish”. You were looking at yourself, big guy, and you should learn proper English before you wonder why someone would elect to post in ‘faux English’.
    Not to mention that your scoops are old chestnuts.
    Don’t worry, be happy!

  • michael norton

    Annecy shootings : Slaughter of the Horses
    Quote Eric Maillaud, Le Procureur d’Annecy “The cyclist was there by chance”
    Tuesday, December 18, 2012 6:54

    I wonder if Eric still holds that position?

  • Tim Veater

    Pink – even at this late stage those two You tube clips were new to me and confirm or challenge salient points of the official French narrative. They deserve an answer but total silence from the authorities. This is quite extraordinary. How can EM and the system behind him refuse to address what appears to be blatantly false information put out by them? They stated the attack came from the top of the layby and the car reversed. Now we can all see irrefutable evidence that all the fifteen shots are at the BOTTOM of the lay-by plainly contradicting this account. This is but ONE instance where the factual evidence cannot support the official account. There are many more. Why do the French press not challenge the inconsistencies at least? As long as there is no explanation of them, how can there be any confidence in the French investigative or judicial systems, indeed of the French Government itself which has supported it? And if it cannot be trusted in this one is it any surprise that people will question other events such as Charlie Hebdo?

  • Tim Veater

    Is this “bigotry” or cold fact?

    @21Wire: Charlie Hebdo Paris attacks – beyond the media massage

    and as far as Chevaline is concerned, why will no one address the FACTUAL photographic evidence of the crime scene that proves the French knowingly gave out a false narrative but have never corrected or apologised for doing so?

  • Tim Veater

    What he was doing in Newquay on his own is not clear. He is stated to be French Algerian perhaps not typically from facial features. He worked previously, it would seem, in airport luggage handling and security!!! He was held in Broadmoor – an establishment usually reserved for the criminally insane but run as a hospital i.e. somewhat better conditions than a top security gaol. He appears to have rejected legal representation and is likely to be deported very soon. To where it doesn’t say. He was in contact with “Inspire” Magazine that has a dubious post 2010 history, is written in colloquial English/American and is attributed to Yemeni AQAP, which of course the Kouachi/Koulibali individuals were claimed to be funded by and working for. The respected investigative journalist Tony Gosling mischievously suggested that the magazine was likely used by American and British counter terrorism in order to infiltrate and understand Jihadist activity. At the very least they have actively monitored it as in this instance. Given this fact it is rather surprising that Lyes Out iren left the computer trail he did.

    “There have been 13 issues of Inspire magazine: Issue 1, released January 2010, provided bomb-making directions.[37] Issue 2, released October 2010, called for attacks on the U.S.[38] Issue 3, released November 2010, called for explosive devices to be put on U.S. bound aircraft.[39] Issue 4, released January 2011, continued to call for attacks on the U.S.[40] Issue 5, released March 2011, focused on the “Arab Spring.”[41] Issue 6, released July 2011, focused on the death of Osama bin Laden.[42] Issue 7, released September 2011, focused on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.[43] Issue 8, released May 2012, renewed calls for attacks on the U.S.[44] Issue 9, also released May 2012, emphasized suicide missions.[45] Issue 10, released March 2013, called for Lone Wolf attacks on the U.S.[46] Issue 11, released May 2013, celebrated the Boston Marathon bombing.[47] Issue 12, released March 2014, called for car bomb attacks in U.S. cities.[48] Issue 13, released December 2014, showcases instructions for making a “hidden bomb” that could evade airport security checks, along with tips as to which airlines should be targeted.” WIKI.

  • Tim Veater

    “The material that he sent to email addresses linked to Inspire were examined by forensics experts and were found to be previously unknown material that could have been used successfully, the court heard.Judge Dodgson said: “There is no doubt that if someone had accessed these links the potential could have been extremely serious.”

    In other word he had specialist and unique technical information on making bombs that he was trying to get others to use. Obviously the question arises where he obtained it and what was he trying to do. Sounds suspiciously like an agent provocateur to me, but then as everyone knows I’m paranoid.

    “The court heard Outiren had previously worked in London for a firm called Excess Baggage, where his job included inspecting luggage using x-ray machines.” So I immediately apologise if my reference to airports is wrong though I imagine that is one of the most likely applications for x-ray checking of “excess baggage”.

    Finally before leaving this gentleman and allowing you to make your own mind up about the case, the Telegraph adds, “The court heard that he had left Algeria in 1989 and has since lived in several places, including the UK and United States.
    Martin Rutherford, for Outiren, said: “It is right to say he presents as a 44-year-old loner. He is single and he has no dependants and what little we do know about his past tells us he has spent most of his adult life travelling the world, Europe and the US particularly.“In that past there is no suggestion from anyone that he has ever been involved in any illegal activity elsewhere and there is nothing to suggest he has ever been a risk to anyone. Unquestionably he is an intelligent man and has had time and space to think.” So again to clarify, at an earlier appearance it was reported that he represented himself. However at this one it appears he did have representation.

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