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8,089 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Tim Veater

    Here are some thoughts I put to paper elsewhere. It’s a shame to let them go to waste so to speak! Iknow it’s directed at Charlie Hebdo, but being France and a mass shooting, its not without relevance to Chevaline. What is common to both is the inexplicable and in my humble view, inexcusable lack of information that could easily be placed in the public domain, were it not for questionable motives of secrecy and intrigue. Further it illustrates the limited value of the press and media, never appearing to ask questions or delve beyond the official transcript of events. I apologise in advance for its length and hope it is worth reading. If not please just skip.

  • Tim Veater

    Charlie Hebdo Questions re. Video
    What is rather strange, and I am sure others have noticed it, when seeking images, both photographs and video, of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, only the few well publicised ones appear to be available on the internet. More specifically there are literally hundreds if not thousands of the subsequent protests and clearly orchestrated “Je Suis Charlie” demonstrations, but very few of the actual event or its aftermath. Is this, we must ask just a feature of the unexpected nature of the event or something more sinister? The only way a judgement can be arrived at is through total transparency and revelation on the part of the French authorities, as we know secrecy and cover-up is invariable sign of malfeasance. We cannot be compromised in this, as much hangs on it. If we are being cynically manipulated and corralled we need to know, and the French with a tradition of revolution to enforce certain basic freedoms, most of all.

  • Tim Veater

    Take for example the roof-top video, that many claim has been edited to remove the many uniformed officers shown in the street, prior to the two shooters themselves. Why have they been edited out? Is it because it complicates the official narrative and raises awkward questions? Further why has no one actually come up with an explanation as to why and how the person came to be in such an unlikely location, with so little warning, complete with camera and how the images so immediately found their way onto the media? Or indeed why individuals on the roof are clearly shown, though not in uniform, to be wearing what appears to be bullet proof vests? This is important because any evidence of preparation is indicative of foreknowledge, and foreknowledge is indicative of involvement in the action. The police must know this, so a failure to pursue those involved suggests either innocence, immunity or licence. Why is it that the press, including the Guardian, does not pursue these singular but nevertheless critical questions, that may shine light on the true significance of the terrible events that day?

  • Tim Veater

    Third and finally, similar questions have to be raised regarding the horrific shooting of policeman Merabet, and significantly why, if the person claiming responsibility for it, a “Mr Jordi Mir”, was so eager to film and post it, he did not show the same interest in ANY of the events that subsequently followed. This is quite extraordinary, equal almost to the fact that he was able to capture events as he did which suggests a degree of preparation. Surely at the very least, the press must be interested in the background of Mr Mir and how he came to fulfil the role he did, or why, despite the number of apartments over-looking the site, no one else managed to capture the scene or reported on it apparently? Much attention has been drawn to the absence of gore or noticeable movement of the body from the point blank range of the Kalashnikov bullet and the fact that dust is seen rising from beyond it on the ground. These are serious difficulties that demand proper consideration if confidence as to the genuineness of the video and incident is not to be challenged. The absence of traffic and police sirens is also very troublesome for example. Despite the thousands of images on the internet, I could only find ONE that purports to show police gathered around the body after the event. The press of all organisations, might be expected to pose a question why this is, as it is quite contrary to normal practice and expectation. Why haven’t they and why? Now the video has served its purpose to shock public sensibilities, it has been virtually expunged from the internet, despite the images being relatively innocuous compared with many others? Surely it couldn’t be because it raises far more difficult and inconvenient questions than it answers?

  • Tim Veater

    Why no confirmatory evidence from Merabet’s autopsy? As with Chevaline evidence that would definitively settle many issues is no where to be found. Absolutely no mention of the forensics on an internet search at least. This is simply incredible. What we have is a maximisation of the shocking events, unquestioned, unexamined, unsupported by evidence, then immediately switching focus to national shock, demonstration and outcry which is subtly hi-jacked by politicians, in what must be one of the hypocritical theatrical jobs of the century. After all Netanyahu fresh from killing thousands of civilians including women and children, marching in support of freedom of speech? Don’t make me sick please! Maybe the French people will realise how they were manipulated. That the mourners could be the “terrorists” behind the very attack itself. I certainly hope so. After all the use of FF events by unscrupulous individuals is nothing new. It arguably started the Second World War. Let’s hope to God it doesn’t start the Third although the omens are not good.

  • michael norton

    Anyone on here capable of listening to this video of Yann Jomier
    du Substitut du Procureur d’Annecy

    and let us know what he is saying.

    A good question would be why is a “Substitut Procureur
    needed, why could not Eric take charge?

    I can think of a reason.

    What if the two sets of outrages were linked, if treated with a “firewall” using a different procureur, it might be easier for the doubting public to go along with the pretence that these events are not linked?

    Anawful lot of people in these evernts seem to have links with Lathuile?

  • michael norton

    Just a thought
    when Hilli was leaving his family in their campsite and popping out for half an hour,
    perhaps he visited Ideal Camping in Lathuile for meetings?
    Not necessarily to meet any member of the Communal-Tournier family
    but maybe William Brett Martin,
    it would be a brilliant place to hold a meeting,
    not too far for Brett to walk, either?

  • Tim Veater

    “This Monday, November 11, 2013, at 13:30, Crown prosecutor Annecy Yann Jomier gave a first press conference about the murder of the manager of the camp and the Ideal of Latheron reports on the items available investigators from the research Section of gendarmerie Chambéry, in charge of the investigation.”

  • Tim Veater

    and here’s the translation of that last one if it helps

    “The body of a man was found dead yesterday around 16 hours in a car parked near the cemetery of the Côtes-d’Arey. Rescue and police were alerted. According to preliminary investigations, it would be the body of this man, aged 40 and remaining Assieu, which had given no sign of life since Thursday. Disappearance reported to police Sunday night. Prosecutors in Vienna opened a research investigation of the causes of death. An autopsy will be conducted Wednesday”

    Not far away I suppose:

  • michael norton

    In February,2014,
    it is the 40 year old man, carpenter of Doussard who was initially worried.
    Then the skein has unraveled and other arrests took place in the middle of April.

    The assault that took place a few miles from Chevaline, and a few days after the release of composite sketch of a suspect in the quadruple murder, the case often was attached to the Franco-British event, “there is nothing, “wished to recall the deputy prosecutor,

  • michael norton

    I take it from that statement of one year ago that
    Yann Jomier
    du Substitut du Procureur d’Annecy
    does not think the two atrocities are in anyway linked,
    just an utter coincidence that the Communal-Tournier family are related to the Mollier family
    and a coincidence that W.B.M. the discoverer of The Slaughter of the Horses Incident, lives within walking distance of the Communal-Tourniers,
    also a coincidence that the EFIT was released, just days before Nicole was blasted
    how can so many troubles be linked to such a small place and not be linked?

  • michael norton

    Prouteau graduated from Saint-Cyr in 1969. He joined the Commandos of the Gendarmerie and became an instructor. In 1973, in response to the Munich massacre, French authorities decided to create an elite unit capable of countering acts of terrorism. Prouteau was selected to organise the GIGN.
    He also ran the security for the ALBERTVILLE winter olympics

  • Tim Veater

    “Colleagues said Mr Fredou had been deeply affected by the suicide of the number three of the Limoges judicial police in 2013 after he discovered the body. His colleague had left a note citing “personal reasons”. The Telegraph.

    “In November 2013, the Commissioner Fredou had discovered the lifeless body of his colleague, the 3rd ranking police officer of SRPJ Limoges, who had also committed suicide with his service weapon in his office. He was also 44 years old. ”

    “Terror suspects Cherif and Said Kouachi who were shot dead by police on January 9, spent their high-school years in the Limoges region. No doubt this was the object of Fredou’s police investigation. Yet police and media reports state that on that same Wednesday he was involved in a meeting with the family of one of the Charlie Hebdo victims.

    On Wednesday, as part of the Charlie Hebdo investigation, he dispatched a team of police officials under his jurisdiction. He is reported to have waited for the return of his team for a debriefing. Immediately following the police debriefing, he was involved in preparing his police report.”

    “According to media reports, he committed suicide at around 1am on Thursday, within hours of the police debriefing. He used his own police weapon, a SIG-Sauer to “shoot himself in the head”.

    “At the time of his death, police claim to have not known the reason for his alleged suicide. This was reflected in their official statements to the media: “It is unknown at this time the reasons for his actions”.

    However, a back story appears to have been inserted simultaneously, most likely from the very same police media liaisons, who then told the press that Fredou was ‘depressed and overworked’. For any law enforcement officer in France, it would seem rather odd that anyone would want to miss the biggest single terror event of the century, or history in the making, as it were. (21st Century Wire,)

    ”An autopsy was performed at the University Hospital of Limoges, “confirming the suicide”

    There has been a total news blackout.

    The French media decided or was instructed not to cover the incident. Not news worthy? So much for “Je suis Charlie” and ”Freedom of Expression” in journalism.

    Likewise, the Western media including all major news services (AP, AFP, Reuters, Deutsche Welle, etc) have not covered the issue.

    One isolated report in Le Parisien presents the act of suicide as being totally unrelated to the Charlie Hebdo investigation.

    I’ve been trying to find the details of that number 3 a year before. No doubt others will have been more successful. Important point is that both no 2 and 3 both commit suicide within a year of each other???????????

  • Tim Veater

    Apparently France has about TEN TIMES the gun related suicide rate of Britain (and about a third of that of the USA)

    This has to be balanced by suicide generally:

    “The situation looks even grimmer in the context of the WHO’s list for the 34 OECD countries, with the Belgium/Switzerland/France trio in 7th, 8th and 9th positions respectively. They are the most highly placed of all the richer nations with the exception of Finland and Japan. Looked at another way, Wikipedia points out that the suicide rate in France is “twice the rate [of that] in Britain and a 40% higher rate than Germany and the US.”

    The French police have a BIG problem with suicide it seems

    “With the number of suicides in the French police in 2014 passing 50 on Friday the government is under pressure to deal with a growing crisis. The Local asks a police union chief what is pushing so many officers to end their lives.”

    “France’s interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve has unveiled a new plan to tackle the taboo subject of suicides in the police force after a sharp rise in the number of officers taking their own lives.”

    “With the number of suicides in the French police in 2014 passing 50 on Friday the government is under pressure to deal with a growing crisis. The Local asks a police union chief what is pushing so many officers to end their lives.”

    So why so many and how easy it is to bury the one amongst the many.

  • michael norton

    If Number 3 has shot himself in the head and then number 2 has shot himself in the head,
    I hope they have taken all the guns away from number 1

  • michael norton

    I think it is telling that our BBC do not mention the Paris Police Corruption, even the top man Bernard Petit is arrested and Christian Prouteau the chap who started the GIGN

    yet no mention by our BBC

    perhaps senior police corruption is of no importance?

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    5 Feb, 2015 – 1:14 pm

    Drugs and policing are, and always have been, closely entwined, here and everywhere!
    Why because BIG money is involved, and what drug pusher/dealer/importer is going to complain if his haul is seized and confiscated? Or indeed complain to regular payments to the enforcers to keep them off their backs? What happens if the relationship fails in some way is another matter. Nor is it impossible that government agencies deal directly to provide off-books funds for covert activity as was proved in the Iran/Contra thing. It may even be used to keep broke governments and financial institutions afloat. Drug production, trafficking and sale is a vast subterranean industry and everybody wants a cut indirectly if not directly, the London and European property market being only one example, paid for in cash of course.

  • Tim Veater

    from that last one a quote

    “While Tuesday’s attack was not fatal, it nonetheless heightened the sense of nervousness among France’s Jewish leaders, who have said in recent months that the country faces a growing threat from homegrown jihadists, like those who mounted the attacks on the Brussels Jewish Center last year, and on a Jewish nursery school in Toulouse in 2012. “All the actors are French-born citizens who went through the public schools,” says Cukierman. Combating the threat, he says, will require “many things. We need education, we need police, we need security, we need justice.”

    Note the word “ACTORS” which appears to becoming ever more common!!!

  • James

    the ONF seems to have a problem with suicides also.

    It’s a big country. Lots of people. Lots of guns.
    They call that “gun culture” in the U.S.

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