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8,089 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    He was probably a ‘secondary target’. We’ll see if next week there’s a rally in Copenhagen with people marching wearing a I AM LARS tshirt.
    This new incident is all over the FRENCH media, it will be listed on Wiki as ‘slaughter of the cartoonists #2’.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    But off Corse, the ‘lone wolves’ are plenty.
    This is the opposite of Chevaline: too many suspects.
    LARS sounds like an asshole, but that’s no reason to kill him. Off Corse, there are many similarities with JFK, 9/11, and several UFO scenes.
    Let’s hope that thanks to superior minds such as Veat. T. We soon lean all the truth about it.
    And this will mean the FRENCH are guilty: they send ambassadors abroad where there’s no real threat, but they fail to solve issues on their homeland. Just frogs.

  • michael norton

    why are all the lone wolves shot dead, surely if they were shot & disabled, they could then get the rubber hose treatment to make them tell who gave them the kalashnikovs

  • Tim Veater

    Couldn’t have put it better Michael Norton
    14 Feb, 2015 – 6:52 pm. This attack and its common features with Hebdo shout contrivance. Note the location was already under observation and the claimed perpetrator comes out shooting and has to be neutralized. A complete Wiki report is there for all to see within hours of the event. (Who writes this stuff?) I suppose at least we should be grateful it wasn’t up before the event. And the faithful Abbott’s Australia throws in its response within minutes yet again.

    So how many countries has been the subject of these highly theatrical targeted attacks now? We’d be fools not to notice the pattern that emerges. Leaving aside earlier 9/11, Lisbon, London 7/7 Norway, we have now had Woolwich, Ottawa (now Halifax), Sydney, Paris, Virviers, Belgium, now this one in Denmark. Do we really believe these are conceived and carried out by a Muslim terrorist organisation or is a state-funded terrorist network with global reach and objectives to fuel anti-Islam sentiment not far more likely?

    “The suspect was described by the police as a man between 25 and 30 years with an “Arabian appearance”.”

    “At 05:25 in the morning on 15 February, police reported that they had shot a man around 04:50 near Nørrebro station.[18] They confirmed he was killed. The man was approaching an address the police had under surveillance. When they called out to him, he started firing at them.”

    “Prime Minister Tony Abbott stated that “the Copenhagen attack is an affront to one of our most fundamental values — freedom of speech. We stand with the people and government of Denmark in confronting this cynical attempt to undermine that fundamental right.” He also stated that security would be heightened at Australian borders.”

  • Tim Veater

    I didn’t even throw in all the extreme horrifying acts purported carried out by “IS” created, funded and armed by a combination of American/Israel/UAE/Saudi money. This has all turned into a very very SICK joke.

  • Tim Veater

    if that doesn’t work this is the article:

    “The French ambassador to Denmark was conveniently on hand yesterday to tweet from the building which came under attack in Copenhagen: “@francedk: Still alive in the room” French Ambassador tweet during attack making rnds. Says #Charlie Hebdo-type killing was intent.

    If that statement is true, this is yet another false flag attack to incite yet more division and conflict, stoking the illusory fires of anti-Semitism. It is too early to tell whether the French Ambassador is correct in his assessment. It took a few days for sufficient information to emerge from the Charlie Hebdo attack to reveal it was staged. But as with Charlie Hebdo, the anti-Islam narrative has taken hold immediately and revealed by the insults and vitriol in the Twitter thread.

    Amateur footage from the 9/11 attack in 2001 has just been posted which gives yet another perspective on the false flag attack which started it all and launched the wars of terror of the 21st century.

    Rare Amateur 9 11 Footage with audio NOT SHOWN ON TV (1 hour and 40 minutes video) (H/T)

    No doubt, pundits will talk of a pattern emerging in the aftermath of Copenhagen to justify their anti-Islamic rhetoric (couched in politically correct language of course). They’re right about a pattern though, just not the pattern they refer to. False flag attacks, which began with 9/11, have been used repeatedly to justify perpetual war starting with Afghanistan to “get bin Laden” even though the Taliban offered to hand him over and the FBI hasn’t connected him to 9/11 – it was the narrative embedded in the immediate aftermath and constantly repeated to finger Osama bin Laden for 9/11, not due process.

    Since then propaganda, lies and false flags have been used to sustain a climate of fear and repression to justify illegal wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and now Russia is US/NATO’s cross-hairs.

    The only winners are those who finance, orchestrate and provide the equipment for war: bankers, the military industrial-complex and, of course, the Structural Elite.

    War Is A Racket by Major General Smedley Butler
    WAR is a racket. It always has been.
    It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
    A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.


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  • Tim Veater

    Here’s another from that source that rather neatly summarises the global situation> I like that Voltaire quote too.

    “Daily Pickings (two days ago) said of the wars in the Middle East: “…destabilise the region for decades and create profits for big oil and the military-industrial complex” to which Rob responded: “…and wrecking Israel’s regional rivals? The wars have hollowed out the US military and severely damaged the US economy. I guess it is more well received to attack the US behemoth but it is clearly not a nation in control of its own destiny. AIPAC has more influence in US politics than big oil.”

    The Structural Elite (SE) pursue overlapping and complimentary ambitions and the Zionist project is an integral component of the new world order and global domination. Yesterday’s Daily Pickings referred to Larry Silverstein and the House of Rothschild, both of which support the Zionist project, their connections with the Bush dynasty and 9/11. Israel is undoubtedly a beneficiary of 9/11 and destabilisation of the Middle East; the question arises, was Israel complicit in 9/11? Evidence suggests it was.

    911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel by Ryan Dawson

    The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) planned reordering the world for the US to dominate militarily, as well as economically, and was authored by arch-Zionists with dual Israeli-American citizenship – Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. PNAC needed 9/11 to justify the wars which followed.

    The Yinon Plan, articulated in 1982 the need to create division and conflict across the Midde East to expand Israel’s territory and control of the region. Israel colluded with US intelligence services to create ISIS which is doing exactly that. Israel was undoubtedly a significant beneficiary of 9/11 and Mossad agents were on hand to film and celebrate the crime.

    We should not forget that Israeli military, intelligence and security technology saturates the globe; it is inconceivable that business, military and many other systems aren’t vulnerable to exploitation and subversion by their authors. In effect, Israel has inserted Trojan horses into the internet and many other computer systems which are relied on by us all.
    Collusion between the US/UK and Israel has a long ignoble history. The US actively supported the development of Israel’s nuclear weapons program. Rob referred to AIPAC influence over US policy – Israel works tirelessly to achieve “full spectrum dominance” of Washington, Westminster and media (think of all the Hollywood movies extolling war in which might is right) as highlighted yesterday,

    This influence is conspicuous in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo false flag attack in Paris – any politician concerned for their career has to claim “Je suis Juif” or risk castigation in the media and by the ignorant. Claims of rampant anti-Semitism dominate the media in the UK but there is scant evidence and by deliberately conflating anti-Semitism and condemnation of Israel’s many crimes, the latter continue unchallenged.

    To criticise Israel and Zionism is not anti-Semitic. Ironically, those that rule Israel and many of its population aren’t Semites but Khazars (Eurasian). Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is anti-Semitic; Palestinians are Semites.

    Israel has been conducting ethnic cleansing for decades and the people of Gaza live in a concentration camp. Gaza is the regular venue for the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) to show off its illegal military hardware to the world’s arms dealers and unsavoury regimes which rely on force to suppress their own populations and attack others. That would include the US and UK who rely on Israel for drone technology and many other hideous weapons.

    Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. So let’s not shrink from calling Israel a rogue state. It makes George W Bush’s “axis of evil” look positively benign.

    Voltaire: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you’re not allowed to criticise.””

  • michael norton

    It is strange,
    that straight away it was said
    the two attackers fled in a car, unapprehended.

    Yet much later there was only a lone wolf?

  • Tim Veater

    I’m all for tolerance and anti bigotry NotForgettingFrenchBashing
    15 Feb, 2015 – 5:12 pm. Why would you assume otherwise. I grew up (metaphorically speaking) with John Locke, from whence as you no doubt know, flowed much of Voltaire’s thinking. However tolerance is bound to have its limits. Deciding what these are is central to the Charlie Hebdo as well as periphery. In the extreme the French police didn’t show much tolerance of the alleged shooters did they?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    “whereas the police usually are much more refined”
    Good to know we have police supporters on this blog. More refined! Mein God! That’s the difference between Oil and the French: oil can be refined without being arrogant. Up yours.
    The Danish police must be just as reliable (or not) as the French police who investigated ‘the slaughter of the horses’.
    Speaking of which, who’s horsing around here?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    JESUS WAS JEWISH (my emphasis)
    And many experts believe his crucifixion was a false flag organised by Mossad, no sorry CIA and other members of the SE (stupid entity).
    Good enough he wasn’t FRENCH !!! Even though his attraction towards bread and wine sounds rather suspicious. Is there any mention of stinky cheese in the Gospels?

  • michael norton
    A few miles North West of Savoie

    A body was found Sunday evening buried in a garden Sardy-les-Epiry (Nièvre).

    The macabre discovery was made during a check at the home of a person who gave no sign of life to his family, said the police. Sex and age of the body could not be specified by a source close to the matter. The investigation was entrusted to the Dijon Research Division.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    What they miss in Denmark (sometthing rotten there?) is a great prosecutor, like they have in France.
    But hopefully, we have people like you to make up for this. You’re funny.

  • michael norton

    No doubt an autopsie has been undertaken for all three dead people and all bullets collected.
    If, at the powder keg more than on weapon was used, would that mean more than one perpetraitor involved?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Whatever, after the ‘slaughter of the cartoonists’ incident in Paris, there was a copycat incident in Copenhagen.
    After the ‘slaughter of the horses’ in Chevaline, no copycat as far as we know (unless the suicide EX legionnaire wasn’t just suicidal.
    Does that tell us something?

  • michael norton

    Well, as for The Slaughter of the Horses Event,

    has it ever catagorically been stated that only one weapon was used.

    Even if all the bullets and casings collected show that only one callibre/type of gun was used, that does not have to mean only one gun
    neither does it have to mean only one lone wolf.

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