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8,089 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    The automatic rifles used in the terrorist attacks in Paris last month may have been decommissioned weapons legally bought in Slovakia and reconverted to fire live ammunition, euronews can reveal.

    French police are exploring whether weapons used in the deadly assaults on the Charlie Hebdo offices and at a Kosher supermarket were purchased in a shop inside the European Union, according to a joint investigation with the Slovakian Nový čas newspaper.

    The weapons are thought to have reached the perpetrators of the attacks – brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi and their accomplice Amedy Coulibaly – via an arms dealer in Brussels.

    According to a senior police source, French investigators contacted their Slovakian colleagues last month with the serial numbers of seven firearms believed to be linked to the killings.

    The Slovakian police officers tracked the guns to a shop in the west of Slovakia, where records revealed they were sold legally, as “expanz” (expansion) weapons. There is no suggestion that the store broke any laws.

    Expansions weapons are originally live weapons, deactivated mechanically and turned into blank-firing guns to be used as props in movies, for historical reenactment or private collections. In Slovakia, such firearms are available over the counter, even the heaviest machine guns, to any person over 18. No license is required, just an ID.

    The shop owner confirmed to Nový čas reporters that the police had come to talk to him but refused to give more detail on the grounds that police had asked him not to discuss the investigation.

    A full range of weapons are available in this shop and the selection is even richer on the company’s website.

    Among the fatigues, camoflage nets and ammunition, can be found deactivated versions of the firearms the Paris attackers are reported to have used to kill 17 people in Paris between January 7 and January 9: AK-47 assault rifles, Tokarev pistols, Scorpion submachine guns or the compact VZ 58 Coulibaly shows off in a video which emerged after his death.

  • Tim Veater

    Jorgen C. Madsen
    18 Feb, 2015 – 7:36 am is a good illustration of a point I made a couple of days ago and then lost by a slip of the finger. (A variation on the tongue) It has never been explained how the son of a tradesman from a provincial town could write with such confidence about the Court and foreign nations that he had never visited. Controversy has raged over authorship without resolving the issue, however coming from another angle it would have made the greatest sense for an aristocratic/educated author to hide his personality behind a suitable “front”. Indeed he could not have done otherwise in 16th C England. Even a hundred years later Defoe was being prosecuted for writing political pamphlets and another (roughly) until Tom Paine’s trail, famously defended by Irskine, one of the greatest English (though Scottish) barristers. In some ways Shakespeare could maybe regarded as an early ‘Patsie’, though never destroyed for it.

  • Tim Veater

    The point I am making of course is that in Shakespeare’s time, no less our own, the line between fact and fiction, truth and lies, reality and artifice is often very hard to distinguish. It has been said “History is literature” and “History is made by the winners”. So too the narrative of current events can be shaped more by a political agenda than by what really happened. This is the power of the internet: to circumvent the MSM and so create a different narrative as Russell Brand is so keen on saying, and to some degree been successful at. It is why government is clearly worried and needs an excuse to introduce control, effectively censorship, by the backdoor under the guise of some generally agreed objective. Hence the very belated conversion to “doing something about child pornography” after actively ignoring it, indeed promoting it, in the highest levels of government, for decades.

  • Tim Veater

    In the English-speaking world, the world view has been largely shaped by a Hollywood based industry for at east eighty years. Its reach has extended far beyond the English speaking world and a distinctive European “voice” has been submerged by it. It is therefore not irrelevant to ask who controls that machine and the sub-conscious message it puts out. Increasingly it is being challenged by India and the far East, both by a separate industry and financial/management takeover. (“Today, Disney is the only member of the Big Six whose parent entity is still located near Los Angeles The five others report to conglomerates headquartered in New York City, Philadelphia, and Tokyo.” WIKI)
    Columbia is owned by Sony. 20th Century Fox is owned by Murdock’s News (!) empire. Warner Bros by an AOL comglomerate. Paramount by “National Amusements”(?) Comcast, an internet provider, amongst other things, has taken control of Universal. Metro Goldwim Mayer (note names) is now controlled by bankers, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan Chase, Carl Icahn amongst them. United Artists has merged into MGM. The point of all this, and it would take far more space to unravel the relationship, is that television, news, internet, entertainment and films are gradually being merged so that the ethos and techniques of one sector merge into another. Who is ultimately in charge and sets the agenda becomes the critical question. Bill Cooper (before he was shot dead by police obviously soon after 9/11) claimed he himself has been duped and been used to promulgate diversionary stories about aliens. Of course it didn’t help his other arguments to admit it as it could then be reasonably said he was “bonkers”. Nevertheless he asserted that this was the “Age of Deception” and it cannot have passed our attention that this is the very motto of a certain intelligence operation can it? בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה, loosely translated to “By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War.”

  • Tim Veater

    So returning to the criminal “terrorist” cases in hand, from 9/11 onwards, who can mistake the hand of the “film-maker”. I use the term loosely. By now the whole world should be awake to the fiction that was 9/11 and put us on our guard for ALL subsequent ones whether “genuine” or not. Our leaders of course want us to believe this is a sign of madness, of paranoia, of conspiracy theory. It is their only defence but it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the illusion. When Cameron threatened criminal sanctions against those who held such views it demonstrated just how desperate they have become. It is also indicated by the level of brutality and violence required to provide the necessary shock effect. Notice how the latest event (“outrage”?) in Denmark was used by Netanyahu to urge Jews to move to Israel! What a strange suggestion unless he is actually part of the problem? Fortunately it would seem the Danish public is not quite playing ball with this one, and not so ready to demonstrate irrationally or be manipulated, as did the French. Nevertheless we would be wise to take nothing at face value from this latest incident. Every assertion needs to be tested against the evidence. Centrally, was the 22 year old who was shot dead by the police the same man who carried out the two alleged shootings? In the case of Boston and Charlie Hebdo the balance of probabilities is actually against it! But there are many ancillary matters to be tested for veracity also before they can be taken as read. Why for example was he shot dead rather than arrested? Did he really “come out shooting” as was claimed rather implausibly in the French case. (In this one the story is he started shooting when challenged”) The police and security services have a long history of capturing dangerous individuals alive. Why has shooting to kill become the preferred option it seems? Have they lost the knack?

  • michael norton

    When Jesus was killed, Doubting Thomas
    wanted to put his hands into the wounds.

    I think he was right.

    If we could have put our hands into the wounds of the victims of The Slaughter of the Horses, pulled out the bullets, noting everything down meticulously

    collected the bullets and the bullet casings,
    would we have come to different conclusions to “The French”

    if the answer is YES

    then there has been at least one cover up
    but probably more than one.

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    18 Feb, 2015 – 3:16 pm – quite! Indeed rumours have circulated that in fact he was INTENTIONALLY targeted, the theory being he had crucial information on the 7/7 bombing that had the potential to undermine the official story. Again in this case we see the highly suspicious tell tale signs of a planned operation and cover up. As per Diana, all the relevant cameras fail to work; the police lie on evidence particularly in relation to Menenzies leaping the barrier; there was no way his clothes suggested he could be carrying explosives or otherwise posed a risk; at the time he was shot he was already disabled and overpowered and there was no reasonable ground for firing at him; it was never explained why he was targeted in the first place but if it was a case of mistaken identity, why was the true target subsequently arrested or at least identified?; he was shot multiple times at close range – his death was undoubtedly the intention; the policemen/special branch that did the killing were protected from any form of accountability; the person in charge of the disastrous operation – Cmdr Dick – was promoted not censured as incredibly were all the service personnel that allowed the worst attack on American soil. Can’t you just smell the rat in the cupboard?

  • James

    Not a good “news” source there Timothy.

    …and nice to see “Jorgen” is back !
    I see that the “trace” material hasn’t been acted upon (yet).

    His IP will be filed (smiley face for “Jorgen”).

  • James

    Here’s one for Tim (actually supporting him here !)

    The take over by the military (in support of the queen) but against the people and government in the U.K.

    They even ran an “exercise”

    Watch it all (it’s long)… BUT watch from 1.00.00 (one hour in).
    The “establishment” had the plans ready….in fact they took Heathrow Airport !

    THEY had the backing of the army !!!!! Shit !

  • michael norton

    Slaughter of the Horses

    It would be good, after more than two years has past, if The FRENCH

    could tell the public, the exact position the bodies as they were found by W.B.M.
    why, W.B.M. moved the body of Sylvain?

    How many bullet holls each corpse had, how many weapons were used.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The FRENCH will never say.
    Better rely on the British Coroner’s findings.
    And let’s praise James for supporting Tim, no minor reference. At least, they will never support the FRENCH.
    We have made, thanks to them, so much progress in understanding the Slaughter of the horses. It’s now crystal clear. The little we still miss is a target, a suspect and a motive. But it won’t be long.
    The FRENCH are so contagious some posters here end up may-king ze same miss steaks as zem. Isn’t that strange?
    Not strange, a conspiracy. The so-called SE (stupid enough) is in fact monitored by the FRENCH.
    And obviously, let’s not forget the Al-Hillis, since it’s the only reason we’re here.

  • Tim Veater

    In that video you will probably want to skip the first 15 mins before it gets to the nitty gritty of his presentation.

    Now for something completely different …. there is a saying, “The criminal always revisits the scene of the crime”

    I’ve often wondered who all those people were who were let in a day or two after the event, before the site ceased to be a “crime scene”. Indeed it became one again after all that contamination! This is quite inexplicable except by assuming this was the intention! Given the huge international interest, this surely cannot be explained by incompetence?

    So getting back to the principal point, I wonder if the police had the foresight to record and check the background of ALL the people who were allowed in on that occasion? It might even be possible by a process of elimination for the press to do the same. I have never seen confirmation this was ever done, although this of course does not rule it out. I’m on firmer ground I think by at least asserting a list of names and occupations/employers has never been published.

    An image of some of them here:

    and here:

    and here:

    and one of the first press conference here:

    Incidentally it’s not clear whether Eric Devouassoux, 48 , ever did get his apology or write his book.

  • Tim Veater

    Some of which credited of course to our friend PHILIPPE DESMAZES strangely close to “Philippe Didierjohn” that was later revealed to be false, though never fully explained why, by EM.

    Then there is this white-shirted man with the familiar back-pack (I will let you work out from where) here:

    And these back-packers:

    These foreign looking gentlemen?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    “The criminal always revisits the scene of the crime”
    That’s so right. Funny nobody ever thought of it before. But it shouldn’t be limited to the Slaughter of the Horses.
    Take 9/11. We all know this was basically an hoax, and the real culprits weren’t on those planes. They must have come back to the scene the next day. We do have a few thousand pictures shot in Manhattan ground zero the day after. We need to scrutinize them one by one. Do you volunteer?
    Lots of people with backpacks. That’s suspicious. I never carry one. But many FRENCH do.

  • Tim Veater

    It’s not only back-pack but the TYPE of back pack that can be important. We learned that at least in Boston. These little details can be enormously important as I am sure you realise NotForgettingFrenchBashing
    19 Feb, 2015 – 5:52 pm. It’s rather akin to the inherent contradiction of so called terrorists covering their faces and shooting looking through their sights, when they want to be recognised and have little or no military training – as happened at Charlie Hebdo.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    All types of backpacks. Those that can carry a pressure-cooker, and those that cannot.
    As for Charlie Hebdo, it’s been reported that the famous Identity Card that provided the initial lead to the perps was found in a blue Lacoste travel bag found lying in the car they came with. Very stylish terrorists, if this is correct.

  • Tim Veater

    “Mugshots” of the nineteen alleged 9/11 hijackers is here . As you suggested it NotForgettingFrenchBashing
    19 Feb, 2015 – 5:52 pm I will leave you to trawl through the post “Ground Zero” photographs to see if you can spot any of them helping out. A tell tale sign of something fishy is always the announcement with some certainty, the culprits within minutes of the action, conveniently glossing over why, if they and their evil intentions were so well known to the authorities, they had not been stopped. Bin Laden and the 19 is an obvious example, but no less the Kouachi brothers who could not possibly be immediately identifiable from either speech or visuals on the day were it not for the alleged and highly suspicious “identity card” left not in the first escape car but the second! The fantastical nature of this is a direct parallel with that of Satam Muhammed Abdel Rahman al-Suqami who’s passport it is claimed survived the inferno that devoured the “black box” to be found on the pavement (by an unknown person!) in the vicinity of Vesey Street! Note how this ridiculous story is still repeated on line.

    Similarly, passports belonging to Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al-Ghamdi were allegedly found at the ALLEGED crash site of United Airlines Flight 93, despite there being uniquely no remains of the plane itself, the official explanation being “It must have evaporated”. Presumably Mr Cameron believes this as well?

    But to return to the initial point, at least six of the accused were unavailable because they were alive, well and elsewhere as I am sure you know, a point never officially acknowledged or explained. The myth continues to be promulgated and defended by the likes of David Cameron who considers those who doubt the official are as good as terrorists themselves, which doesn’t say much for his judgement does it?

  • Tim Veater

    20 Feb, 2015 – 11:09 am your observation is highly pertinent. If we are to believe the official view that the two explosions at Boston were caused by pressure cookers in backpacks, and leaving aside the remnants that don’t match the ones shown to be carried by the Tsarnaev brothers, theirs were simply are not big enough. This fact alone, would to the common man, be thought sufficient to prove innocence, let alone “beyond reasonable doubt”. And yet both were shot because of it, only one surviving, and the State continues to incarcerate and press charges the survivor. The same approach adopted in France, Belgium and now Denmark. Without censure or debate we appear to have all adopted a “shoot to kill” policy that removes any need for inconvenient questions. Who is there to defend the dead?

    Could there be a greater condemnation of the “freedom loving” United States or it appears now our own, than that, or the lengths to which national governments are prepared to go to cover their own machinations and malfeasance?

  • michael norton

    Not forgetting that the passports of the al-Hilli party went missing, leading some to think that the killers had removed them to hand them to their emplyers as proof of a job done.
    However after a looooong time these passports were found in a jacket in the safe keeping of THE FRENCH POLICE?

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