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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The only one I heard of is Anne Boleyn, and she was beheaded by a FRENCHMAN.
    VT, you’re confusing many things, but you’re still young, you’ll find out.

  • Tim Veater

    Thank you Jorgen C. Madsen
    20 Feb, 2015 – 3:46 pm for putting the record straight. I just came across it and put it up because I knew you have bigged him up in the past and would know what the situation was. I will take a look at your references.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Nothing new under the sun, Mister Veater. Authorities have used their power to hide the ‘truth’ from the public for centuries, long before CIA or Mossad existed. To assume it could have changed in our lifetime is a little naive, don’t you think?
    Like in a spiderweb, the tough part always is to find out which thread you have to pull if you want to break the whole thing apart. That’s where we usually fail.
    Mister James, we all know there are mods and rockers on these blogs. What side are you on? Give us some breaking news about the Slaughter of the Horses, and we won’t have to care about the nerverending rants from Jorgen or anybody else.

  • Tim Veater

    21 Feb, 2015 – 11:00 am just for you: “Plus ça change”. What we do without our French cultural inheritance? (It goes without saying, the French are far more civilized than the British although they are starting to compete) As regards Anne Boleyn, people might like to learn – in absence of anything new about Chevaline – that although Henry VIII did his best to remove her from the public record, a painting that survived and was thought to represent his true love Jane Seymour, is in fact Anne. The discovery has been made by a Dr. Roy-Chowdhury because the painting replicates a very rare 2 inch lead medal of her in the British Museum. I suppose if there is a moral it could be “Despite executive efforts to the contrary, the truth will (eventually) out”. Incidentally reference my earlier ramble, the same academic applied his computerised method but failed to find any match between claimed portraits of William Shakespeare, so as I suggested, he remains a mystery.

  • James

    UK BMW 5 series of SAH.
    UK BMW X5 of “mystery man”
    UK BMW 5 series of the “the house owner that the builders were keeping an eye out for”.

    Three large UK plated BMW’s in a tiny French village. And “Out of Season”.
    What’s the chances of that.

  • michael norton

    And not to forget the white motorcycle with panniers outside of the Chemist shop in Grignon,
    where I believe Sylvain & his bird resided ( adjacent Sapeurs-pompiers)

  • michael norton

    I wonder if Zaid al-Hilli
    attended the coroner court case involving his brother.
    It would be quite strange if he did not go.
    Very close to where Zaid resides.

  • michael norton

    If I had attended the coroner court case of my brother who had been massacred with his family I would have been keen to ask questions.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Many Beemers in France, James, all of the time. And some of them are RHD. No big surprise.
    “French cultural inheritance”, T. Veater? You must be joking. They stole most of what they ever possessed from England. Voltaire was quoting Shakespeare all the time, not the other way around!
    MN, the FRENCH dumb everything down, not only the news. That’s why we need to cleanse this world and get rid of the FRENCH. Let them choke on fully-ripe camembert and garlic-butter snails! What is NSA doing? Let’s hack the cheese!!!

  • michael norton

    LA BIOLLE Un cadavre découvert le long de la voie ferrée

    A man was hit by a Saturday train. His body was found Sunday morning near the tracks in La Biolle, at the road Mognard. This is a 30 year old man originally from Rumilly (Haute-Savoie). Rail traffic was stopped between 8:30 and 11:00. Train traffic has resumed normally at 11 o’clock.
    This is on the East side of Luc du Bourget the deepest lake in FRANCE

  • michael norton

    The Charlie Hebdo Attack happened only four Kilometres from
    where the car barrel rolling
    Nicolas MOLLIER Thomas had his Paris Residence, as B/B has told us
    very close to the DCRI secret service intelligence office in Levallois-Perret

  • michael norton

    Sunday afternoon 26/10/2014
    Albertville brigades community is continuing its investigation to determine the exact circumstances of the accident that killed Sunday in a motorist Val d’Arly, Nicolas Mollier Thomas. There would be no witnesses and the driver was the sole occupant of the car when it left the road before making several barrels. The father, 39, from Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle and lives in Hery-sur-Ugine, traveling on a mountain road in the locality Flumet Aval above Flon bridge Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle, when the accident occurred. He was ejected from the vehicle and died at the arrival of firefighters and Albertville Smur

  • Tim Veater

    As I remember the reports of proceedings Michael Norton
    22 Feb, 2015 – 12:22 pm Zaid was there and gave evidence though I could be wrong. Whether he was or wasn’t, the point I made earlier is still relevant, neither barristers representing parties or jury was considered necessary. In other words no-one wanted to ask questions and the state (through the Coroner) wanted to play down events. I would say in a case of this magnitude both circumstances are to say the least surprising.

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    22 Feb, 2015 – 3:42 pm re Nicolas Mollier Thomas does this suggest an English connection on his father’s side? I have always been intrigued by an early report that Sylvain Mollier had applied for a British passport. As I have floated previously, although of course it is impossible to substantiate, there is always a possibility that the latter was and had been working for foreign intelligence including the possibility it was British. After all there is no doubt despite “entente cordial” the European partners keep an eye on one another, particularly in the areas of nuclear technology and Iran both of which Areva fulfilled.

  • James


    All these UK plated RHD “Beemers”….on one road at the same time ?

    This is Chevaline …not Hyde Park Corner.

    But hey, coincidences do happen.
    So the builder is looking out for a BMW. And he sees one. Maybe the wrong one.
    The one he sees is red, not dark blue. Wrong car. Wrong family. But he sees it.

    Now who is to say “what the hell” is going on, but the Al Hilli family have a photo “proving” they were at the “flat Iron building” at 15.17.

    That time has to work, because WBM said he was way behind Mollier when SAH passed him on the combe D’Ire. That what has been said.

    Check out that “last picture”. Look carefully. You see something odd ?
    Look at Saad’s shirt. How long is it (on both sides).

    If Saad was at the car park “much earlier” than we have been told, then Eric’s comments with regard to Mollier (the wrong place) fall apart.

    The target (for whatever reason) was Mollier….BUT no one wants anyone to think that.
    1. It was SAH 2. It was a nutter 3. It is a perfect crime. They are the options.

    I doubt SAH was the target. So if it was Mollier, then why ?
    And why create such a “story” to make seem Mollier was only there by accident.

    Mollier was NOT simply “lost” (as Eric would like it to be “recorded”).
    He had a reason to cycle that route. He knew why he was heading there.

  • Tim Veater

    @ 25 mins the defective seat belt …. not to mention unidentified motor cycles (not paparazzi ) and motor car. What does that remind you of?

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